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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Agreed - I have enough guilt from my mother - I absolutely do NOT need to feel any concern over the next buyer, or the next, or the next...where does it end? :huh:

    One could quickly go nuts.

    There is enough trouble in the world already.

    You're absolutely right there :) If I were you, I wouldn't let it bother me. The jeweler knew precisely what was being purchased, and transacted a good deal. One would hope that he carries the same ethos over to when the time comes for him to sell the watch on :)

  2. Just because he lives there doesn't qualify his opinion. Whatever his own beliefs, it is still an ignorant and uneducated opinion which he freely shares with strangers at airports. This is how urban myths are created. Oh and even if it were true, the best way to toughen up an immune system? Exposure to pathogens. Japanese wear masks out of a mixture of paranoia, and social etiquette and stigma - not wanting to pass on say a common cold to their colleagues or to miss work through illness.

    That's the thing, I knew about the not wanting to pass on colds and what not, but as you say, the best way to toughen up an immune system is exposure to pathogens. Is it possible that under-exposure to pathogens (through an incredibly sterile society) could lead to a weakening of the immune system?

    As for OTC medications containing codeine, it's no different to various European and Scandinavian countries regards availability - it's an opiate just like diamorphine (essentially synthetic heroin) and is therefore open to abuse hence a controlled substance.

    Ahh, I didn't realize that, thanks for the clarification :)

  3. thanks Ken... I am not taking it lightly... I have not had a drug other than asprin and Ibupophrin in my system for the last 5 years.. so the Azithromycin GG D8 500mg.... 3 day treatment is really kicking in.. this is my 3rd day on it.. until this morning I couldn't walk even a short distance without gasping for air..

    I still get winded more than I did before all this happened... but even a 10% increase in oxygen is a God send.... imay even start wearing a mask when the VOG gets too heavy., that's some nasty shit...

    Doc said I was just below the level of being hospitalized.. even though he knows I wouldn't allow it.. just can't.. :)

    But your right .. gotta nip this in the bud now..

    thanks K



    I hope you're feeling better soon, bro :good:

  4. Sorry but that's ridiculously untrue and borderline ignorant/racist in a embarrassingly colonial type of way. Reason they wear masks is predominantly psychological and cultural. Nothing more.

    Fair enough, I can only go by what I was told. Any idea why Japanese Customs won't let codeine into the county in any kind of over the counter medicines?

    [Edit to add]

    I don't think it's fair to say that the guy's comment was in any way racist, as he wasn't being bigoted at all, he didn't even seem like some kind of 'hooray henry ex-pat'. If he was wrong, then so be it, but he didn't seem to be being prejudiced at all, just speaking from his experience from living in Tokyo. :unknw:

  5. Reading TeeJay's post I'm beginning to think I may have inadvertently invented a new psychiatric test.....

    I'm not sure what it's testing for, but I'm calling it the 'Cornerstone Psychiatric Assessment For TeeJayness'. :animal_rooster:

    :lol: At least I can justify why I like it :lol: It's all about context... It's not like I'm all "oooh, where do I get me one of those!!!1" :lol:

  6. Why does that not surprise me TeeJay...

    Must be he artist in you B)

    I'm a huge fan of the sci-fi shows and movies from the era, and to me, that looks like something which would have been a prop in such a show :) Okay, I can't imagine Ed Bishop wearing one (if I recal, the watch he wore in UFO was a gift from Gerry and Sylvia Anderson),


    but, I could certainly imagine Gabrielle Drake wearing one on the moonbase...



    :wub: :wub:

  7. I think the first case in the EU, certainly the first case in the UK, happened where my sister stays. A small town called Falkirk, in central Scotland. It was a couple who had holidayed in Mexico and came back with the virus, ironically enough, the girl work in Boots the Chemist, our largest Pharmacutical chain in the UK. (made me chuckle anyway!)

    They are both fine now, a flu shot and some anti biotics and they were fine. As has been mentioned before, it seems to hurt if you have existing conditions which the flu sits on top of making them worse. Also, it seems all the people that have died have lived in pretty poor conditions and wouldn't have the money or insurance for proper medical treatment. Very sad in this day and age that people cannot get proper medical treatment unless they suddenly appear to have some new super strain of - insert bird/pig/girraffe/ flu of your choice here- .

    I know we got packs sent out to us in the mail giving suggestions on what to do if you felt the symptoms coming on. My pop (Thunderchild) caught a real bad cold/flu thing just after it all kicked off, so he was sent to bed and checked for a curly tail at 4 hourly intervals, or when he shouted down the stairs for something. My mam still says 'manflu' but you never know!

    I personaly think that in all but the very poorest of areas that it really isn't a huge problem, we have anti virals stockpiled, masks, gloves etc. I don't think I would worry overly much about it Ken, but I'm not a doctor, but do spend an inordinate amount of time around them and in hospital, so you hear talk ask questions, none of them are bothered at all about it.

    Sixx :bones:

    I think you've hit the nail on the head there, bro, it seems that the fatalities were only occurring in less affluent areas with less medical care.

  8. Cases showed up here in Texas soon after they started in Mexico. When a few school-age kids got it several major school districts shut down for a week. There were a few deaths, but they were mostly people with other problems as well. The scare seems to have died down and there hasn't been much about it in the news lately.

    The medical community seems to have over-reacted but I don't know if they deserve a lot of blame. If you read newspapers from 1918 you will be blown away by how severe that epidemic was. They were crammed full of obits of healthy people who got the flu and died. There was at least one death in almost every family, that's how bad it was.

    I think a lot of concern came from the fact that in Mexico a disproportionate number of the deaths were young people, and that scared the crap out of the health authorities. There is a theory now that H1N1 is similar to cases of the flu from the Fifties and before, when swine-type viruses were prevalent. Apparently there was a change around 1957 and bird-type viruses have been predominant since then. The theory says that people who had the flu or were exposed to it before the late Fifties may have some immunity to H1N1. There are some advantages to being old.

    It has also been pointed out that it took a while to realize that a lot of people may have gotten this new virus and recovered with no problems, and the percentage of deaths is probably not much different from the usual winter flus. The authorities in Oz may not have figured that out yet.

    A colleague from work recently took a business trip to Japan and when he went to meet with the customer's people at their site he found that everyone was wearing a full mask. They handed him one and required him to wear it. That same company also requires people who travel on business to work at home for 3 days when they return before they can come back to the office. Now THAT'S an over-reaction.

    So, yeah, there has probably been an over-reaction, and the drug companies and medical people see profit in it, but there's a legitimate fear that the virus could mutate into something really bad. This is probably worse in Oz because the winter flu season is starting and if the virus mixes with one of the other types the mutations could be very nasty.

    Ask your colleague what it was like walking the streets in Japan... There was easily 40% (maybe more) of the pedestrians wearing face masks when I was in Tokyo a couple of weeks ago, and probably 80% of people in 'customer facing' jobs wearing them...

    It wasn't until we were booking at Narita airport to fly back, that we got chatting to another Brit waiting in line, and he explained that the Japanese have pretty weak immune systems, hence all the masks. :)

  9. Hi all,

    Brand new to the forum and thought I'd say hi. Am slowly getting into the rep world.

    Used to have a gen Tag Heuer which was unfortunately stolen from my bedroom when I was away one weekend. Have always wanted to replace it but could never afford it. My Tag was a graduation gift from my dad. Anyway, after pining over a gen Omega Seamaster Aqua Terra for well over a year, I decided to investigate the rep market. I'm one of those unfortunate people with really thin wrists so wearing a full size watch just looks silly. Seems the rep world is mostly full size so had to look quite hard to find anything in the 36mm range. Eventually found a Railmaster which has similar styling to the Aqua Terra so took the plunge. Have had it for a few weeks and really happy, though it does keep pretty bad time.

    Heard this was the place to get good info regarding reps. Anyone know of any other nice reps found in 36mm sizes?

    Welcome to the party :) Had you considered a Rolex Airking or Rolex DateJust? They're in the size range you're considering (they also look good on straps, if you're not keen on the bracelets :) )

  10. OK You have satisfied me that it was a fair trade with reasonable disclosure. I wonder if the next owner of that watch will have the same benefit of open disclosure, or will be become a sacrifice to "buyer beware". BTW, I have a gen TT Blue Sub, and I have been thinking of putting it on a blue croc strap, now I am convinced!

    That's an issue between the buyer and the owner of the store, it's not rscmaine's concern, the watch is no longer his property, but that of the jeweller. Given the excellent deal which was transacted, one would hope that the future owner of the watch would be equally well treated by the jeweller :)

    As for the strap, as someone who was never over keen on the TT sub, having seen the above photo, I am completely converted, so I'd say do it :good:

  11. I came across this in the watch news section of the site (we have a news section - who knew?), and thought it deserved special mention.

    I need say no more, other than to make clear that this is an actual watch that you're expected to want to buy:



    Er... Um... I...

    I.. ah... I actually quite like that... :unsure:

    It looks like something which would have been worn as a prop on 2001 or UFO, and I have to admit, I do have a softspot for the design aesthetic of that era :unsure:

    [Edit to add]

    I would likely never actually wear a watch like that, but, I do like the design :)

  12. Bringing this out..


    You know what Lani... I was just thinking what to wear today. Your pics made the decision easier.

    Sometimes white Explorer II is the only choice. So this for Sunday.


    It's funny, when I tried this one on (gen) I really didn't like it at all, it just didn't do anything for me, but, seeing you guys wearing it, it looks phenomenal :good:

  13. I've got a few questions and I hope you don't mind. Based on your story it is clear that your watch is a put together. So, my questions are:

    1. Was your base 16013 have the same dial that you put on it and bezel?

    2. Did the other guy know that this was a put together and not 100% original if you put a different dial and hands on it?

    3. Did you tell the other guy that it was a put together?

    If you answered yes to one of the above, I say you got a hell of a deal. If you answered no to 2 and 3 then I say you screwed the other guy.

    I'd have to disagree, as the parts were tested, and the dealer was happy that they were authentic pieces. I agree, it's a franken, but either way, the parts are still worth their value as gen parts. From that point of view, I don't think it matters if it's a franken or not, simply because the parts involved were all gen, so the deal was done on their collective value, rather than the history of the watch...

  14. So far my costs are considerably different.

    Prices of Tudors have gone up while the Rolex Subs have gone down (especially vintage).

    My latest one was a trade of a Rolex Exp II for the Tudor Sub. Market value of the Exp II is around $2700 right now.

    I am in the process of making a franken No CG Tudor sub that uses a gen refinished rose dial, a gen Tudor 2784 movement, and an MBW case.

    So far my cost is hovering around $400 for the parts. Keep in mind though that a Tudor marked 2784 High beat will cost substantially more then a 2783 slower beat. If I wanted to go extreme and put an unfinished original dial, for a snowflake, those can cost around $300 and up. A triangle dial like what is on the one above can be had for as low as $50 up to $200.

    Great watch. Not a big fan of the triangle date dials but the no date triangle dials are great. What type of ETA are you using?

    Do you have a particular source for dials, or just hunting on the Bay?

  15. Thanks bro. Sorry to hear about what happened to your GMT II, nice job on the Sub, would love to see how it turns out after you implement what you have planned for it :D

    Thanks bro, Yeah, it's a shame about the GMT II, but, I guess that's just the way things go sometimes :) Thanks, I've just put a little 'wear and tear' on the insert to match the bracelet and crystal (being perspex, it's taken a few scuffs, which, although I could polish them out, I feel give it character :) ) Nothing major, but I got the screwdriver I'd use to change PAM straps, and simply ran it around the inside rim of the bezel, and then around touching the edge of the crystal, so there are a few hair-fine scratches on the insert to take away from that 'Box Fresh' appearance... I'll be sure to take pics of the finished project :) I think the DJ dial (I'd really prefer an AirKing dial, but couldn't get one as cheap) will make it look a bit like a Super Ocean Heritage (when on a rubber strap) but, I'm also tempted to stick a Tudor dial in to keep it as a Submariner... I think the thing I like most, is the slimline vintage case, which I just think is nicer, and less 'in your face' than a modern Sub case B)

    [Edit to add]

    Just a quick and dirty to show what I've done to the insert :)


    [Edit to add]

    The photo makes the scuffs much more noticeable than they actually are with the naked eye... To the eye, they're nowhere near as noticeable or prominent. It just makes the watch look a few years old and 'well worn', rather than 'totally abused' as the photo would suggest :lol:

  16. I completely agree with you, Teejay. So little extra effort is required to do a quick and dirty shot of the watch that's being ordered that it shows complete contempt for buyers if you consider it not worth your while to do to get a sale.

    I can only rely on my friend Karma to make sure that my feelings of frustration get back to the guilty party! lol

    Annoyingly, Perpetual only appear to be selling watches direct now, so I'm not sure if it's going to be possible to get them from elsewhere :( I think I'll keep an eye on the sales forum here, given that I don't actually want to give Perpetual any money now anyway ;) lol

    I was ready to pull the trigger as well! Their loss!!

    Thanks again for the replies all, and apologies for the rant! :D

    You're quite right, it just shows a real lack of respect for the buyer. Of course, it could just be a bluff so as not to admit to being a drop-shipper, but either way, it's a disrespectful attitude to take, afterall, we may be buying replica watches, but we're not paying with replica money, and given the profits a dealer can make, a little courtesy isn't a big price to pay... As you say, Karma will make sure they get theirs :tu: I'm not familiar with Perpetual, but I'll certainly steer well clear in future if I ever come across them, so no need to apologize for the rant, it's such posts which reveal potential (or repeat) issues with a dealer, and that's useful to all the community :)

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