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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Thank you all for sharing your opinions and being helpfull.

    That's what we're here for :)

    Even i have to send it to get it fixed , it still is a solid watch.

    There's always a positive aspect :)

    hope the water resistance up to 300 m is legit.

    Hard to say. I remember reading a review someone wrote of the Deep Sea, which was actually tested by deep sea divers. The watch stood up to the pressures without leaking. Given the origin of these watches, it is impossible to truly assure that the watch will actually be made well enough to provide the depth rating of a genuine Rolex. If you actually need your watch to be 300m water resistant (ie for solid use diving either professionally or as a hobby) then I would suggest buying the real thing. That will give you the guarantee and assurance which you need. Of course, you can always have a rep pressure tested, but, as mentioned, given the origin of the parts, there is every chance that, while the watch will stand up to use for bathing/swimming, 300m would be being rather optimistic...

    George is not happy i brought it up here as critiscm but overall even if i have to spend a little extra on the side this is a quality watch.


    To be honest, it was a legitimate point for you to raise. I admit, it is a somewhat picky point to raise, but given that the color of the hands and markers is noticeably different, it is a legitimate point. What one person can ignore, another cannot, and it's only reasonable to acknowledge that difference in perspectives and tolerances. These forums exist for people to exchange knowledge, to share with each other what they know about watches, thus ultimately, giving people a better idea on who sells what, and who to buy what from, if they are after a specific product. After all, X can never be Y, and if someone wants Y, then there's no point in them buying X, so it's only fair that people's experiences with dealers, both positive and negative, get fairly reported, so people can then make an informed choice about their own purchasing requirements.

    As I said in my first post: If the original sale photos or description showed that the color of the hands and markers was the same, then you should be entitled to return the product, as what you have, simply would not be as the original sale described. If, however, the original sales photos or description showed that the color was different, then, that is simply 'buyers remorse', and quite a different kettle of fish all together :lol:

    Personally, I have only ever found George and BK to be entirely pleasant and utterly professional in our dealings.

    If you are happy with the rest of the watch, then I would suggest simply paying a little extra to have the hands and dial re-lumed. If, as mentioned above, you actually need the watch to be 300m water resistant, then I would suggest paying to have it professionally tested, and depending upon those results, either keeping it and re-luming it (if it passes the test) or selling it 'as is', and then putting the money from the sale towards a gen, as I get the feeling that only a gen will actually meet your requirements (both aesthetic and mechanic). If you were to put the watch up for sale 'as is', I believe that you would get some very interested buyers, and be able to get a very good re-sale price for it...

    As before, best of luck with getting a satisfactory resolution to the situation :good:

  2. Oh, reading that back TJ I see how I came across. Absolutely no one would be able to distinguish that from the gen at all in every day wear. I was referring to the 'tell' in terms of in our very niche circle :D

    People generally only question authenticity if its a Rollie (including gens) or a Navitimer anyway, right? :p

    You didn't come across as being rude/off, bro, I just wanted to add that little point incase someone suddenly got all paranoid that everyone would know that they were wearing a rep :lol: As you say, wearing a Rolex of any kind (including gens), people are automatically going to question it. Not because they think the person would be wearing a fake, but simply because everyone knows that Rolexes are heavily replicated, so it's probably more a genuine curiosity of "Is it or isn't it?" rather than any kind of 'outing' :lol:

    I'm wearing this today, to get myself accustomed to it for tomorrow evening.


    My wife and I are going to a costume party in the evening, and I'm going to be wearing something like this:


    I didn't want to swap watches at the last minute, and then be fiddling with it all evening, so I figured best to 'break it in' before hand :)

    As mentioned, we went to the party :lol:


    And this was how close I got to the original costume :)


  3. As I mentioned the other day, sometimes, even gen Rolexes will not match due to replacement parts being installed during servicing. However, all the Rolex reps I've bought in the past, have had closer matching lume. When I swapped hands and dials around, I knew I would have to tolerate miss-matched colors, so I learned to ignore it. Given how focussed you are on this aspect of the watch, I don't think you are ever going to accept it 'as is', so I would suggest (if you can't return it) either have it re-lumed, or sell it. Sorry if that comes off as blunt, but you're obviously not happy with that aspect of the watch, so I'm not going to try and change you mind about how you feel about it, and I'd rather give you some honest options for how to move forwards with it :) Best of luck :good:

  4. That PO looks gen to me, is it? I'm sure a bunch of people will know -.-

    edit: Nevermind I see.. the upturned feet on the omega logo. Silly me, need to pay more attention. Beautiful anyway, really does look gen if it wasnt for the tell!

    And out in the real world, who's going to actually know about the tell? ;) That's the awesome thing about these reps, they look so good, people just don't question them :)

  5. I think Satan would wear either a Patek Calatrava or a simple Vacheron.

    He would be one to appreciate the quality without the desire to impress anyone.

    Precisely :good:

    Good pick TJ.

    Or there's a FM with a roulette dial...that would work...or if you're going for the cool, non-black but more brown clothed wearing Satan...I do think a PAM would work as well.

    Thanks, bro :)

    This was the kind of Lucifer I was thinking about (a bit younger, but you get the idea...)


  6. Wearing my PO today. I damaged the bezel yesterday. Walked out of a shoe repair place and hit a metal water cooler with it - clunk! Couldn't see any damage at first and was all happy - but when I took this picture I noticed the damage on the outside of the bezel around the 25 mark.

    Other than that it seems fine - could have been a lot worse. I'm still p*d off - this is one of my favorites.


    That's not 'damage' bro, that's 'character' :good:

  7. Dude! I think you'd look cool in a PAM in that get up! IMHO!

    You're absolutely right there, bro, my 004 would absolutely look the nuts with the clothing, but there're two small snags...

    1. The Suunto was the watch worn in the series, and I'm going for accuracy to wardrobe, rather than personal choice (which would be my DIYSub on NATO)

    2. The movement in said 004 is absolutely trashed and needs replacing. No point in wearing a watch if it can't even tell me the time :lol:

    Either way, I'm hoping it'll be a good party :good:

  8. Now THAT looks like something Satan would wear -

    As above, this pimp doesn't need bling to get the point across ;) If you were to say, get something like that, but darken down the markings (maybe re-touching the dial with a dark red fine-nib pen) I think it would be just what you're looking for :good:

  9. I'm wearing this today, to get myself accustomed to it for tomorrow evening.


    My wife and I are going to a costume party in the evening, and I'm going to be wearing something like this:


    I didn't want to swap watches at the last minute, and then be fiddling with it all evening, so I figured best to 'break it in' before hand :)

  10. You know, I'd actually say the reverse... I'd see Lucifer wearing something seriously understated and elegant, but dark. Something like an FM, but with black and burgundy coloring. This pimp's mindset is "I'm so powerful, I don't even need bling to get the point across..." Think all the power of Emporer Palpatine, but in the form of a young, minimalist designer :evil2:

    Something like this, but with darker red markings, and a burgundy strap...


    Or even this, but much darker red:


  11. @TJ.. you are +10 ahead.. it is 4:19 pm the 19th in Hawaii ... you are ... 2:19 am the 20th as I type this

    I will forward the info to you and TT.... once Thomas sets it up for the raffle .. and when members donate ticks you can pm the info for payment .. we can iron out the rest through PM's ..

    thanks again men!!


    I'll be keepng my GMT on Hawai'i's timezone, so just let me know what time period you'd need me to cover :)

  12. i just dont get it.i'd say ***k it if it was like a $100 generic replica.i did research before i bought this.read a lot of reviews of different people about these watches and having bought refurbished items before did not see any problem buying one from him.

    even the cyclopse x/y axis is a bit off.i mean come on if i can see these problems being not a watch expert , the maker of this watch should already know about this already.

    i contacted him about this issue and he wont take it back since it is refurbished.but the problem is not the case or the bracelet in this watch.it is the dial and the hands which were advertised as new.

    i really dont feel like i should spend any more money in this particular watch because it is wrongfully made and wrongfully advertised.

    we'll see what happens .hope he stands behind his product which i think he will.

    Sorry to hear about your dilemma. Did the original sales (or any questions asked) reveal that the lume of the dial and hands had been re-furbished to match each other? If that wasn't something specified (as matching), and it was clear from the photo, you might have a hard time getting a return.

    If you absolutely cannot get a return from the dealer, your options are to either send it for a re-lume, or, sell it 'as is', and hope someone will pay a reasonable price.

    Something you could take some comfort from, is that when gen Rolexes are serviced, parts (such as dials and hands) are often replaced with new parts, and that would lead to inconsistent lume appearances...

    Don't get me wrong, I totally get where you're coming from, so I really hope you're able to come to an amicable resolution with the dealer (or through a re-sale), but, you can always take comfort from knowing that not even gens always match 100% :good:

  13. @TJ and Toad .. I knew YOU both would answer the Bell !!!! .. thanks ma brotha's !! B)

    As before, bro, whatever you need :) If there's a particular shift you need covered (say midnight to 7am, your time) that shouldn't be a problem for me, as my days are pretty free at the moment. Just say the word :):good:

  14. Excellent post indeed, might even be worth a sticky. It is the reasons you stated that I try to gain my own knowledge in modding or repairing so I can do my own watches. I do not yet have the proper workspace and complete tools to do as much as some members here, but I try to grow little by little and I do it for my own enjoyment. For those our there that think they want a perfectly modded dream watch, re-read this thread and realize that what you are looking to have is sometimes not realistic, especially if you want fast turnaround and perfection. Some modders do it right, and are true artisans, but even they have their limitations based on what they have to work with (cheaper quality parts which are hard to find replacements for).

    I wonder how many modders start out doing projects on thier kitchen table at nights only to find out that it is much more difficult than what they figured. They find that good lighting, magnification, dexterity (sp) with a screwdriver and the ability to keep things like dirt, hair and sweater lint out of the movement is all part of doing the work sucessfully. Still, they keep on until they have no choice but to dissapear.

    It also amazes me just how many folks spend thousands modding/building a rep or franken, only to sell it a couple of months later. Much the same as auto restoration I guess, once the project is done, its time to move on since the real interest is building, but even then, after so much work and money, why not enjoy it for a year or so.

    All this makes a case for getting what you want at the lowest possible price, learning as much as you can so you can take care of the little stuff yourself, and always remember that these are reps and will always be reps no matter what you do to them. When you identify what dream watch you want, shop for a proven modder who can do the work right, budget for the project, and when finished, make that dream watch one of the stars of your collection.

    Cheers B)

    Absolutely spot on :good:

  15. This is precisely the reason why I am not going to get into any kind of modding work. I know that at the moment, my knowledge of watch movements is virtually non-existent, and when it comes to mechanical skill, given that I'm not using any proper tools or magnification equipment, I know that I'm little more than a 'lucky bodger', and as for re-luming - I've never even tried using the medium. Of course, skills and knowledge grow in time, but right now, I feel it would simply be irresponsible for me to even consider working on anyone else's watches for payment, especially how there can indeed be differences between people's perceptions of what is acceptable and what is not. I'm determined not to let my reach exceed my grasp, so I leave the work to those who can :)

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