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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. If there's anybody that embodies the spirit of this Community it would be you TJ. Here's hoping things pick up.

    Many thanks, amigo :good: I updated my portfolio recently, but no biters so far, other than some designs I drew for a friend as an early birthday present (and potential 'advertising' ) Just a case of living within my means, and taking it a day at a time :)

  2. well I got it from another member on the gen forum. He told me that the warranty is up, and he would send in to Breitling for a maintenance and then sell it to me. I asked him how fast the watch was running, and this is before he sold the watch and had Breitling do the "basic service". he told me it was at around +5. I was thinking for a COSC watch, we are just about at that borderline of falling out of the spec. but I figured since he is sending it in, it ought to get better. keep in mind, the previous owner told me that he did not get to wear the watch often. so his memory could be off. I just wonder if I take it to my local AD, if they are going to [censored] about it, cause I didn't buy it from them, and I hate dealing with snobby dbags in general....lol. I set the watch Sunday evening, and the watch has not stopped since then, I will do a final tally by this Sunday and see how far off I am.

    so far, both of my swiss 7750s, which I have tested for 1 full week of wear, is at 0, and +1 respectively. This Breitling will be no where near it, but I wanted to make sure it will not be over a minute fast either, cause that will be just sad.

    Ahh, if you didn't have the watch prior to servicing, that does put you in a somewhat weaker position, in that you can't go in the AD guns blazing and say for certain "The watch was running at X before service, and is now running at Y, but it should be running at Z..." Did your transaction include papers for the watch, and if so, is there anything like a car's log book which might say what was done on what date of servicing? (I only ask as I've never owned a gen, so don't know if this kind of thing might be included in the papers) It might just be worth a phone call to your nearest Breitling AD to explain your situation and get their input and suggestions as to how to proceed with maybe having the watch 're-serviced'. It might just be worth cracking the caseback and regulating it yourself (certainly cheaper if you know how to adjust it yourself) Best of luck with it all :):good:

  3. So, I just ordered my first watch online after hours of searching for a reputable website. I have a couple of subs, but got those a few years ago and it was time for something new. I got a Breitling Cosmonaute which takes 24 hours for a full rotation; I think that is very unique and interesting. Here's the link from the site where I purchased it: Breitling Cosmonaute

    Let me know what you think. It's not Swiss or high-quality Japanese movement, but I've had/taken care of Asian timepieces with no problems at all. I can't wait until it comes in.

    Not a watch which is frequently seen on the forum, so nice to see something a little different :good: I hope you'll be pleased with it :victory:

  4. Thanks for reply Teejay. Ended up sending the watch right back to dealer 1 day after receiving it. Didn't want to mess up opening the watch and dealer not giving me an exchange. Hope the replacement comes in good condition though. Gonna start experimenting on my other old watches lying around though, wish me luck!

    No worries, I'm glad to be of help :) Totally fair enough if you wanted to send it back if you were out of your comfort zone with opening the caseback, and I must admit, I killed a couple of movements myself before I got the hang of adjusting the timing properly, so it really is just a case of progressing at your own rate, and learning as you go :):victory:

  5. BINGO!

    The "Mark 0" Sea Dweller had the Patent Pending caseback, some very early models had a thinner case than what we see today, some had no HEV, and a very few examples made it into the public without the SUBMARINER 2000 text. Just like the one pictured.


    This really is a case of the broken clock being right twice a day... I thought you were refering to the SD on the eBay link, not the one on the iPhone app :lol::whistling: I saw that just had Submariner, rather than Submariner 2000, as on the one on eBay, so wondered if it (the one on the bay) having the 2000 was a 'special feature' :pardon: but I have to admit, I've never really paid that close attention to the SD dials to realize that, I just figured they said Seadweller Submariner :whistling:

  6. Teejay, I am surprised as well. I don't know whether or not I should wear it for a month, and see if the movement would settle down, then see if it is still +10 per day. The original bill was for a maintenance before the 2 year warranty is up, so Breitling did it for free. on the breitling bill, it said "basic service" and then a bunch of gaskets and tubes were replaced I believe. but if the watch was sent in, stating "running fast" I would think it should now run slower, or at least closer to COSC specs. now do I need to wear this for a month? is there such a thing to get movements "settle down"?

    How fast was it running before it was sent in? If it was running faster, say +15 or +20, then at least the movement has been regulated and adjusted, (just not monitored and adjusted enough :whistling: ) If it was running at +10 when it went in, I'd at the very least go back and make them aware that you're aware that the movement is still running fast, despite the fact you paid a service bill to have the timing adjusted. I've heard about movements 'settling down', but never really observed it much myself. For the most part, adjusting the timing is one of the first things I will do with a watch, after all, it's no good to me if it's not telling accurate time (within reason for a mechanical movement, of course) Maybe a movement expert could chime in about if you should give it a month to settle in before taking it back, but one thing's for sure, as above, +10 is not really acceptable for a professionally serviced COSC spec movement which was adjusted for running too fast. I'm not saying they should have sent it back at +0.2, but at least +5 would have been more reasonable and within the COSC boundary... Best of luck getting it resolved :good:

  7. :thumbsupsmileyanim: :thumbsupsmileyanim: look forward ma man :victory:

    all the best T

    Always, brother, it's the only way to look :good:

    If truth be told it was a small gesture by the team, we just figured that TJ has given enough to the board to warrant his upgrade.

    We also know he will continue to give so it's really a case of looking after our own.


    It really is very much appreciated, my friend, thank you :):drinks:

  8. Make that plus (+)2.

    The membership on this forum is second to NONE.

    I too, hope that things get better FAST.

    In the meantime at least you have this place to call HOME.

    All the best.

    This place really is home, and a great family I have here :) As long as things don't get worse, I can keep treading water, it would just be nice to get some more commissions in :)

    Your a true PLATINUM individual TJ :thumbsupsmileyanim: one of the very best on RWG

    Hope better times will be there for you soon

    A Wish for happier timekeeping

    Gunnar Gran :drinks:

    That's good of you to say, thanks :good::drinks: Things will pick up when the time is right, and there's more to life than money :) I have great friends and family, so anything else is just bonus :good:

  9. yes nanuq, forget about the rolex bill, we want to hear about scary mary more....

    well thought out post by BT and everyone. I am in the same boat. The past few months I have bought a few gens, and a Josh Swiss SOSF (which by the way, have some movement problems, I have to get in touch with him about this). but I got a chance to look at the bill that Breitling would charge for a service on their chrono. and let's just say that are charging 3 times more than what Zig charge. and Rob if you are reading this, please disregard that last sentence! I mean it is just crazy! personally I'd trust Zig more, but the advantage of a Breitling service would be that they would have parts handy if it needs to be replaced.

    my gen had received a basic service from Breitling just last month. I do not think it's an overhaul. It was sent in because it was running fast, and now that I got it back. it is running at +10 per day. Pretty lame for a COSC watch that Breitling claim, I'd say. I am debating whether or not to go back to AD and tell them to send it up again. When we would have A7750 or ETA 7750 that runs well within COSC range, you have got to admire that. and I guess we are all spoiled by good reps and good gens. Gens because we want the finer finish, and reps because we have been spoiled by super reps.

    but think about when any of us get that first rep sub back in the 90s, and what we are getting these days. How can you not appreciate reps and how far we've come? this is still exciting time to me!

    +10?? Totally unacceptable on a COSC rated watch, especially if it was being looked at specifically because it was running fast anyway... One would hope that the person looking at it would have thought "Hmmmm, this watch is running fast, so I'll try and tune it as close as possible within COSC..." If I can get an a21j to +0.2 a day, with nothing more complex than a set of dishwashing gloves, a toothpick and a radio-controlled clock, what's their excuse? :whistling::pardon: Best of luck getting them to take care of it (and hopefully under the original service payment :) ) :good:

  10. Hey TJ!

    Sorry to hear your hardships.....hopefully things will improve soon!

    And Kudos to the Admin team for renewing/ugrading your membership! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    We all know that this place rocks :band1: That's why we call it our 2nd home!

    Goodluck Amigo!


    You and me both, amigo, and thanks :good::drinks: It's not like I'm totally in the poor-house, I have enough coming in to meet my commitments, just nil disposable income, which can be a real bind at times... Not so much a case of not having cash for watches (I don't think I'll ever has as many watches as I did before, as there were just too many which never saw wrist time) but not having the cash to go out with friends once in a while, or backup incase one of the guineas has to go to the vets for some reason, the little things really. Frustrating, but not truly life-threatening. If I could shift some of my canvasses, or get a decent commission in, I'd be laughing :) I don't think I've ever come across a community before where the members are so willing to help others, and to help others in areas not even really related to the 'shared interest', this really is a band of brothers :victory:

    TJ always outs his own persoanal time aside to contribute to this community whenever the need arises

    and does so unconditionally.

    RWG in my minds eye is about support weather it be reps or lifes challenges

    I can think of many members deserving of the gratitude of the Admin Team' and TJ is right on top of the list...

    In the spirit of this community and the base for support .. This is another example of the love and fellowship that exemplifies RWG

    we come looking for watches and find so much more!!!

    Platinum membership does not IMO make anyone better than... But is a symbol of the support that we embrace as does supporter memberships

    the positive.... "I want to be involved positively" attitude that has kept RWG above the standings of knowledge and good will.

    Comgrats my freind ... Well deserved!!!!!!!!



    Many thanks, bro :) I guess I all I can say, is that I do what I can, and try and help out where possible :) The MilSub project is still very much on the cards, just temporarily on the back burner while I pay off some bills, but it will get done, and I think, at least, I certainly hope, people will be interested in the finished piece :)

  11. TeeJay, truer words have never been spoken. It's in adversity that we find what really matters in life. I'm sorry for your hardship, but I envy the clarity you have right now to see what matters.


    You're absolutely right there, it certainly teaches what is important in life :):drinks: As above, times are hard, but not desperate, I have enough to keep the roof over my head and food on my table, just, not really much to do anything else with :black_eye::whistling: Knowing that things can still improve is a source of comfort :)

    TJ was requested to be upgraded by the mod team because of his continuing contributions and support of the community...

    Twas not an auto renewal...

    Double T

    I know we've not always seen eye to eye on things, so it's very much appreciated :):good::drinks:

    A very nice gesture for a very deserving guy! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Good job guys. Love to see stuff like this! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    big round of applause for the entire mod/admin team -- such a great gesture :clapping:


    Many thanks, amigos :drinks:

  12. Teejay - I hope your renewal was in fact the result of some kind-hearted Moderator (& I hope things improve for you soon), but I think the system defaults to auto-renewal, which means it may simply have automatically charged your paypal when your membership expired. :whistling:

    Thanks for the good wishes :) I think this would have been the result of a kind-hearted moderator rather than auto-renewal, as I spent quite a while as 'member' rather than it being a swift return to Platinum :)

  13. What can I say... Times are hard and no signs of getting any better. This isn't a begging post, as things are in hand, and although the wolves are at the door, there's enough on the step to keep them outside. A few days ago, my platinum status expired, and I didn't have the spare cash to renew it immediately. To be perfectly honest, I'm not sure how long it might have been till I had the spare cash, given other financial commitments. I was therefore very surprized, and genuinely touched, to come online today to see that my status has been restored, so a big thankyou to whoever made that possible or pushed the button :drinks: As soon as I can spare the upgrade fee, I will gladly donate it, perhaps it could be used to gift someone else an upgrade to platinum :) To say that this is an awesome community doesn't even begin to cover it. The friendships and gifts of generousity I've both seen towards others and received myself while here are more than I can repay, but things I will be grateful for well into the next life :) The last watch I bought is still on order, a pepsi GMT as a late birthday present for one of my best friends as an upgrade from his AP which is starting to get a bit twitchy, and a forum project is still underway. The GMT is only going to receive a little gentle aging. My friend isn't really into vintage, but neither is he the kind to wear a brand new Rolley, so a little 'camoflage' should save him embarassing questions. The forum project will be completed in due time. What can I say... Times are hard, but life is good, may peace be upon you all :drinks:

  14. I have zero experience opening watches. Is securing the rotor a complex thing to do and will it come off again? Dealer has finally offered me xchange but I have to pay for shipping back to him. Watch is otherwise perfect, can someone shed some light as to wheher it's better to keep it and fix it myself?

    Securing the rotor is easy to do with the correct tools. At the very least, you will need a precision screwdriver, a pair of very fine tweezers or tic removers, surgical gloves, and regular dishwashing gloves.

    Put on the dishwashing gloves, and with your thumbs, apply pressure in a counter-clockwise direction. Might feel like you're going to rip the pads away from the thumb bed, but keep with it, and the caseback will loosen enough to remove (obviously stop if you are going to injure yourself :D ) The rotor attaches to the center of the movement with a small screw. Swap your gloves for the surgical ones to prevent the oils from your fingers getting on the movement, use the tweezers to put the screw back into place once you have properly aligned the rotor, and then tighten the screw. Swap back to the dishwashing gloves, and, making sure that the o-ring is in place to provide a watertight seal, replace the caseback and use thumb pressure to rotate the caseback until you can't move it any more (for fear of ripping thumbnails off again) and you should then be good to go :victory:

  15. Hi!

    I have been very busy with my parcel problem and have found the following none-official result. It seams that the UPS guy left the parcel in front of my door, signed that I received it and then left. It lay there for half a day and one night, (most likely less), as I did not leave the house that day, because I work from at home!

    The diver called me up today, as he was questioned on the case and offered me 100

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