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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. thanks for sharing teejay it looks like you and wife had a fantastic day...

    No problem, and thanks, it certainly was a great day :)

    I forgot to say, rather than the traditional 'wedding march', we used the End Theme from David Lynch's Dune :)

  2. My word but you are a handsome devil!! Yet in saying that I'm blind so what do I know!! :p:D

    Glad the whole thing went so well bud!! I'll join Lani in wishing you the Red Dragon!


    Thanks bro, and thanks again for the awesome wedding gift :) I had hoped that more photos while signing the register would have captured the watch better, but alas, those were the closest thing to wrist shots :D The Red Dragon will be getting tattooed once I can scrape the cash together... Either that, or I try and convince the bank that a self-designed body-suit does constitute a business expense as 'advertising' ;)

    Amazing..simply amazing! :D

    What a fantastic day you and Emily must have had :) Love the photos, love the choice of attires, and that location... that really is something.

    Both you and E look great :) Wish you both a happy life together :)

    Indeed, it was awesome, bro :) Thanks for the good wishes :good:

    You guys look great - and that victorian parlor for the event is just amazing! And the suit discussions payed off as well it seems. Nice half spread collar and half windsor - worked great. And the black/red theme is always a winner. Everything goes with black. As I said, you both look like a million bucks!

    Beyond that, a couple more observations: First, we finally get to see the "hairstyle". Second, we have the same birthday of course so I knew we would share some traits but your nose looks the exact same as mine in some of these pics. I will say that I have more hair than you though, but I'm guessing that isn't much of a race. lol.

    Again, congrats. Looks like mine is sneaking up fast as well, although there are some illnesses in the family so we are playing it by ear on the date until a few items are sorted.

    Thanks, bro, the suit discussions were really helpful :) Indeed, not much of a "hairstyle", but, certainly one which requires maintenance... I mean, if I had alopecia, or was just really old, then yes, that's being bald... All the time I have to work on it, it's still a "hairstyle"... At least... That's what I keep telling myself :lol:/ :cry: By choice, my hair would be something like this:


    Never mind though, there's more to life than hair :lol:

    I knew Emily was going to have a red dress (although I didn't see it before hand), and I knew I wanted to wear a red tie Agent 47-style, but I was really pleased with how everything coordinated on the day :)

    If health might be an issue for yours, might splitting it over a few days as we did give more flexibility? My parents are still going to be holding another 'reception' at the end of March, for all the relatives who couldn't make it to the reception, maybe something like that might be helpful in your situation?

    Thanks for sharing your special day with us, It looks a lovely place for a wedding. Was the prisoner filmed there or am I confused ?

    No problem, and indeed, the location really helped make it memorable :) You're absolutely right, that was where the Prisoner was filmed :) In the show, the hotel Portmeirion (where the ceremony took place) was the old folks home :)

    Poor wrist shots!


    Nice one TeeJay, hope it was a memorable day for you and wish you all the best for the future with your wife! :)

    I know, they're pretty shameful, I just didn't really have time to take any myself (would've looked a bit funny trying to get the right angle while trying to sign the register :lol: ) but I guess that's just one of those things :) It was indeed a very memorable day, thanks for the good wishes :)

  3. Thanks for the good wishes, guys, but it's honestly no problem, after all, we're all bros here. As Lani says, One heart ~ One community. Given all the help and advice folks have given me, sharing the wedding photos is the least I can do :good::drunk:

    Corgi, the Village was actually the project build of an eccentric :) Quite a place, and well worth a visit if you're ever able :)

  4. It's taken me a while to get this all organized, but, I'd finally like to share with everyone, a selected album from the events over my wedding. Without the contributions from this forum, this wedding would not have gone down as smoothly as it did, and, possibly, not even occurred at all, so it's the least I can do to share some candid shots with everyone :)

    The wedding took place in Wales:


    in the village of Portmeirion:






    When these photos were taken, it was like being in a snow globe :)

    After a quick tour round the Village, we had an evening meal with all the guests on the day :)



    The following day, the day of the wedding, the weather was like this:




    The ceremony took place in The Mirror Room:








    Signing the register... Tee...


    Me with me Best Men, Emily with her bridesmaids:


    Group shot:


    Outside the hotel Portmeirion:







    Down by the stone boat, the name of which, translates to 'Friends Reunited'. Apt, as my bro flew all the way from Tokyo to attend :)


    This is as close as it got to wrist shots:



    Then it was time for the evening meal...

    Three wise monkeys...


    and afterwards, three amigos...


    The following morning, we went about the Village getting photos of Emily's hat. This was her wedding present. A woolly hat... Yes, a woolly hat. A woolly hat made specifically for her, by the lovely Diva Zappa...


    Walking on water? That's not hard.... As long as it's frozen ;)


    Taking an awesome photo...




    And tha's it from Wales...


    But I'm not done yet, there was still the reception to come :lol:



    Nicola should have been attending the wedding as a bridesmaid, but was unable to get the time off work...


    The witch's Coven :D


    Cheers :good:


    Cutting the cake:


    Going through cards:


    And that was that...

    Once again, I'd like to give a huge thanks to everyone who's contributions, be it financial, advice, or otherwise, made things go as smoothly as they did :good:

  5. I sold my UPO to get this Ebel and i dont regret it. Way better AR and feels alot smoother on the wrist. My beater the TAG Link has something to fight against now.

    You're right about the feel on the wrist, they are really nice watches. If I thought that I would definitely give it exclusive wrist time, I would get one in an instant :)

    Are you sure you don't regret it.... :p

    My newly acquired Planet Ocean;


    Looking good, bro :good:

  6. yep i received it yesterday and its not leaving my wrist anytime soon *g


    I'm really tempted to get one myself in the future, but, I'm not sure if I would like it enough to wear every day... I don't know if I like it enough to buy just as occasional wear/shelf-filler.... Heck of a nice watch though :)

  7. thanks, Teejay. Feels excellent on the wrist too...well balanced though the bracelet is heavy in hand! The end link is very tightly toleranced and had a helluva time catching the springbars into their holes. My watchmaker took out his tools and removed 2 links cuz I like the band to fit snug, not loose. Now it wears just super! Feels and looks great! Supposedly the watch has the ETA clone....whatever....it keeps very accurate time, quick to charge up the reserve, and makes me happy hahaha!

    No problem :) If you want to really improve the feel of the bracelet, pour on some sewing machine oil, work it into the links, then rinse off the excess. It'll really loosen the action of the links, and it'll feel like butter on your wrist :good:

  8. Noticed that he hadn't been spending a lot of time on the boards over the past few months, but he seems to have disappeared completely as of late. Hope he's doing well and will return sometime soon. Anybody heard from him?

    Have to admit, I've been wondering that myself. I did see a post from him a while back, but even that post was made after quite an absence, maybe he's just really busy with work, I know how that can be sometimes :)

  9. I'm not questioning the quality of the LV's in this topic, just the PATINA on the repllica leathers.

    And as I said, unless the two leathers involved (on the gen bag, and on Ken's bag) are the same leather, they are likely not going to age or behave in the same way. That's the nature of the game, and a point RobbieG makes about rep v gen watches, in that when a gen watch uses precious metals like Rhodium, Platinum etc, polished Stainless Steel will never behave in the same way, or have the same tactile qualities or appearance, even if at a quick glance, they both appear to be 'shiny/white metals'. Same situation with the bags... It all depends on the hides involved. If the hides used in the bags Ken sells are the same as the hides used in the gen bags, then yes, they should age the same way. If they are not, then it is obvious that they are going to age differently, due to the properties of the different hides involved :)

  10. For those who have purchased any LV bags from kenberg with the natural untreated leather: Did they develop the HONEY tan/brown color patina that the authentic LV's develop?

    I don't think this has ever been addressed before with LV bags and I think it is an important factor in the replicas. For ME, it is the only reason I want the leather LV's, I LOVE that gorgeous honey brown leather, it gives the bag a vintage-distressed look.

    I have 2 LV bags that I purchased from Ruby years ago., a monogram speedy and monogram dog carrier both with the untreated leather handles and trim. After 2-3 years they only developed a very light tan on the leather, definately NOT in the honey- tan shade. The handles on the bags were darker but only where my hands held it. The light tan color is nowhere near the HONEY tan/brown that the auth lv leather develops and it never will.

    So this made me wonder if the higher quality LV bags like the ones Kenberg sells, if the leather darkens to the honey brown shade like the auth LV's. It should, right ? If the bag is higher quality this should include the leather as well, right?

    I would appreciate any feedback and photos.

    Why should it? :huh:

    The 'quality' isn't really a factor here, as it would depend on if the leather used is the same leather as used in the gens ;) That would be the only reason for the two leathers to behave the same...

    I bought an LV Messenger bag from Ken last year, and it's been a really good, hard-wearing bag :) I use it almost every time I leave the house :)

    I do have one admission to make though... When I was in Spain last October, I took a lot of business pamphlets and flyers with me, and that over-taxed the 'buckle/slide' for adjusting the length of the bag strap... However, I've knotted the end of the strap, to the shorter strap section (some kind of DIY-made up as I went along knot which looks a little like a Four in Hand tie knot) and it's been good ever since. Not really an issue with the quality of the merchandise, just a case of stressing the bag beyond it's carrying capacity :lol:

  11. watcheden drop ships...i have had a few problems with the wrong item or model (similar or older model) sent...it's an inconvenience, but i have sent them back..it takes times, but they usually make it right...

    great price and value...

    here's an example...

    i ordered a Glashutte white dial PanoMatic from tonyxkf on cqout...as far as i can tell, this model is an older one...there's a newer one out that is different...since tonyxkf=watcheden, they sent me the newer model (watcheden pix attached)...hey, this happens...but it is frustrating...especially because i have learned...before i order i inquire...they can tell you the watch is "in stock" or not...since the watches are drop-shipped, they can't tell what the watch actually looks like...a few times, i have inquired on some watches from their site that they cannot get...not always good at pruning the old models off the website...

    i also ordered an Omega 20mm PO rubber strap in BLACK and received ORANGE...frustrating for sure...

    anyhow, here's an example of a mis-shipment...

    they are making good on it...


    post-16947-1234928678_thumb.jpg post-16947-1234928891_thumb.jpg

    I have to admit, I've never received an incorrectly shipped watch from Tony, and any kind of mechanical errors have always been dealt with efficiently and professionally. WIth regards the new or old watches, this is a situation I encountered when I asked Tony if he could source a VCO. He could only get the new model, rather than the old model I was after. I bought the 'old model' from another dealer, but never liked wearing it, so it got sent on to a friend...

    I don't have a problem with drop-shipping as long as the correct items arrive, or, any mistakes are dealt with smoothly (as happened when I ordered from a different drop-shipper)

    I hope your issues get resolved smoothly :):good:

  12. Oh and a little trivia for you for those who are not totally familiar with the substance:

    Rhodium is actually the most expensive of the precious metals. More than Platinum even, which is why it is seen primarily as a plating material in the jewelry industry. Here are some numbers for you: Annual production is just 25 tons world wide. As of October 2007, rhodium cost approximately eight times more than gold, 450 times more than silver, and 27,250 times more than copper by weight. Rhodium's typical historical price is about $1,000 and ounce, but in recent years it has increased to about $4500 an ounce. In 2008 the price briefly rose above $10,000 per ounce!

    Rhodium is a member the Platinum group of precious metals which also includes Palladium and Iridium - and is found in Platinum ore. Solid Rhodium jewelry is very rare as its hardness makes it too tough to work. It's principle use (in the jewelry industry) is as an extremely hard and durable plating material primarily used to put a white reflective finish on White Gold and Platinum which are not so white and shiney in their natural states. It forms an extremely hard and virtually oxidation-proof finish, making its use as a plating material an excellent choice - especially in gold jewelry which is inherently soft. But when you think of typical gold plating you think of something that is fragile. With rhodium that is certainly not the case. Just the opposite actually. It is far harder and more durable in all cases of what it covers.

    Most comes from mines in South Africa and more than 80% of the worlds supply is used in catalytic converters - not jewelry. This is because of its nitrogen synthesis abilities ideal for controlling emmissions. It is also widely used in as a hardening agent for Platinum in aircraft turbines and critical machined parts.

    Interesting stuff :good:

    I'll have to start ripping out exhaust pipes and get smelting ;)

  13. Rhodium is such a cool substance. As a photographer, I have always enjoyed how light interacts with this substance in the most interesting ways. Whether it be a dial or simply bridges in a movement which have been plated with it, I am always amazed at how many cool colors can be seen in different light and at different angles.

    Of course at first glance the Rhodium dial on my DJ is sort of a deep silver. But in some light it looks like a deep grey. In some light it looks almost white. In some light it looks like platinum. In some light it shows a very faint yellow hue - like you see in white gold items when they just start to fade. So much to keep you interested just with these variations.

    But in some light Rhodium delivers my favorite hue of all: A very faint steely grey blue. Now that is my favorite of all. Here are a couple pics I happen to have that really show the Rhodium in Blue. Enjoy...




    As always, fantastic shots, bro, almost makes me want to try a DJ for myself :o

  14. I think I'll just send a nice letter in which I state that I'm not aware of this, my home adress can be found on the internet so I could be scammed, not?

    For example, facebook, you can find my adress on my page...

    Also, I have ignored the previous letter that I got from Rolex, so with the ignoration (don't know if that's spelled right) I stated that I agree with the destruction of the watches.

    Or would that be a bad idea?

    BTW, I'm still a student and a lawyer would cost me alot I guess...

    At the most, you might be look at an hour's consultation time, and then a fee for if they draft a letter for you. Some lawyers offer a certain amount of consultation time free, and depending on any benefits claimed (or possibly student fees/expenses) they might be able to offer a reduced price. It certainly wouldn't hurt to enquire, and then decide how you want to proceed :)

  15. Well, I'm not a fan of the watch in particular so IMO the Pro Hunter guys just make it worse. In general I'm not a fan of most of the PH stuff, although, I must say, the standard Daytona in all black and white colors is a standout of the bunch. That looks really cool.

    The problem with all black watches is without some contrast in a strap or otherwise they usually look better in pics than in person. You kind of get taking by images and then on your wrist it falls flat.

    Something like the Blacksteel Skyland though has enough contrast and is not quite so black so it works better. Plus, some different straps and contrast stitching as I said work wonders...


    This is so true. I love my 004, but any time I put it on, I just find it 'too harsh' to go with stuff, so it sees very little wrist time. A shame, seeing as it was a birthday present from Emily the year before last, but never mind, such is life :)

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