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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Snow...snow......snow! Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! Don't get Nanuq started on snow! We all know what he's got in Nanuq Land!!!

    Had to take this baby out to install it's new sling and Friday is good day to wear it!

    Chopard MMXL Ltd! With Chief's Magic!




    Damn that is looking good, bro :good:

  2. @ TeeJay,

    we also have lots of snow outside , but it's to cold and slipery if you ask me.

    So i took a quciky in front of my backyard window.


    Carpe Diem


    Looking good to me, bro :good:

    I had to go into town earlier, but had snowgrips for my boots, not a single slip or slide :victory:

  3. Looks like some snow in the UK TeeJay thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

    About 3-4 inches coverage where I am :) Nice enough, until it turns to slush on the roads and re-freezes... The crazy thing is the local council never gritted the roads last night, despite knowing that it was going to snow :whistling:

  4. Right ??????

    they may as well hold it up to your face when talking to ya.. to funny.. the more people do that the more I tend to look down, or act busy doing something else... that I cannot view their obvious gestures..

    It's even funnier to see people doing it in bars, when all they're flashing is some glass-encrusted quartz worth $5 :lol:

  5. I made my rounds to the Pharmacist this morning to pick up meds for Mom and Dad..

    I noticed the Pharmacist had on what appeared to be a Rolex but even from a distance it appeared strange.

    So I get up to the counter..

    and as casually as I can .. because he was "handling" his wrist in the fashion a poser would. :lol:

    I try and get a good look at the beast... it had a poor rep ceramic bezel.. vintage lugs .. a red GMT hand.. :yuk:

    It was like trying to read a paragraph, that was not only full of misspelling, but had no subject line...

    he really couldn't see my eyes with my shades on..but he was obviously trying to get me to notice his watch..

    I had on my 202A.. love that one.. :wub: I tried not to be overtly obvious in passing him the script with my left hand.. but seeing his rep.. I figured he had no clue what I was wearing..or thought the dial was definitely not a Panerai.. :rolleyes: cause I see him trying to catch a glimpse of my wrist.. funny..

    I'm seeing more reps in Hawaii now, we do take 3 to 5 years longer than the average for fashions or whateva, that hit Conus.

    but maybe on some trip back I should tactfully let him know that RWG could help him out... :thumbsupsmileyanim:


    :lol: It's always funny to see people doing that :lol:

  6. Fascinating stuff. It amazes me that some have even taken reps into an AD and had them passed as gen. Just goes to show the lines are becoming blurred. No doubt about it though, people on the rep forums in general know one hell of a lot more about the subject than the gen forum guys.

    You're not wrong there :) More passion and genuine interest too, rather than just a load of "I paid xxx for this, look how awesome and perfect it is" BS :victory:

  7. Ditto Alligoat.

    The (main) problem with these esoteric models is that the small handful of people who know enough about them to appreciate seeing 1 will call it out as a fake in a heartbeat. To everyone else, it is either just a Sub or another fake Rolex, depending on the context.

    To be fair, even the most accurate reps (and even gens) are still going to be considered as reps to anyone who cares to notice, so from that point of view, if it's going to be questioned anyway, accuracy is a redundant concern: What I mean by that, is the questioner probably doesn't know one type of Sub from another, all they see, is the word 'Rolex' on the dial (or recognize the style of watch) and know that Rolex = Fake :bangin: I take more comfort in knowing that most observers simply don't care, and wear what I like the look of :drinks:

  8. I'm not all the way through the thread yet, but it's good to see that the discussion so far has been reasonable, and this post in particular caught my eye:

    Re: Fakes - cop yourself on.

    by NJH on Thu Dec 10, 2009 5:58 pm

    Exactly. The deeper point here is that if the super fakes are made to such a high quality that many ppl can't tell the difference then why do we spend so much on the real thing. Who is pulling off the bigger con, the chinese faker or the swiss brand (probably using the same chinese factory anyway)?

    This is why I don't buy gen. Or rather, why I didn't buy gen when my pockets were deep enough, and why I definitely wouldn't buy gen if they ever were deep enough in the future :victory:

  9. T, thanks, bud. Really is almost too nice - I don't see it getting much wrist time in the shop!

    Any time, amigo :drinks: As I said in PM, the GMTIIC is one of the only (if not the only) Rolex which impressed me when viewing the gen. Sure, I'm not keen on the ROLEXROLEXROLEX rehaut (unnecessary branding, IMHO) and the polished mid-links are a bit too bling for my taste (I even brushed the mid-links on the DJ to match the outer-links) but overall, when I put it on, I did feel like I was wearing a high-quality timepiece :) A few touches, like some black enamel paint in the clasp engravings, and it'll be perfect :victory:

  10. Rolex2u.com looks like a sister site to watcheden but their prices are lower. I have done one transaction with them successfully and they return emails fast. I would rather deal with them compared to watcheden but all of the dealers here are trustworthy.

    It's things like that which irk me a little with dealers (in general, not just in this instance) I mean, why advertise Product X for Y amount on Site A, but then advertise it for Z amount on Site B? :g::bangin: Not scamming exactly, but there's something about it which irks me :wounded1:

  11. I had many excellent transactions with WatchEden when they traded on CQout as TonyXKF. I have not been in the financial position to order since the 're-branding' as WatchEden, but the emails I have traded with Sarah have been every bit as professional and friendly as the emails I traded with Tony, and I would still highly recommend them :)

  12. DON'T GET IT T.

    I got one of those while I wa in China. Same reason. Obviously fake so I had to have it. I got it from the vendor for a whopping $25. It stopped working about 4 weeks later.

    Savew your money.

    I have to admit, I am still sorely tempted to put in a request for one (although I think it might be over budget, as I've already had a few things) this is definitely one of those 'reverse psychology moments'. What I might do, is just order one in secret, never tell anyone, never post it as a wrist shot, just keep it as a personal indulgence :D

  13. TeeJay we brought you up better than this, kids, you give them your heart and soul, teach them right from wrong and how do they thank you? they turn around a kick you In the ar$e. :wounded1:


    The one thing I would really like in my collection, is a blatantly 'fake' Rolex. My wife's treating me to a watch for christmas, so I'm weighing my options as to what I want. I don't want something new to wear on a day to day basis, as I'm happy with my Tudor Sub, but something for occasional wear is what I have in mind, and while I was considering a new GMT as a holiday watch, there's something about the display dial which I like :)

    Here you go TeeJay:


    What will it cost?

    Your reputation!

    Just kidding.


    Thanks for the link :good: I think the price might be a bit more than she had in mind, but now I know they're available, I might treat myself to one at some point :)

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