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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. I am having a white internal bezel substitute for the yellow one on my IWC Aquatimer, while keeping the yellow minute hand.

    Also, I swapped the cases between my two P-6340 so that I now have one in black (PVD) case + dark grey dial and the other in stainless steel case + black (actually, it's dark grey) dial'n'hands.

    Now that's what I'm talking about :tu: You have to post photos of those :)

    I am making a watch for my girlfriend:



    I will write a tuto when I finish.



    I'll look forward to reading it :):good:

    How are these for mods...



    Again, that's what I'm talking about :good:

    Out of curiousity, how well does the lume stand up when it's applied externally on a bezel in terms of durability?

  2. The strap used in the early Bond films was not a NATO (note the lack of NATO rings & the material sliding under the case)


    Ahh, that's interesting to know, and to be honest, something I'd never noticed, but now you point it out, indeed, it's pretty clear :) I seem to remember reading somewhere that the colors on Bond's strap, are the colors of a London Gentleman's Club, and the intent was to suggest that Bond was a member, although I forget where I read it... :)

  3. My first ever wrist check post, what are you guys wearing today. Heres what I've got on now:


    Only your first wristie?? *racks brain...* Ahh, you normally just post the pics in the relevant section :lol:

    Awesome shot and watch, bro :good:

    After some not so positive things happened to me recently... today's mail made me feel better to say the least ;)

    I post these before it goes to the land of Hockey and Magic watchmaking skills ;)

    Thx to Dani for the opportunity to pick this marvel up...




    Such an awesomely versatile watch :tu: The favorite of my collection which was hardly ever worn :lol:

    No prizes for guessing what I'm wearing :lol:

  4. I hope you found this interesting and informative.

    Very much so, although I think 'fascinating' would be a more accurate term. When translated into distances, it's pretty mind-boggling to think of the endurance which these mechanisms operate under, and how they well and truly put the automotive industry to shame in terms of both precision of performance, and durability and endurance of component.

    Thanks for sharing :good:

  5. Adding aftermarket AR to reps when the gen does not have the same AR or at least not double sided AR.

    This has been done by many members,including myself on my AP ROO.

    I have seen many members AR coat Gens as well to make them look better. I guess that would qualify.



    It would indeed, as AR serves both a practical and aesthetic purpose, so yes, intentionally adding it to a watch which would never have it to begin with, I'd definitely consider as a customization :)

  6. Cool story Laz, as a kind of off topic side note: I had my sub called out last night by a friend of mine running his finger over the date mag and saying that on the gens it's not even slightly 'sharp' on the edges..

    I don't pass it off to be gen so it didn't bother me, just interesting that this 'flaw' isnt talked about much..

    I guess the general consensus on the boards is we all figure someone should be able to tell a gen from a fake just from the 'feel' in general though.. Not sure how true that is though really..

    Interesting.... I've handled gens, but never tried touching the cyclops, so I couldn't speak from experience as to how accurate that is. To me, it sounds like he just wanted an excuse - any excuse - to say the watch was a rep, and by feeling the edge of the cyclops, that was probably a good enough reason :lol:

  7. I know people that have removed the cyclops from gen subs... they feel it's too ugly! I've never personally done much more than mods or have a watch engraved (My gen DJ has an inscription on the caseback)

    Yes, I have removed a cyclops but from an Invicta. Same idea though ... make it fit my desired look. Also have put a generic Breitling Pilot style band on a Omega Speedmaster. It looks like it belongs and dresses up the watch significantly more than than the original.

    I have to admit, I think external cyclops' really spoil the look of a watch crystal. Internal ones, like on PAMs, are great, as they perform the function, but with no loss of crystal 'smoothness'. I'm surprized Rolex haven't thought to use internal cyclops'...

    Any other tales of customization?

  8. You could always brush the links. It is really easy to do. You just have to take your time to make sure the strokes are straight...

    That'd certainly be a possibility... I guess I'll see what's available when I've got the spare cash and see what takes my fancy :)

  9. The extension is a very positive and secure snap in version that uses the actually clasp snap ro secure it when the watch is closed. When open you can just pull the fold out, much like you would pull a deployant buckle apart. It is not an adjustable extention, but it is quite substantial. The old Rolex extentions are an old design and rarely make the bracelet wide enough to accomodate all but the thinnest warm water suits. It is a far more rugged design all around. The quailty of the hand finish work makes it feel very luxurious, but when you really understand the design you realize how "bulletproof" tough it really is.

    Is the extension more like the extensions on the SMP bracelets? The thing which does concern me about the UN, is the 'bling factor' of the polished mid-links. I know, the YM has that too, but I can always swap the YM bracelet with a regular Sub bracelet, and I think that would take away that factor (which I didn't like on the gen GMTIIc I tried on) I think the things such really grab me about the UN, are the rhodium dial and bezel insert :tu:

  10. Yes. Sure does. The finest bracelet and clasp I have ever seen on any watch at any price I should also mention...

    That's fantastic news :tu: I was worried you would say it didn't have one, as I'm really tempted to get one (rep, of course :lol: ) when finances allow, but a lack of diver's extension would have been a deal breaker. The watch (as well as the Yacht-Master) really remind me of a watch I had in school, which I absolutely loved (same color scheme/layout) and I'm considering getting the 'big boys' version, but am mentally weighing up between the two... Pros and cons for both... It's not going to be an easy choice :lol:

  11. I'd agree totally about 'the feel' of the watch coming into play. I don't mind knowing I'm wearing a watch (such as a PAM), just as I don't mind a watch being ignorable (such as my GMTSub), but, I do want the watch to feel good when I wear it. The first time I tried a Sub on, I was not impressed. Infact, I was the reverse. When I tried on the GMTIIC, I was impressed. Not sure what the difference is (if any), but the GMTIIC felt (to me, at least) like the superior watch. When I tried on a gen Ebel Discovery Chrono, I was immediately struck by the feel of the caseback on my wrist. It was incredibly comfortable, almost like a well-worn pebble. I loved how the watch felt, and am seriously tempted to get a rep of one, but, given my actual taste in watches is for plain diver's watches, not chronos, I don't think I'd actually wear it daily, and a watch like that, for the money I would spend on it, I think deserves to be an absolutely 100%, no doubt in my mind at all, day in day out, never come off the wrist watch, and at present, I simply don't think it would get that kind of wear... Oh well, maybe one day :)

  12. I have seen stupid stuff like that too that's like one of us ripping the other off and saying we should be let off the hook because we both love watches! haha

    Yeah, any excuse really to try and relieve them of their duty to fulfill the customer's order as promised. It never ceases to bug me when watch dealers try and wriggle off the hook with "Well it's a fake watch, what do you expect??" Okay, for some things sure, a little acceptance is required, but for stuff like outright rip-offs or trying to treat their client like a chump, sorry, we may be buying fake goods, but we don't pay with fake dollars, and I doubt the stuff the dealers then buy with said dollars is fake either, so a little professional courtesy isn't really too much to hope for :lol:

  13. I just remembered something which is sort of on-topic. A few years back, I was reading about someone that had sourced some machining work (for some costuming props) out to a Chinese manufacturer. The work wasn't done as agreed, and the machinist tried to then make the buyer pay for a second load of materials to re-do the job (even though it was their fault they hadn't done it properly the first time) I forget the specifics of the toing and froing, but at one point, the machinist had the gall to say that they were a Christian, and that as the buyer was also a Christian, they should forgive them and give them the chance to make things right :o

    Maybe this is a new ploy on the part of dealers to try and use some kind of 'cultural similarity' to keep people sweet incase things go wrong...

  14. "a" minister? I thought there was an entire 'sub-cult' with regard. :o

    Well, the only one I've read about passing in such circumstances ;) If there's one thing I have come to understand about God, He has a sense of humor, as illustrated by:


    and it can be a bit warped at times (keeps things interesting) :lol:

    And a few 'Holocaust' deniers apparantly? Ahhhh religion bringing the world together on a common ground.....................

    President Ahmedinejhad of Iran and this pious fellow;

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    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>">

  15. "The God I believe in isn't short on pocket change..............."

    Bono Vox

    When Bono said that I stood up with a stout 'YEAH!". And I dare anyone to find a more charitable soul on this Earth than Paul Hewson.

    As a Deist I have accepted Jesus as my prophet although not as saviour, and yet will not donate a single penny to any established, recognised, or otherwise amalgamated religious entity that holds his word as 'sacred'.

    I do, however, donate 5K a year equally bewteen the Michael J. Fox Foundation and the American Cancer Society as those two debilitating diseases have struck home in my family. I would imagine though, that when relief, medicine and research is doled out to good use and comfort, many of the stricken will thank "God". From my pocket, to them, through their own beliefs then? They are more than welcome for and to my part.

    So yeah, once beyond the concept of divine intervention and the premise that you can indeed petition the Lord with prayer, I'm not above telling a pastor, or his messenger to go to Hell. Many of them deserve worse. I just don't have the time or insight to separate the wheat from the chaff nor the sheep from the wolves in sheep's clothing.

    Me to them; "Have a nice day!" :)

    I remember reading about a minister in the US being found dead whilst hog-tied wearing two wetsuits, rubber pants, with a dildo shoved up his ass, following an autoerotic asphyxiation went wrong :lol: I bet whoever greets him in the afterlife and checks the 'cause of death' info will just shake their head slowly :lol:

    His church issues a statement asking people not to speculate as to his demise


    Very worthwhile causes, by the way :good:

  16. I have to admit, that does sound a little strange... :huh:

    Which passages were they?

    If it was some general run of the mill passages which can just be of general guidance/comfort/make you feel a bit better etc, then fair enough, that's just being a good Christian and 'spreading the love', but even then, it's not the sort of thing I'd expect when purchasing something watch related...

    As for donations... Charity can take many forms, and does not have to involve giving money to a church/institution... Charitable donations, aka zakat, is one of the five pillars of Islam, but I don't give money to any particular institution, and the idea with such donations is really that the money be used in the community, to be given to those who need it the most. Following Ramadan last year, I gave

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