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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Nothing out of the ordinary for an RSC in that regard. New hands are supplied in that manner.

    That surprizes me, I would have expected them to have had a specially made splint for use with hands rather than just salvaged card, but hey, if that's how they do things :pardon::)

  2. Dial looks fine to me, as do the hands.

    I think it is the posters English skills. he must have meant RSC replacement dial, not RSC relume dial, or whatever he typed

    That is a rare dial actually. The early service dials were old blanks with SWISS - T<25, but lumed in luminova. Later service dials were SWISS.

    And yes, TJ, not likely that Rolex would relume anything. Why would they when they can sell you some new parts!

    Ahh, I see what you mean about the luming comment, it'll certainly be interesting to find out for sure what the story is :) For example, if someone had the hands and the dial from the RSC and sold them to this guy, he would be correct in saying that they had come (originally) from the RSC. Time will tell :victory:

  3. Franken? Could be, but hard to tell without better pics.

    The thing that sticks out for me is his 'luminova -relumined by RSC' dial :g: . As far as I know, Rolex stopped reluming dials some or so 20 years ago. But the style of relume (lume slightly exceeding the boundaries of the original lume) does look like an RSC job. So who knows?

    That was what struck me as unusual. I don't believe that Rolex would relume a dial and hands, and return the hands on such amateur-quality cardboard splints. Also, why would they relume the hands, rather than just replacing them outright with new ones? Possibly a gen dial which has been relumed by 'someone', but I highly doubt a Rolex SC had anything to do with it... :whistling:

  4. http://www.rolexforums.com/showthread.php?t=127082

    take a look at post from "Bdel" with 10 posts, posting a pam 112 on wrist check day. now why oh why do we still have dbags that like to pull these kinds of stunts? why can't they ever learn to just stay in the rep world instead? sorry, just my pet peeve. ok, rant over!

    as much as I'd like to bust him for these childish things....I'd figured I'd just let it be.

    You should've called him out on it. Nothing wrong with wearing reps, but passing them off as gen, is what gives the rest of us a bad name :thumbdown:

    On another note, I loved Jolu's Exp II wristie, I think it's a prime example of why Rolex should fit the divers extensions across the range, not just on the Subs and SDs :whistling:

  5. WHY WHY WHY???

    I cant believe they dont AR them... WTF bangin.gif

    I read somewhere that they want the light to reflect off the crystal for a sparkling look.. i dont know if i buy that or not. I also read that it was a durability issue.. I know double AR can scratch but why dont they just do single AR on the underside?

    There has got to be a REAL reason why they dont do it. I agree it would make the dial look 10x better on ANY Rolex.

    There is :) Rolex, as manufacturers, are too set in their ways. The history of the Submariner and SeaDweller pretty much sums up how little innovation or actual changes they make over time. It's only since the GMTIIc, that they've really started putting a lot of new ideas on the table in terms of clasp fixings and using AR on the cyclops'. One could argue that if something ain't broke, don't try to fix it, but to play Devil's Advocate on that, Tudor release updated designs...

  6. Nice trio there :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Thanks for taking the time to do the side-by-sides - I can't see a difference in the steel.


    P.S. Love the Tudor - why is there no 'cartel' reps of the great Tudor models??

    A very good question... There're some Tudor reps available, but none of the Submariners. It might be that the powers behind the factories feel that Tudor Subs wouldn't sell as well as Rolex Subs, (Due to them not being 'Rolex') so no point in making them :pardon: Personally, I prefer the anonymity of the Tudor branding...

    On Topic, awesome comparison, and it goes to show just how close these reps can be :good::victory:

  7. As always, nice work, bro :good: Don't forget to give the top sides of the clasp, and the links of the bracelet which sit on the lower outside edge of your wrist a little extra buffing, just to highlight that they are the main 'contact points' :)

  8. hi all - def a noob here; however, i'm def interested in getting into this amazing hobby. VERY interested in the breitlings, as well as omegas. however, not sure what i should be looking for in movement for my first rep. are the 21j's that bad? should my first be asian eta?

    also, should the sosf be my first, as it's one of the best reps out there? so confused! haha...

    The 21js are just as reliable as the Swiss movements, and in many, if not most instances, the watch chassis is the same regardless of the movement inside, so there's really no point springing the extra cash... It's as cheap to replace those movements rather than servicing them, so that's another point in their favor :good: Yes, the SOSF is considered one of the best reps on the market, but as for should it be your first, that's up to you :lol: Buy the watch which you like and feel comfortable with. People in the real world don't tend to comment on other people's watches, so there's no point in buying a watch to impress others, or to avoid being asked if it's real or not. People still get asked if genuine Rolexes are real, so it really doesn't make any difference (if anyone even notices or asks at all) You've certainly come to the right place to get the best information on watches, as there's a lot of interest in all the different brands :good:

  9. What does Marcellus wallace look like?, what? What aint no country I have ever heard of, do they speek english In what? what? ENGLISH MOTHER FUCKER, DO THEY SPEEK IT? Decribe what Marcellus Wallace looks like,... what? SAY WHAT AGAIN, I DARE YA, I DOUBLE DARE YA MOTHER FUCKER. Does Marcellus Wallace look like a bitch? what? bang :D

    I love that bit :D

  10. Jules: There's a passage I got memorized. Ezekiel 25:17. "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you." I been sayin' that shit for years. And if you ever heard it, it meant your ass. I never really questioned what it meant. I thought it was just a cold-blooded thing to say to a motherfucker before you popped a cap in his ass. But I saw some shit this mornin' made me think twice. Now I'm thinkin': it could mean you're the evil man. And I'm the righteous man. And Mr.45 here, he's the shepherd protecting my righteous ass in the valley of darkness. Or it could be you're the righteous man and I'm the shepherd and it's the world that's evil and selfish. I'd like that. But that shit ain't the truth. The truth is you're the weak, and I am the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin, Ringo. I'm tryin' real hard to be the shepherd.

  11. The reason why i wanted the post to be removed is cause the list is of constant changes, ill update it quite offent to be as updated as possible, like new watches, remove old watches, added or changed score, link to pictures/sales/review etc. and since i cant update it on this forum the list is kind of pointless imo, but if you want an old outdated list, be my guest.


    You can update it. You have already edited the post. There is nothing to stop you further editing the post if you choose to edit it.

  12. Shoot me your PP details and I will send you something for the stamps and a for your trouble. :)


    No need for any payment, my friend, this one's on me, it's the least I can do :) My cheque cleared earlier than expected, so if you shoot me your address, I'll be able to get it in the mail today :)

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