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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. PyramidDJY.jpgI have owned a few gen Datejusts and the two newer ones with Roman style markers had no lume. I owned a 2001 Pyramid dial and a 1999 Rhodium dial. The older stick marker dial versions had a dot of lume as described by Tee Jay. The Datejust comes with many dial options. There are dial version where Roman markers are printed on the dial and the face is like an old clock and these dials have no lume. I have seen factory diamond dials at authorized dealers that also lack lume. With the Datejust it is difficult to generalize with accuracy.

    You're quite right about the Roman numeral dials lacking lume, I thought I had seen them with lume, but I must have imagined it, so I stand corrected :good:

  2. The best answer i've found on the forums is:

    The material for making lume (superluminova/tritium etc. etc.) is very costly and pound-for-pound, is worth more than its weight in gold. Due to the working conditions and socio environment of the factories, most factories won't trust it's sweatshop underage, and underpaid staff with such an expensive/valuable commodity.

    I wouldn't call it the best answer, but certainly interesting :lol:

    I would suspect that the reason why factories don't use the best lume, is because the majority of their customers likely don't care about if their watch glows like a torch. Forum members make up a very small percentage of those factory-sales, so it's simply not worth their [the factory] while to pay extra, for a cost the average Joe Sixpack isn't going to want to pay on a market stall... Supply and Demand is the issue here, or to be more precise, profit and loss...

    Also, with regards the 'underage' issue, I think it is more likely to see children in factories snapping circuit boards into a DVD player, than it would be to see them constructing a mechanical watch... ;)

  3. Thanks, that's some great information! Here's a shot of two that have the lume sun-bleached completely white. You can see what the UV has done to the dial on the Seadweller too.


    The brown hue to the Seadweller is similar to what's happened when I baked my project sub dial, but on mine, it's much more pronounced... From what happened with mine at 60 seconds, I'm guessing a 15-20 second bake should achieve that partial browning, although I suspect the indices would be darkened, rather than bleaching lighter...

  4. @Teejay - I am intrigued to see what project this post has been a catalyst for! Keep us posted ;) Yes, a Submariner is next on the list...I know i had a V2 refurbished, but I have something else lined up at the moment.....can't really say much just yet, but hopefully Il post some pictures in a month or so. I also have my name down for the WM9 Seadweller, so I am really looking forward to this one.

    It might be a while in the development, and it's not quite a fully finalized design idea yet, but I think it'll be interesting :) I'll be interested to see what you get :) Given the amount of modern watches in the collection, might a vintage one add a little diversity, or, on the other hand, would a contemporary sub be more in keeping? Time will tell :)

  5. Fantastic additions to the collection :) It's actually given me a rather warped idea for a new project :whistling: but the least said, the better... :lol:

    That's a fantastic collection, as it covers the basics, with some nice variety :) Have you any plans to add a Sub or SD to the collection?

  6. Funny enough, my wife just said the same thing in a different context. We have a litter of puppies at the moment, now 6 weeks old, and one of the new owners emailed her this morning to say she was coming round this afternoon to see the puppy. Note, not is it OK if I come round. It was just fortunate that my wife had to order something on the internet or she probably wouldn't have checked her emails till this evening. She emailed back and said she had an appointment this afternoon, would Thursday be OK. Received an answer saying"We'll be round at 3:30pm on Thursday", again not is it convenient, just we will. She is now muttering about the lack of manners of people nowadays, and if the woman wanted to come this afternoon why didn't she phone rather than send an email she had no way of knowing would be read, blah, blah. I think I will need to have a word with this bloody woman when she comes round about her manners, after all I'm the one that gets it in the neck!!



  7. Ha ha, I wish I were there to see that :lol::lol: , good for you TeeJay....

    He was on a BMX, (and not going fast) so it was easy to grab the middle of the handlebars and give a twist of the wrist to direct him away from me. You'd think that I'd violated some kind of Human Right the way he started kicking off and yelling :D (he only started heading into a wooden fence, so no danger to life or limb), never mind the fact that if I hadn't 'redirected him' or moved out of the way, he'd've either definitely have hit me, or cut it so close, that it was obvious that his intention was to try and shit me up, rather than someone accidentally getting too close... Oh well... No harm done to either party, and hopefully a lesson in manners learned :)

  8. I totally agree Ubi. It is not just this forum. I notice this daily while out and about.

    Not sure how "up" everyone is on the current Generational Slang terms. Remember "Gen X", "Gen Y". Evidently the latest is "Generation ME", "Gen ME". This demographic is basically the current 20 to early 30 somethings.

    Some say Social Media is furthering the cause. When you really think about the MyFaceSpaceTwitBook and even personal blogs-- what are they really accomplishing? Look at me, look at my, hurray for me. Unfortunately, something like this forum, which is built on image building material goods-- only further brings out some of this attitude.

    The old "I got mine!", to hell with everything else attitude. :( Many of these people feel entitled as well.

    That's where I met my wife :lol:

  9. +1 Ubi, and not only here........Having my own studio, I frequently get mails with.........What is the price of....that item?

    No sender, nothing

    Is it just this timearea we live in or what?

    I think it might be... The internet gives people the ability for near instant gratification, and sadly, sometimes people's manners take a backseat :(

  10. I'd say go for it :) It might be moddable with replacement parts, or, as above, it might not be, but even if it's not, you could always do some work with what it does have, such as scuffing up the case/bracelet, maybe bake the dial for 10 seconds... It might not be perfect, but it could still be a nice watch in its own right :good:

  11. Oh it's not just on the web. Hold a door open for somone and you would think you had just handed them a million dollars. What used to be common curtesey is now apperantly execptional behavior.


    Or when standing to the side to let a cyclist pass (which is bad enough that they're on the footpath, but that's another rant :D ) is obviously not worth of the courtesy of a quick 'thanks'.

    Some punk tried to play 'chicken' with me a few weeks back, despite the path being wide enough for four people to walk shoulder to shoulder, then didn't like it when, at the last moment, I grabbed his handlebars and steered him in a different direction... :rolleyes: What a fucknut... Oh well, I expect his parents were related before they were married, so probably not his fault... <_<

  12. DAM that bad huh. I will just take your word for It, thanks :) Mike

    That bad, bro :lol: As Gavidoc said above, (and I'd actually forgotten) Faisal tried to weasel out of the negative by saying he'd remove the negative to me, if I did likewise. I just refused to remove it and lived with the negative for the year, better to bear the burden than to compromise my own principles.

  13. Indeed, it's a sad state of affairs. I think some people just don't know any better, some are just outright rude... I always prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt that they might not know better, but sadly I think many folks these days just don't care about common courtesy, and the worse thing, is that they're raising kids to be equally ignorant of good manners :( Oh well, such is life...

  14. Nothing different from me, externally, at least ;)


    I performed a movement transplant this morning, returning the original factory movement to the case, as the new movement (which came under the dial :D ) was stopping every 36 hours or so, so clearly some kind of problem with the rotor/self-winding mechanism... Strange the rotor rotates, I could hear the gears winding, I could even see them winding when winding the rotor by finger, with the movement exposed, but for some reason, the movement kept stopping after 36 hours, so I thought easier to just swap the movement back, and keep the back up movement in the back up watch, as I seldom wear a NATO strap for 36 hours (and if I do, I'll just have to hand-wind it PAM-style :D )

  15. Well, the courts have defined the terms in Rolex vs Meece: "converted" and "enhanced"

    An interesting read, thanks for the link :) I think it's funny that they (Rolex) allowed the term 'enhanced' to be used, as an enhancement is a positive change, where I'd've thought that they would be arguing that as non-gen parts were being used, it would actually be a 'downgrade' or something like that :) Scary that the guy sent the watch back without the original movement that time... Buyer beware indeed...

  16. It's an Aftermarket Upgrade.

    And yes, you can be sued for modifying someone's trademark and "passing it off" as the genuine article.

    Absolutely :)

    That is a great one TeeJay. It has an excellent sound to it ...compare : "this is a Franken Datejust" TO "this is a custom Datejust" .... I am onboard with this one. thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

    I think custom also refers to something no longer made up of original parts not just something made to order. A custom watch can be made on spec with the intention being to put it into the inventory for general sale with no specific buyer having ordered it or something like it. Composite is a fine option too.

    I think both terms have validity, depending upon the watch in question, or, more specifically, the intent behind it's construction. I think 'composite' is a fine term to describe any built watch which is built of whatever (rep or gen) parts are available to build 'a working watch', with no real intent to final appearance, other than functionality as a time-keeper, where I think 'custom' is a good term to describe a watch which is built out of (rep or gen) parts, with the intent of the watch having a particular (customer/owner chosen, but fantasy) appearance.

    I think if the builder's intent is to replicate a specific model of watch (as closely as possible), I feel that that's when the watch becomes an homage, as it is intended to look a particular way (regardless of rep or gen parts), but that appearance is being dictated by the original factory design, rather than the builder's own choices :)

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