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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. I'm hoping to have the kanji for giri inked within the next week or so on my left biceps, which I feel is a complementary concept to jihad (one needs to engage in jihad to uphold giri) :drinks:

    Well, I had it done today :) Technically speaking, this is probably the worst tattoo I've had done, and I know I'm going to have to go back to have some of the filling in re-done and a couple of lines re-worked, but I'm not particular concerned, as there's nothing which can't be fixed, but also, my friend allowed me to do some of the filling in myself :thumbsupsmileyanim: (I filled the piece which looks like two Ts on top of each other in the lower character :victory: ) Another reason I'm not too concerned about the lack of perfection, is the wabi-sabi aesthetic, and that I understand that the skin of the inner arm is difficult to tattoo due to its elasticity :pardon: It could be worse, and as above, nothing which can't be fixed :victory:


  2. Perfection isn't my main priority, so I would say cost-benefit ratio of the rep :)

    I do buy watches with modding in mind, but my take on modding is more along the model-builder's ethos of 'kit-bashing' rather than modifying a watch for the goal of bringing it closer to the genuine original.

  3. I like boobs. Now, if I meet a hot chick with big boobs and she says that they're fake boobs, I will still sleep with her. But if I am paying big bucks for a ferrari of a trophy wife and she claims her [censored] are real when they're actually implants..That is a #fail

    Watches are like [censored], rep of gen they're pretty awesome. But don't go entering a "Ms Nude All Natural" pagent with fake [censored]. It doesn't impress the people who bought tickets to the show, it doesn't make you look good, and it diminishes the appreciation of [censored] of all types.

    My point is, don't be a boob! Keep reps to reps to rep sites and gens to gen sites!

    Perfect analogy :tu::victory:

  4. Funny how these things from days past keep coming back. Several years ago I bought a bean bag chair for my brother for Christmas. I thought I would "work it in" for him a little bit (pretty stiff naugahyde) by performing some trademark wrestling moves from back in the day. Needless to say the chair did not survive my 240lb pile driver and burst. Spreading little styrofoam bits everywhere...including into our "replica" ;) xmas tree. To this day, every year we take it out another little chunk of styrafoam falls out. :blush:

    :tu: :tu:

  5. Well there are a few comments on the case in the thread now.... one of which is mine. :whistling:

    Yes, I saw the comments mentioning the case, what I was meaning, was that there was no response made to those comments to expand on the origins of the case :lol:

  6. My daughter has a tray full of little beads that she decided to leave on top of the fridge.

    Only it was overhanging the freezer door.

    You can guess the rest, we are still finding beads in our freezer and main fridge area months later. <_<


    Doh :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    We bought a chocolate fountain once, but there was an accident when the chocolate hadn't fully melted, the cover for the archimedes screw jumped off the supporting pegs, and the screw sprayed chocolate all up the walls/door/curtains/DVD stand before we thought to yank the power... We cleaned up as best we could, but even a few years later, we'll occasionally discover a chocotate stain on a fold of the curtains or DVD cover :whistling:

  7. the messages are many.. The most obvious to me is how we treat our fellow man.. Or how we react to situations that we don't fully understand .. Or conform to peer pressure...

    I've been actually wIring for someone to ask.. WTF is this post about o. A watch forum??

    The Internet is full now with replica watch forums claiming to be the biggest and baddest .. RWI .. Taking pot shots on their foru

    over our Admin posting the truth about current happenings..

    Sometimes egos can be so caught up in their own power struggles that they fail to see the beauty around them and the aime acts of kindness that make life so fragile...

    Look at the unselfish act of 2 oppositing teams to make a difference in 1 boys life.. Personal glory was not important.. What was important was how that glory was secondary to something bigger..

    So whilst forums are manipulating to gain or tempt members to "come to our side".. The common good is forgotten at times I'm n

    an attempt to be King of the Hill..

    I may be in some eyes, way... Off base with this opinion...

    But it has been on my mind as I have always thought of RWG as a "Team" that cares more about it's members than what they can get out of traffic from sales or whatever claims there are to be the baddest..

    We are about supporting one another and the new comer that is yet to come here..

    So my message to you (not that it matters a whole lot).. Support the whole and let everyone else claim to be the baddest or as one Admin on another forum claimed .. To "own this town"...

    And when I was sent the story of Shay.. It was from a grateful parent of a kid ... You could say I mentor.. And the last thing I discussed with him is to be be guided by his heart an to " always do the right thing" cause when other kids pick on him for the kindness he shows.. It is done out of fear of what others may think or say ...

    Some may not understand my analogies.. That's ok..

    This is home and I'm proud to be part of the team with so many great people :)

    The message is always loud and clear, brother :)

  8. Nanuq has given so much to the youth... Incredible !!!

    Coaching young athletes has always been rewarding .. It is always gratifying to be a part of that... But to turn a troubled young man from a life of drugs and gangs is something that eclipses the trophies of sports ... All it could take is one moment of clarity to do that for someone that has come from a disadvantaged enviorment.. Or make one challenged kid feel like they matter in the world...

    It's being done everyday by the "Nanuq's" that give unconditionally...

    One kid at a time... The rewards will last a lifetime!!

    Tee Jay ... You have so much to give!!! Looking forward to hearing about it :)

    TeeJay that's some tough stuff, to try to rescue some of those kind of kids. Every one of them has an open door somewhere in their life but wow is it hard to find sometimes.

    Did you see Gran Torino with Clint Eastwood? There's a good example. Tough to do though!

    I think there's been a slight miscommunication, amigos, I was involved with the Scouts in my youth, but haven't been involved with them for about 15 years now, although I still have a lot of respect for the organization, and what it offers :) Given my situation at the moment, all I can really do is try and be a positive influence for my godson. Living a life he can look up to when he's older is my Number One priority in life, even over other family :)

    Indeed, fantastic movie, and indeed, a fantastic example of what it means to 'be a man, and do the right thing', certainly a goal for me to aspire too, although I'll try and avoid getting shot in my old age :victory:

    [Edit to add]

    I just thought I'd add this photo of my godson, and his mother, who is my best friend.


  9. Third draft, now with metres first, as many have requested.

    All previous suggestions now incorporated (I think).

    Any other comments, or are we ready to print??? :victory:


    Comparing that to this:


    I would say that the tip of the triangle needs to be extended a little further towards the coronet, and the top widened very slightly, so the tips of the triangle are slightly passed the 59 and 1 second markers (take the distance currently between the tip of the triangle and the coronet, divide it by 3, and use that '3rd' as what needs adding onto each side of the triangle :) )

    Other than that, spot on :):victory:

    PS If you wanted to get really precise, move the 'Swiss' to the left so that the 'i' is in line with right hand side of the 31 second marker, and the back of the last 'S' is in line with the left edge of the 6 rectangle. The <T25 are perfectly aligned :good:

  10. Absolutely right, TeeJay. See that look in their eyes? That's priceless. There are scout troops in every corner of every city it seems, and even if you're not the best at pitching a tent or tying knots, they'd still love to have you come see what's up. Be a merit badge counselor or lead a hike. Sing some songs and act goofy with them... you'll probably have more fun than they will! Just jump in and do it. You'll never ever regret it.

    Indeed, that's the look of pride, self-esteem, and what comes from those things, respect for one's fellow Man :victory: Sadly, most of the kids in my area look like they're either drugged or about to mug someone :whistling: Ironically, they're the ones who would probably gain the most from Scouting, as it would fill the voids their lives are obviously lacking... Kudos indeed to all those who give their time to this fine organization :victory:

  11. Thanks Lani, that was really good.

    If anyone's looking for a way to get involved in the lives of others, I can't recommend the Boy Scouts highly enough. There are lots of Special Needs kids in the ranks, and lots of boys who don't have a dad. Each of us can make a lifetime of difference and the boys would love to get to know you.

    Here's the top of Wolverine Peak, six of these young men made Eagle Scout.


    Be Prepared!

    I couldn't've said it any better myself :) The Scouts is a fantastic organization, and fills a lot of different voids for different people :)

    I spy a Platypus water bladder :thumbsupsmileyanim: I keep one by my bed incase I need a drink in the night, and it certainly saves knocking a glass over :victory:

  12. :thumbsupsmileyanim: What I may wear or not wear Is my business. The shoes I wear or the ring on my finger, my business and no one elses. If some one happens to say nice watch, I always respond the same way, "thank you" thats It end of conversation. If you feel that you need to tell someone It's a replica then fine go ahead. It's no ones business what I pay for a watch or a pair of shoes or whatever that "thing" may be. Now If I meet someone I know and there Into watches than I will talk about where I got It and what It Is. This has actually happend to me on a few occasions, both people I knew. They both purchased a rep within a few weeks after are talk. One guy got a Sub and the other PO. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Exactly. If someone wants a discussion on the item, then fair enough, but majority of times, a person paying a complement isn't looking for the life history and point of origin for the watch, they're just saying "Nice watch." I'm happy to discuss a watch with someone who wants to discuss them, but other than that, I don't feel the need to immediately answer any comment on my watch with "It's a replica", if that's not a relevant reply. I don't consider that to be anything like trying to pass a rep off as gen, or some kind of 'omission of information', simply because the information might not be welcome or what the other person wants to hear. If they actually ask for it, then fine, but if not, a "thank you" is all that is required, and anyone that feels the need to get the best rep so they can pass it off as gen (either online or in the real world) has insecurities and issues which are not going to be resolved by wearing a brand name (chances are, someone like that wearing a rep is just going to get more paranoid because it's a rep :lol: )

  13. Hands need only look good in the watch. How they're delivered is of no concern as long as they're kept straight, scratch free and ready to use.

    Indeed :) So much for my theory of spotting non RSC components :pardon::bangin:

  14. From the Richard Bastion show on GTA:IV:

    BASTION: OK, we've got a live terror sighting. Hello, you're on the Richard

    Bastion show.

    CALLER: Yeah, I'm on the train, and I see a guy who's a--terrorist. This guy's

    really suspicious!

    BASTION: OK, good, what's he doin'?

    CALLER: He's sitting there reading some religious shit!

    BASTION: OK, now, how can you tell this shit's religious? What is it? What's

    goin' on with it?

    CALLER: Sure it is! It's in a different fuckin' language! It's Spanish,

    or somethin'.

    BASTION: OK, well, that is a sure sign, OK. What you're sittin' across from

    right there, is Al Con Queso. They're Spanish terrorists, the worst kind, OK?

    They're already infiltrated into all our shitty jobs, you know, you see 'em

    outside, uh, at various hardware stores just waitin' for the next strike.

    OK, they're the most dangerous of all, I cannot stress that enough. Now, you

    know what you have to do, don't ya?

    CALLER: I sure do. I'm up 24/7. We're all trained. There's kids everywhere!

    We'll have to let fly with some bullets and see what this bastard's all about!

    Thanks a lot, Richard. Eat lead, you Al Con Keeso mother fucker!

    [shots ring out, people scream]

    BASTION: That's great, now that-that is a true American. I just want to give

    that man a Heart Stopper from Burger Shot, shove a slice of apple pie up his

    ass and salute that guy. That son of a gun loves America. You see? Bastion's

    Buddies, we're everywhere, and we're all about keepin' this country safe.

    Next caller.

  15. I dont agree, showing your reps here Is appropriate, It's a rep forum. Showing your rep or trying to pass It off as a gen at a gen forum Is not appropriate for the obvious reasons. How you can equate wearing a rep out In public to tring to pass your rep off as a gen on a gen forum Is beyond me. These two actions have absolutly nothing In common. What someone thinks about my watch out In public Is no concern of mine. The truth Is most people could care less about whats on your wrist. But a watch forum Is not being out In public. I do agree with you about calling someone out, I wont do It. I figure the guy will get busted one day, no skin off my nose. :rolleyes:

    Absolutely. In public/at work/at a party/wherever, a person's wrist wear is likely not the topic or focus of conversation. Someone might notice, someone might not, but chances are, nothing will be said. Wrist shots, however, are specifically for the purpose of 'show and tell' on the watches in question, and more so, on gen forums, there is often the policy of not discussing rep watches at all. Posting a rep in a wrist shot on a gen forum is not only going against that ethos of not discussing reps (as merely posting the photo is inviting comments on the watch) but it is also stupid and unnecessary... Is it tasteless to call someone out for wearing a rep? Yes. Is it tasteless to post a rep on a gen forum? Absolutely. Is it hypocritical to think someone doing that deserves the embarrassment from the attention they are courting? Possibly... Either way, they are courting the attention, so deserve the full measure of responses, whatever they many be...

  16. I doubt that. Your "run-of-the-mill" gen owners that frequent those forums are typically not as informed as most dedicated rep enthusiasts. Many of them use the negative discussion of reps in order to make themselves feel better about their $10,000 USD purchase. I personally would not try to pass my reps off as gens on a gen forum because, as you have written, it accomplishes nothing.

    However, the whole "let's call him out" thing, to me, it's just a futile and dishonest for the reasons I pointed out on my previous post. If some guy wants to do that, that's on him. I only police my own watches and my purchases/trades. My exception to this rule is if someone tries to sell their rep watch as the real thing. To me, that's a terrible thing to do and I would contact the buyer to ensure he/she is doing the proper things to double and triple check the authenticity of the item. But, the whole, "calling out" thing, I find that kind of childish, to be honest. In my opinion, someone wants to "call out" people for wearing reps, then they should start with themselves and do so every time someone either compliments their rep watch, or stares at it in admiration. They should just say, "Thank you, but it's really a cheap Chinese replica".

    I do...

  17. Here's a set of Snowflake lumi hands, NOS and on the cards:


    16520 hands:


    Considering that the replacement parts are not intended for actual public distribution direct from Rolex S.A., but rather to the service centers and watchmakers, there's really no need to make the presentation of such things fancy. The cards are low cost (thus saving them money), and are likely either thrown away once the hands are used or are utilized to hold the old hands they are replacing for storage.

    They really just need to fulfil a primary objective, which they do albeit rather crudely.

    The Snowflake hands look very well presented on nice card, then I scrolled down and saw the others on the random cards :lol: I totally see what you mean, if the parts are just being moved 'in house', then not really any need to produce a 'more professional' splint for the hands, and I guess it is also recycling :good: Interesting that no comments have been made on the other thread acknowledging the questions about the origins of the case :lol:

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