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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. To take your points slightly out of sequence for a second,

    I also want to note that I'm most definitely NOT someone who feels WG and PT look like SS so there is no need to consider them. The finish and look of them is very much something I notice. And to that end I actaully usually don't like the patina of platinum on all pieces but only certain ones. Also Rolex white gold is the only I know of that is alloyed with platinum removing the need to be tied to constant rhodium dipping to keep the watch looking fresh over the years. That said, in most cases if there were that alternative I would prefer SS for any larger sporty watch as the weight of precious metals there becomes kind of silly IMO. So it will only be in strapped or otherwise smaller braceleted watches where I would consider it. In the case of a GO Pano watch I had it just felt cheap to the touch and to wear in steel being so light and that was a leading reason why I bailed on it. In the case of the DD's, I think that the WG add a richness of patina that is slightly better than the DJ counterparts and the platinum is off the charts. The subtleness of the greyed brushed PT patina contrasting with the polished PT makes that particular version just sail with a capital S. And the glacier dial to me is just perfect, but I would also to consider other dials as well and wouldn't only get the PT because that dial can't be had in WG. Rolex platinum os WAY overpriced IMO but its look is dynamite. However, if not for the contrasting polished surfaces I would pass on another dress watch as I tend to like WG better if the watch case is basically all polished as you see on a typical strapped watch from say Lange or VC or someone.

    I totally understand what you're meaning there, after all, the metals do have very different appearances and tactile qualities, which, although something someone uninitiated might not notice, something that once aware of, you'll never be unable to notice. A while back, I was considering having a signet ring commissioned, which would have featured a stainless steel insert in a sterling silver setting. Not much difference in color, someone might think, after all, both metals are 'white', but, when SS is put next to silver, it's very obvious that the SS has more of a greyish-blue hue to it. Same deal with Platinum, or Titanium, as I was mentioning with the wedding ring plan. Off the top of one's head, someone might think that Platinum is just a 'white metal', but, it's quite a bit darker than silver, with a much deeper luster. As before, I was looking for the appearance of engraved Naquadah, which is much darker than Platinum, and closer to Titanium (or possibly Tungsten) So from that point of view, and bearing in mind that you're not talking about the precious metals for their 'bling potential', but an aesthetic appreciation of them (better not flash the watch at that cop ;) ) then I'd agree, a rep would not satisfy your requirements, because you are looking for a requirement in the aesthetics of the watch which is intrinsic to that specific metal being used, rather than one that just 'looks similar'. Of course, by choice, an engraved Naquadah wedding ring would be awesome, and that would be exactly what I want, but sadly, as the element doesn't exist, I'm having to settle for the closest existing equivalent :lol:

    Yeah TJ I agree with a lot of what you said, although we differ in perceived value considerations a bit. I don't guy gens for their (no doubt unjustified)inflated prices unless I see major differences in the subtle details which I feel are quintessential in all fine things. In my current collection I can't quite get that in any of the pieces I now own. The UN's of course can't be had, Close one on the PO, but the 45.5MM won't work and the rep 42MM isn't where the gen is at, the AT isn't repped in Ti (although a modded steel one like Siesta's would do - I just needed the Ti one to fill that exact hole in the collection, and in the case of the DJ, no rep could ever cut it with that model unless I went franken and so the gen came about there too. But in all cases, I'm never just getting the gens without a lot of thought. Unfortunately something else is happening too and that is my collecting is drawing to a close as I see no need to move beyond the core pieces so I keep moving backward instead of forward and also devoting more time to the "Personal" piece.

    I know what you mean there, and I completely accept that you're not buying the watches for the prestige of the price tag, but the aesthetics of the metals used in the watch itself. With regards the Planet Ocean, I'd have to make a compromise on the point that, no, the reps are not identical to the gens, but, I do think that they are very close, so an acceptable budget alternative for someone who likes the aesthetics of the watch design, but isn't so concerned about the metals involved. As I've mentioned before, my favorite aspect of the Planet Ocean design, is the integrated crown guards. A perfect blend of form and function, and, something which the rep duplicates just as well as the gen :) For me, as much as I can appreciate the metallurgical differences between watches (and other items of jewelery) it's not something I personally consider important enough for me to make the jump from a rep to a gen. Say for example, I was to go out tomorrow, walk into the AD and buy a brand new 2531.80. Yes, it would be a gen, but, it would only be 'a watch I bought'. There would be no sentimental value attached to it. My 2531.80, on the other hand, might not be gen, might not be a perfect rep, but, it's still the watch I bought with my Gran's inheritance money. It will always have that sentimental value, so from my point of view, that would always make it more valuable than the genuine item.

    I think personal tolerance is key to collecting. What one person tolerates, another might not, or, what one person considers important, another might not even consider as a consideration... It's all the different points of view which make this such an interesting community :)

    Anyway, I also wanted to make the distinction that for me, it is always a feel thing and I never have really allowed any consideration of "worth" into an analysis of price. If it moves me the only decisions affecting whether to buy it for me are going to be do I have the cash right now and since I'm spending this money will I wear it alot and cherish it so as not to be wasteful. And that is why I sold a whole bunch of my collection. It was too wasteful to have that kind of money into something when it got no use. But the money didn't drive the decision. If I loved them all truly I would have kept every one of them no matter how overpriced or not they were if that makes sense. So to that end TJ and I agree that if you love it spend the dough. You only live once right?

    On that point, I agree 100% There's never any need to waste money, and, if someone considers something important enough for them to spend that extra cash on something, then that's good enough reason for them to spend the money :)

    But in the end, I think the personal nature of the watch opens up a lot of leeway in all these decisions for most. It is awefull tough to lay out a bunch of cash for something that just looks cool and you "wouldn't mind" having in your collection...

    You're not wrong there, brother :lol:

    BTW TJ, that Stargate style theme is cool. That is something I am going to need to consider soon myself. Ah, marriage the final frontier...

    So many interesting wedding rings out there... Something which I think you might appreciate on an aesthetic level, is a Zirconia ring. My wife and I looked at a pair, (as when she saw them, she had to have one, regardless of the previous plans for the rings :lol: ) but, when she tried it on, I can't begin to describe just how foul, this utterly gorgeous ring looked on her :lol:

    As mentioned, mine was

  2. Question 1:

    For me, as I said in your previous thread, it's my 2531.80.



    If I had to lose all my watches and never have another, that would be the one I would keep. It has sentimental value due to the funds used to buy it, and while arguably, the 004 my wife bought for my birthday last year also has sentimental value, I can wear the SMP with just about anything, and it will always look good. I can only wear the 004 with a few things, and even then, it is a case of 'personal preference', over it actually looking good. At the moment, I think the only thing keeping it [the SMP] from having non-stop wrist time, is that I have a collection of other watches, so still rotate them depending on my wardrobe. If I got rid of them, I'd be happy wearing it all the time. But. Then I wouldn't have my collection, which I enjoy for other reasons :lol:

    All the other watches in my collection, barring the 004, the 45mm Planet Ocean (bought with cash from the same source as the 2531.80) and my Submariner (the first expensive watch I bought) the others are all just 'collection watches'. The ones I've listed, are the only ones which hold true sentimental value, but again, the SMP is the only one which I would consider as the 'personal watch', as that is the only one which I would 'be satisfied with', if it was the only one.

    [Edit to clarify]

    As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't matter if the 2531.80 is a rep or gen, due to its sentimental value. I would not have bought a gen 2531.85 with the inheritance money, for the same reason I never bought a gen Submariner when I had the chance: I do not pay artificially inflated pricetags just because something has 'a brand name' on it. If I buy a branded item (which is in itself rare) then it must be because the item is (in my view) truly exceptional and justifying that price tag, and not possible to be substituted with a rep or generic item :)

    Question 2:

    This is a tough one... Just because someone is prepared to pay a high price for a watch (or anything else) I don't think that that means that the item is actually worth that much. That's why I buy reps and drink generic cola ;) However, I feel that if something is truly what a person wants, then that justifies them spending that money. To move away from watches slightly, I'll use my engagement and wedding rings as examples.

    This is my engagement ring.



    It's a sterling silver court ring, and it only cost

  3. My personal favorite would be to put a paper bag full of the brown stuff on his doormat. Put a match to it, Ring the doorbell and run. He comes out and stamps out the fire ;) ...............He has a shoe covered in poo poo, you get your gratis.

    Or you could have done with it and just lay him out. It never ceases to amaze me the effect a good crack on the jaw can have. <_<


    Sadly, he lives too far away for the bag-trick to really work, and laying him out would just get me in trouble :lol: Even though he knows that he's due an ass-kicking, he's the kind of pussy to run to the law, rather than accepting that he had it coming and taking it like a man... Oh well. He's going to get his comeuppance one way or another ;)

    +1 for all of this from me.

    Concentrate on making it a day to remember for all the right reasons, not all the wrong ones. Enjoy!

    Thanks :) I think drawing a line in the sand and moving on is the best way to go with this :)

    Sounds like the guy is a douche and I hope he stays out of your life.

    I just have to add that I am constantly amazed at the little regard people (invitees) give to the effort that goes into planning a wedding. For gods sake, it's not easy to plan a wedding (making sure the right people are invited, are sat in the right spot, have the right food and drink, etc.). Why can't they just be happy and show up with a friggen smile!?... for one day!! They're getting free food and drink and they still find a reason to be a pain.

    I agree with the previous post, concentrate on making it a day to remember for YOU and your bride. It's all about YOU and HER (be really selfish that day, you deserve it).

    He is, it's hard to explain just how much of one he really is. It's hard to believe that someone could actually behave as he does, but, he's the proof that it's possible...

    Indeed, it'll be a good day, even better for his absence :)

  4. You just made me think of something. My college roomate's Step Father was a real a*s and I forget but he did something real bad to Dave (my roommate). I forget what it was, but Dave never liked the guy and whatever it was ended up being the last straw I guess in his eyes. So he goes home for Christmas to CT as usual. He was kind of a rich kid. Grew up in Greenwich. It turns out his mom had bought his Step Dad a brand new S500 for a gift. On Christmas eve Dave waits until everyone is asleep and carries out his plan. He eats a high octane meal consisting of Mexican food, french fries and ice cream and a few hours later the rumblings hit him. He takes a massive sh*t in a brown paper lunch bag and puts it aside outdoors. He then proceeded to take the entire dash apart on the new Benz, then takes the bag and buried it in there somewhere and put it back together. The story goes that the Step Dad was going crazy trying to figure out why his car was smelling so bad. He literally couldn't even go in it. After a day or two he called the dealer and returned the car refusing to pay for it and the dealer said whatever was causing the smell was his problem and didn't want to take it back. There was a huge fight and I forget what the outcome was. But to this day nobody but me ever knew what Dave did. You might want to give that one a shot TJ. :D

    PS: Dave loved to do stuff like that ever since whenever he was mad. Later, a hotel gave him crappy service and wouldn't credit him so he welled up a whole roasted chicken inside the television set in his room and checked out...

    That's just savage :lol: I like your boy's style B)


    don't let one of the best days in your life being ruined by this guy.

    I don't know him but form what i read he doesn't disurve to be present on you wedding.

    Can imagine that it might be painfull but he showed his real face once again.

    Just try to forget and imagine he never excisted..

    Carpe Diem


    Thanks, and indeed, that's why we never invited him to the wedding itself, although in all honesty, we could have invited him at the expense of other guests, but, that would simply have been a case of inviting him to placate him, and in all honesty, he simply doesn't deserve any such consideration, and indeed, letting things play out as they have, has simply made him show his true colors. I think it will simply be a case of having no more contact with him, which I'm quite happy with :)

    On a more positive note, I'm going to the jeweler's tomorrow, for a final consultation on my wedding ring which is being custom-made for me :) It's going to be a titanium recreation of my engagement ring, which is a sterling silver court ring, with engravings reminiscent of the patterning on the Stargate B)

  5. If I was the person I was 20 years ago I would have burned down my inlaws house with them inside it, without a second thought.

    Trust me mate, its your wife that matters. I learned an important lesson from a very together friend several years ago. For someone to mess with your head they need one thing................................Your permission!

    Drop this bum and take the highground. He is nothing to you.

    I have to admit, it would be fun to torch his place, but the jail time wouldn't be worth it :lol:

    Thanks for the support, bro, it's much appreciated :)

  6. Ziggy's idea of securing the stem with pliers and then unscrewing the crown off is not going to work here. You have no space to work with a plier.

    Keep looking for possible button release.

    If I had a set of 1mm needlenose pliars, I could probably do it. Sadly, I don't have a set of pliars that small :lol:

    I think my best bet is to leave this job to a professional, as I can't run the risk of killing the movement :)

  7. TeeJay,

    Try pulling the crown in and out, at the same time closely looking at the movement.

    See if you can see anything moving.

    I see a small cut away area on your 1st photo, at about 10 o'clock, and suspect you may find a small lever, with a depression in it somewhere there. (although that could be for the pusher)

    Wherever you can find something moving, you will likely find the release!

    If you can tell me the movement make/model, I can look at one and see if I can spot your solution. (I will have one here!)


    I've re-cased the watch, as I didn't want to push my luck before killing it :lol:

    The indentation you've mentioned, is where the pusher contacts the movement.

    I'm not too sure about a movement serial, but, the first three letters I can make out, are "JYD". The watch is an Omega Speedmaster Professional X-33, which was purchased from Silix about a year ago. I'm not sure if they are available anymore, if I recall, Silix was the only source of them at the time...

  8. You know, 3 is in the correct location for a stem release. But while the Philips screw may not be the release, removing it may allow you to either see a screw through the hole or allow you to lift the circuit board a bit to see what is under it in that area. Just lift the board gently & do not force it.

    That's certainly a possibility :) I think I'm going to have to admit defeat with this one though. This is the first time pretty much since I bought the watch that I've actually wanted to wear it, so I'd be pretty frustrated if I was to kill the movement while the watch is still 'in the zone' :lol: Not only that, but it's not really replaceable, so I think any work to it will have to be left to more qualified hands than mine :)

  9. Ziggy's suggestion of remove the crown from the stem may be your only option. But, before trying that, try pressing 1 (although it looks like it may be just a locating pin), unscrewing 2 (though it is hard to tell if it is even a screw from the picture) & unscrewing 3 (which looks like it is just there to secure the circuit board to the frame)


    I think you're right, crown removal might be the only option. Sadly, I don't have any pliers small enough to actually grip the stem inside the case (the crown is fully extended in the pictures )

    Indeed, I've tried pressing 1, and as you say, it might just be a locating pin as that doesn't move at all. Number 3, again, is just there to secure the circuit board, but what you've marked as number 2, is not actually a screw, that's just a trick of the light and the shadows making it look like a screw...

    Or, as you say, it might require removing the circuit board all together to get to the release, and, although I'm confident in my ability to deconstruct the parts, I'm not so confident that they will work once re-assembled :lol:

    Thanks for taking a look though, it's much appreciated :)

  10. Like Ziggy said, there should be a small screw on the back face of the movement (the side that faces you when you remove the caseback) adjacent to the stem. If you are unable to locate it, can you post a good, clear macro (close-up) picture of the movement?

    Here're some photos, but I have to admit, I'm stumped... I can't see anything which resembles a release stud which actually moves, as all the screws and studs are solid. There's an opening in the circuit board which has some kind of 'workings' underneath, but they don't appear to be part of a release mechanism (and I didn't want to kill the movement by jamming things into it :lol: )




    I've re-cased the watch, and it's working ( :thumbsupsmileyanim: ) but I'm no further forward to my goal :lol:

  11. It could be anywhere, but certainly somewhere close to the center line of the stem. If you can't find it, then one option that I have used is to simply grab the stem with small pliers, and unscrew the crown and remove the movement this way. It does the trick and there is no risk of damage to the movement.


    That's use full to know, thank you :) I'll have another look at the movement, and if it looks too awkward, I might just give the project a miss and live with the factory hands (hour hands has no lume at all :( )

    Thanks again :)

  12. There is a release somewhere, look on the center line of the stem, and follow it and look on each side of the stem where it enters the movement, somewhere there is a release...on some models there is a hole, and if you pull the crown to the time setting position, you will see a lever to depress and release the crown. They are all slightly different, but the principles are the same. Some have an arrow marking the release button...


    Thanks for the advice :) Is it possible that the release might be closer to the middle of the movement than at the edge?

    The sides of the movement aren't really accessible while the movement is in the case, so I'm guessing the release would be on the upper surface, as per other movements... There is a small silicone 'stud' to the left of the stem, pretty much where the release stud would be on an automatic movement, but it does not actually move when pressure is applied... On the right hand side of the stud, in a mirrored position, is a small screw, but, loosening it does not release the stud, and I suspect is just anchoring the circuit board in place...

  13. I know that removing stems from automatic and manual movements is pretty much a case of depressing the release stud or loosening a retaining screw, but how would one go about removing the crown stem of a quartz movement?

    I only ask, as I want to strip down my X-33 to try a hand-transplant, and this obviously requires removing the crown. I've looked at the movement, but the only 'stud' and 'screw' by the stem, do absolutely nothing... :g::huh::unsure::confused:

    Any suggestions?

  14. Just to add a little extra info, my Planet Oceans, 45, 42 and 42 Pumpkin all have the same chamfered edging on the date window, but they are not 'stepped down' a level from the surface of the dial, as the dials in Robbie's and dluddy's watches are. All my Planet Oceans have the original 'Asian' factory dials, so neither 'ultimate' nor gen dials...

    Hope that's of help :)

  15. Thanks for all the support, amigos, it is all very much appreciated. After a night's sleep, I'm feeling better about the situation, but the underlying anger that a 'parent' could behave that way towards their child is still there. I just can't believe that someone could actually be so utterly failing as a human being as to behave that way. He doesn't have to get on with, or even like me, so that's never concerned me, but to treat his own daughter that way... It just makes me furious...

    Of all the suggestion, this stood out the most:

    +1. I feel for you brother TJ. Not that it makes you feel any better but most families have something like that - I do too...

    And start sending him your dead Asian reps on your anniversary every year too. Enclose a blank note on your wife stationary printed with her Step-Father's last name on it to punctuate your "message"...

    For some reason, I really like the sound of that plan. Ironically, he actually services watches (if swapping quartz batteries and straps counts as 'servicing' as we would understand the term :lol: ) so sending him some dead reps would certainly have some kind of perverse irony to it :lol:

    Thanks again, amigos :):drunk:

  16. No, don't as that may actually make him turn up and turn it into his day.

    Just walk away from it. He's out of your life; don't get sucked into whatever issues he has. It simply isn't your problem any more.

    That's precisely what I was thinking. He's a lying, conniving SOB who, when texting my mother in law (his ex wife) to find out about the reception, he lied and put words in his daughter's mouth to try and shift the blame away from himself. To say he's pathetic is an understatement. Equally, to say I'm glad we're rid of him is an understatement. I'm just furious at the contempt which he has always treated his daughter, all the while maintaining the facade of being a considerate and caring absent parent... To say he'll get his comeuppance (in this life or the next) is also an understatement :lol:

  17. Well if it makes you feel any better, I doubt anyone will be attending his funeral. :p

    You're right there :lol:

    Sounds like you are better off with out him there!

    Oh absolutely. I'm not angry that he isn't coming, as, from that perspective, neither of us actually wanted him to attend. What's made me so angry, is that it shows that his daughter means absolutely nothing to him, and just shows him to be scum of the heighest order. How someone can have such an utter lack of conscience towards their own child (and has displayed this kind of behaviour throughout her life) just angers me more than I can express.

    On a happier note, I hope all is well with you :)

    Ultimatum time TeeJay

    Tell him if he doesn't attend the wedding then it will be the last time he will see either of you.

    You may believe he wont care but I'm sure it will give him something to think about.


    The really scary thing, my friend, is that he really would not care one bit. His behaviour throughout the years has proved that. This was just the final proof. I mean, when we first said "if you don't want to come, just say so" there was no response for 3 days. Any normal person could have just said "Sorry, we can't come as it would be an awkward situation" or anything along those lines. Of course, any parent with a scrap of decency would put aside any personal discomfort, and attend for the sake of their child. Instead, he tried to avoid the issue by asking about the boxing day plans, but of course, we had already anticipated that so deflected it with a request for a confirmation about the reception. It was only then that he replied that no one would be coming. If that was the case, why not just say so three days ago... Or when I'd paid for a meal for everyone... We just replied saying that as no one would be attending the reception, we wouldn't be coming on boxing day as it would be an extremely uncomfortable situation for everyone, which to be honest, it would have been. Besides, of people didn't want to come to our reception, why would we want gifts from them? The one funny thing about this, is when my wife's colleagues find out about this, he won't dare set foot in her store ever again :lol: A shop staffed primarily by middle-aged mothers (some of them single mums)... When they find out about this, they'll crucify him :lol:

    Thanks for the words of encouragement, brothers, it is much appreciated :)

  18. As folks know, I'm getting married in February. Tonight, we got a text message from my wife's biological father, saying that none of his side of the family would be attending the reception to which they were invited :angry2:

    Why does this make me so angry? Well, the ceremony itself is so small, that not even my parents are going to be there, as we're having a small ceremony and inviting people to the reception instead. Now, I paid for a meal so we could tell him the plans and give him the invitation, but, he wasn't man enough to say to my face that he wouldn't be coming, nor enough of a father to make even a token gesture to pay for anything. He did, however, send a text several days later, asking if my mother in law would be at the reception (?!?!?! WTF?!?!?! Like the mother of the bride wouldn't be there?!?!?!) After a few texts re-iterating that they were all welcome to come, in the end, we sent a message saying that if they did not want to come, just to say so. After a silence of several days, rather than clarifying attendance, he asked if we would be seeing him boxing day (as we always have done in the past) Rather than falling for this trap, we asked if he could confirm if they were attending the reception, and the response was that none of his side of the family would be attending (bearing in mind that he is not actually in a position to speak for all those people).

    Just to put this in perspective, this is a man who, when his daughter was six years old, pretended to be booking a foreign holiday, then, when her bags were all packed, turned up on the day saying that they had to cancel as the passports had been lost...

    This is a man who never paid a day of the child maintenance he owed until he was threatened with prison.

    This is a man who, if he continues to repay the child maintenance at the current rate, will still be repaying in a decade.

    This is a man who never even offered to pay a penny towards his daughter's wedding.

    Of course, it goes without saying, that when we obtained our marriage licenses, my wife had her step-father's name put in the place of 'father'.

    I don't think words can describe just what kind of scum her biological father is, but hopefully, this will be the last time we ever have to communicate with him.

    Sorry for the rant, I just can't contain how utterly furious I am right now


  19. Hey guys i'm after a kevlar strap for my 4th gen which i believe is 20mm? i'm after something that is exact or very similar to the kevlar strap used in the Blancpain Fifty Fathom.

    - needs to be a small size for my tiny wrists

    - black with hidden stitching

    - thick and padded for the curvature look (at least 5mm thick)

    Help me locate this perfect strap :)!

    If you want to post other kevlar straps on Omegas, please do so and turn this thread into THE kevlar strap thread for omegas.

    There are some really nice kevlar straps on Ofrei.com, which are Omega straps. They might give you some ideas of what you're looking for, even if you don't want to pay OEM prices :)

  20. Since you shouldn't take reps near water, the glue shouldn't be an issue. The main weakness s the skinny winder stem.

    C'mon, bro, live a little :lol: I've never had an issue with water resistance on any of my Planet Ocean or Seamaster reps. Heck, I just dunked the X-33 I got from Silix, and it didn't flood :lol: To be honest, the only time I have had an issue of water resistance, is when there's been a definite manufacturing flaw with a watch (which the identical replacement did not suffer from) or when I didn't secure the case back completely myself...

    On topic, I'd say the Planet Ocean is a pretty robust watch, but I probably wouldn't pay the extra dollars to get the 'ultimate' version. Unless someone plans on trying to pass the watch off as gen, with someone who knows the tells of the Planet Oceans, an Asian Planet Ocean can be worn without attracting the "Is that real?" question, looks like a nice watch (which it is) and keeps pretty good time too ;)

  21. What's that old saying? "You can't teach an old dog new tricks..."

    Well, my brothers of horology, I come here today with proof positive to the contrary ^_^

    A feedback thread made me remember the Omega X-33 I bought from Silix a while back, and which has made an excellent paperweight this past year.

    My inspiration for buying this watch, is my interest in collecting movie memorabilia, as Tom Cruise wore a modified version of the watch, on an after-market strap, in Minority Report.


    Of course, it underwent some pretty significant modifications...


    and even caused legal troubles due to the re-branding...

    Anyway... When my gran died, not only did I use my inheritance money to buy my 2531.80 SMP and my 45mm Planet Ocean, but I also bought a replica of the jacket worn by Mr Cruise.



    so obviously, I had to have the watch to go with it B);)

    I put it on an after-market strap, wore it a hand-full of times, then promptly lost all interest in it.


    Until today :lol:

    I figured I'd give it a little wrist time, but was totally not in the mood for wearing it on the leather strap (interestingly, if you look for photos of astronauts and pilots wearing this watch, you will not find any wearing it on the stock bracelet :huh: )

    As the case has the mid-lug 'peg holes' which are needed by some Omega reps to keep the strap from flexing from the case, I thought I'd try fitting the strap from my 45mm Planet Ocean. One part of the strap went on in seconds, the other, the spring bar simply refused to engage into the lug hole. I was on the verge of quitting, when I remembered that I had another Seamaster strap knocking about in my drawer... One which I had removed the 'pegs' from. I figured I had nothing to lose, so I got it out. Once more, one part went on in seconds, but this time, with a little persuasion, the spring bar engaged :thumbsupsmileyanim: While there are obviously no pegs to prevent the end of the strap flexing from the case, it is actually a pretty snug fit, so the flexing is no worse than on the Planet Ocean :good: Pretty satisfactory result, I feel :victory:

    I suppose I'd best show you all how it now looks :lol:


    So, the moral of the story: Even old watches and straps can have another day :good:

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