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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Watchco is a great group of guys. I've gotten two of these dials before from them. One was $59 IIRC and hte other was for $100. I was outbid on their last one for $104.

    I don't know about other RSC's but for some reason the Australian RSC's don't have lumed dials. The dials are delivered there in an unlumed fashion and they are lumed as needed by either the RSC or by an outside vendor. I own and have owned another snowflake Tudor that were serviced at the Australian RSC and both were like this (lumed by the RSC) as they were Tritium marked service dials.

    If someone sent in a 9401 to the RSC in Australia, they would put either a snowflake service dial (if they have any) on or they would put one of these on it. Lumed there in Luminova even though it is tritium marked.

    That's interesting indeed, thanks for the info, at least it explains the un-lumed dials. I guess I'd best keep my fingers crossed for a very low winning bid :lol:

  2. Ahhh... Interesting. When I purchased mne, I don't think they had the missing lume disclosed, so I was going off of memory after seeing the seller and the item :) I wonder if they had some people complaining about that?


    Well, let's hope it stays low, but it's got 5+ days to go. A lot can (or might not) happen in that time frame :) I think it would be a good buy even if it levels off at around $70-ish...

    It could be that they had some complaints and decided to change their auction listing to reflect the lack of lume. I have to admit, I'm surprized that a gen dial would be without lume, but, I guess that's just the way the cookie crumbles :)

    Indeed, a lot can happen... My guess is it'll stay relatively low, but then some fool will try sticking in a high bid in hopes of keeping it, and the price then escalating from there... Only time will tell :)

  3. I've purchased the same dial a few times over from this seller. I've paid around $100 - $115; I've seen similar dials selling for around $250-ish or so as well. However, you should know that these dials are delivered with painted plots for hour indicies only; no lume. That may account for part of the low selling prices? Difficult to say for certain.

    I can confirm, however that they are genuine and not refinished LePrelet dials:


    BTW, if you miss out on this one, or get outbid, don't fret; watchco will probably relist another at some point :)

    Thanks for the input :) That kind of price range is good, but definitely out of my reach at the moment... I'm hoping it'll stay below $30, but I expect people will start making bids and putting the price up :D I had noticed the warning about the non lume, but thanks for the heads up :) That's good to know that they relist, so I'll definitely keep an eye on them, as I think this model dial will work best for my project sub :)

  4. Hopefully in the coming months, I'll be backing up my music on around 30x50gb Blu Ray discs... A lot more manageable than all the discs I have right now! I used to DJ so I have lots of vinyl and CDs and enough obscure/underground/instrumental/sample stuff not found nowadays :(

    As for tracklist, can't you make a playlist in winamp or an mp3 cataloguing software, and import it in? I can make playlists on the fly and keep it in whatever order I like, perhaps you just haven't figured out how to do it ? There could be a setting for auto-order by name?

    I'm liking the sound of your collection :) Have you ever heard of a collaboration/group called Desormais?

    As far as I can see, the iPod catalogues the tracks alphabetically, regardless of how they're uploaded to it. The iPhone catalogues alphabetically, but at least gives the ability to make a playlist :D

  5. Thanks for the continued feedback :)

    Looking at the photo Pugwash has posted, the watch head itself looks 'rather substantial'... How does it wear on the wrist? I'm guessing not as slim as a vintage sub, but are we talking PAM 111 level thickness? Does the bracelet vs strap option make as much difference as it does on a 45mm Planet Ocean?

  6. I agree with you Teej, but the simple fact of it is that their are plenty of companies out there that do these kinds of things. Apple will only sell you a phone with a three year contract, yet I highly doubt that the battery will last three years. Oh, too bad you can't replace it without sending it to apple service either.

    If the lack of oil is something that is happening regularly in breits, its probably just a business decision to bolster profits in the future. Who's going to know? We all know watches need servicing every 5 years or so.

    The part that makes me believe that this is some kind of fluke is that Breitling's reputation would be in serious jeopardy if this news was ever discovered by the masses. Not everybody will use AD servicing, so it would only be a matter of time before it was discovered.

    If I was the owner of this particular watch, I would definitely send a terse letter to Breitling, and complain both about the water resistance and the oil.

    BTW, when the owners AD suggested that he had left the crown unscrewed while swimming, wouldn't a simple pressure test have proven one way or another if he was telling the truth? Something sounds fishy.

    You're not wrong there, my friend, it's all things like that which make me not a fan of consumerism and reject brand names on principle, in favor for generics and reps.

    As you say, we know watches need servicing ever few years, but, I don't think the general public do, and I think ADs play on that. It's like when the Breitling AD told me about how during a service every part of the movement would be stripped and cleaned, as if that was some superdooper AAA+ level of service, rather than, as we both know, how it should be done anyway :D He even had a book showing an exploded diagram of the watch and movement to illustrate the point :D I guess it's just the problem with commercialism in general, not just Breitling as an individual company...

    You're right, a pressure test would definitely have proved if it was a failure of the gaskets, or just a case of the crown left open, but, I think it might get a bit confrontational if that was suggested in store... At least it's all dealt with now :)

  7. Hmmm, not really false advertising is it. Zig has made us all aware that our A7750s come dry as well, and I have a couple of those that are approaching five years of service. So, maybe they realize that a dry movement will in all likelihood last through the warranty period, but will begin to have issues shortly after. At the prices that Breitling charges for service, thats a nice little revenue stream.

    No, not really false advertising per se, but still a bit of an unfair business practice to be on the receiving end of. Sure, great way of maintaining the revenue stream, so from a business point of view, great idea, but from the customer's point of view, a tad unfair, if the movement was to fail so soon after manufacture. Sure, the movements in rep A7750s might be coming dry, but they're coming from Chinese 'factories', not a Swiss clean room... We tolerate such things in reps, precisely because they are reps, it simply shouldn't be so with any gen product, certainly not all the time gen manufacturers are claiming such high standards of craftsmanship in their builds... If gen manufacturers are sending out movements in the same condition as rep movements, I really can't see any benefit of a gen purchase over a rep purchase, other than the prestige of buying the branded product with a warranty (which might still cost for work anyway) and any pleasantries the AD might throw in like chit chat and a cappuccino :D Like Lani's post where he mentioned driving a truck off the forecourt with no fluid in the power steering... Sure, mistakes can be made, but, if they're deliberately made to make the customer put their hand back in their pocket, then, yes, good business sense, but poor business practice/customer loyalty IMHO... :)

  8. Well, seeing as it's a chrono movement, and the watch is from a discontinued line, they are probably asking more in any case. If there's water damage they can use that to blame anything, no one but a skilled watch repairer would know any better. Most people probably don't even know that a movement is oiled, or that movements aren't dry to begin with.

    Precisely. I think ADs (and the companies who build the watches) rely on the potential buyers not knowing anything about the workings of their watches, and accepting such charges with blissful ignorance :D Before I got into reps, I didn't know anything about the workings of watches (and to be honest, I still know very little) the only thing I did know, was that one time, I decided to put the cost of getting a watch pressure tested after a battery replacement towards buying a new watch instead :D

    Didn't someone (like Kruzer?) have a genuine AP which had water damage due to poor QC and he got hit with thousands in repair bills?

    I'm really not sure... I don't think I've read that one, I'd certainly find it interesting to read :)

    Good news from this story is The Zigmeister managed to fix the watch :tu:

    Absolutely :good::tu:

  9. Nice TJ, let me know when you have made a sub with a saw tooth bezel, infact that must be possible, hmm

    Any way TJ wana see what i have been working on?

    All hand done with a file, gold plated, pearlage ect, oh and all by me

    Going train wheels polished and brushed alternatly, Ie 4 wheel polished, 3rd brushed does not show up that well in the photos





    That's absolutely fantastic work, my friend :) A big thumbs up indeed :good:

    I think i could do with your power source to keep me going at 2 in the morning some nights


    It's about time someone cracked cold-fusion... It'd certainly solve the world's reliance on fossil fuels for it's energy requirements... From what I understand (albeit ficticious) the arc reactor (containing palladium) would essentially be a kind of hydrogen reactor (but would have to be cold fusion, for Mr Stark to have one implanted in his chest without baking his internal organs :D ) If I could make a real-world functional arc reactor, I don't think I'd have to worry about saving money by buying reps :lol:

  10. Hopefully getting the stuff from Marble, but in the meantime, I've got another dial coming to me soon. Once I conclude my deal with Marble, I will probably put the un-used dial up for sale here on RWG (or keep it for a second project - we'll see :D )

    Here's some pics:




    How much might you be wanting for it? I haven't any cash at the moment, but I'd certainly be interested in the future when I have :)

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