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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. If you think Rolexes suck, I'd suggest getting the Tag, as personally, I think the Breitling is very similar in style to Rolex dive watches. No point in getting a watch which will just earn the question "Is that a Rolex??"...

    Best of luck with your purchase :good:

  2. Hi TeeJay, I hope you don't mind me sharing a quick wedding photo of my own. Your pictures reminded me of my wedding (congrats by the way). This photo was taken as we walked out of the church. I almost thought about sending it to Tag Heuer (It just looks soooo "advertisement" to me ;)). I hope all goes great for you bud!


    Of course I don't mind, bro, thanks for sharing :good: Now I have the decision... Do I use my right arm, for a sly wrist shot, or do I use my left arm, for the 'ring shot'... Decisions decisions :lol: Contratulations on your own wedding, you both look really elegant :good:

  3. how hard is it to fit the SMP 20mm to a 42mm PO? I don't care about the writing on the inner side.

    It can depend on the actual watch head. With the rep 20mm SMP strap, there is a peg on the inside of the curved surface (where the strap would press against the case) In some instances, some of the Planet Ocean reps are made with a 'hole' in between the lugs, which this peg can locate into. Also, some Planet Ocean reps are made with two sets of springbar holes in the lugs. One set for the springbar with the bracelet, and a second set of holes, closer to the case, and slightly higher, which allow the SMP bracelet to make a snug fit with the Planet Ocean case. What needs to be remembered, is that regardless of the watches being reps, the SMP and Planet Ocean, despite both having a 20mm lug width, also have slightly differently shaped lugs.

    To be honest, I've only ever had a 20mm SMP strap with my Planet Oceans, and never really been unhappy with the fit at the case end, however, having seen how good the 22mm strap looks, even with the 20mm lug width, I'm considering getting one when I have the spare cash :)

  4. thanks so much teejay, i knew i could count on you!

    sadly, that is very, very similar to his navitimer already....maybe i'll buy that one and we can trade... ;)

    No problem, I'm glad to be of help :) Of course, that might be a good thing if he likes his Navitimer, but just wanted something with the 24 hour dial :) There're a few other models on that link, so maybe there'll be something a bit different which he might also like :)

  5. TeeJay-

    The one in my pics has a black dial, though it oft times appears grey in certain lighting/angles. The grey that I've seen has a radial brushed finish to the ribbed dial and is closer to silver, I think.



    Thanks for the clarification :) I only wondered, as I'd seen it offered by my dealer with the option for grey dial, or black dial :) Of course, I have no idea if the grey dial would even be a gen option :D I was actually considering buying the grey dial option as watches for my best men, as it seemed slightly 'less harsh' than the black option, and also, a nice change from dials which are normally just black, but, as things worked out, funds never worked out to allow it, such is life :)

    You won't be disappointed with this one bro. It is pricey for the rep world, but then a steal when you compare it to retailers as to what you are actually getting for your money. You are essentially getting a gen PP Nautilus minus the movement and a little bit skimpy on the dial :lol: But then you can't really complain on the savings you make can you ;)

    That dial is black, but its matte, unlike the new one which is a black glossy finish. This one appears a dark slate grey when light hits it in a certain angle. I'll be getting this one very soon, have it relumed and then swap it out with my current one.

    As it happens I'm wearing it right now:



    Thanks for the input, bro :) Having gotten my eye 'used' to a Sub-size watch again, I am seriously considering adding one to my 'shopping list' for when I can start rebuilding the collection. I might go for a grey dialled option, for the reason I mentioned to Ubi above, it would be a change from a 'pure black' dial. However... I'm also very tempted with the blue dial... I frequently wear blue jeans and a white shirt, and I think that option would really complement such an outfit...

  6. I would go for a half windsor with a dimple, happens to be the exact knot used in that pic of 47.

    It looks alot cleaner than your normal knot and with the dimple it acctually helps keep it squared away so you don't have to fool with it every now and then.

    Thanks for the suggestion, bro :) I can't try it with the actual shirt at the moment, as it's in the wash, but it looks good with the shirt I have on now (better than the Shelby) so I'll see how it goes with the other shirt :) I had wanted to go for a Full Windsor, but it just didn't look right for some reason... The half Windsor looks awesome :)

    Regardless, you look fantastic, TJ! :good: make sure you post a couple of nice wristshots during your BIG day! :p

    Thanks, amigo :) I'll be sure to get as many as possible :lol::good:

  7. I wasn't going to post as my picture is so bad compared to the first few, but then I saw TeeJay's and figured what the heck. So here is my "new" Lum-Tec that I got Friday. This thing glows like a freakin' torch. Sorry no lume shot, but you know what it looks like.




    Folks already knew what the watch looked like, so I figured more important to get the Ramones in focus, so things made sense :D

    That's an awesome watch you've got there, bro, wear it well :good:

  8. A useful bit of info I learned today: Timpson (a national chain of locksmith/shoe repairers/watch repairers here in England) offer a pressure testing service in their stores, up to 200m. Good news for those who'd rather not traipse around jeweller after jeweller being frowned upon by snobbish shopkeepers for our unspeakable hobby, haha.

    I took my newly acquired SMP along today and for the princely sum of

  9. You need to get in touch with HU and see if his mates are still oke with paying this guy a visit. He pffered some time ago. No doubt slinging them some beer money for their effort would go a long way. IF not, there's a lot of you who are owed money/watches by the man. some of you have a grand or more out there. Get to gether, sling in 50bucks each and hire somone! Even Poland has PIs these days.


    I have to agree here. I know I haven't got any goods or cash at stake here, but I am as shocked as everyone else by the turns of events which have taken place, and left people minus goods or cash, and equally shocked that people are just letting it slide like this. As has been mentioned before, this is a case of theft, regardless of the nature of the goods involved. I believe the above suggest is the best, and likely only way this whole unfortunate situation will be resolved.

    Best regards to all involved,

  10. So, you want to know the fate after "the Rolex disintegrated against the man's jaw"? After that, there is no mention of it.

    I'd guess given he didn't have it at the end of the novel, he must have discarded it after... Oh well, it was just a curiousity :)

    I think the reader can make up his/her own mind on which Oyster Perpetual Bond is actually wearing. OP to me (in reference to Bond) will always be the 6538.

    Ahh, the Broccoli Classic :) An understandable choice :)

    You Only Live Twice and The Man With the Golden Gun are the last two Fleming novels. I don't have them, nor have read them (yet). Does Fleming make any other Rolex references in those?

    ps. TeeJay, I rank OHMSS in my top 5 Bond movies. Thunderball is number 1.

    I have to admit, I can't remember any references in them, but, it was well over a decade since I read them... I must refresh my memory :)

    I have to admit, I rather liked Thunderball, but not as much some of the others. I think it was more a case of I liked 'bits' of the movie (Claudine Auger :wub::p ) but not the overall movie :lol:

  11. I think you make a good point, Freddy.

    Fleming was very explicit in his writings, so it would seem odd to not have any mention of a rotatable bezel.

    In 1962, Fleming wrote a description of James Bond for Playboy magazine. Under "Apparel", he writes "Wears Rolex Oyster Perpetual watch".

    Also, some notes on the wrist in which he wears it, Fleming replies to a reader in 1958...

    "...points out that the Rolex Oyster Perpetual weighs about six ounces and would appreciably slow up the use of his left hand in combat.". I think the reference in OHMSS when Bond notices his right hand is in reference to the hand in which he used the watch as a knuckleduster.

    I think the only certainty is that Bond indeed wears a Rolex Oyster Perpetual.

    And the only Rolex which can only be described thus, is the 1954 pre-Submariner ;) As before, given Fleming's use of brand names, I find it hard to see why he would choose to not use the Explorer name for the watch, if that was indeed what he intended. From a purely lazy point, it would save typing two words each time :lol: As I mentioned to Freddy, I think Fleming would have made mention of the bezel, if it was a more crucial plot point, but, in that instance, it would simply have slowed the pace, and had he written "the crystal disintegrated against the guard's face, and the rotating bezel flew off the watch into the darkness of the corridor." it would have added an unnecessary element of comedy... I would not view the omission of mention of the bezel as an indicator of it being an Explorer, for the above reason of brand-name dropping ;)

    I personally DO love the submariner more, I'm just posting what I read in the reputable watchtime magazine. They showed an illustration from a bond novel and depicted was a rolex with Arabic numerals, and even a photo of Fleming at his desk wearing an explorer I. Hmm, either way I still prefer the subby :)

    As before, I don't doubt the source or the friend's account, I simply wonder if it could have been an issue which, as Obi-Wan said, depends on one's point of view... :) I just think, personally, that there is more evidence to support it having been written as a pre-Submariner, rather than an Explorer, even if the Explorer was Fleming's original intent, which may or may not have changed during the writing process :)

  12. TeeJay,

    I'd rather spend the money on other gen parts than buy a gen 20mm rubber strap. Do you by any chance have a rep 20mm that fits tight?


    Jim, let me begin by apologising for not responding to your message earlier...

    Do you mean a 20mm strap for a regular Seamaster, or a 20mm strap for a Planet Ocean?

    If you mean for a Planet Ocean, there is not a rep strap made for the Planet Ocean in 20mm, so the options are either fitting a 20mm SMP strap (as is mostly factory installed) or try force-fitting a 22mm rep strap.

    If you mean for a regular Seamaster, then a 20mm strap is available from here, as well as many other dealers :)

  13. No problem. I had the books handy.

    OHMSS is my favorite book.

    My favorite book is From Russia with Love, but OHMSS is my favorite of the movies. I didn't think Lazenby was so bad in the role, and hell, anything with Diana Rigg in it will always get a thumbs up from me ;)

    I think you have to consider the context in which Fleming wrote those early Bond novels. For 1 thing, Fleming, himself, wore an Explorer & as is still the case today, most gen owners no little about Rolex watches beyond what they see on their own wrist. So having Fleming make note of the luminescent glow & 'Oyster Perpetual' markings on Bond's Rolex would seem quite reasonable when describing a character wearing an Explorer. After all, Fleming would need only to look down at his own wrist for inspiration. Secondly, if Bond's watch had been a Sub, I find it difficult to believe that he would mention the dial's inscriptions & luminescent glow without noting the bezel's rotating nature, which, at the time the early Bond novels were written, (1950s) was a very unique & notable feature on a wrist watch. It is just very difficult to believe that Fleming would describe Bond wearing 1 of the then-new Subs without mentioning the watch's unique bezel, especially in view of how it would have required 007 to reset it (back to null) after having used the watch as a knuckleduster.

    There's certainly some interesting points there, but there are some things which prevent me from agreeing with them with regards to the Bond watch...

    First off, I would quite agree with you when you say that most gen owners have little to no idea about the watches, and yes, Fleming likely did look to his own wrist as inspiration. However, as I mentioned before, Fleming frequently went into detail with his brand-name dropping, and I think that had he meant Rolex Explorer, he would have written "Rolex Explorer", rather than "Rolex Oyster Perpetual". To me, it's easier to 'think backwards', and think that rather than simply describing the watch, he was in fact identifying it, even though that identification sounds like a description, because of Rolex branding... I say that, because it is more 'in keeping' with Fleming's writing to believe that that was an identification rather than a description, rather than believe that he put in a description rather than a brand-name drop, when in all the other instances, he would brand-name drop...

    Secondly, while I would agree that the bezel would have been a very unique feature, and most definitely would have been mentioned if it was plot relevant, but, it would not really have been a relevant detail at that point in the story... Bond was not using his watch as a timer (when it certainly would have made sense to mention the rotating bezel) but was using it purely as a weapon... I forget if Bond pocketed the watch after taking out the guard, or if he ditched it, (Miguel, could you check that out please :lol: ) but, given the crystal disintegrated, I doubt he put it back on his wrist for time-keeping ;) Infact, the line Miguel posted, about how Bond went to check his watch at the debrief, forgetting he was not wearing one, and realized he would have to get a replacement, (on expenses, of course ;) ) lends support to the theory that he simply discarded it after using it as a weapon, so no real need to reset the bezel under those circumstances... ;)

    Thirdly, having written a bit myself, I know how much a final manuscript can change from original intentions and notes, and sometimes quite dramatically. As mentioned, Fleming might have initially said to his friend that he was going to write Bond having an Explorer, or that he was thinking about writing Bond having an Explorer, when discussing his plans for the novel, but possibly changed his mind during the writing process... I acknowledge that that's something we'll never know for sure, but, as I mentioned with the Obi-Wan quote: A person's point of view (as to what they knew or were told) could still make the comment true to them, even if the facts themselves, unbeknownst to them, had altered after the original conversation.

    Thanks for the interesting points to consider though, at the end of the day, it's certainly a fun topic to mull over :):good:

  14. And it's one that I "fiddle" with the most. I keep trying to make it look older, more vintage, more used.

    Hmmm, I never noticed that...nice catch.

    I'm sure you'll get the right look in the end :) I haven't tried a vintaging project yet, but I hope to get round to one one day :)

    Thanks, and thanks for posting the quotes, it certainly helped clarify my theory :)

  15. Thanks for the kind comments on my watch....I never take it off.

    I got mine from TTK, I imagine Chris would be able to get it as well.

    I wondered if it might've been a daily beater ;)

    I think if I was going to get one, I'd definitely want the pre-Submariner dial. Maybe one day... :)

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