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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. I don't think John's a rep fan but I do love his reviews...his Seamaster/ Sub/SD review combos are some of the best on the web!

    It was his SMP vs Sub review which made me really notice Omega as a brand, and start to take a more specific interest in the aspects of a watch, rather than just looking at the 'overall package', so at the very least, I owe him thanks for broadening my horizons :)

  2. John's reviews are always an excellent read, and a great inspiration for the reviews I've written myself. He's also a very nice guy. Humble, well-mannered, just the kind of guy who would fit in and be an asset to a community like this, but, I don't know how he feels about reps :lol:

  3. I don't know what it looks like as I can't see it. The description said rolex ring so I figured it was either made by them or resembled a rolex watch in some way.

    That was what it had to do with Rolex, I was just trying to be helpful and throw something unusual into the mix. Sorry if it isn't to your tastes or your ideas of rolex!

    It's pretty much a US 'college style' ring, with a large round red stone in the center, and the shoulders of the ring resemble the bracelet of a two tone sub. Not my taste in a ring, but it will definitely appeal to some :) Awesome find :good:

  4. Awesome shoes and watch :good: I have to admit, I'm not a fan of Ostrich... The lumps on it creep me out... Depending on how tasty you are with a craft knife, getting a custom fit on a stock-purchased strap shouldn't be too difficult :) Best of luck getting a good match :):good:

  5. Man BT, the more I see the ceramic GMT the more I can't wait till the blk Sub version comes out on that case. I had this one for a while as well and loved it - just wasn't needing more GMT's at the time.

    But Rolex sure has made a watch case and bracelet that feel more high end than anything else prior in the sports line. And isn't that clasp great?

    I missed this comment earlier, but I totally agree, Rolex really built a good watch, and one which really does feel 'high end' when worn :)

    Thanks a lot Monsieur :D

    Any time :good:

  6. Wow, some great watches again here and some splendid photos... :D

    This week-end is the right time to wear my 1665 Trilogy: Single red to start, followed by the double red and the great white...

    Sounds like a sexy plan isn't it ? :wub:

    Let's start with the SR with genuine super dome and vietnamese bezel + + + a lot of parts and craftmanship :rolleyes:

    Fantastic as always, my friend :good:

  7. I know I'm a new guy here, so I hope you don't mind me throwing in a congratulations and a bit of advice. :) Never sweat the small stuff. so often many of us find ourselves getting caught up in obsessing over things that don't really matter, that we forget to appreciate the big picture. You've made a decision that has changed your life 1,3,5,10,20,50 years from now! We don't find a connection with someone else and make a decision like that without a reason. Use that reason to help you through those times that you may feel like running out the door and wanting to live in a cabin in the middle of nowhere.... OK, maybe that's just me. :p

    I've been married over 18 years and wouldn't change a thing. The one thing I've learned is that you can always learn from any mistake. Since I wasn't born perfect, I'm always grateful for having made and learned from a mistake. Together you'll be more than you could ever be on your own- and people that don't believe that are too selfish to understand or experience it.

    Cheers to you and your Bride!


    New or Old Skool, good advice is good advice, and always very much appreciated, so thank you, I will definitely bear those words in mind :) Welcome to the party :)

    I know I'm a new guy here, so I hope you don't mind me throwing in a congratulations and a bit of advice. :) Never sweat the small stuff. so often many of us find ourselves getting caught up in obsessing over things that don't really matter, that we forget to appreciate the big picture. You've made a decision that has changed your life 1,3,5,10,20,50 years from now! We don't find a connection with someone else and make a decision like that without a reason. Use that reason to help you through those times that you may feel like running out the door and wanting to live in a cabin in the middle of nowhere.... OK, maybe that's just me. :p

    I've been married over 18 years and wouldn't change a thing. The one thing I've learned is that you can always learn from any mistake. Since I wasn't born perfect, I'm always grateful for having made and learned from a mistake. Together you'll be more than you could ever be on your own- and people that don't believe that are too selfish to understand or experience it.

    Cheers to you and your Bride!


    New or Old Skool, good advice is good advice, and always very much appreciated, so thank you, I will definitely bear those words in mind :) Welcome to the party :)

    Congrats TJ!!!!

    Best O luck to you and your bride on your journey forward and may it be a beautiful one!


    Thanks, bro, it's very much appreciated :)

    My heartfelt congratulations, mate!

    And what a wonderful wristy you have there! :good:

    Thanks indeed :) Glad you liked them :good:

    Congratulations!! I'm so glad to hear it went well (I know it wasn't an easy process).

    Sorry, but I'm a bit behind. You said that Emily's dad passed away. Is that your wife's dad? I'm sorry for the loss.

    Wow, a lot has happened in your life in a short time. You might want to plan something fun for later this year so you don't get depressed after all of this excitement (my wife and I went through a bit of a depression after the excitement of the wedding, last September).

    So... did you buy your wife a watch as a wedding gift? :D

    Thanks, it certainly wasn't without it's hiccups to get things accomplished in time :lol:

    It was her biological father, and to be honest, he isn't missed ;) Her step-father is the person who actually raised her, and it was her step-father's name which was put on the marriage licences and certificates B)

    There's still more to come :) At the end of May, we're going to Tokyo for a week, combining a late honeymoon, my wife's birthday, and my best friend's wedding, which is the day after the birthday... That said, it's going to be hard to top that :lol:

    No watch as a wedding gift :lol: I got her a hat, which was made specifically just for her, by Diva Zappa :)

    You've hit the nail right on the head here mate.

    15th Anniversary for us this August and I totally agree with everything you said.

    Sure, my wife and I have had some real belters of arguments over the years, but we've always managed to sort it out.

    It is still quite simply the best thing I've ever done in my life.

    Congratulations to you and your wife TeeJay. I wish you both many, many years of happiness together.

    Thanks for the encouragement, and I quite agree, it couldn't be much better said :)

    Glad it all went well mate

    Thanks indeed, my friend :) I hope all is well with you :good:

  8. Starting with something new on Friday. My experiment from yesterday - Planet Ocean on grey Sirtoli Sharkskin w/deployant...



    Looks awesome, bro, a very successful experiment :)

    Not quite a full update, or even much as a wrist check, but just a quick update on my past week:

    My amigo and I while being driven to Portmeirion:


    The wedding watch on the day:


    The GMTSub photographed while resting on a frozen wading pool:


    [Edit to add]

    Yes, I know the dial's wonky on the GMTSub, it shifted really badly while we were away, but has since been realigned :)

  9. Thanks for the messages, guys, it's very mch appreciated, from both of us :)

    The photos won't get uploaded for a few days, as I want to wait till we see the reception pics as well, so you can see the best of the best, but, I will give you a little written spoiler of a watch shot I got yesterday:

    My GMTSub, resting on 12mm thick ice, over a 'wading pool' with a blue-painted base... It looks awesome, and I can't wait to share it with you guys :good:

  10. The wedding went incredibly, and although I didn't actually get many wrist shots, I'll upload the regular pics when I get the chance. I have one of my best men staying with us till the reception Sunday, and following that, we have Emily's dad's funeral, and a few meetings early in the week which might take up some time, so it might be a further week till I'm back on the forum properly, but just to let you all know that all went well, and much of that was down to advice from my bros here :) Many thanks, amigos :good:

  11. It's gestures like this which make me proud to be a member of RWG :good:

    I just got back from my stag do with my bros, and I have to admit, although the topic of watches came up, I had no problem mentioning this forum and it's members, as shining examples of the human potential for excellence. Sorry if I don't make much sense, I've had a few to drink, but nothing can be more honest than such a statement :good:

    Best regards to you all,

  12. Sounds good.....but what do you rinse the oil off with? Rinsing with normal water won't make much of a difference....do you use warm water with soap?

    Sorry for the delay, and yes, as you've suggested, and my bro DS confirmed, warm water and soap to remove the excess and rinse it off :)

  13. Yep

    I don't have a problem with drugs, they used to be legal, and I think legalization and taxation would be a way of funneling much needed funds into the health services, and, that would be fair... The junkies, smokers, drinkers, etc, would be paying extra into the health service, only fair that they get good treatment for it :lol:

    And if any one thinks that, that is extreem they should hear my wife's ideas on the subject, it will make you shudder!!

    I take it it involves 'nuts' and 'chopping block' :lol:

    Voted yes too, sounds workable also.

    Very workable. People claiming Jobseeker's Allowance, as far as I know, need to attend fortnightly meetings to review their status and progress... Wouldn't be hard to do a piss test at the same time :) If they refuse to take the test, their advisor presses the big red 'stop all benefits for a fortnight' button... I don't think they'd get many refusals once word got out that that's what happened ;)

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