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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Love the watch and love the bracelet. One thing though - how do you get at the pins that can micro-adjust the size? I see there are 2 notches for the pin to go in - mine is in the tighter hole and I'd like it in the looser hole (no cheeky comments!) ;)

    Can't see any way of getting near the pins. By-Tor raised this as an issue in this sticky review above, but I haven't heard anyone come up with a solution! :bangin:


  2. Isn't it funny how Rolex purists - I mean the hardcore would never put anything on a Sub but steel or nato? But I must admit, anything but always looks funny to me too. Meanwhile, take the PO, a black bezled, black dialed sports watch that is essentially Omegas answer to the Submariner "class" and that looks fine on steel, croc, and rubber to me in a variety of colors. I think the Sub is just flashy enough with the shiny crystal that it doesn't want to be dressed too far down. Strangley enough I wonder if the Sub had AR if it would dress down easier? That is the only real difference to the PO besides the more sporty hands on the PO that could explain why nothing "looks right" on a Sub but steel? To be honest, if I still owned a Sub I wouldn't put anything on it but steel.

    Interesting thoughts there, bro, I wonder how much of that is simply 'cultural expectation' of how a Rolex is 'supposed to look'? You're quite right, that it's rare to see a Sub on anything other than steel or NATO, but I feel that both of those are too 'practical' to really be considered 'smart/formal'. I don't know about anyone else, but I think this combo looks pretty smart, and it's most likely going to be my wedding watch (as I can't seem to find anything suitable which will be delivered in time)


    Given how nice Rolex watch heads alone are, I think that, as watches, they can 'stand alone' without the bracelet, and look nice on a suitable strap, and I think the photo by TooMuchGear, is a fine example of that. Rubber, leather, and NATO, and each watch looks great on its respective strap :) My first exposure to the Planet Ocean, was the 45 on rubber from Casino Royale. To me, that is how a Planet Ocean is supposed to look, and whenever I see it on SS, although aesthetically, I can say it looks good, there's a little bit of me which still feels that it should be on a rubber strap... I guess it's just a matter of perception, and what people are 'used to seeing', afterall, as Greystash pointed out, the Sub was originally designed as a tool watch, not a formal watch :)

  3. Yes yes i know i said i will not get one but for the price of a good steak and a beer i just cud not pass on the opty to get this one from a fellow member...

    Here is a crappy phone picture of this beast... trying to get used to the size and weight. If Rolex would come out with a nice black rubber dive strap something like the omega has on the POs it would make this lighter to wear... but i guess that's out of the question.



    Funnily enough, I started a thread about Rolexes on Rubber a few days back, and got some interesting responses :):good:

  4. Agreed Ziggy...

    I smell bullshit...

    And a whole lot of over exaggeration and drama...



    Have to admit, I hadn't considered the point Ziggy made... As mentioned, I was only going on what I was told, and trying to warn other forum members if anything untoward might have been going on. Thanks for looking into it :)

  5. I'm confused by the statement "someone has actually been trying to hack their computer through the forum, and has so far used seven IP variants."

    I hope someone can explain the attack strategy and vectors in more detail.

    As for compromising a paypal account, or any other account, for that matter, this seems like a separate type of attack. The first sounds like a denial of service attack. The second attack would be grabbing your credentials and impersonating you to steal your money. Both are serious business.

    By the way, last year I got a mini-token generator at a trade fair and use it as added protection for my paypal account. I think the use of such devices and its successors will become common in the coming years.

    As I said before, I am simply passing on precisely what the person wrote to me. I can't clarify what they meant, as I simply do not know, I am simply going by what they said :)

  6. Not to be a "Doubting Thomas", but how do you clean out a Paypal account?

    Only way I know to get money out of my account is to "send", "withdraw" or "pay" with debit card.

    All of which are easily traced. So how hard would it be to figure out where the money went? There would have to a trail leading to the thief.

    As above, I can only go by what I was told by the person. I know the Admin team are looking into this, so I think any further comments would be pure conjecture, and it's probably best left in their capable hands :) I'm sure we will be informed of any investigations and outcomes in due time :)

  7. Trojans/keyloggers etc etc will leave a open a 'backdoor' on your computer to allow someone to access it.

    the trojan/keylogger will log all passwords for sites such as ebay, paypal etc

    could have picked the trojan up anywhere...what do you mean "someone has actually been trying to hack their computer through the forum,"

    That's what they told me, so I'm simply passing on what I was told. I wondered about a keylogger, but when they said that they got warnings that they were being hacked 'real time', I felt I had to bring this to the community's attention.

  8. I'm really a neophyte when it comes to this stuff, but how exactly could someone do that if you have both the Windows and aftermarket firewall on your machine? And how would they get your password to PP, and then once they had it how would they withdraw money other than sending it to themselves and if they did you get instant verification and then can't you reverse it within a certain amount of time?

    I would like to hear all this, but anyway, this is why I don't keep any money in PP ever. It is a pain, but I always transfer in just as I know I'm going to need it and if I sell something I take it right out the same day...

    The only thing I can think, is some kind of virus which retains passwords, but I really don't know a whole lot about the subject at all. Hackers can do some pretty scary stuff, and the thing that scares me most about them, is that they tend to be pretty mal-adjusted individuals, who either don't get it, or just don't care, that their 'shits and giggles', can seriously mess with other people's lives. Total lack of empathy, which at the end of the day, is pretty scary...

    It's obvious the course of actions coming from the Admin team when this subject is identified.

    This is unacceptable in a place like this.

    Indeed, it's utterly unacceptable here, it's good to know the Admin team is on the case :)

    Hopefully it won't be too hard for admin/mods to catch the blastard.

    You're right there, given the security measures this site has, I think someone's just entered a whole world of pain...

  9. I couldn't believe it when they told me that they'd been wiped out, but when they said that they got the warnings that someone was trying to hack them there and then... That was scary. Whoever it is, they've sure as hell got no place here, and I hope that they get caught and punished to the full extent of the law :angry2:

  10. I'm not naming names, as that's private, but I've just received a PM from someone, who has had their paypal account hacked, and totally cleaned out. They have said that in the past few minutes, someone has actually been trying to hack their computer through the forum, and has so far used seven IP variants.

    I'm not sure what's going on, or what can be done, but someone is clearly trying to fuck with us in a very nasty way.

    To whoever it is, you know who you are, you know who you've stolen from, and you are going to be punished for it, in this life or the next. Whoever you are, you are absolute scum, and even the fires of Hell will be too good for you, you pathetic excuse of a creature :angry2:

  11. TeeJay put a WTB in the sales section, another member might sell it to you.


    Thanks, Ken, that's a good idea, but it was a pretty unusual watch, certainly not one of 'the usual suspects', so I don't think anyone would have one available. That said, even if they did, they probably wouldn't want to sell it, as it's such a gorgeous watch :lol: If you have a look at the link in my strap auction, you'll see what I mean :D

  12. Well, it's a problem for me... I saw a watch late last night which would have been ideal as a wedding watch, and even put my last high-end strap up for sale to pay for it... I saw that there was a $20 off discount due to the holiday, so there's me, getting all excited, thinking that I'll be getting it cheaper... Then I read that from yesterday, till the day before the wedding, things are on hold :lol: Even if I ordered the watch tomorrow, the order wouldn't be processed till the day before the wedding, so there's absolutely no way I'd be able to get the watch before the wedding. I guess it just wasn't meant to be, for that watch... Oh well. Given how hard our dealers work the rest of the year, keeping us all happy, I think they deserve a decent break :)

  13. How bout a little mo protein my young brotha !! B) .. sheesh you young guns gotta make time for real food ma man !!!

    I slept in quite late, so when I woke up, it was almost time for lunch, the cola was just to tide me over till then ;) That said, it wouldn't hurt for me to be losing a few lbs :lol:

  14. TeeJay, very nice of you to post. You pictures help, thank you.

    No problem, bro, I'm glad to be of help :) If it's any help, it took quite a while for the diver's extension to actually loosen up enough to use. I've also found that the best way to deploy it, is to hold the clasp, and the last link to the clasp, and very gently pull them, until the extension link 'pops' away from the inside of the clasp. Once it's done that, you can then swing the whole bracelet down, and pull the second part of the extension free from the middle of the clasp. I once cut the pad of my thumb really badly on the clasp (required butterfly stitches) by trying to press against the link with the 'o' marked on it, having been told that pressing the link into the clasp would pop the extension link out... <_< I've found pulling the link works much better, and much less chance of a trip to the emergency room ;) Once it's broken in though, it's an awesome extension, and much sturdier than the older hollow extensions :)

  15. Nice watch, but pretty cluttered desk there my brother. Very un-libralike of you. Or am I the only anal retentive one with our birthday?

    Thanks, bro :) You're right, the clutter's not good... Emily's a gemini, and quite happy to live in a pig sty... My desk was my last bastion of tidiness, but she's started encroaching on it (crystal cluster by the glass) and the rest of the stuff, I just hadn't bothered to shift from last night, as I was up quite late with stuff, and only just got up :lol: Tidying shall commence forthwith B)

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