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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. I own a Breitling Navitimer Serie Speciale. I am interested in purchasing a caseback opener so I can regulate it as it runs quite fast. I know nothing about tools and would like to purchase a decent quality opener without spending a lot.

    1. Will $50 buy a good one? How much would you spend?

    2. Also, I would like to be able to use it on future watches. Does one fit all? My next watch will be an IWC Portuguese.

    3. Where should I purchase it?

    4. Is the opener the only tool needed to open the watch?

    5. How do I close the watch.

    Thanks for any help.

    A set of good quality dish-washing gloves should give you the purchase needed to open a caseback, much cheaper than a caseback opener, and are good for all manner of watches :)

    With regards how to close the watch, at the risk of sounding facetious, it's just a case of reversing the steps to opening it... Make sure the case back is properly lined up so the threads won't jump/grind/strip etc, and just rotate it to close it down. If you're using your thumbs, once you can't make the case back move any further, and it feels like your thumbnails are about to separate from the pads, that's when it'll be fully secured :)

    Best of luck :good:

  2. Hey TJ, I don't even know what car that is. Maybe a Nissan Skyline? Excuse me, I'm a car idiot.

    It was just the first one that came up when I put "tuned Japanese cars" on a Google search. Nothing wrong with the car itself but those "rally stripes" just aren't my cup of tea. :D


    It was featured in the movie 2 Fast 2 Furious, and driven by Paul Walker, but it was only actually in the film for about 10 minutes at the beginning.

    It looked much better in context :lol:



    I was an SCCA amateur race driver for many years, so I do like cars. :)

    I also helped build some movie cars that were used in a Hollywood movie.

    However, living in the city now, the only time I drive is when I leave the city to go skiiing. For that, my TDi 50mpg VW Golf does the trick. We got rid of my wifes BMW Z4 when we moved downtown. It sat around sucking up money for an extra parking space, and insurance.

    My example above was probably a bad example.


    Awesome :) Are you sworn to secrecy about which ones?

  3. And not all people care about cars... me included. I drive an expensive car but only because it's a company car. I would never invest money on a car... if I had to (and if was a must for the job), I'd probably drive just that Honda Civic. I simply don't care about cars... and driving some "tuned up" Batmobile sports car would be a major embarrassment for me.

    But hey... ask again when I'm 60 and I can't get it up anymore... :D


    Ok... just joking of course. Some people love cars & get kicks out these... nothing wrong with that, but I'm not one of them. :)

    I love that car :wub:

    This is how much I think it's awesome...


    Yes, I actually took the time to customize a car in a video game to be as close as possible to the real thing :unsure: / :wub:

    [Edit to add]

    On topic:

    That's a pretty impossible question to answer. One might as well ask why X Brand of car is popular, or why Z Brand of aftershave is popular...

    One of those things which varies from person to person, so impossible to definitively answer for everyone as a whole...

  4. I would say it doesn't matter what you choose to do as a career as long as you make the most of life and your health is in tact, money isn't everything, it is however one of the most incredibly inventions in the world but it can't stop you from getting hit by a truck, or becoming termly ill....., one of my family members was diagnosed with cancer last year and underwent major surgery to their stomach removed and was shortly after given the all clear, until a month ago they were diagnosed with cancer again which can't be operated on they are only in her thirties, they have all the money in the world but at the end of the day it mean jack sh*t, so mark my words make the most of life as you sure hell don't know what's around the corner.

    Sorry to hear about your relative, it's never easy news to get. An ex had a similar situation with her aunt, and that wasn't easy for the family, my thoughts are with you all at this time.

  5. How did I miss this!

    Well done day. A vision in her cloak. Handsome couple.

    You're taller than you post T'J. Other than that, just as the mind pictured!

    Much happiness!


    Thanks :) I'm 6'2", and when I was at school, I was taller than my best man :lol: I guess the last few years as a sex tourist in the far east, and now living in Japan have been good for him :lol:

    Wow! Pictures, setting, etc are spectacular and I'm sure the company matched! Tie and watch look good :thumbs:


    Thanks indeed :) It was a fantastic day :) I'm pretty pleased with the tie myself, it really was a last minute purchase, but clearly meant to be, as it was only available to buy at the last minute, but really made all the difference to my outfit :)

  6. Not sure we still have 72 days (the licenses are only good for 60) so we have to wait a while before getting them still. I'm hoping they don't cross examine us lol. Though I've been with my fiance for 7 years almost now and I feel I know her well enough to pass any test she's still a woman haha. Not to be offensive they just have their hard to understand moments.... :-p

    I guess it just depends on the protocols :) For us, it was essentially a case of she had a fifteen minute chat with the registrar, then I went in, and had a fifteen minute chat, just so they could cross-check our answers, and then we got the licences :) Not offensive at all, bro, you couldn't be more correct :lol:

  7. A few such as "Zero Gravity Brain Surgeon" or "Owner of the World" Come to mind haha

    They might raise a few eyebrows, but, had I told them I was in Import/Export, or a watch smith (and my wife told them the same thing [in the UK, a couple are now interviewed independently to corroborate that they actually know each other, and are not just getting married for some kind of passport scam]) they'd've put that down instead, without a moments hesitation.

    I'm guessing you don't have similar protocols in the US before marriage?

  8. That sounds like fun. Does it actually list occupation on marriage license? Are you in the US? Do you fill in what you want or do they take it and generalize it for you? The latter sounds more fun haha see what the licensing people think of what you do :-P

    It'd be more fun if it paid better :lol: To be honest though, it can lead to some very varied commissions and projects :) In the UK, it lists the occupations of the bride and groom, and also the occupations of the bride and groom's fathers (or step-father, if the step-father is named instead of a biological father)

    The information has to be given to the registrars, and they then put the information onto the certificate, although they don't actually ask for proof of occupation (could be hard for the self-employed) so in theory, someone could give any kind of occupation, and have it accepted :lol:

  9. Yes you are Tee...just take a look at your marriage photos mate...you got a lovely wife and all those friends who love you

    and stood there by your side at your big moment...and not to mention all the ppl in here who got a great respect for you...

    yes you are succesful...



    Thanks, my friend, that's a really good thing to say, and it's much appreciated :) Indeed, I know how lucky I am to have the friends and family I have, and indeed, success shouldn't be judged by purely material criteria, I guess it would just be nice to have regular money coming in via my business. Of course, I know that that's more a statement of the economy, than as my business itself :) Thanks again for the kind words :drinks:

  10. What do you all do? What are your occupations? And would you call yourself successful?

    I draw stuff... I'm an Art Consultant... And I'm not successful. I would be, if people had more money to spend on non-essentials, but never mind :D I'm even eyeing up a local admin job as to be honest, bills need to be paid, and a job's a job, but on my marriage certificate, it lists my profession as 'Art Consultant', so that pretty much makes it official that that's what I am :lol:

  11. Okay, just had a somewhat unusual experience...

    While making my afternoon prayers, I felt inspired to put on my Planet Ocean (once my prayers were finished, of course) I picked up the watch, and went to adjust the time, and instead of adjusting the time, the crown screwed off in my hand :o

    It was the work of but a few minutes to remove the back, remove the stem, and then use a little cyanoacrylate to re-secure the crown to the stem. Having heard how fumes from curing cyanoacrylate can accumulate under the crystal (if used in dial repairs) I'm going to leave it to totally cure before I re-insert the stem and seal the case, but just wanted to share this minor-revalation. Had I not made the prayers, I might not have been inspired to put the watch on for some time, and, had I planned to put it on at some point in the future, it's possible that I might have chosen to wear the watch (and experienced the same stem/crown failure) at a time when I didn't have the necessary time and tools to hand to actually fix it... Divine Intervention. I feel a line from Pulp Fiction gives an excellent definition of Divine Intervention:

    Jules: Whether or not what we experienced was an According to Hoyle miracle is insignificant. What is significant is that I felt the touch of God. God got involved.

    I'd certainly agree with that definition, and certainly what I experienced just now :)

  12. True this, but presently @ 2 pages, this thread is way short of the 17 page modicum required for a 'TTK' thread.

    Towit, I certainly would never order a watch from him and not expect the routine, though it has always been fodder for a 'replica watch daydream', the experience, but would surely want him in my fox hole with the sh*te falling all around.

    And I never said I wouldn't go fishing with the man.

    Plenty of time for it to get to that size eventually :lol:

    I guess it's all a matter of personal opinions, and I've read before how people would say that 'off forum', he was a really nice guy, but as far as I'm concerned, the way he conducted himself on forum was just as important, and to me, someone who threatens to put "Fake Rolex Watch" (or something like it) on someone's parcel out of spite, just to ensure customs seize it... Well, that's certainly not someone I'd do business with or want in my corner, as the past has proven that TTK had no hesitation in turning on his friends. As I've said before, good riddance to bad rubbish. I hope he's having a great time in Thailand with all the beer and hookers folks money pays for :good:

  13. What exactly did he do to get banned? I read one of the long threads and all I know is that he had eye problems and was going blind. Was that a lie?

    The condition he mentioned, blepharitis, almost never leads to blindness. Sufferers are advised to apply their ointments prior to going to bed at night, rather than during the day, to avoid the rather obvious hinderance to vision it would cause (and which he claimed as a reason for not being online for long. It should be noted that he was online long enough to transact fresh business, if not to deal with existing customer concerns...)

    While what he said was strictly speaking likely not a lie, it was certainly exaggerating and stretching the truth to the absolute breaking point in a bid to gain sympathy...

    The only thing which really matters here, is that TTK made extremely unpleasant comments to people, and was nothing more than an obnoxious cyber-bully. The community has only improved since his absence. The fact he has now been banned from the four major watch forums says all that needs to be said about him.

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