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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. No change from me, but I felt the need for a new photo :)


    We went out earlier for one of my best friend's birthday, and a mutual friend, who is also interested in design etc, almost as soon as he joined us at the table, commented on the watch :)

    Lang: "Is that the watch you built yourself?"

    Me: "Yeah..."

    Lang: "Cooooooool....!"

    Me: B)

    Always nice to get complimented on a watch. Ironically, the friend who's birthday it was, was the person who commented on my 029a when we were in a bar and she grabbed my wrist to check it out :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  2. :thumbsupsmileyanim::drinks::rofl:

    The 'happy accident' is still on my wrist :D


    Strangely disconcerting watch to wear, as there's absolutely no indication of if it's actually running without a second hand (at least a base PAM ticks enough to be noticed :D ) but I do like the clarity of the dial :) I was never over-keen on the B&Rs, but this watch might just convince me to pick one up so I get water-resistance :)

  3. Not quite a wrist shot, but this is what's on my wrist...


    It did originally have a second hand, but it vanished down the side of the sofa... :bangin:

    The watch had no lume, so I did the hands and dial, only to find that the hour hand was set so close to the dial, it could not clear the applied lume, and bending the hand to gain clearance, and thus requiring all the other hands to be bent, resulted in the second hand dragging on the inside of the crystal and stalling the movement. Oh well, I only bought it as lume practice, and possibly to wear while camping, so for $10 I can't complain :)

  4. It sort of sounded from the thread that he was so bummed about the deal and discovering that his watch was not a "Real" Rolex, he could never be happy about it again, it suddenly wasn't a ROLEX, it was just a watch with a Rolex motor! I'm sure the decade of loyal service went out the window the moment he got that package back from the RSC with his unserviced watch and the rejection notice. Too bad, because he still has a watch that's as good as it gets, just needs a service. He will never be happy with this one ever again.too bad.


    I agree, that was the impression I got as well, hence the point about perspective, as in reality, the watch was not suddenly less real when he received it back, than it ever had been, it was just his perception of it which shifted. :pardon:

  5. Being a Libra, I'm totally caught on the fence on this one... On the one hand, I have to agree with Freddy that the differences in construction techniques/materials could well play a part in how a modern bezel can be faded compared to an old bezel fading in time, but on the other hand, the modder in me would be fascinated to know if it actually would work, as from a scientific perspective, it is covering all the bases :):good:

  6. More than likely what happened here is Ashford got hooked on this watch as a trade-in, that was signed off as genuine by and inexperienced Ashford watch repair person. Ashford cut their losses by passing it along. I'm sure had the guy been smart and taken the watch to an experienced watchmaker who could tell it was "put together" Ashford would have claimed innocence by virture of the genuine movement, and exchanged it or refunded his money. Now unfortunately, "The train is gone". He can take it to a good Rolex repair person, have it serviced, and wear it with out shame. That's what I would do. Or he can do what some folks do with no qualms at all, put it in a Rolex box with a handful of papers and put it on Ebay as a genuine Rolex sub. Passing it along to the next"mullet"

    Just my Dos Centavos


    I think you hit the nail on the head there, and your comment about shame ties back to my comment on perception. Assuming everything in his account is honest, then for the past decade, he's been going around wearing what he thought, was a genuine Rolex, and if anyone asked "Is that a real Rolex?" he probably said "yes,". Not a deliberate falsehood, as he would have thought he was telling the truth, but, of course, it was a rep all along, so the only difference between him telling someone it was real, and someone who knowingly bought a rep and tries to pass it off as a gen (possibly equally successfully) is the knowledge of the owner and their perception of the truth. It would be interesting to know how/if the owners perception of the watch (as a watch, not as an investment) changed upon finding out that it was actually a rep, and if the financial aspect could be overlooked, and it was still appreciated as the watch which had obviously given a decade of loyal service :)

  7. Absolutely fantastic, I'm really glad you're pleased with it :good: I have a Casio diver's watch knocking about somewhere, which, should the worst come to the worst and everything else fails, would be pressed back into service :) As you say, no soul, no pedigree, but they do what they're meant to do, and just keep on ticking :) (once a second ;) )

  8. Ok TJ.. lets go with your banner like the Member of the year and the RWG ring logo..Maybe a note at the top of the page "edition#, date etc."thes ecan be added on upon release.. introduction as one of the Editors would be apropos.. a little background of yourself..

    Not a problem :) Even though I'm still restoring my PC software, all the files used are in my archive on a 1TB external harddrive, so not a problem at all for me to re-use that theme for a banner :) I'll crack on with it as soon as I get my PC 100% operational again :)

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