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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. oh dear you guys really wouldnt be amused by my time keeping then,

    10 minutes late would be early for me, luckily the boss at work is a good friend and he understands and knows i get the job done if i have to stay on late etc...

    i buy flash replica watches because the look good and not for timekeeping purposes, im sorry but thats an honest assesment. maybe its my age and i will mature into a true timekeeper like you lads.

    I remember a guy I went to college with, who was constantly late for lessons and everything, including a job interview, which surprisingly, he didn't get invited for a second :D

  2. :lol: ... TJ.. I guess "Wanker" is what we would call "broke dick" .. that must be irradiating... I thinks I would be late coming outta the house on purpose for that one.. 8).. we can choose our friends but not our relatives.. :wounded1:

    It's irritating, to say the least. Stupid thing is most of the time, he's a really nice guy, it's just the passive-aggressive crap he pulls which gets on my nerves :D

  3. personally as a 21 year old only earning £20k, i have tag heuer and Omega watches, i can pull off affording them even though people are still impressed by them, and i can pass them off as genuine, but i COULD NOT wear a £10k Rolex rep and convince people it was genuine because it would be blatantly obvious i dont earn enough, i will get a rolex rep in a few years though.

    i have no shame in passing of my reps as gens to people i dont know, of course my family and friends know but to anyone else (unless they are a watch expert) they are genuine article and 99.9% of people are convinced by the weight, and the automatic movement

    i know people who think the only way to tell a fake rolex from a real rolex is the automatic sweeping movement rather than the tick tock!!!!

    I know a few people like that :D One such chump was bragging a while back about how he'd been doing some work in a guy's house who had a collection of watches, and he was sure they were real, because, get this... They were in the right boxes! :thumbsupsmileyanim::whistling::bangin: That said, he's always been a bit of a muppet, and his normal response to someone getting anything new is always "How much?!" Yeah, real classy... But he's a mate...

    I know what you mean there about Rolexes, I didn't really feel comfortable wearing a Rolex till I hit 30 and was married. Before then, I wouldn't go so far as to say I was 'uncomfortable', but slightly self-conscious would be a fair comment :)

  4. Damn, that looks tasty, bro :tu: My one suggestion/question, is if a silver datewheel might look more uniform, or if it would look too uniform... :pardon: I really like how it's looking though :) Does the bezel scale need re-enameling? I did that with my new Daytona case after brushing the bezel, and it was not only easy to do, but made a huge difference to the finished look :)

  5. I'm with you.

    I despise people that are habitually late for everything, and I make it very clear to them. When I set a business meeting I allow a 10 minute window, otherwise the meeting is cancelled......tough luck for you. If I can be on time, so can they.

    A phone call ahead is all it takes if you can't be on time and I don't think that's too much to ask.

    Absolutely, a little mutual respect and courtesy is all it takes :)

  6. Being on time is an absolute must for me. I am a disciplinarian for punctual time keeping. I find tardiness in people very irritating and shows a lack of character.

    Anyway must dash.... I am late for an appointment!! :thumbsupsmileyanim:


    I think my problem is that if I'm reading online, it'll be 'just one more refresh', and then there's something posted which I need to respond to right there and then :lol: Of course, other than the occasional misshaps like that, I am very punctual, and I don't get in a panic over time. Wifey, on the other hand, really freaks out about punctuality, and will leave early 'just in case'... I blame her step-dad, who would insist on leaving for somewhere at a certain time, say 10:40, but actually goes and gets in the car at 10:35 and spends the next five minutes gunning the motor and bitching about people 'not being on time', when he's the one running early... :thumbdown: Fucking wanker :thumbdown:

  7. I like to be as precise as possible, and will adjust my watches to be as accurate as I can get them. For the most part, my time-keeping is pretty good, and if I know that something will only take me a set time to do, then I will only give myself that allotted time to perform said task: For example, a meeting in town at 2:00 PM, with a 30 minute walk, I'll leave at 1:30. However. If I'm doing something like reading close to that time, sometimes I can 'over-run' a bit and need to double-time it :whistling:

    Considering that everything I do is all about time and precision, yeah... I'm a stickler. My watches are always within +/-15 seconds of GMT when I'm wearing them.

    Here's another timepiece... a coded time source. Verrrrrrry tasty with numitron tubes. Old school meets new school.


    Now that is awesome :tu:

  8. I'm liking the mid date-change shot :thumbs:

    Thanks, it was purely coincidental, not planned :D

    Sounds like a winner for a daily beater. Or a camping watch...??

    Sadly, quite the reverse. Sure, the hands are incredibly easy to see, but the markers on the dial (not the cardinals, but all the others) just tend to blend into one, making the time an effort to read, so by comparison, the Sub is by far the better watch for daily wear or camping, simply due to better legibility. This watch is just such a mixed bag for me... I bought it as a birthday gift to myself, and performed a modification to it which, as an artist, I am extremely proud of, and boosted my confidence immeasurably, yet I just can't seem to 'get comfortable' with it... :black_eye: It's an iconic watch, for sure, and the dial layout is a true vintage testament to the era, with that 2001:Space Odyssey aesthetic, but, I can totally understand why Rolex started using Sub-style markers on the Explorer II (which should really be the Explorer III :bangin: ) I'll try and keep it on for the day, if for no other reason than to monitor the time keeping :D

  9. I like it TeeJay. It's....unique

    Thanks :D I like the fact I lumed the dial by hand with no loupe, I like the fact it keeps very accurate time (never actually measured it for +/- as I haven't worn it for a long enough period to notice) and I like that I re-set the hands so the datewheel rolls over bang on midnight, but the lack of a timing bezel, and the small dial markers are a really big hurdle to overcome... I feel like it deserves more wrist time, I can just never seem to keep it on my wrist very long :wounded1::pardon:

  10. yes that would be great love to see there face, yes those repair centres at rolx ad have to realise that you buy your rolex not rent it from them.....and when you pay 5,000 plus for a rolex from them they shouldent refuse to service your watch because you have installed a non rolex made part (generic) mabe you dont have much change left after forkin out that obsene amount but it was ok when you handed over your cash...i know someone who after damaging the gen strap bought a generic one rolex refused to ever service the watch again what has the strap got to do with servicing the watch? they said they would reconsider if you buy a new rolex braclet! another guy sent his 1987 rolex to the service centre because it kept stopping

    they returned the watch to him in parts with a letter saying we regret to inform you that your watch can not be repaired as it is too old please go to you nearest rolx ad and purchase a new one!

    I know, it's absolutely crazy. I can understand it in terms of a voided warranty, like with say modifying a car, but as you say, at the end of the day, the person buys the watch as their own personal property, not renting it, so it's up to the person what they do with it :) I'm sure I've heard someone else on here say about Rolex declining to service a watch which was considered 'too old'. I believe it might have been a gold watch, and they declined to re-finish the case, if I remember correctly... :bangin:

  11. To be fair, it is possible to get a rep movement to +0.05 per 24 hours. But. Without proper analysing equipment, it takes a LOT of trial and error, and near constant micro-adjustments to get the correct timing, and it takes a while to 'get a feel' for the kind of minute pressures required to do so. Before I got the hang of regulating a watch, I killed several movements through nothing more than inept clumsiness. I would agree with Andy that if spot on accuracy is essential, then quartz would be best suited for your needs, there are some nice quartz watches available, and, at the end of the day, the most important thing with a watch, is that it meets the needs that you personally have for it. Not what looks good on that guy's wrist, or what the guy in the movie wore, but what is best for you. I really like the 1655 McQueen Explorer II. It looks the business, and who doesn't like Steve McQueen. But. I hardly ever wear it, for the simple reason, that a Submariner, with larger dial markers and a timing bezel, is more useful to me and my needs for a watch. I would have no hesitation in wearing a quartz watch if I needed absolutely bang-on wear-it-and-forget-about-it accuracy, but the fact is I don't need a watch to be that accurate, and, as a counterpoint, I can regulate the movement accurately enough for my needs. It all depends on what is best for you. If you do want to learn how to adjust a mechanical movement, then kudos to you, it is certainly a very rewarding experience :victory:

  12. Thank you all for you're replies, I will take a look into getting a cheap Daytona just for the strap! Will the strap fit my Submariner? And WOW! That Explorer on that strap looks amazing. I can get the explorer replica, but where could I get that strap? I really love the combination!!!

    Here's a link to a Daytona for you :) The strap will fit fine :) Just use a pocket knife to spring the springbars on the Daytona, and a small screwdriver to flick the springbars in the Submariner :)

  13. There are some leather straps iv seen forgot the site, loisianna aligator strap that are water proof! but very expensive not everyone can wear stainless steel straps i like both myself leather straps were used in the 1950s replaced by there owners because the old style straps riveted with springs in the links were not very comfortable specialy if you have a hairy wrist like sean connery in DR No and i think from russia with love he wore his rolex on a crocodile or aligator strap its upto you anyway if you are like me you change your straps often! and i dont think a leather strap will make a watch look fake at all in fact it will, if anything make the watch look classy sort of dressy and sporty combined!specialy with a rolex buckle. wear your watch for yourself and not for others!

    My only concern with straps, is that it means not getting the watch wet, and that is something I like to do with my watches :D I think I read somewhere that the Dr. No Sub was on a sharkskin strap, but I'm not 100% sure of that... All I do know for certain, was it was Brocolli's own watch, as Rolex would not provide one for filming :lol:

    yes teejay i agree about the

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