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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Sorry

    I think if its his all time fav piece, he would love some good quality picture references of what a good rep versus bad rep are and subsequently the gen article. Just trying to help point the man in the right direction. Not pissing on anyones parade.


    Oh I see what you're saying, and yes, reference leads are always helpful, but what I'm meaning, was your first comment:

    Hate to say it looks nothing like the gen. Dial color seems funky, case i am not sure whats going on looks like a saucepan and the bracelet is weird....... Looks like its been pop riveted :S. Hope you didnt spend more than $100 on this.

    was pretty critical, and I totally see what you're meaning, that more reference can only be helpful, I was just meaning, that the from the photos he's posted, James is obviously really pleased with the watch, regardless of it's inaccuracies, and I wouldn't want that 'love of the watch' to be tainted by having the flaws pointed out, without any 'nice watch' compliments to balance the feedback, that's all :) Even a bad rep can still be thoroughly enjoyed by it's owner :)

  2. Astronomical amounts

    Swiss watches are sold at hyper-inflated prices to people who, while able to afford the price tag, are still paying more than they need be. Who are the real thieves here...?

    Everyone suffers

    As Swiss watches can create feelings of elitism and superiority in those who can afford the hyper-inflated price tags, and think that said price tag makes them a better person... Not owning a Swiss watch can create feelings of inadequacy in those unable to afford the hyper-inflated price tags, but who come into contact with those who can...

    Counterfeiters provide employment to people. Employment provides an economy, enables a worker to pay for a roof over their head and food for their table... Such counterfeit watches are sold at prices more reflective of the actual value of the items, so could be considered as Fair Trade watches...

    A powerful message

    Consumerism and brand-name worship = FTL. Look what happened when Moses came back to find people worshipping the golden cow... The Almighty was displeased.

    We can no longer stand by and do nothing, so let’s say it out loud: “FAKE WATCHES ARE FOR FAKE PEOPLE!”

    Wrong: Overpriced Swiss watches are for fake people, who feel they need the trappings of wealth to validate themselves. Fake watches are for people who wish to be able to tell the time and have a fine-looking time-piece, but not have to pay a ludicrous price tag for the privilege...

    Lets get a few things straight, the watch industry is mostly the luxury industry. Meaning that the items are mostly expensive and well made. The fake watch industry is the complete opposite, as the items are typically cheap and ill-made. Are these two really serving the same market? The bottom line is that there is no real proof that the fake watch industry really hurts the luxury watch industry. The same people who are buying fakes watches are not the people who can even afford the real ones. Thus, you are really not taking away from the luxury market. If anything, fake watches only enhance the desire for the real, quality authentic watches that faces cannot truly replicate. And if the fakes can replicate them easily, then they aren't luxury watches worth their high price.

    Ah, but there is one scenario where fake watches are a problem, and I honestly don't know how much of a problem it really is. This is when a person buys a fake watch thinking it is a real watch.

    Boo hoo, so someone got rolled for a chump... I'm sure it happens to countless tourists the world over on a daily basis... Buyer beware!

    So then, why are the brands so up in arms about fake watches?

    Moral indignation...

    Oh, and I know a lot of fake people that wear real watches. I'll leave the topic open for discussion and I don't need to go into a long essay on my continued thoughts. Finally, the "instructions" on the ad rub me the wrong way. Triggers the "don't tell me what to do" segment of my brain. "Be authentic. Buy real?" Get real... Isn't the luxury watch industry kinda intrinsically connected to the fashion industry. That industry that is notorious for sprouting "fake" people. I mean come on... the ad itself even features a mannequin hand! Go make a nice watch and leave me to trying to afford it.

    And at the end, they finally seem to get it :D

  3. Guys, this is EXACTLY the type of stuff I've been lookin for! :)

    @TJ I like it, very modern yet rugged styling there and the beaten up Sub goes with the outfit well!

    Thanks, it was fun to do :) It's too hot to be wearing anything else at the moment :lol: The combats/shorts are from material about the same thickness of a button-down shirt, so much cooler than a pair of jeans :) Indeed, I think the Sub goes perfectly, and when seen with the wardrobe, conveys exactly what I'd planned when building/modifying it: Functionality, but complete inconspicuousness/forgettability. I don't want anyone to even notice the watch, let alone give it a second glance and see the R Word on the dial :D If I wanted something 'shiny and attractive', I'd've gone with a modern watch :) (I'm even hoping to make my planned GMTIICSub as low-key as possible ;) )

    @Freddy: As mentioned by Ammandel, that's just pure class :good:

  4. I think I would have been quite peeved if someone grabbed my wrist like that. It's definitely rude and un-called for. If some one wants to see one of my watches, I will gladly show them if they ask. And I always tell them its a fake (if it is).

    I agree, I'll always be honest with someone about a watch if they're being polite and genuinely interested, but if someone's acting like a jackass, then they don't deserve the courtesy of honesty :D

  5. Crazy situation... Just to play Devil's Advocate, and to give the guy the benefit of the doubt, (given that he then apologized and called it a gen) Might he have thought that he was being funny? Might he have thought he was 'calling out' something which he really thought of as being gen? I don't know... The guy sounds like an ass, so proving his ignorance wasn't exactly a moral crime, after all, why let someone with the mentality of a highschool bully actually think they've 'got one up', by admitting their assumption/joke/hunch was correct... Shrug it off :)

  6. On the other hand, walk into an AD of some sort and wear a nice rep (not one of the brands the AD is selling of-course), you'll get a VIP treatment...

    I'm a grad student, and at my spare time probably dress and look like a typical broke college student. I do like to try many gens before I decide which rep to get, so I bother ADs quite a lot... The different attitude I get if I wear a nice watch is amazing, and actually I get better price offers like that. Of course, I could get the same results by wearing a nice suit, but simply wearing the watch is so much easier....

    I agree, I was wearing a pretty poor rep GMT II Coke when we went to Tokyo, but in the ADs I stopped in (both UK and Japan) there was none of that "What do YOU want??!" snobbery. Of course, when I popped into the Rolex AD, the GMT went in my pocket, and funnily enough, of all the brands I looked at, it was the Rolexes which impressed me the least :lol: That said, coming back, I think it helped that I had my wingman with me to help get the attention of the ladies ;)


  7. That's very true! I wore my Omega DeVille Hour Vision, which is the most incorrect rep I own and the salesman was enthralled by my watch. "Oh wow that's a really nice watch! You must make a lot of money." I just smiled and thanked him for the compliment on the watch and then had a blast test driving the new Dodge Challenger SRT8. Man that beast is fast!!!

    Sweet :tu:

  8. TJ i was bvored while i was waiting for a very large email to send tonight so i made a lolipop i took an old crappy set of hands and soaked them in iosoprpenol alcohol

    then i cleaned off the old lume

    used a hammer and a screwdriverto nock out the old mid bits (it was getting late) used a cutting took on the dremil to trim the rest off and lumed it with blue lume as it was all i have

    I know the photos are crappy but arnt mine always?

    Fantastic result, my friend :good: Might this lead to you also building a Tudor project?

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