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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Makes perfect sense, and I know precisely what you mean, as I was in the same situation last year when I had to sell off my collection to pay for my wedding. Initially, I had hoped to sell the collection intact, but after only getting 'tire-kickers', I was forced by time constraints to sell the collection individually in the hopes of getting something rather than nothing... in the end, I sold everything and got the amount I needed, so don't be afraid to split the collection in order to get more interest on the watches :) Best of luck with your sales :good:

  2. @Bytor

    I don't know why you would think I'm trolling, my reponse was tailored to reflect the hypocrisy shown by the posters comments about unkind comments made by TTK, yet the poster shows a similar lack of sensitivity regarding perhaps the possible demise of a fellow human being, over what? fake watches!

    My level of 'sensitivity' directly equates to the level of courtessy which Neil showed towards others and myself.

    Fake watches maybe, people do not spend fake money to buy them.

    Do you think it acceptable to threaten to label a parcel so it will be intercepted by customs? Yes or no.

    Do you think it acceptable to bully, harass and threaten people on an online forum for personal amusement? Yes or no.

  3. @TeeJay, I wasn't referring to your post, I was reffering to the posts from Katerchen and KB.

    In regard to your feelings about Neil returning (if it's indeed possible), it appears to me that whilst you may have an opinion on the matter, you perhaps may have no say in it, at least that's what I determine from reading the staff and others opinion, as to the matter of whether Neil would or not return as a member only, I think it would be impossible for staff to prevent him from selling on here or elsewhere, I know if I had the resources right now and he was simply posting photographs, I would certainly be ordering, but that's based on my experiences and what I've had on my wrist over the years and not on perceived harsh words on a page, I'm not that precious. JMHO

    I'm well aware that my feelings on the matter would have no impact on if Neil was to return or not. All I can say on that matter, is if Neil was allowed to return, I would certainly reconsider my contributions and participation in the community. Also, please do not use the phrase 'perceived insults' in such a manner. Neil was a bully, period. If you wish to hold someone like that in high regard, feel free, just don't expect others to share that opinion, or be quick to forget just how Neil behaved toward them for his amusement.

  4. @TeeJay, having now read quite a lot of your posts , I think I understand you now, I would say however that I got a lot more insght into watches and life in general from the long relationship I established with Neil way back on TRC and in the number of conversations I had on Skype with him,than from reading many of your posts, I see you're cup is overflowing with the milk of human kindness, funny. Neil mentioned quite a few members he had conflict with, your name never cropped up, I think I understand why, sorry if that comes across as harsh, just the way I see it.

    I'm not exactly sure what you mean by most of your post, but that's not really important :) I don't think your comment is at all harsh, and I certainly don't take offence by it. Likewise, my posts were not intended to cause offence. On forum, Neil was nothing more than a bully throwing his weight around to anyone he thought would not stand up to him. I have nothing but contempt for people like that. Likewise, someone who threatens to label a parcel so it will almost certainly be seized by customs, shows themself only as petty and vindictive, and someone not to be held in any kind of regard.

  5. There is no 'between the lines' subtext about my post, I said precisely what I feel about the subject. I don't know if Neil is alive or dead, and likewise, I really do not care. I'm not saying I'm wishing him dead because of our past interactions, I'm not that petty, but as Katerchen pointed out above, if Neil is still alive, letting him back onto the forum would be unwise. He was banned for crossing a line which should not be crossed.

  6. @Teejay, you have over 7000 posts here whilst I have less than ten, now I'm fairly new here, but not to forums in general and what goes on in them, so, I took a quick shuftie through your posts and in reading them, wherever TTK is mentioned, there seems to be a lot of negativity regarding him, so I'm presuming that you're one of those that never received a watch from him, hence the negative posts.

    You're quite right, I never received a watch from Neil, but that was because I never did business with Neil, and I never wanted to. The utter disrespect and hostility he showed towards myself and others on many occasions was more than enough for me to know I would rather burn my money than spend a penny of it doing business with him. As someone else previosly said about Neil, he was, what is referred to in the UK, as a gobshite. For all I read about people saying that off-forum he was a decent and charming man, I could not care less. My (and others) only experiences with him on forum were thoroughly unpleasant, that was all we had to base our experiences of him on, and I am nothing but glad that he is no longer here, as there is simply no need to be abusive or hostile towards others online 'for shits and gigs'. In my book, threatening the Admin is not acceptable. In my book, threatening to label a package 'fake Rolex' out of spite, in the endeavor to get it confiscated at customs, is also not acceptable. He once tried to intimidate me by PM on RepGeek, and when my reply to him showed him otherwise, that was the last interaction I had with him, and I couldn't care less if he is dead or alive, it makes no difference to me. Sorry if that comes across as harsh, but those are my honest feelings on the subject.

  7. Use the dealers approved by this forum. That way your money is safe and you'll be sure to get what you pay for. :good:

    Not saying everbody else are scammers but why take the chance? :rolleyes:

    Of all the watches I've bought, and all the 'off the beaten path' dealers I've used, the only problems I have had with deals, was when I used 'forum trusted' dealer... :bangin:

  8. its a shame that the second "p" in PERPETUAL its like kinda crooked right???

    it seems small :wounded1:

    The P isn't crooked, the letter itself is damaged. If you look at the bottom tip of the R, the bottom of the P and the lower left corner of the E (peRPEtual) they are all slightly damaged, as if something rubbed against the dial and removed the printing, which is a shame...

    Other than that, a fantastic build :good:

  9. I got it serviced and water proofed with Briciola so the work will be top rate.

    Looks like it is a 60/40 in favour of taking it in the pool.

    Ohhh what to do ;)

    If your watch was to flood, would you have the skills to de-case the movement to dry the case?

    If yes, then I would suggest holding the watch under a faucet running at full pressure for a few moments. That will let you know if the watch can withstand light immersion.

    If no, take the watch off the bracelet, and fit it to a leather strap. That way, you can take the watch off near a pool, and if anyone asks (highly unlikely) you can just say you don't want to get the watch wet and spoil the leather strap ;)

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