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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Update

    The bank manager called me yesterday explaining that the transactions have been cancelled - The cc carries a "self risk" (dunno what it's really called in eng) of $300 - basically this means that I carry the risk of fraud from $0-$300. :angry:

    However they decided that this has nothing to do with my actions and he told me that everything is reset and like it never happened - even the card reissue is for free. :shock:

    The CC data was probably part of a massive leak in the US and several other clients have had their accounts vacuumed.

    I asked for a third card with a $1000 per day limit - the REP card :lol:

    :shock: :shock:

    That's messed up! A while back my wife had her card cloned online (while purchasing from a FairTrade clothing store :bangin: ) and it was used on an online gambling site for about £100, but the bank still took care of it. Glad to hear your situation has been resolved though :):victory:

  2. Gonna jump on the Tudor bandwagon with TJ...

    Wrist 1.jpg

    Always good to see that blue dial :good::drinks:

    Shout out to TeeJay for linking me to the Modena tropic strap. It's super soft yet resilient. posted on my not so accurate 1665


    Looking good :good::drinks: How're you finding the strap for wear? I'd say it's the most comfortable rubber strap I've tried :)

  3. You talking about Paul? There were endless complaints when he traded here. He was famous for the ole "bait and switch".

    I'm not sure... :pardon: I have heard talk on forum of someone called Paul who traded as WoMart, but this particular person always signed their emails Cartoon, and lived in Thailand, so maybe not the same person? Either way, I can't complain about the service I received after getting a gratis watch, on what was a known fault of the 4th gens :victory:

  4. I actually don't have a problem with buying from any of the cartel or ex-cartel dealers. Since they all give roughly the same

    level of service. I suppose i have no morals! :rolleyes:

    What I do have a problem with, is dealers who don't make good any problems that arise from their sales.

    The politics are just a sideshow as far as I'm concerned.

    I've had worse experiences with independent dealers, to be honest.

    Absolutely, and credit where credit's due, Josh's clients always sing his praises when it comes to aftersales care, I can't fault him on that. The flip side of course, being that the only major issues I have experienced (wrong watch delivered, watches delivered with major QC issues, and missing parcels) have occurred while using a forum-trusted dealer, Silix... Indy dealers who there were issues with the watches, (two issues on two watches from two different dealers) always took care of the issue in the way as would be expected of a forum dealer :) The best example, is from years back when I bought a 4th gen Planet Ocean from a dealer on LoudFrog (traded as WoMart, signed their emails as Cartoon) After a while, the threads gave out so the crown wouldn't screw down (known fault with the watch, not an issue) but not only did they take it back for repair, but also sent me a Pumpkin PO gratis as an apology, when returning my own watch... Now that, was good service... :victory: I guess it's just hit and miss and luck of the draw in that regards :pardon:

    [Edit to add]

    It's a bit like no matter how much a friend tells you another of their friends is okay, you always think they're a douche and keep them at arm's length...

  5. If the allegations can be proven, action should be taken. If a dealer will resort to that kind of thing, how can they be trusted in day to day business. That said, Josh isn't exatly clean as a whistle, although he has been a lot more reputable over the past few years.

    Remember, there is no honor among thieves.

    Exactly so...

    If i recall correctly, the Cartel have been known for underhand tactics in the past.

    So this new revelation is not such a surprise to me. Dirty business is what it is.

    Angus was originally part of the Cartel, so no surprise at all...

    Yes, there were allegations of cartel pressurizing some other dealers to sell @ a higher price / price fixing a few years back.

    And of advertising product X, when it was in reality product Y. All these reasons are why I never used any of the Cartel dealers, and still refuse to do so. Joshua has been better over the past few years, and I have seen instances when he has gone above and beyond to help a client, but I still wouldn't do business with any of them. Just my .2c on the issue...

  6. What is the world coming to? ;)

    I know, I'm even planning projects which're as per original spec rather than my normal custom craziness, then again, it's supposed to be the End of the World before too long anyway :thumbsupsmileyanim::drinks:

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