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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. :g: good question..

    but i think that an Alpha would cost as much as buying the movement on its own

    depends on what kind of movement it has that is

    That's what I was wondering... For example, Alpha do a clone of the Explorer II, and I wondered if it would be worth getting one to pull the movement for my GMTSub (doesn't hand-wind well, although it's rock-solid when left on my wrist to auto-wind) and then maybe use the case itself for another project... :g:

  2. Well said, many thanks.

    No problem, glad to be of help :) As mentioned above, a rep will also give you the opportunity to mod, which a clone might not.

    Just to clarify, I wasn't meaning above that someone should ever try to pass a rep off as a gen (that's just asking for trouble), what I was trying to illustrate, is that many reps are of sufficient quality to be able to 'fly below the radar' when out in public. If they're ever called out (which from reading folks' accounts, doesn't happen much) it's either a combination of insecurity/lack of manners on the part of the person doing the calling out, or the person wearing the watch not looking like they can afford it/too self-conscious of the watch. Other than that though, reps can 'fly below the radar'. People see the name, see it's spelled correctly, and just accept it as a watch. (unless it's a Rolex... All bets are off then, as everyone knows that Rolex = Fake ;) ) A clone watch, on the other hand, will never be able to 'fly below the radar', as it will only ever come across as a 'watch that wants to be a .......' Hope that all made sense :lol::good:

  3. I bought this about 5 years ago from a friend at work.I have no clue where he purchased it from? I only wear it on weekends if that.The watch in

    person looks pretty nice.It used to have some type of green Rolex sticker on the back but,I accidently jumped in the pool with it and it is no longer

    in comission lol.Out in the sun,the crystal (it's prolly not crystal) has some weird haze at the right angle that is prolly associated with the material?

    Tell me what you think,and how do I know if this watch is worth modding?

    Thanks in advance.....




    I don't really have any spare cash at the moment, but if you're ever interested in selling it, send me a PM :)

  4. Man that sub is terrible, do yourself a favor and purchase from one of the trusted dealers here! Sorry to read you got scammed, I wouldn't pay $10 for that watch. They're labeled as scammers for a reason mate.

    Where's the scam? The guy got a watch.... Okay, he might've got his pants pulled down over the price, but, something did arrive, so be definition, he wasn't actually scammed ;)

    I'd suggest as above, use the watch for practicing the basics of watch maintenance and how to dismantle one, that way, you'll still be gaining something from it :)

  5. You mean as opposed to a "genuine" cheap imitation?

    Ultimately, 'yes'.

    A rep of an Omega will have all the brandings and markings, and if you wanted to try and pass it off as genuine, then as long as someone didn't know the details of the watch, or believed that you could afford the gen Omega, then they would probably believe it to be a genuine Omega.

    With an Alpha, although it might be a cloned brand, rather than a facsimile of the original, someone seeing it would likely think that the owner wanted an Omega, couldn't afford the real thing, so got the closest equivalent which they could afford. Most people don't realize the quality of reps available today. They expect incorrect spellings, ticking movements, and half-rubbed off chrome plating. Show someone a decent quality rep, and unless they know any tells for that watch, chances are they will accept it as genuine. I don't think that anyone would be convinced that a clone watch (like Alpha) is a quality budget alternative to the original watch, but rather a 'poor mans wannabe watch'. Okay, so people think the same thing about people who wear reps, but at least with a rep, they need to find out if it actually is a rep or not, after all, the brandings are all there ;) With an Alpha, they'll know that it isn't :lol:

    At the end of the day, it's up to you :) Wear what you want, wear it for your own reasons, and wear it because you want to wear it. Don't by an Alpha just because it is a more 'legitimate' cloning of an Omega, as a rep will probably give you much more pleasure. (in the back of your mind, you will always think of an Alpha "But the dial doesn't say... It doesn't have..." all the things which a rep will cover) Personally, I look at rep watches the same way as I look at an excellent forgery of a painting: It might not have been made/painted by SomeGuy, but it was still made by SomeOtherGuy, it still took time and effort, and that effort goes into replicating the details as closely as possible. Clones are nothing more than ripping off the design, changing enough details not to get sued, and slapping their own name on it. That's not creativity, that's plagiarism. A rep might be a forgery, but at least they're true to 'the spirit of the original' :)

  6. PunchHerInTheFace.jpg


    Don't actually do this unless you want to do jail-time as a wife-beating POS ;)

    While we're venting, I FUCKING HATE MY BANK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I feel much better now :)

  7. My recommendation would be for a burgundy strap. The color is incredibly versatile, and will go with almost any wardrobe options you throw at it :) By personal preference, I'd go with something 'a bit rustic' in appearance, rather than a completely smooth/fresh appearance, simply because a strap of that appearance goes well with casual wear and will 'dress up' much easier than say wearing a more 'formal' strap, with casual wear :)

    Best of luck with your search :good:

  8. I may be wrong, but from photos, it would certainly appear that the dial on the Deep Sea is the same size as on a Sub or Sea Dweller, and it's only the case itself which is larger... Maybe not a problem for some folks, but if someone is after a watch where the dial itself is larger, it might not be fitting to their needs...

  9. We love those "brand sections". They work amazingly well, and we will add Patek section immediately (when the demand justifies that).

    Meanwhile, let's use "Other Brands" for Patek posts.

    "Other brands" section works surprisingly well too, now that people have gotten used to it. It has some respectable numbers, and it's among the most interesting sections on RWG (imho).

    Indeed, there's certainly a wealth of information to be found in there :) I guess the problem with Pateks, as mentioned, is the small number of popular models. I guess one can only ask "Who has the best Aquanaut?" so many times :lol:

  10. The only confusing things between the forums that I've noticed is the love for different dealers....

    Josh & Andrew are the favorites here I'd say (if this is inaccurate it's a simple observation just let it go haha)

    And WatchEden and Angus seem to be pretty active over there still

    While we here are kind of (from what I've seen) anti both of them... I personally like watch eden and I'm sure a lot of us do but I saw a comment earlier about them having flea market watches...

    I don't know I just wish we could all agree on one haha...

    I think RWI was the first forum to have WatchEden as a trusted dealer, and that's obviously now spreading here, as they are now in 'probation status' :)

    Personally, I've found RWI to be an excellent forum,with many well-informed members (who are also members here) but it is nowhere near as active as the forum here :) I guess it all just depends on what someone is looking for in a forum :)

  11. I remember that the question came up a while back, and I forget any outcome, but I was just thinking, that they're a pretty popular manufacturer, and wondered if it might be worth having a section for them, along with the other 'major players'? I know that some watches, like UN, are still 'pretty niche', but PP seem to have a pretty strong following. Might something like this be a possibility?

  12. But... Friends, or even acquaintances, calling me out at a dinner party would [censored] me off. :thumbdown:

    Yeah, it depends on if they are asking out of genuine curiousity (ie, they want one too :lol: ) or if they're just being insecure and trying to "knock a homey's hustle". Questions with interest are welcome, questions with motives are not ;)

    People that ask the question are insecure. Insecure men don't chat up women, that's why she never gets called out.

    When people ask me if my watch is real or fake, I say "it's a real watch, see the second hand moving?"

    LOL....I buy a watch for the way it looks, not the name as you can tell in my mixed collection. When I first saw PAMs I was in St. Maarten and I was like OMG I want that watch, WTF is panerai? The answer "$15,000 USD" didn't sit well with me haha but regardless, name meant nothing so I never pretend my reps are real.

    Bang on :tu:

    Them - "Nice Watch, is it real?"

    Me - "Nice Shoes, are they real?"

    Them - "Are my SHOES real???? What an idiotic question!"

    Me - "Yes, quite."

    I've got to remember that one :good:

  13. Hey Amigo! I'm glad yoy have your sense of Humor!


    In times like this, a sense of humor is essential :lol:

    i highly doubt that its true, but if its, its sick!

    i find the other one funnier, the stripper thats sueing for her broken nose!

    True or not, it just cracked me up. I guess I could just picture an office chair exploding and impaling the user :lol:

    The other one, while more likely to be true, to me, that just struck me as unfortunate, but the kind of risk someone would probably have to accept in that line of work as a possibility. Heck, the speed some of those girls spin round a pole, if they were to come flying off a raised stage, broken limbs wouldn't be out of the question, but an exploding office chair, that's just not the kind of thing someone would even expect :lol:

  14. I think women can get away wearing obvious fakes because most women consider their watch just part of their overall jewelry. This is also 1 of the reasons why most women prefer battery-operated to mechanical, regardless of the value or technology involved.

    This will be old news for many of the long-time members, but I gave a couple of my early rep watches (this 6263 & a VC fantasy watch) to a female friend who, although she is well aware they are fakes, loves & wears them daily


    I think you might be right there, to them, it is a 100% practical tool. To guys, it's still a tool, but one which becomes comparable. At the end of the day, at least with guys, it all comes down to a 'size thing'.

    With regards the watch, heck, I don't know what the flaws might be, but I'd be quite happy to wear that as a daily beater :) Then again, I think we all know that my standards when it comes to a watch pretty much consist of it having hands and telling the time :lol:

    Fully agree on this point, most men want to feel they are better earn more ect and by trying to put down what you have makes them feel better.

    Spot on, I think :)

  15. Lol I've been typing too many mis-types recently... First time I started a wrist check thread :D

    Thanks for the comments bro. Hows life?

    Ahh, I see what you mean, first time opening one :) Well, aside from having no cash, all's well :lol: I even applied for an admin job last week, as it would be more stable than being self-employed, I guess I'll just have to wait and see how it pans out :) I hope life's treating you well, bro :)

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