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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. That sounds like a neat way of storing them :) Yes games are indeed fun, and are traded easily. Funnily, I get a lot more fun out of games than I do watches :D Maybe I'm in the wrong hobby :lol:

    I must admit, I haven't ordered all 7 yet, I've put up most of my Rado reps up for sale to fund the new purchases.

    The 7 I'm planning are:

    IWC BP

    IWC Slevin

    GMT II C

    Noon Sub

    HBB Black Magic

    PP Aquanaut



    I have to admit, those're fine choices, bro, it'll make for an extremely well-rounded collection :) A little inside scoop, is the GMT II C is going to be 'playing a part' in V2.0 of my GMT Submariner. I won't say what part, but a part ;):lol:

    I'm sending you a pic of the DTag collection via PM. I would post it on forum, but as it does contain personal data, it's probably best not put on an open forum :lol:

  2. I agree bro, when it comes down to it, a session of questioning myself is what is needed. I willl definitely be taking your suggestion seriously on the dog tags, or any other cheaper hobby. I do have them, one that immediately springs to mind is video games :lol: OK it's not that cheap, but I've found it's still a lot cheaper than this rep hobby.

    At least with games, you always get some kind of trade in on theme ;) Offloading reps is considerably trickier :lol: I forget if I said, but with my DTag collection, I got some sleeves for storing photographic slides, and they're perfect for storing each tag, or each set of tags, and a little tape to seal the pouch keeps it all neat :)

    awaiting the arrival of 7 reps ^_^


    What've you got on order, bro?

  3. Yes TJ, I have this Big Date GMT 42 as well. Too lazy to shoot it yet as I have to clean it up a lot and will require alot of clone stamping in PS to make it look brand new like I like my shoots to look.

    This is my travel watch and the coolest GMT complication ever. Many people just don't realize how innovative UN is. This patented complication has two pushers on the left of the case. The window on the left is always set to home time expressed in 24hr time. Then when you travel you push the top to advance the hours and the bottom to subtract depending on which direction you are going. The hour hand jumps one hour with each click. But here is the kicker: The date will advance simultaneously when appropriate but also will advance backwards as well. You never have to adjust the date in either direction. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    So as an example, imagine you flew west and landed at 5AM in a time zone that was 6 hours behind. Six clicks of the minus pusher and when you go past midnight the date rolls backwards one day. It is just the coolest and easiest GMT complication ever. Not to mention the coolness of the big date as well and how that complicates the process seamlessly. No bezels to turn that get bumped and change, etc. I really love this watch and can't really imagine ever having a cooler or simpler GMT. I am going to get the bracelet for it too for added versatility. The movement is just awesome and it of course has the legendary UN fit and finsh which is tough to rival... :1a:


    That is an awesome watch, bro, and what an awesome twist on the GMT function :) That gets a big :good: from me :)

  4. I'm STILL wearing it!!! :o Could this be the end of my Omega/PAM addictions?

    Strangely, I briefly put my Sub on yesterday, just to see what I thought, and I immediately ripped it off :huh: I guess that means GMT = :good: Sub = <_< in my scheme of things... Oh well...


    Demsey, remember when I said about combining a GMT and a Submariner? That's what I came up with :lol:

  5. Like I said off forum, bro, start collecting those Russian Dtags instead ;)

    If you're looking to thin out your collection, then the way to do it, at least the way I found, was by reading RobbieG's threads, "If you only had 3 watches, what would they be..." and "If you could only have one watch, what would it be?" Just answering those questions, I found made a lot of my collection seem unnecessary and redundant. When I then dug really deep, and considered what it would be if I just had to have one watch, I was not only down to bare-bones, but really looking at the motivations and usefulness of said watch. I know that at the moment I'm really feeling the Rolex I built, and indeed, that would most likely be a candidate for my only watch (if I was 100% satisfied with it), as then, no matter what, gen or rep, it would always be the watch that I built, for myself, to do what I want it to do, and to look as I want it to look. A singularly unique watch, which is mine, and mine alone, and no other on the planet exactly like it. To me, that is a lot of sentimental value. Now, the SMP which I bought with inheritance money from my gran, is a reverse of that position... The watch itself, is widely available in both gen and rep, but, the money I used to buy it, that was a one off, no second chances source of cash. My Rolex, unique as it is, can always be re-built (and when I have more spare money, I am planning a V2.0 which will likely then be my permanant beater) but the SMP, while physically replaceable, in itself, is irreplaceable...

    Once you start thinking like that, you shouldn't have trouble in thinning out your collection to re-coup some of the costs :)

  6. Just for show...hahaha...you are absolutely right...too funny...

    Not that anyone would want to go down that route, but there's a difference between someone genuinely wanting to end their life, and someone just making a cry for attention...

    And the UN? Everyone is laying dibs on that and the others. When I had the heart scare Stephane called dibs on all the gens and Mahler the reps. Although Mahler would leave empty handed at the moment. :D

    I'm not surprized, it's such a gorgeous watch, it's just a bitch that there's not a rep of it available, or I'd probably have one in my collection :)

    But since you are my Libran brother in blood I guess you can cherry pick the UN MMD and Stephane can claim the rest.

    B) Sweet B)

    No one mentioned the other UN which isn't famous because I have failed to shoot it yet...


    There's another?


  7. I've been doing a little research, and have seen that there is a model of Submariner which has a sword-shaped hour hand (5517?) Is there a model of Rolex where both the hour and minute hand are sword shaped, as with some of the SMPs?

    Also, is the bracelet on the GMTIIc the same as the bracelet on the new Deep Sea? Is this what is referred to as a Rolesor bracelet, or are they both different? Does the bracelet on a GMTIIc have a diver's extension, or is it more like the bracelet on a Daytona?

    Thanks in advance, guys :)

  8. @ all, thanks for the feedback, I was a bit nervous on doing this one, not having any idea how it would turn out, but I think it looks great.


    Only know of blue or green glow lume, no gold but there is a yellow colour on the tritec listing

    I do stock this lume now, no extra cost, same price as the other lumes. I bought some to experiment with, and really like the results so far.

    Interesting on the colour underwater, makes sense to me.

    I grew up in a small fishing town, our seaweed was every colour, including green, but I still prefer the blue on this one :)

    Sorry, no pics of the process, especially the bezel, it's like sex in a way, once you start, you can't stop till your done...over an hour just to get the triangle and 0-15 area done, by then my nerves are shot and I need a couple of hours to recover. It's very difficult to do, especially the small bezel numbers, not a lot of room for error.

    Thanks again for the feedback, lets hope the owner likes it.

    OOOPS, looks like the owner stepped in while I was typing.



    I think that should read 'no room for error'... ;)

    Once again, your lume work is phenomenal, an inhumanly high level of precision, and attention to detail which is just awesome to behold :):good:

  9. I'm still wearing the DIY GMT Submariner :o:huh:


    Some of the work which I want to do to it, (including a movement replacement) is making me consider just buying a couple of new watches when I can afford it, and building something new (as in V2.0) instead :lol:

  10. Everytime we end up in that occasional really bad trade and I get to watch hundreds of thousands of highly levered assets evaporate before my very eyes, I always walk over to my watch box.

    At that point I either:

    - Gaze into the glass top wondering which gen I'm going to sell first when I go broke - all the while screaming maniacally that the software will never work like my brain. At this point my lead programmer is usually looking for the exit.

    - Or if it is really bad I open the bottom drawer and take out a rubber PAM strap. This is to use as a tourniquet to save my life in case I decide to slit my wrists and end it all.

    If you ever go down that route, remember to go elbow to wrist... side to side across the wrist is just for show ;)

    PS I call dibs on your UN ;)

    PPS Don't kill yourself, it's forbidden :lol:

  11. I know that you said nothing about 'the truth', but I can't really discuss this topic without refering to it...

    Personally, I couldn't care less what movement is in a watch. Asian, Swiss, Swinese, I really, honestly, couldn't care less.

    It tells the time, that's all that matters.

    By preference, I will always go with the cheapest option, so that means Asian. I'm happy to do that as I find Asian movements accurate and reliable enough for my purposes. I don't plan on taking the watch in an AD and trying to get them to fix anything, so no need for a Swiss movement.

    With regards 'the Truth'. I think items should be accurately listed for sale, simply as a matter of courtesy and honor. I couldn't care less what is in something, as long as people are being honest about it. Anything else, it's up to the person to make the choice of spending their money :)

  12. Tricky decision...

    I've been in the situation where a watch "just doesn't do it for me anymore", so from that perspective, I would say 'sell'.


    I would temper that with the circumstances. If it's just to buy a gen watch, then you need to be absolutely sure that you will actually like the new gen enough after the 'new watch feeling' subsides, that it would still be more popular to you than the others. As you say, some aren't available, or have been modded, so not easy to replace should you actually decide you want those watches again, so from that perspective, I would say 'keep them'.

    I'm only selling off my collection due to financial need, rather than simply to fund another purchase... If it was just a case of a new purchase, then I'd just save for the new purchase and keep the collection intact, so I'd say to seriously consider the value of the collection, over the potential value and wrist time of the new purchase. If you definitely wouldn't wear the collection any more, and only wear the new watch, then sell the collection and buy the new watch, but if you aren't 100% definite, I'd say hang on to the collection :) Of course, if you really can't decide, you could always flip a coin ;)

  13. Well i found a buyer and buyer paid for the item. As i was doing the last testing (adjust the date and time), pulled out the crown and it felt off.

    Is it glued-on? is it an easy fix?

    It is a brand new Black Steel for god sake.


    The spring looks clean, so I'm guessing it wasn't glued on, or the glue would probably have fouled the spring... At a guess, I'd say it's unscrewed, as it's pretty hard to rip a screw clean off as the very least, I would have thought that you would have felt some vibration from the threads 'jumping'... When I had a crown pull out when I went to adjust the time, the entire stem came out, rather than the crown coming off the stem... I'd suggest de-casing it and seeng if you can re-attach the crown. A quick check would be to inspect the inside of the crown, using an LED flashlight to give extra illumination... Best of luck with the re-attachment :):good:

  14. Obviously, the quality of a Rolex watch helped Owen realize and appreciate the quality of his own life.


    I nearly pissed myself when I read that :lol:

    My Omega saved my life one time. I was out drinking one night and ended up boning this fat chick. After I was done I looked at her and realized my mistake. I looked at the lume on my seamaster in the night, glowing like a lighthouse, jumped up and said "Shit, it is late, I gotta go!" and ran out the door. I never told anyone about it until today.

    B) Smooth B)

  15. Well, I'm surprised to say, that, despite changing the bracelet for a more modern one (the other rattled too much) I'm still wearing my DIY GMT Submariner :o


    Okay, so the night visibility wasn't particularly good, but, I still haven't had the urge to rip it off my wrist... Even the irritating rattle of the other bracelet only made me swap the bracelets, and not take it off... :o Still needs some work on it, I think a set of vintage sword hands will improve the visibility, but, I'm pretty impressed thus far... a 20 minute soak in a scalding hot bath, and not a hint of fogging or condensation :good:

  16. Yes, his 'in built' navigation sense isn't the best!

    Here is the quote from the article I read;

    That's an awesome quote, he's obviously someone who appreciates watches :) Maybe not a hardcore collector, but definitely someone who knows his stuff :)

    From Seven pounds with Will Smith.



    Oakley 10-213 Holeshot

    That's an interesting watch :) I had an Oakley Timebomb a few years back, and wasn't over impressed with it, but I have to admit, there's something quite appealing about that watch... I think on an olive drab NATO strap, it'd probably look the nuts :)

    As for the name "Holeshot", that just sounds like a porno term :lol:

    Starlet - "What're we doing today?"

    Director - "Well, we're starting off with some ass-licking, then some doggy, followed off by some anal and a holeshot"


  17. What a turnaround that would be, although there is evidence to support that! Driving the Bugatti, pushing the Ferrari 430 through the twisty mountain roads.....a transformation might be taking place :)

    Won't be long until he's back to saying 'Oh no I couldn't possibly drive that supercar, I'm a gentleman'

    It'll be interesting to watch it unfold :D I think the best one was when he got lost driving Lemar to some awards ceremony, and the guy got so wound up, that in the end, he got out and walked :lol:

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