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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. If 'expensive looking' is what you want, I'd suggest the TT Submariner with blue dial. I don't know enough about gold and gold plating to say how well it would last, but, I think that, even if scuffed up, it would look better than the Diamond DJ. As Doc said, they're gaudy. He was being polite. I'll go that step further, and say they look tacky. Unless you wear a lot of similar jewelry, which it could 'blend in with', I don't think it would look good as a 'daily wear' watch. TT Sub, on the other hand, will always look good (as long as the gold doesn't wear off :lol: ) Best of luck with making your decision, and welcome to the forum :good:

  2. I think my bro Lani's covered the main things: We all make mistakes, and we all learn from them. Silly (outright stupid) thing to do, but, it takes cojones to own up and admit being wrong, so all due respect for doing that :good:

    With regards your comment about learning from the folks over there... It's been said that many members of gen forums are little more than brandname-worshipping elitists (see the comment telling the other person they were not welcome) who don't actually know anything about their watches beyond the price tags. Folks here, on the other hand, know about both the reps and the gen watches... One has to know about the gen, to know about the rep... People here are also used to 'making their own repairs' and even building their own watches from scratch. I don't think many on a gen forum would know how to do that... The resource of information which you seek is right here, not over the road, under a 'brand-name banner'. Have a read, and I'm sure you'll find out everything you ever wanted to know (and more) about watches :good:

  3. Many years ago whilst working for an AD, the managers shop rule was that anyone came in flouting a rep, we had the copyright and makers respected rights to basically take the hammer to the watch and turn it into little pieces.


    I would love to see the results of an AD actually foolish enough to try confiscating someone's personal property... Reps are not illegal for a person to own. Yes, taking a rep into an AD is verboten, but people still have rights over their own personal property :D Any AD who tried to confiscate a rep, could wind up facing a theft charge ;)

  4. It's a tricky balance, to be sure. I've had deals go very well with members with hardly any posts, and, by the same token, had members with very few posts make offers to buy, but fail to complete the transaction. When that happened, that made me think "fine, platinum members only..." but, given that most platinum members already had what I was selling, it wasn't as if they'd want to buy duplicates, so easier to make some things open to all. I don't even mind if someone backs out of a sale when, following questions, it turns out the item is not what they're looking for, because as mentioned above, I'm not going to take someone's money just because I want it, and I'd certainly rather someone explain and then step back, rather than simply not send the money, and totally back out of the deal like a piker... I guess it's just a case of being grateful when a transaction goes well, and philosophic when things don't work out as intended...

    [edit to add]

    I'd say that in general, the world is a generally ruder, less considerate, and more self-centered place than it was, not even a decade ago...

  5. I've got my second 'wedding reception' on Sunday afternoon, and as it'll mean being away from home for a few days, I'm just going to be wearing one watch. That watch, being this awesome wedding gift from my bro, Nikki6 B)


    I have to admit, I had previously thought it would only be a 'dress watch', but, I've got to admit, it looks pretty damn good with jeans and a white shirt B)

  6. Thanks for the kind words people. I have to go to trial next month and apparently, this is the third DD offence for this idiot. He was driving on a suspended licence and if convicted, will face a 2 year jail sentence. Quite unreal how these asses keep re-offending.

    "If convicted" :o

    Given that this was his third strike, and they know he was driving on a suspended license, and that you've got surgical rods coming out of your knuckles, I'd certainly expect the parasite to be convicted. Here's hoping :good:

    As for re-offenders, you're spot on. It's crazy how these social parasites think they can just carry on as they had been.

  7. Damn, really sorry to hear about your accident, I hope you heal up. I know I'd be absolutely screwed if I was ever to damage my hands in any serious way. As folks have mentioned, next time you're in, ask the doc about upgrading to some Adamantium claws ;) All the best for a speedy recovery :good:

    And as for people who:

    :drinks: then :drive1:... (or any kind of unsafe driving practice) Fuck you. Your actions have greater consequences than your own miserable lives :angry2::gun2:

  8. I agree with Andy, it'll probably be worth filing 'the feet' of the CG to ensure a better contact between the crown and lever. I had to do the same thing on mine (same case number as yours) It's not tricky, just a bit time consuming, but well worth it in the end, to ensure a good closure of the crown :)

  9. Yeah, they are dropping 904L and going back to 316 with its 'much darker appearance' apparently...

    ..of course, I'm just kidding! haha

    edit: Just to add, the appearance itself may look different in certain aspects due to the fact that the pictures in *this* format are usually computerised detailed models with simulated lighting. However, the brushing in previous pictures has been done as per the actual watches appearance (i.e. diagonal on the lugs). So it seems they have intentionally made the lugs appear vertically brushed.

    I'm not even sure if I like the look.. particularly since in GENS the brushed finish of the lugs is very noticable.

    I know what you mean, I'm not particularly liking the look myself, but I think it's just the color/finish of the SS which is bothering me... As you say, could be computerized rather than actual detail though... Only time will tell B)

  10. Hey TJ, well picked up on about the brushed visibility. I also noticed that the brushed lugs on the SS case are no longer diagonal (as they are at the moment) strokes but vertical!

    You're quite right, the case brushing is indeed not diagonal... I'm not sure if it's the lighting, the amount of brushing on the case, or if it could even be an attribute of the metal itself, but the SS looks just a shade too dark, compared to previous watches... :g:

  11. The DJII (no comment)


    The really funny thing about that one, is that if I didn't know the source, I'd think it was a rep :lol: Maybe it's just me, but I don't think that bracelet is doing any favors for the fluted bezel, and the dial just looks so... plain/flat... Not what I'd expect of a gen DJ :lol: Oh well, it'd be boring if everyone liked the same things :)

  12. I'm not sure if it's just the quality of the photos, but the grain on the brushed parts of the watches is really noticeable... I'm not too sure I like it... Even though I'm not one for wearing gold or TT, I like how they both look overall, but would prefer to see a different finish to the brushed sections...

    Thanks for sharing the pics :)

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