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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Cool! I recently tried a blue Tudor Sub dial from Yuki, but its so fragile, you only need to glance at the time and all the paint falls off :black_eye:

    Each time the dial and movement are removed, it leaves a ring of blue where the dial was touching the case! Fortunately it's the same shade of blue as Humbrol matt blue emamel paint. In contrast, the MBW dials are absolutely =@ proof.

    I'm thinking of getting another Yuki, and this time applying a few coats of matt varnish. :g:

    It's funny to think that a professionally made dial would be so fragile compared to a homemade one, but I think you're right about varnish being the key... Sure, I wouldn't want to immerse one of these dials by themselves, but a little case-flood didn't do any damage to the dial :good:

  2. No, I have not seen if there is any writing on the inside of the case back. I know all about how rolex service centers take the original dials. The guy in the store where I bought this told me all about it. With knowing this I am never going to send it to any rolex service centers. I will have it fixed locally if it needs to be. I don't think you guys are giving me a line of BS. I really appreciate the knowledge im gaining from this thread alone, but in that same respect I am a little ticked off that I just spent 4k on a rolex and I find out that some of the parts are not original. But I guess I realized that going in when buying a vintage. Again I do appreciate all the info, because if there is a next time I will be much more informed.

    I got it at one of the jewelry stores on washington street right in boston.

    The parts might not have been the original parts from when the watch came 'off the line', but if it's always been serviced by Rolex, at least they are genuine Rolex parts rather than aftermarket replacements :)

  3. TeeJay, this is very interesting. I must say that I am surprised that these dials are in any way robust.

    I am glad that event didn't ruin it for you, and that you are still enjoying wearing them. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    I have to admit, I was initially worried, but upon decasing, the dial was fine :) For some reason, the 6200 dial didn't immediately grab me when I made it, but I now really like it, and find the stick markers and numbers a nice change from the more frequently seen submariner dials :) I can't wait to get the Tudor subs back into rotation, as those're my real favorite dials, especially the non-Snowflake (I forget the model code) which you have the twin of :tu::victory:

  4. Wow, looks fantastic! :clapping:

    How is the ink holding up over time, have you noticed any fading/peeling/etc with the first ones you made?

    Being the lucky owner of two of these Homebrew Tudor dials (and with one of my own construction in my 6200 project) I can confirm that the dials are still 'stable' six months on, and I absolutely love them :good:


    No problems with the originals I made. I have the Explorer Precision on my wrist at this time. The dial is a fresh as the day I printed it. No issues with the lume either.

    HOWEVER....I would not like to get any moisture into one of these babies! :whistling:

    My 6200 sprung a leak a month or so back when a lucky blow must've broke the seal of the glued in crystal, but after regluing the crystal, the watch was fine, and the dial wasn't adversely affected by the moisture :) I'm hoping to have the Tudor Sub back in rotation very soon, thanks to a new movement on the way courtesy of FXRAndy :) On the topic of the Ranger, fantastic work as always, my friend :good::drinks:

  5. hello,

    has someone ordered yet and what are the flaws on this version?

    and by the way, is the dial on the gen deepsea matt-finish or glossy?

    thanks in advance,


    Eurotimez status is somewhat 'tarnished' at the moment (and mostly due to issues with DSSDs)...

    From what I understand, the gen dial is semi-gloss, semi-matte, so shows both qualities under different lighting conditions, I hope that's of help to you :)

  6. Indeed, :thumbsupsmileyanim: The Rolex Submariner Is the most recognized watch In the world. I think the Omega SeaMaster Is probably the second most recognized watch. It's hard to believe that both of these designs have been around for over fifty years. There have been many designs that have come and gone but these two Icons are as popular as ever. Imo the classics never die and I think these two examples prove just that :drinks: Mike (ps) On July 21 1969 at 2:56 GMT, Neil Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the surface of the moon. Five hundred million people heard his words broadcast on television: "thats one small step for man- one giant leap for mankind" Twenty minutes later, Armstrong's fellow crewmember from the Apollo 11 mission, Buz Aldren, became the first to wear a watch on the moon, when he stepped onto the lunar surface wearing an Omega Speedmaster professional. (Armstrong had left his own Speedmaster In the lunar module because the digital clock on board was damaged,and the astronauts did not want to run the risk of exposing both watches to the harsh environment of outer space.)(WatchTime 12/09)

    I think you're quite right there, a classic design never dies, and look how many watches do base their look on the Submariner... It's a classic which does what it was designed to do :good:

  7. Dude you have to stop reading my mind :shock: This case design Is out of this world, It went to the moon over 40yrs ago, did It not? :D One of my favorites of all time. Spot on bro :good:

    Great minds, and all that :drinks::tu: Indeed it did, not quite as simple a design as a sub case, given the shape of the lugs, but given how the crownguards are integrated into the side of the case, definitely more streamlined :victory:

  8. To be really honest, I think It's a beautiful watch. I love the orig Omega SM case design, classic :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Glad you feel the same, bro :good: The funny thing is I didn't like the dial texture on the Quantum of Solace LE watch, but the white color really works nicely with it, a bit like the dial of the VC Overseas... I definitely think this watch could be a posterchild for fantasy watches :) I think the Planet Ocean is a great 'regeneration' of the original SM cases, certainly more aesthetically pleasing than a Sub case :)

  9. Your right buddy it is durable and robust, but my point is we're not spending time at RWG to look for a robust and durable watch, we're trying to get a sub rep that is close to the gen so we can get recognized by people that were wearing a rolex watch and we also know that sub is the most recognizable rolex

    I know totally get what you're saying, but I'd have to disagree very slightly... That might be what people are looking for when they first come to the forum, but I think the longer folks stay around, reading the boards, seeing the different brands, they start taking an interest in different brands, not necessarily for their recognition, but because it's a good watch which suits their needs in a watch :) Personally, I was already into Omega when I got here, but then got more into Panerai, and wound up coming full circle back to Rolex and Tudor as my prefered watches. Not so much for the brandings, but the features and form. I really like the blue dial PP Nautilus, and I would be happy to wear one and have no one know what it was, in terms of brand recognition or gen value, but it lacks a timing bezel, which is an essential feature for me, so I probably won't be getting one (but who knows :D )

  10. I mean lets face it, most of us here can't afford a gen or can but won't sleep right for a month haha, and here is what we say to ourselfs "you only live once" so we want to experiance what it feels like to be wearing a rollie or other brands but mostly rolex and thats why we buy reps, now some of us are embarrased if someone comes in and tells us what we're wearing is fake, thats why we try to look for the most accurate reps and we try to mod them so we can reduce the chances of being spotted wearing fake. I'm a huge rolex fan so as 90% of people here buying reps, but we gotta admit that rolex does not make the best watches, not the best design, movement, or material but we love it just cause it makes us look professional let face it whats so nice abouth the submariner? i can design a better watch in 10 min while drinking whisky ha.

    There's an advert in the UK for a brand of wood-stain who's company slogan is "Does exactly what it says on the tin..." I think much of the appeal of the Submariner (which James Bond plays a big part of) is that it is a watch, which, like the wood-stain, does exactly what it says on the tin... Sure, recent releases have been more 'fashion oriented', but the original Submariners, they were tool watches... They told the time, (sometimes the date as well) and have a timing bezel which can be used for many things... They're relatively lightweight and comfortable, but also durable and robust. I agree, not the most aesthetically pleasing of watches, but certainly a real workhorse of the horological world :)

  11. Thats right TeeJay, perception Is the key. The bottom line Is how you feel about the watch. If you like It and enjoy wearing It then you have the right watch for you and your needs. I dont think that most people could tell the difference between a $100 rep as opposed to a $300.00 rep. Thats why when I buy a rep, I buy that rep for my own personal satisfaction. When I first arrived here I would think about what others might think, would I get called out? the horror of It all :shock: lol. This honestly never enters my mind anymore, well almost never. ;) Unless your hanging around a bunch of watch enthusiasts Its not going to happen. Some of the cheeper reps really look good, only under close scrutiny are they detectable. One of the reasons I love this hobby so much Is because there Is no wrong/right watch, not Imo anyway. If you have a watch, rep or gen, and you enjoy wearing It and working on It, then as far as Im concerned you have hit the mark. That mark Is a hobby that brings you fulfilment. :wub: I know for a fact that you and I are on the same page In this reguard :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Couldn't've said it any better myself, bro :drinks: As you say, if it's the watch you like, then it's the right watch for you :) For example, I think this, is a really nice watch:


    Maybe upgrade the insert and swap the bracelet for a dark brown Breitling-style leather strap, and I think it would look the nuts.

    Honestly, I don't think most people (ie civilians) could tell the difference between a $100 rep and a gen as long as it doesn't have Rolex printed on the dial :whistling:

    As you say, a group of real enthusiasts would know, but, if someone was wearing a well built franken, chances are they might appreciate it as a well executed project, rather than just looking down on it as a rep (that is if they're True Watch Enthusiasts, and not just gen snobs ;) ) I've think much of the reason why so many newcomers ask "Who has the best sub?" is because they want a recognizable watch, but don't want to get called out wearing it. My easiest answer to that, is to not go modern, but go vintage... Wear a watch which, although expensive, might be inherited/otherwise acquired, so the wealth of the person actually wearing it is not the defining factor. I don't look at that as trying to pass a rep off as a gen, as the person can always explain what it is if asked, instead, I look at it as 'flying under the radar'... And of course, once someone starts getting into watches, other more obscure brands start to attract the attention, and that saves the recognition factor at all :victory: I definitely believe that people should wear the watch which is right for them, not wear the watch they think will get the most attention/comments :victory:

  12. This Is very true Tee Jay. But ;) the better the movement the better the rep or gen as far as that go's. at least In some peoples mind. But again exception to every rule. Im wearing the UN maxie that you and I talked about a few weeks back, It has the 23 jewel thats a fantastic movement Imho. This watch can be found for around $150.00, you might find It cheeper on one of your discount sites. Now If this watch had a ETA It would probably be twice as much. Would having a ETA make It a better watch? Im not so sure :g: The Asian 23 jewl movement Is a fantastic movement Imho. It has a decorated rotor/movement and a fully functional PR. The sweep is very smooth and It keeps excellent time. So would having the more expensive movement make It the better watch? Than there the materials used that can make a huge difference In price. Saphire vs mineral crystal, ceramic vs plastic, ect, quality of the overall fit and finish. But It;s true that the more expensive watch Is not always the better watch, not always but more times than not Imho. Preception plays a big part also. :) Mike

    I have to admit, I don't think I've seen any UNs on CQout, it could be that the dealers don't have the connections to the factories to get the really good stuff, or, it could mean that those dealers only stock the most commonly popular watches to make money via repeat sales, where the dealers here are actually catering to actual watch enthusiasts... Movements are a tricky issue... Personally, I find a21js acceptable, but spending that extra money does ensure a smoother sweep, so it comes down to what a person requires in the watch itself... A budget rep wouldn't pass as gen to a knowledgeable WIS, but to the untrained eye, might never raise suspicion as long as the wearer can pull off wearing the watch (which again needs the observer to recognize what they're looking at) As you say, perception is the key :)

  13. Fair enough, I do know that some members here have cheeper reps that they like eveey bit as much as there more expensive reps. I guess the personality of a watch can come through reguardless of price. :drinks: Mike

    Absolutely, but not so much a case of the price at purchase, just pointing out that what is available on dealer sites on the lower price brackets, are often available even cheaper 'off the beaten path', so price alone isn't always an indicator of the quality of the watch :):drinks:

    [edit to add]

    And to work that backwards, just because a watch costs more, doesn't always mean it is going to be better quality... ;)

  14. My take about reps is that todays reps are so close to the gen that probably 95% of people can't tell the diffrence specially watches like the explorer, WM9 subs and GMT, I also think that 95% of people will decide whether your watch is a rep or gen based on the way you present yourself, for example you could be wearing a TW best junk but wearing nice looking clothes or driving a fancy car or know you have a high education degree and will assume that its a gen, or on the other hand you could be wearing a gen but also wearing clothes looking like a homeless or drive a cheap car or work as a cashier in a supermarket and they would never think what your wearing is the real thing even if you show them a reciept where it was purchased from. So my point is that most people will decide if your watch is fake or real not by there knowledge about watches, by the way you are presented.

    Absolutely spot on :good: All the time people make judgement like that, I don't think it's worth 'getting the best rep' so as not to get called out, but getting what you personally like and feel comfortable with wearing. No greater 'tell' than someone wearing a watch and feeling self-conscious of it. Who cares what the gen is supposed to cost... It's your watch, it is supposed to be on your wrist :good::drinks:

  15. But broham ;) there so cheep looking, why would you want to put any money In them In the first place. :D I know what your saying Tee Jay but my experence has been that the better reps cost more, like most things In life. I know that this Is not always the case, exception to every rule and all that. I purchased a few cheeper reps and I really dont like to wear them. But Im sure there are some very good reps that are Inexpensive. Most times are opinions are based on are experences, It's all good my man :thumbsupsmileyanim: Mike

    The thing to remember, is there're 'cheap reps', and there are 'cheap reps'... Much of the stuff I saw on market stalls in Spain 18 months ago, was real junk, with the occasional nice fantasy piece thrown into the mix. Some of the stuff I've bought on CQout for about

  16. I totally dissagree Frank, although I do respect your opinion. :) I say you get much more than you pay for. Im talking about the "cream of the crop reps" not your average medicore reps. Im wearing my Breitling SA today thats so gen like It's scary, :o my watch repair guy agrees. :thumbsupsmileyanim: The differences are all loupe stuff. This Is just one of many examples. I think these high end reps are the "best bang for the buck" that one could hope to find. To make matters even better most of my reps are keeping excellent time. :yeah: Mike

    No way, bro, budget reps are "best back for the buck" as if they go wrong, there's less $$s invested in them ;):victory:

  17. I have regulated all of my reps. but with my gens, I tend to be a little worried about cracking them up. the watch came with all paperwork, including the recent "basic service". I have a feeling that basic is not an overhaul at all. probably just a lookover and make sure nothing is out of the ordinary. but I even have that Breitling receipt where the previous owner said it was running fast. when I am not wearing it at night, I have the watch on the crown up position, hoping that it will slow it down somewhat. of course I'll wait til sunday and see how bad the deviation may be. I hope it is not too bad.

    Rep or gen, they're all just watches, think of it like the guy who works on his own car rather than taking it to the garage for every little rattle ;) Putting the watch crown up will help, but it is only making the watch lose time, which it will then re-gain, as opposed to actually regulating the movement to make the timing constant. If you have the paperwork, it might be worth giving the AD a call and asking if they would be prepared to re-examine the watch's timing as under the original service, given it isn't in COSC standard, but if they say it will cost more, I'd be tempted to do the regulation myself and save the $$s :victory:

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