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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Yeah, but...

    Steve was cooler. :cool2:

    For sure, Steve was an awesome guy, and did so much charity work which people didn't know about, he is certainly someone to admire and left good footsteps to follow in :)

    But, it just seems funny/interesting/strange to me that he is so often connected to the 1655 by others, rather than to the Sub which he did own :lol: One thing's for sure, wearing the watch 'Bloom-Style', has actually given me a new appreciation for mine, where before, I really couldn't stand to wear it... So much so, I'm even now in two minds about doing the Oliver Shepard-conversion I had planned for it :g::pardon:

  2. Obviously, what one does with his own watch is his own business. looking ahead however, it boggles my mind that someone would do that to an iconic watch like the 1655.Surely to a collector PVD coating the 1655 would destroy its collector value. The price they are asking is right up there with a really nice condition collectible 1655 ,of which it obviously is not any longer. Of the two, it does look the best. the first one looks like a cheap mall watch that was painted. There are so many 2nd tier homage watches that are available, why would someone want to do that to a genuine Rolex, or for that matter a genuine anything!

    If you want to see some action, post that thread and link over on the Vintage Rolex Forum :whistling:=@ =@

    I guess it's the same reason people get their cars customized and resprayed :) Some people like factory stock, some like custom :) Personally, the iconic status of the 1655 irritates me. Design-wise, yes, it was a unique watch, so deserves its place in Rolex history on that merit, but everytime someone calls it a 'McQueen' (even though I know I once did that myself) I cringe, as there's no proof of him ever having anything to do with the watch. Newman Daytonas, sure, that was what Newman wore, but McQueen wore a 5513 (or 5512, I forget which...), not a 1655... If anything, it should now be refered to as a Bloom, as there is actually proof of Orlando owning one (and getting it stolen :bangin: ) Back on the topic though, I guess if someone can afford the pricetag and still want to customize, I guess they're just not worried about resale value :pardon:

    I think the VRF folks would just go nuts with indignation at such sacrilege :D But of course, the South African MilSub was Teflon coated, and I'd guarantee that if there was a historical precedent for such a 1655, those same folks would go equally nuts with adoration and the desire to acquire ;)

  3. Left for me also and right handed.

    Sometimes I carry a pocket watch and I usually check it with my left hand.

    That's interesting that you say that, as if I ever carry a pocket watch, I always check it with my right hand, and have the chain so it its in the 'watch pocket' of my jeans :) Of course, such an occurrence is extremely rare as I feel uncomfortable if I don't have a watch on my wrist :D

  4. It's a bit rich generalising many Rolex owners as dickheads. Women too? Sounds like penis envy. Every group has their [censored] whether they be Rolex owners or Rep watch guys whom take their fake watches into the AD trying to fool the staff. Pretty sure there is one of those every week posting their story on the boards. Lets not profile folk like the Casio F91W owners were.

    I'd be pretty [censored] getting one of these lemons. Not just Rolex, there are pictures of Pateks with flaws too (can't find the thread), so no doubt affects all gen marques so a small extent. I'd be more interested in the exchange policy of Rolex. Surely they'd exchange it, right? Everyone is allowed to screw up, but they better damn fix it!

    Actually, it wouldn't surprise me if they were to just shrug and put it down to an unavoidable manufacturing flaw :whistling:

  5. Love the band, hate the fans, and not too crazy about the new albums, either! :)

    Likewise, from my experience exchanging PMs, the guys I chat with on the rep forums are more pleasant, and much more knowledgeable/eager-to-learn than their incurious, gen-owning counterparts.

    That sums it up perfectly :good::drinks:

  6. "Wow this just put on a different light on gens for me....i guess there are tolerances the gen manufacturers deem acceptable. so why pay big bucks when you can get the same "tolerances" from a rep."

    In all my years, I have never been impressed by a genuine r...x watch.


    There are so many of them and a large percentage of the owners are (for want of a better term), just plain peckerheads. :thumbdown:

    Otoh, I have been impressed by many of the hand massaged replica watches I have seen on TRC and RWG...and the owners are nice guys. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    +1 :drinks:

  7. This reminds me of a comment I saw years ago on a gen forum where someone was complaining about a mis-allignment of some detail of their Rolex, and were told "Stop acting like this is the first expensive thing you've owned, and just enjoy it for what it is..." :thumbsupsmileyanim: :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  8. I'll see what I can do. It may be absolute junk in person...

    Much appreciated, amigo :) The watch chassis doesn't really matter to me, I'm literally only after the movement and the dial, as I plan a transfer to an existing Daytona case I have, as well as re-finishing the dial to look more like a 7032. I want to remove the existing dial markers, and replace them with 'baseplates' cut from white vinyl, then lume over the vinyl and matte spray the finished article :victory: Not going to be 100%, but I figure it'll be getting that way :) At least, that's my idea :whistling::bangin:

  9. After much kicking and howling my GZ parts supplier has reluctantly agreed to pick up one of these for me. He said, "It's a cheap quartz fake, I can't guarantee quality..." I told him it was a small price to pay to satisfy my curiosity so he will pick it up after the New Years holiday, unless he changes his mind... I'll post up some pics if I ever get it... :whistling:

    :tu: :tu: :tu: If it comes through okay, might you be able to twist his arm to acquire another :pray: I have some vintaging plans for this watch, which I think might be quite effective :whistling:

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