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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Emily is a lucky girl though T...she is with you after all and this is all that counts my friend :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    It must be water under the bridge by now for you all...although some wounds do not heal that easily :black_eye:

    Thanks, but I'm the lucky one to be with her :) Yes, some wounds don't heal as quickly as others, but it's good that she can be at ease with his passing, rather than upset by it. I think the fact that she saw him for what he really was, and that they were never close helped. Of course, at the time, it was a shock, but I think the relief she has felt since then, and not having to live on edge from his mind-games definitely keeps things in context :)

  2. Yeap i do remember the story behind that... :wounded1:

    Nothing to feel bad about, life has been much less stressful, and happier for Emily, and she's said as much to many folks. It's sad to think that a parent wouldn't be missed by their child, but once people understood just what an ass he was, that he was nothing more than a 'biological donor', and never lived up to the title 'father' in any shape of the word, and left his widow with a mountain of debts, it's probably safest to say that things are better off this way, and I hope he's enjoying the warmth and hospitality of Costa del Satan ;):diablo:

  3. it's pretty cold in germany^^


    but inside work for university is waiting :thumbdown:


    That's looking a bit chilly, my man, what's the outside temperature? Your room is looking much tidier than mine :lol:

    I hope not beacuse of her role as vampire Lucy Westenra in Dracula!!! :rofl:


    That was the role which brought her to my attention, but since then, I've just liked most everything she's been in, and, as cats respond best to names with an Ess in them, it seemed a good one :)

  4. Nice shot TJ,give Emily my regards and my wishes for a happy holiday and a Merry Christmas mate!!! :drinks:

    she has got gorgeous eyes T and this shot captured them beautifully :victory:

    Thanks indeed, and I will indeed :) I hope you have a good Christmas too :drinks: It should be a good one, and at least we don't have to go to Emily's dad's for Boxing Day dinner... :whistling:

  5. Μister Jimmy Powers it is!!! :thumbsupsmileyanim::g: hmmm...or could it be Mistery Jimmy??? :lol:

    BTW i envy you for the snowy Christmas outdoor scenery guys :Jumpy:

    It is 21 Celsius here :yuk: and i hate it when this happens in this time of year


    I have to admit, I think I'd rather have the 21 C :lol: The council couldn't be bothered to grit the roads, so driving is treacherous :D Here's one of Emily and I doing some shopping friday :D


    [Edit to add]

    Here's one of the third cat of the house :) We got her just before Christmas last year, and I named her Sadie, after Sadie Frost :)


  6. He is one handsome gentlecat T !!! :drinks:

    He is indeed :) He's really my mother in law's cat, and only used to be called Jimmy, but he's such a proud and noble cat, I felt he deserved the respect of being 'Mister Jimmy' :lol: He's seldom seen, as he spends most of his time outside. My sister in law's friends didn't even believe he existed, as they'd never seen him, he's an International Cat of Mystery :lol:

  7. TJ is that the famous " :angry: don't you dare to pull my whiskas out in order to use them for re-luming your bloody dials"cat??? :whistling:

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    On the furthest couch, yes :D The closer cat is Mister Jimmy, who's a rather nervous soul, and as I took the photos with my iPhone with music playing, he was a bit startled :bangin:

  8. Teejay I got to agree with you mate.

    At the end of the day a celebrity/ known figure sells his image to the corporate advertisers based on that public image. If he/she decides to undermine that public image then they forfeit the right to expect continued advertising of that image. Effectively they are in breach of that contract, they may of made millions for a company but they also earned millions on the back of it.

    As for privacy I dont agree that he deserves it while using his image/lifestyle as a marketing tool and being paid handsomely for the priviledge. However now he has stepped back from that he should be allowed an opportunity of privacy not so much for him but his family.

    A lot of people do a 'job' that makes them famous to varying degrees, the 'job' itself doesnt give anyone the right to invade their privacy. But if those people chose to sell their image on the basis of the perception of them by the public then they can expect ridicule when they are found to be in breach of that image they or others (with consent) have created.

    Thats my pennies worth.....

    You're absolutely right there, 100% :) There are celebrities who court media attention more than others, for example, Katie Price invites the reality show cameras into her house, Cheryl Cole, on the other hand, I can't ever imagine doing something like that. As you say, when someone is using their image as a marketing tool, once they break/change that image, then it's only fair that those deals come to an end... My wife was saying earlier, that she heard that Tiger Woods admited that he'd only got married because it would be good for his image :mellow::bangin:

  9. This is what I have picked up in the last one month itself

    Hublot Kingpower All black

    HB kingpower Black magic

    Super Avenger 2009

    Franck Muller conquistador King Chrono

    FM conquistador King Auto

    Cartier Ballon for the Mrs

    Now I know that people new to this hobby sorta go overboard in initial days and then settle down.

    But after almost 5 yrs of being in the game...is this a normal behaviour? Should I be slowing down n take it easy?

    As you included that, I think you'll be safe from the Mrs ;)

    As for slowing down/speeding up... I'd say it depends entirely on your collecting strategy. Do you like to rotate through several watches daily, maybe just rotate them for particular wardrobes/occasions, with a particular favorite getting primary wrist time? If you fall into the latter category, then 'bulk buying' is a bit redundant, but it's all down to your own tastes and what makes you happy :):good::drinks:

  10. Companies dont pay endorsements for key figure or role models based on their personal lives, he's an excellent athlete, like many others, and im pretty sure other athletes like him have bigger problems, they just keep them personal

    In Tiger Woods' case, things got outta hand and the media blew it way out of proportion, no one has any right to stick their noses up anyone's personal issues

    Lack of a 'private life', is one of the prices celebrities pay for their fame and renown. At least he is doing the honorable thing and stepping out of the public eye to put his affairs in order (no pun intended) :)

  11. That's kinda the same way I saw a volcano APROO while helping a customer. Though his watch was covered by his sleeve, it dis pop out a couple times as he signed his life away on my papers. Low and behold, quartz aproo. His Mercedes must have been a good rep too ;)

    An awesome example that it's not just people driving 'crappy blue Chevy Novas' who wear reps :victory:

  12. I grew up on Casios and still have soft spot for them. I love the look of this.

    Anyone in the UK interested in this can get one from 'The Laminated Book of Dreams' :whistling:


    When I was younger, I would spend hours going over the Book of Dreams, squinting at the pictures trying to work out what the dial print said and what buttons did what :lol: As a result, I'm pretty good at making out signs/departure boards from a distance or while under the influence :victory:

    I think it might just be to turn on the backlight.

    Ahh, for when the lume just doesn't cut the mustard :lol:

  13. At the end of the day, something which I feel might be going over people's heads, is that there are more ways to contribute to the community of this forum, than cold hard cash. Someone might donate a Benjamin towards the cause, but never write reviews, never put items up for auction or raffle, never give parts to members in need, never actually just 'hang out and shoot the breeze'. Sure, they're paying their way financially, but in terms of actually contributing something to the community, they do nothing. A review might not help to keep the lights on, but if it saves someone cash from buying overpriced junk, then that's helping someone, and at the end of the day, that's what this community is all about: Helping its brothers. :drinks:

  14. I'm with you on this one TeeJay.

    Thanks, I didn't want to get into bashing the guy, afterall, I don't know him personally, so my opinion is only based on my perception of him through the media, I'm just being honest about how I feel about the subject :) 'Everyday people' in a similar situation would feel much bigger implications for such actions, and whatever happens, I can't see him having to claim welfare anytime soon... :whistling:

  15. Is it sad? I know that's the automatic reaction, but honestly, is it really? Personally, I've never liked Tiger Woods, and always felt he gave off a vibe of arrogance, entitlement and smug superiority, but that aside, he has no one to blame for any of this, than himself. Companies are not going to want to endorse, or be represented by someone who is anything less than an excellent role-model, and, from these revelations, Tiger Woods has shown himself to be a 'less than perfect' example. I've got no issue with him, or what he's done, those were his choices of his own free will, but, there are always consequences for ones actions, and he is now feeling that. Lets not forget that he is a multi-millionaire anyway, he's not going to be struggling the same way which Joe Sixpack might struggle if getting fired from Wal-Mart...

  16. The assistance and guidance I have received since joining this forum, not to mention the generous gifts, and offers of help, way outweighs the cost of supporter status. I remember I used to object to to funding requests, but that was only because I had not truly seen what this forum does for people. I do what I can to support the forum, I just wish I could do more. Many clubs have membership fees and subscriptions, and probably do not provide their members with anywhere near the level of support and feeling of community, as this forum does.

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