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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Does this mean a watch sale?

    Well, there's going to be a lot of his stock to shift :lol:

    Sorry TeeJay I couldn't resist. I'm like that as you well know.

    Time to move on and forget friend.


    No offense taken, this is the kind of humor which has made the day pass smoothly :) As you say, time to move on and forget :)


    Thanks, bro, I had a feeling you'd see it that way too :)

    Thats a saying I like.........What Goes Around Come Around, thats so true........I try and help people and be a good person, Karma is a wonderful thing!

    So whens this wedding??

    Could do with a party......lol


    You're absolutely right there, Karma is a wonderful thing :) A massive heart attack prevents a deathbed repentence ;) He's in the hot place, where he belongs, for the way he behaved towards Emily and her mum, he's had this coming for a long time. Justice is served :)

    As for the party... The wedding is the 3rd, the reception is the 8th. Sadly, it's a full house, or you know there'd be invites on their way :good:

  2. I've a Skyland and a Blackbird you could borrow?

    I've got the bracelets, a black leather strap or a rubber strap.

    I suppose the Blackbird on leather could be smart?

    Thanks for the offer, it is very much appreciated :) Nikki6 has been kind enough to offer me the loan of a watch, which is near identical to what I had originally envisaged, so I have taken him up on his generous offer :) Thank you again though, it is very much appreciated :)

  3. Teejay,

    I can totally understand where you are coming from my friend! People like Emily's father deserve to NOT be in your lives anymore.

    I can imagine how much discontent you both have had to endure in the past. This is not easy and I can from personal experience.. ;)

    People like unfortunately can ruin your life.

    I also totally understand how frustrated he as make you personally feel also! B)

    Now that he has passed...I think both of you will be quite a bit happier! Now he can not much up the waters anymore

    regarding your life with Emily..

    Thanks for sharing my friend. I commend you for opening yourself up here!~ Something which is hard for me to do personally.

    Live your lives full now!

    Today is the first day of the rest of your life Teejay...

    Thanks for sharing my friend...



    Thanks for the kind words and the understanding, my friend, it is very much appreciated :) As you say, today is the first day of the rest of our lives together, and that can only be a good thing :)

  4. :lol:

    I'm with ya TJ,when a dic*head dies,F. em.

    Absolutely. I think the best thing we can now do, is move on and live our lives without the shadows his presence caused :) To be honest, even though he wasn't invited to the wedding, you can guarantee that he'd've made some kind of contact on the day itself to try and twist the knife, as he was just manipulative and spiteful like that. Even if he hadn't made contact, Emily would've been constantly worried that he would have, so this is no great loss to us. I feel sorry for his widow, and his mother, but not for him. To be honest, it's like a great weight has been lifted from our shoulders.

  5. i've always wondered about people like that - the existence they've had, the choices they've made. relativism aside, do they really think, deep down where they don't like to look, that they're actually good people? after all, isn't that what we all think of ourselves in the end? are they really unaware of their effect on people's lives in the wake of their actions and decisions? because, after all the rationalizations lose their potency when faced with the end of days, i would think there's gotta be stark, unblinking, gnawing fear at what comes next, regardless of your creed or beliefs...

    good riddance...

    congrats on your impending nuptials, tj.

    Thanks for the congratulations, it's much appreciated :) As for the moral question, well, he had done everything in his power (as acknowledged by the authorities) to avoid paying his child maintenance, and did not even have the common decency to offer to pay anything towards his daughter's wedding. Not even the offer of if there was anything we needed, not just financial... No, he knew what he was doing, but carried on regardless. He might've tried to convince himself he wasn't a bad guy, for, as you say, who wants to acknowledge that they're a bad person? But you only had to look at him to see his fear of being called out on his behaviour. I wouldn't've wished him dead, but I'm certainly not sad to see him out of my wife's life now.

    I'm not sure how to respond to this! It made me giggle a bit.. and I'm not even sure whether to feel guilty about that!

    Don't feel guilty, you should've heard the gallows humor we were coming out with when we were actually identifying the body (that's something I'd never have wanted my wife to have to do, but she insisted on making the id herself) As above, he really was a manipulative piece of shit. He's being punished for his life, that's good enough for me :)

  6. :o .





    .your getting Married TJ ? :huh:




    man I must miss anything that doesn't have to do with watches.. the only reason I opened this was it had "watch" in it.. :lol:



    . TJ it is a custom in Hawaii (other parts of the world too, I assume to "gift" the couple !!)




    .I want your PP addy..!! sorry to be so crude .. common gang the dude is getting married !! let's "throw in the hat".. since we cannot give him a proper bachelor party .. well, we can do it in absentee ... :lol:

    PM will be sent !! :good:

    Thanks, bro, and PM received :) You might remember that we'd signed an online registry of marriage just over a year ago, and I've considered Emily to be my wife since that day. But that wasn't legally binding. However, the 3rd of february, that is going to be a legally binding ceremony :) I posted some pics of my completed wedding ring a while back in 'off topic'

    Thank you again for whatever you've got planned, I know it will mean a lot to Emily too, especially as she had a pretty severe shock this morning (we were the ones who had to formally identify her dad's body... I've seen death before, but this was her 'first corpse', and even though she had considered their relationship over because of his behaviour, something like this, well, it's always going to be a shock...) So thank you, this gesture will make her bad day a good one :) You truly are my brother :):good:

    How about one of these? Sorry the site is in another language, but the pic is there. I can have ot too you by monday if you like it? it@s stunning in real life< pic does no justice.very understated and wears real nice> Just let me know and it's on it's way.


    The PM's sent, bro, thanks for stepping up to the plate :) It sure beats the

  7. Remember how I've previously said what a piece of shit my wife's biological father was, and how he'd never paid his child support, and how we weren't inviting him to the wedding, and how he wouldn't come to he reception? Well, he keeled over by his watch stall this morning of a massive heart attack :lol: He doesn't have to worry about any more child support payments, the time has come him to answer to his Maker for his vile existence B)

    Please, no condolence messages, as he doesn't deserve it. Sympathy to his wife and mother, sure, but not him. I won't be a hypocrite and say how sorry I am, as the way he lived his life (overweight, too much rich food, the weight of his conscience etc) this wasn't exactly a surprise... What goes around, comes around, karma's a bitch, and all that, and right now, his eternal smiting has begun, and we can get on with the rest of our lives together without him :)


  8. That's the beauty of my plan; If I know this group, and some I do, you will get an offer of a loner. I would step in, but the best I have to offer is the GMT Master II on black croc, it would do in a pinch, but with the time restriction, the USPS and Royal Mail and 'Murphy' you would still end up wearing the five pound quartz.

    No time for debating catagory, class and type I suggest Vacheron Constantin Malte Perpetual Calender SS Black Dial on black calf, THE gentlemen's watch for men In gold if the stars are aligned, but not that hideous 'rose gold', looking like the bottom of a well polished kettle. At best. .................I'm sure the British contingency here have them falling out of the watch boxes in good number.

    Nine days of *Bumps" awta do the trick.

    Thanks, amigo, it's much appreciated :) That would be one heck of a loaner :) The one thing I would have to say, is no gold, as I'm alergic. I know, it's supposed to be a hypo-alergenic metal, but any time I wear it, it brings me out in a rash... :o No other metal does it, not even cheap nickel-plated junk watches, but gold, happens every time :huh:

    I'll still be picking up the

  9. It's a respected long-time member patting the head of a noob for a good decision / choice (?). I like it!

    More a respected long-time member patting the head of someone in a 'there there'/settle down kinda mood. I thought it was awesome when I saw it :lol:

  10. Wow TJ, amazing!

    Like night and day....or ss and titanium!

    I am happy to see someone such as yourself take pride and appreciation for such things.


    "wear it well!"

    Thanks :) It had always been the plan to have the engagement ring re-made as the wedding ring, it was only more recently that the idea to use Titanium instead of Platinum was considered, but, not only was it cheaper, but it was much lighter, so well worth it in the long run :) I think with something like this, it's worth doing it properly :)

  11. I saw that one TJ, as said if they would make a nice black rubber silicon diver strap with a nice big buckle ... i have a design in mind but suck at photo shop ;)

    regards Laz

    I have a thought... (dangerous, I know :lol: ) Tony sells some 'vintage Submariners/Sea Dwellers' on his site, which are on NATO-esque straps. However, the buckle, has the Rolex logo on it... How about buying a nice aftermarket silicon strap, ordering one of the vintage watches, and transplanting the buckles over? Considering how much some PAM straps retail at, while it might be considered wastefull to buy an entire watch just for the buckle off the strap, cost-wise, it wouldn't be any worse than a Toscana strap ;) Not that I'd be thinking of doing something like that :whistling:

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