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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. I'm no expert but the movement in this Tudor looks like Seagull. Other opinions? Here is the link:


    My opinion is not based on the appearance of the movement, but this rationale:

    That model is not commercially replicated...

    That leaves two options:

    1) Either someone has built a damned good franken and is selling it as gen (shame on them for doing so :thumbdown: )

    2) It is 100% kosher and as shown.

    I know which option I think it is ;):victory:

  2. Agree with that.

    But there are now so many of these in circulation that a watchsmith might have some statistical feel for the likelihood of failure. Within the first year, is it 100% or 10%? And what after 2 years?

    It does seem to be known that about 50% of the A7750 chrono @ 6 movements fail. Surely the statistics are much better for a standard 7750????

    The issue with that, is there is no idea how old the watch actually is when it arrives. As with everything, people tend to think of something having a 'birthdate' of when they acquire it, when the truth is a product could have been sitting on a shelf for quite some time first. With watches in particular, this is the issue. When cars are sold on, there is paperwork, a checkable mileage etc, which tells precisely how old the car is, and how much it has been driven, making it easier to predict and schedule servicing for it. Someone could buy a watch 'brand new' from any dealer today and receive it say saturday, but that doesn't mean the watch came off the factory floor yesterday, it could've been a week, a month, a year ago, and that is why waiting the 'initial' 5 years, might mean the watch failing before that 5 year prediction :)

    [Edit to add]

    Personally, I am not in the habit of paying the cost of another watch, having a watch I have just received serviced, but, I can appreciate the wisdom behind doing so :)

    • Like 1
  3. You're absolutely right!!!....There's no way I'm going to buy a rep that I need to spend enough to buy ANOTHER rep on, just to get it to run properly for a reasonable period of time!!

    In my reality, I expect the watches I buy to be ready to run reliably from day one....Would you buy a new car, knowing that you had to spend a bunch of money on to run correctly right off the lot...???

    IMNSFHO, this whole myth that it's OK for the dealers to sell defective merchandise is bogus!!

    It never ceases to amaze me how often this same question gets asked. :whistling:

    Because the movements in rep watches are used/unserviced, no one can here tell you if/when the movement was last serviced (if ever) or when & how it may break down in the future. Because of this, a good rule of thumb is that if you plan to keep the watch, have it properly overhauled when you receive it. Then, like any mechanical watch - rep or gen - you know you are good for 5-7 years, at which point the watch should be serviced again.

    Having said that, alot of people take their chances & wait until the watch breaks down before having it serviced, which is fine for common/current movements, since parts are relatively cheap & plentiful. However, for older watches, where parts may be difficult to find or expensive, you would be wise to keep the watch serviced on a regular basis since parts are much less likely to break down when properly oiled.

    It's rationales like these which make me hate being a Libra :bangin:

  4. :p glad it made you laugh.

    As you stated earlier (I think) you don't buy much now -let alone buy from Cartel, but what if your trusted/go-to dealers came under such an attack? It would certainly make buying from these guys more onerous.

    I don't buy much, simply because I'm not in the financial position to do so... I've had a project on the drawing board for over two years now, which I haven't been able to start to seriously tackle for no reason other than having to prioritize my finances... To address the point about what if my dealers came under such an attack (and assuming I had the money to make the purchases :bangin: )... Honestly, I would be :pardon: and see if another dealer could supply what I needed. I've used several dealers over the years, and always happy to try someone new if they have what I want at a price that's right :) And if I couldn't do that, again, it's hard to really have sympathy for folks not being able to buy something when I'm totally prevented from buying myself :whistling:

    On another thread on the same topic, freddy333 ( mod) had mentioned that evidence submitted by TJglaideraider had been taken cognizance of, the parties identified and that attacks on J&A's sites had ceased.

    I guess it's fairly clear to the people who run this place what has transpired. They have probably put a gag order on the dealers involved, given them a warning and put out a statement that the are not here to police the dealers.

    In any case, I do agree with the admin team's stand on this. However, I think that they should lay the facts out on the table and at least mention names of parties involved.

    Absolutley so, afterall, the forum(s) exist to protect buyers, not the dealers, but, I will say that Andrew and Josh have been given much more tolerance here, than RWI was prepared to extend to them. I think all the time the details are out in the open, people can make up their own minds who they want to do business with :victory:

    How would you feel buying online from someone who has a hacker in his employ and pro-actively uses him?

    If I knew about it upfront, I wouldn't buy from them in the first place, but if it was someone who I had purchased from in the past and then revealed to be behaving thus, quite frankly, I would be disgusted and refuse to do further business with them. As above, there's always (for the most part) another source to try :victory:

  5. Mate, I disagree.

    It did impact the buyers. For the many weeks that Josh's site was under attack, it did impact all those who regularly buy from him.

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

    Oh no, people were unable to buy yet another watch!!!

    That's the funniest [censored] I have read in a long time :D As sconehead said, for those who keep an eye on these things, the Cartel dealers are all tarred with the same brush...

  6. Thanks dvn and TeeJay!

    This one is a stainless steel Day-Date using a caliber 1556, gen dial, hands, crown/tube, bezel, DJ case, crystal, 78360, etc.

    Many people think that these don't exist in gen form, but there are in fact a small handfull out there. Supposedly, these were gifted to the top students finishing Rolex's watchmaker's program. The cases are without reference and serial and there are variations out there using 1555, 1556 and 3055 caliber movements. The other speculation is that these steel cases were for in-house testing and as such were never intended for public consumption. Whatever the truth, the few that have turned up for sale have traded hands for ridiculous amounts of money. If you query 'Steel Day-Date' at some of the usual gen forums, you'll find that these have been discussed from time to time :)

    A few more pics...


    That's an interesting little bit of info, and in that case, it's only correct and appropriate that you own one :good::drinks:

  7. Geeze, F, great minds must think alike! :(:thumbsupsmileyanim: I don't have it anymore and sorta miss it... :(

    wrist 1.JPG

    :thumbsupsmileyanim: :thumbsupsmileyanim: :thumbsupsmileyanim: Thanks to you, Buddy.....you turned me on..........................................

    On JUB I mean!:rofl:

    Here's mine .....and I still have it:


    Damn, that looks good, amigos :good::drinks: I need to get one of those with that strap combo for my collection, I'm starting to miss the coke GMT I wore in Tokyo :wounded1:


    (still got the bracelet it was on though, and that'll be going on my 16800 project :victory: )

  8. Thanks for the feedback, guys!

    TeeJay: Unfortunately, I haven't got a 20mm Jubilee to try out on my 7032. I'm still waiting for one to come along at a decent, non-extortionate price. (Good luck to me on that.)

    M, I wasn't thinking of the 7032, but the Tudor chronographs with the 12/9/6 sub-dials like JMB has, I believe some are called Tiger Chronographs (?) That was what I had in mind :)

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