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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. I was just curious how others handled this. I had a Rolex replica years ago (I had to stop wearing it because the gold plating wore off--a piece of junk), and people would ask about it. Rolex was less common in the 1980s than it is now.

    With my family I quickly mentioned it was a replica as I didn't want them to think I was squandering my vast fortune on trinkets.

    With strangers I would say, "I prefer not to discuss my financial indescretions" when they got too curious about the watch.


    *adds that to list of phrases to use in future* :D

  2. Since UK Trading Standards is in charge of all criminal sanctions related to the sale of counterfeit goods inside the UK, this may not be in the top ten of great ideas you've ever had.... ;)

    Anyone pursuing legal avenues over reps is not going to win any popularity contests around here either.

    The venting and frustration is understandable, but really people will have to cross-fingers and see how it plays out.

    I know, and at the end of the day, I appreciate that some folks are into Rocketeer for more than just ARd crystals, but, who's to say how they got said watch in the first place? Maybe they won it at a buddy's playing poker... Maybe a friend gave it to them to settle a debt... Maybe it was a gift... Maybe they just didn't want to pay an overpriced 'in house' service charge... Plenty of defences people could use should it come to it (which it most likely wouldn't), and, as Pix mentioned, most likely lead to confiscations at worse...

    At the end of the day, if Rocketeer is not providing the services he has been paid for, then that is an actionable tort under UK law. The nature of the watch the crystals came from is irrelevent... He's been paid to provide X, and has provided Y, or, taken unreasonably long times to return goods or resolve the issues. That is all actionable. I agree, threats are not the way to go, and are in themselves, breaches of the Malicious Communications Act and Protection from Harassment Act, and could potentially be actionable, although, it would likely be appreciated that any such 'threats' were being made out of frustration rather than outright malice...

    As Pix pointed out, the AR sounds like a pre-meditated scam, so it would not be unreasonable for someone (and an industry professional at that) to maybe take a little official heat for it. I'm not trying to stir anything up here, I've just tried to provide relevent legislature that might be of help to people. I do appreciate that this isn't a legal hobby, I just find it frustrating to think that people decide that they can prey on the community(s) here, and get away with it, because people feel they can't go to the authorities... Given how the Jakub Incident has panned out, it's pretty clear that sitting back and seeing how it plays out, can result in someone going AWOL without resolving the issues, and people being down cash and property...

    Just my .2c... :)

  3. This is the closest I can find on a quick search, but hopefully it will be of some comfort to people...

    Hypothetical Question:

    I took my leather boots to be reheeled at a local shoe repairers. When I collected them I noticed that the leather on one of the shoes had a bad scratch. These were quite new, expensive boots. What are my rights?

    Legal Answer:

    Under the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 (as amended) the repairers should exercise reasonable care and skill whilst reheeling your boots. Any damage caused by them through their negligence or lack of care should be put right at their expense. If the boots can't be repaired, then you are entitled to 'reasonable' compensation.

    Further reading:


  4. Guys, for some of us is not just an AR issue.

    We haven't received anything at all , ...... neither crystals nor watches.

    Several Items are currently at Rocketeers hands and we do not know what we will receive or even worse, if we will ever receive something.

    That situation with Rocketeer, day by day, it looks more and more like the "K2222 latest stage".

    At the end ......, broken communication , dealer disappears, items lost for ever.

    In that case, again, UK Trading Standards might be able to help, in so much as finding ways to retrieve the items and refunds, as the items have not been worked on as promised (again, this would count as a 'service being provided for financial restitution', and, UK Trading Standards protects buyers who feel that the 'service they received' was not as agreed/described/or in any other way unsatisfactory) There may even be a possibility of restitution should anything be returned in such a way that it would require another watch smith to work on it to put things right... I know these are replica watches, but there are legal avenues which can be investigated, and probably much more desirable than sending the boys round ;)

    Best of luck with any resolutions :good:

  5. Any other feeback ? The owners of the 60+ crystals/watches ?

    Something's in the air, and hopefully it will speed up things...

    Thx to the person organizing the riposte.

    @TJ : you may be right.

    If this was to get taken to the police, I'm sure that a defense of "But they're illegal fake watches!!!1" will come out, but, regardless of the legalities of the watches (which aren't illegal to own) it won't change the fact that X product was offered, and Y product received, and it would also be scientifically provable that Chieftang's Military-grade AR is superior (in many ways) to optical grade AR, which might have been used in these cases. In a case like this, where someone has offered a particular service, been paid for it, and then issued a sub-standard replacement 'service', then I believe that UK consumer rights are squarely behind the buyer in this instance. Doubly so, as, not only could it be proven that the AR coats are different, but, the other angle, is that people were paying for a service, which was not provided to their satisfaction (which, for example, is why people are not legally obliged to pay for a bad haircut, as the barber was paid to perform a service, and failed to do so to the expected standard)

    Best of luck getting it all resolved :good:

    [Edit to add]

    If not the police, certainly Trading Standards... The only thing to remember to stress, is that the two AR processes produce different results, so just because they might say "The crystal was AR coated..." that's still very different to a crystal being Cheiftang AR coated, and that was what people were expecting and paying for...

  6. Thanks for the update, T :)

    Just to keep people in the loop, in the next 48 hours, I plan on doing very little, wearing my project sub on a NATO strap, and maybe do a bit more work on my arc reactor project (if I can be motivated enough in this heat :D )

    See you on the flipside, amigos :drinks:

  7. I agree, over the last few years, I have become a real photoholic! Everywear I go, I seem to see inspiration for a nice picture, I'm a real nightmare to be with sometimes........ 'oohh sorry, one sec, I just want to take a quick picture' :)

    Well if she needs any convincing shoot me a PM and I can send a few more shots through to your email address. It would make an absolutely brilliant couples holiday, especially a newly wed one like yourselves. In the evenings some of the bays are just like out of a film set!

    The dog was so funny. I almost missed the shot as he decided to go back inside. As I was walking off he popped his head out again so I whipped the camera out John Wayne style.

    I think I've always enjoyed photography, but it's only in the last few years, with digital technology that I've been able to enjoy the hobby at the level which I want to enjoy it at, if that makes any sense? I've got a 35mm SLR, but I don't want to be lugging it around with me everywhere just on the off chance I might see something, and then the time of getting the film developed etc... I only tend to take my digital camera with me to parties or on holiday, for everything else, my iPhone has given me the camera when I need it, for what I need :)

    I think once she sees your photos, she'll be keen to go. I'd never actually seen photos of Malta so didn't really know what it looked like, but it looks like an awesome blend of Italy and Spain, so definitely somewhere I'd like to try and visit in the future :)

    Awesome :D He reminds me of a boxer who lives down the street from us, who's often 'on duty' at his gate, and always pays attention to 'his regulars' :D

  8. @Teejay - it was your post a few weeks back that inspired me to post the pictures. It's nice to see different areas of the world from the point of view of regular tourists rather than through the eyes of independant internet sites (and some not so independant) :drinks:

    Glad to have been of inspiration :) I just like taking the photos while I'm away, as it gives me something to focus on while I'm there, and of course, it's nice to share the memories with folks :drinks:

    I think it's nice to see things from the perspective of someone actually there, which travel sites and what not often lack. I can definitely see why my nan enjoyed visiting, I might have to try and convince my wife to take a trip there :) I'm liking the dog, he looks like he had character :D

  9. Thanks TJ! Yeah, for the first we can say "NO, it's not a Rolex!" ...

    Sure, it would be cool to see reps with the Tudor clasp. Specialy with a folded link bracelet.

    I wonder why it's so hard to do that !!!

    Maybe Tudor is not a top seller in fact.

    Indeed, as long as it's not a Rolex, it can't be a fake (so think the majority of people :D )

    It's a shame about the clasps. There are reps of a Tudor Hydronaut about, which have a proper Tudor clasp, which I guess someone could swap onto an older oyster bracelet, but it I don't think it would really work on a more modern oyster bracelet, like the one you've shown :) I guess it's just a case of the Tudors not being an popular as Rolex subs, so the factories probably don't see the need to make them... Oh well :)

  10. Ultimately the scorpio craves security and power, but they can become intoxicated by power. They can be very extreme, which can be either external or more often internalized. But the spectrum is either love or hate, there is rarely a middle ground. Their actions serve to intensify their power which can be self destructive. They like a good sulk. They like to talk about subjects that others would like to keep secret this can be confronting for many but used wisely they can be an effective and efficient partner. They can be fixated by one idea and won't leave it until they've dissected to the nth degree. You should use their emotional strength and focus their analytical abilities to your advantage. At the end of the day you either get along with a Scorpio or you don't they tend to be the most 'annoying' frustrating and unliked sign of the zodiac. That's quite unfair because they are the most loyal and if they value you, then you have a lifelong allie, which much beter than having one against you. Look at exactly why they cause you grief, is it that your own expectations aren't being met? Address their behaviour rather than the person, they should respect your honesty

    You're absolutely spot on there. To be honest, much of their verbal comments aren't directed at me, and those that are, I can kind of ignore (although I feel that I shouldn't have to) As you say, in other ways, they are in incredibly loyal person, so I don't want to be ungreatful to that support or loyalty, hense my use of the term 'giri' I know that I have to put up with it as part of that obligation, I was just hoping to find a better coping strategy :)

  11. why do you keep calling it 'giri'?

    you haven't found an English word that sufficiently conveys the meaning of the word?

    I'm not Japanese, but you're absolutely correct, in that the English language simply does not have an accurate translation for the concept of obligations of this nature and their implications on my daily life :)

    but to address your topic, why not simply explain that his comments are not appreciated, he's probably used to getting away with it, so regardless of the duty or obligation that you have, confront him about it.

    I really would, but there's only so much that I can say to someone when I'm pretty much living under his roof... THis is the problem. Anyone else, I'd just say I don't appreciate the behaviour and walk away from it, but, in my situation, that would involve creating either a really unpleasant atmosphere in the home, or, effectively making myself homeless, hense the dilemma :D

  12. "reed bending in the wind". Yes, a fitting phrase. Possibly my 'shouting at him' approach was just something that worked uniquely in my situation - the thing was that I didn't/don't do it often, and only when the individual concerned needed to know just how deeply he'd landed himself in it... I'm one of those people who don't really care whether the person concerned is junior or senior to me - if they piss me off royally, they get to hear about it. Oddly, I've always gotten away with it :p

    My colleague is very much the games player - and I've tried to make those games as dull and unrewarding for him as possible by refusing to play. It's not that I ignore the barbs, I just try to turn them into something that's a whole lot less fun for him. Refusing to be insulted or challenged by his games is a good start. :)

    The odd thing that I've discovered is that, despite our frequent clashes, he's basically a good guy at heart. That realisation - and his knowledge that I actually like the guy when he's not playing silly bastards - is I think what turned our working relationship around.

    Oh don't get me wrong, yelling at this guy and verbally putting him in his place would definitely work, and I know that I have more than enough ammunition to rip him to shreds and he'd never speak to me again. Which would be awesome. But, this is where giri comes into play... It wouldn't really be right for me to speak like that to someone who ultimately puts a roof over my head, and has been very supportive of my business, when other sources have been less than supportive. As with your scorp, when this guy isn't being a total fucknut, he is a good guy at heart, it's just frustrating that he then behaves the way he does. I'm not sure if he does it knowing that people won't say anything, or if he's hoping that they will (thus giving him more ammunition to behave thus) but at the end of the day, his motivations don't really bother me. I don't really care why he acts like he does, I just wanted to find the best way of minimizing the stress of dealing with him :D I guess it's true when someone says "It costs what it costs..." This is what it costs... Thanks again for the input :)

  13. As a passive-aggressive myself, I will divulge; when you bore the wits out of me, I will demure, and soon leave you to your own devices. Set your mind to whatever tactic you need apply to reach those ends T'J. It is difficult, not to rise to the occaision, like say, addressing a "troll" online when you do think better of it. We will all admit Do Not Feed The Troll is advice par excellence, but it is seldom, if ever, heeded.

    Even 'ignoring' the passive-aggressive is futile after contact and a rise has been established. It's perceived as 'bating' to the p-a and as luring as a full frontal confrontation. Ummmm, you mentioned giri, in that strain I would suggest you further develope your own kata perhaps? If you do not perceive the passive-aggressive as a nuisance, whole heartedly, it will not bother you anymore than it raining on a day going into the office. Rain is a nuisance, but you may still whistle while going in on the train, convince yourself of the rain's ultimate contribution to a bigger picture and find you are still just as productive in your work on those days it is indeed raining. If your head is dry, what matter does rain make? However, you have had half a lifetime to garner that personal philosophy with regard to 'rain' and learn to keep your roof tight.

    Rest assured though, when we digress, it will be total. I've screwed with A LOT of people on these forums. When I'm done, I'm done. You and I even, have gone 'round and 'round. I always read your posts. They are good. Often thought provoking and too, occaisionally, controversial. No longer am I motivated to challenge them when a chord of disagreement is struck or even make casual comment when I am in alignment. For the passive-aggressive altercations are a divergence from reality. Like the 'crossie' is a divergence from reality. It commands focus only as long as it is a challenge and unfinished. When finished it is soon forgotten. I think that's where Greg's situation is coming to, that phase; his co-worker has run his course with him to those ends. All that is left is to get down to work. Greg's tact may or may not have had any bearing on how long or short lived that course was. Dunno.

    If all else fails, try a meerkat. Not too sure about Scorpios, but they will certainly make short work of a Scorpion, eating it head first with relish. Maybe there is a cosmic connection?

    Good luck. Stay a course.

    Thanks, putting it that way, will certainly make it easier to ignore. I guess I'm just not used to being in a situation where I have to silently accept such behaviour (to myself and others) without challenging it, so from that point of view, it makes me feel like I'm being 'less of a man' by not doing anything about it, but, as you say, if it's part of the bigger picture, then I can deal with it from that perspective :) Thanks again :)

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