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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. You're right there Oh absolutely. I'm not angry that he isn't coming, as, from that perspective, neither of us actually wanted him to attend. What's made me so angry, is that it shows that his daughter means absolutely nothing to him, and just shows him to be scum of the heighest order. How someone can have such an utter lack of conscience towards their own child (and has displayed this kind of behaviour throughout her life) just angers me more than I can express. On a happier note, I hope all is well with you The really scary thing, my friend, is that he really would not care one bit. His behaviour throughout the years has proved that. This was just the final proof. I mean, when we first said "if you don't want to come, just say so" there was no response for 3 days. Any normal person could have just said "Sorry, we can't come as it would be an awkward situation" or anything along those lines. Of course, any parent with a scrap of decency would put aside any personal discomfort, and attend for the sake of their child. Instead, he tried to avoid the issue by asking about the boxing day plans, but of course, we had already anticipated that so deflected it with a request for a confirmation about the reception. It was only then that he replied that no one would be coming. If that was the case, why not just say so three days ago... Or when I'd paid for a meal for everyone... We just replied saying that as no one would be attending the reception, we wouldn't be coming on boxing day as it would be an extremely uncomfortable situation for everyone, which to be honest, it would have been. Besides, of people didn't want to come to our reception, why would we want gifts from them? The one funny thing about this, is when my wife's colleagues find out about this, he won't dare set foot in her store ever again A shop staffed primarily by middle-aged mothers (some of them single mums)... When they find out about this, they'll crucify him Thanks for the words of encouragement, brothers, it is much appreciated
  2. As folks know, I'm getting married in February. Tonight, we got a text message from my wife's biological father, saying that none of his side of the family would be attending the reception to which they were invited Why does this make me so angry? Well, the ceremony itself is so small, that not even my parents are going to be there, as we're having a small ceremony and inviting people to the reception instead. Now, I paid for a meal so we could tell him the plans and give him the invitation, but, he wasn't man enough to say to my face that he wouldn't be coming, nor enough of a father to make even a token gesture to pay for anything. He did, however, send a text several days later, asking if my mother in law would be at the reception (?!?!?! WTF?!?!?! Like the mother of the bride wouldn't be there?!?!?!) After a few texts re-iterating that they were all welcome to come, in the end, we sent a message saying that if they did not want to come, just to say so. After a silence of several days, rather than clarifying attendance, he asked if we would be seeing him boxing day (as we always have done in the past) Rather than falling for this trap, we asked if he could confirm if they were attending the reception, and the response was that none of his side of the family would be attending (bearing in mind that he is not actually in a position to speak for all those people). Just to put this in perspective, this is a man who, when his daughter was six years old, pretended to be booking a foreign holiday, then, when her bags were all packed, turned up on the day saying that they had to cancel as the passports had been lost... This is a man who never paid a day of the child maintenance he owed until he was threatened with prison. This is a man who, if he continues to repay the child maintenance at the current rate, will still be repaying in a decade. This is a man who never even offered to pay a penny towards his daughter's wedding. Of course, it goes without saying, that when we obtained our marriage licenses, my wife had her step-father's name put in the place of 'father'. I don't think words can describe just what kind of scum her biological father is, but hopefully, this will be the last time we ever have to communicate with him. Sorry for the rant, I just can't contain how utterly furious I am right now
  3. There are some really nice kevlar straps on Ofrei.com, which are Omega straps. They might give you some ideas of what you're looking for, even if you don't want to pay OEM prices
  4. What a collection Thanks for sharing
  5. C'mon, bro, live a little I've never had an issue with water resistance on any of my Planet Ocean or Seamaster reps. Heck, I just dunked the X-33 I got from Silix, and it didn't flood To be honest, the only time I have had an issue of water resistance, is when there's been a definite manufacturing flaw with a watch (which the identical replacement did not suffer from) or when I didn't secure the case back completely myself... On topic, I'd say the Planet Ocean is a pretty robust watch, but I probably wouldn't pay the extra dollars to get the 'ultimate' version. Unless someone plans on trying to pass the watch off as gen, with someone who knows the tells of the Planet Oceans, an Asian Planet Ocean can be worn without attracting the "Is that real?" question, looks like a nice watch (which it is) and keeps pretty good time too
  6. What's that old saying? "You can't teach an old dog new tricks..." Well, my brothers of horology, I come here today with proof positive to the contrary A feedback thread made me remember the Omega X-33 I bought from Silix a while back, and which has made an excellent paperweight this past year. My inspiration for buying this watch, is my interest in collecting movie memorabilia, as Tom Cruise wore a modified version of the watch, on an after-market strap, in Minority Report. Of course, it underwent some pretty significant modifications... and even caused legal troubles due to the re-branding... Anyway... When my gran died, not only did I use my inheritance money to buy my 2531.80 SMP and my 45mm Planet Ocean, but I also bought a replica of the jacket worn by Mr Cruise. so obviously, I had to have the watch to go with it I put it on an after-market strap, wore it a hand-full of times, then promptly lost all interest in it. Until today I figured I'd give it a little wrist time, but was totally not in the mood for wearing it on the leather strap (interestingly, if you look for photos of astronauts and pilots wearing this watch, you will not find any wearing it on the stock bracelet ) As the case has the mid-lug 'peg holes' which are needed by some Omega reps to keep the strap from flexing from the case, I thought I'd try fitting the strap from my 45mm Planet Ocean. One part of the strap went on in seconds, the other, the spring bar simply refused to engage into the lug hole. I was on the verge of quitting, when I remembered that I had another Seamaster strap knocking about in my drawer... One which I had removed the 'pegs' from. I figured I had nothing to lose, so I got it out. Once more, one part went on in seconds, but this time, with a little persuasion, the spring bar engaged While there are obviously no pegs to prevent the end of the strap flexing from the case, it is actually a pretty snug fit, so the flexing is no worse than on the Planet Ocean Pretty satisfactory result, I feel I suppose I'd best show you all how it now looks So, the moral of the story: Even old watches and straps can have another day
  7. TeeJay


    Their shipping time is good as well I've always found the USPS to be very reliable and punctual
  8. TeeJay


    Likewise, I've always found USPS to be very reliable
  9. Awesome purchase If you don't mind me asking, what steered you to the pumpkin variant rather than the black? I only ask as I have a (rep) 42mm in Pumpkin, which was a gift, but I killed the movement while trying to regulate it... Moving aside from that, even before killing the movement, I never wore the watch, as it never seemed to blend with anything in my wardrobe, so it remained solely as a collection piece, so I'm just curious as to what steered you to that color option
  10. TeeJay


    Ish. I'm complaining because most get through, and it's just the few who get stopped. Not because they get caught, or because the charges are applied, but because the charges and fees are applied indiscriminately I'm sure folks would still find a way to get watches through It worked in Pulp Fiction
  11. TeeJay


    Oh really? Read back, my friend, I've only ever been stung twice by customs charges, in over a decade of buying goods online and from abroad. It's probably less than 1% of my transactions, so no, I'm not complaining because I have been stung, I'm complaining because the system is unfair and indiscriminately applied That's my beef
  12. As I mentioned in Lanikai's thread yesterday, when I was younger, I would buy a new watch every year, and up till a certain age, my goal was to get as similar a watch, to what was being worn in Octopussy, so, this would be the watch which started it all for me
  13. TeeJay


    I know that tax is due on the item, that is not my point. My point, is that HMC are pretty indiscriminate when it comes to applying that tax to begin with. If they were to apply it to each and every parcel (as they should), then fine, but the fact is, they do not. That is what makes it unfair, because it means that the people who are paying [the due] tax, are being singled out, compared to all the other parcels which do not get taxed. That is my primary beef: The inequity of the system. My secondary beef, is that Parcel Force as a company, are taking it upon themselves to pay that tax 'on the buyer's behalf', only to claim it back later (which is fair enough) However. My point there, is that if the person decides to forfeit the parcel and refuse to pay the tax, HMC send it back. If someone was to try and do that once the release fee had been paid by Parcel Force, then, given the petty bureaucracy of the British Isles, it would not surprise me one bit of Parcel Force were then to pursue the buyer for the cost which they chose to lay out (in the hopes of recouping) of the release fees. That's what gets me. If it was just a case of dealing with HMC, it would be a case of "yes or no", "pay or not pay", "get parcel/lose parcel". Parcel Force's involvement throws those options, as if the person does not act swiftly in telling HMC to shove it and return the parcel, then Parcel Force step in, and the buyer then finds themselves indebted to Parcel Force for paying the release fee 'on their behalf'...
  14. TeeJay


    Yes, you can claim it back, but, as before, the issue is that Parcel Force pay the release fee 'on your behalf', requiring the buyer to pay them to get the goods. At least with customs, if responded to quickly enough, it is a case of telling them to shove it and the goods getting returned. What Parcel Force do, is little more than spitting on your windscreen at the traffic lights, then charging you for cleaning it off As above, what gets me, is that the customs charges are not automatically applied to each and every parcel entering the country, just the parcels unlucky enough to actually get the attention
  15. It's pretty obvious that Styler is no n00b, so let's ignore the lack of posting history, and look at precicely what is being posted, not who is posting it I can't see how you can't, if not take him seriously, at least give him the benefit of the doubt. If he's lying, then you have nothing to lose, but if he is telling the truth, then it is important information which the community deserves to hear.
  16. It depends what I'm wearing shoe-wise... Smart(ish) shoes and a shirt, it'll be my 2531.802, casual shoes and a T-Shirt, it'll be my 45mm Planet Ocean
  17. TeeJay


    I wouldn't go so far as to say UK customs are 'lazy', just somewhat 'indiscriminate' in how they apply customs charges on goods In the past, I've only had to pay their fees on a robe, and a box of soft-toys (two different consignments years apart, and shipped to different addresses) My father in law had to pay customs duty on a modified digital camera even though it was exempt (due to scientific use, or some such) but the way the scam works here, is that HMCustoms send the invoice. If the person doesn't act quickly enough and tell them to shove it, then ParcelForce will 'pay the release fee' and deliver the goods, but then demand the payment for the goods, leaving the buyer pretty much forced to pay it, where of course, if they tell HMCustoms to shove it and return the package, they lose the goods (that time) but avoid the fee. The thing is, as above, they are indiscriminate about applying the charge, so even if the exact same goods are re-shipped to the same person at the same address, chances are it will pass through customs without incurring the charge... That's part of the thing that gets me. Okay, I find it annoying enough that customs are charging duty on products purchased outside the UK, but the thing which really galls me, is the indiscriminate way in which they apply the charges. Either they apply to everyone (which they do) so everyone pays them, or, they don't apply at all, and no one should have to pay them... Crazy situation, but of course, it's not going to change
  18. Many other people have had rep goods seized by customs which were shipped via FedEx, particularly watches shipped from Asia. Just because you have been lucky in that regard, you can't discount the numerous other incidents where goods have been seized, where some dealers refuse to use FedEx because of the potential for goods to be seized, and where clients have insisted that a dealer not use FedEx because they didn't want to run the risk of having their goods seized.
  19. Thanks for the oportunity to share, brother
  20. For me, I've always had a 'compulsion' to buy new watches. When I was younger, I tended to buy a new watch every year. Having watched Octopussy, I wanted watches with the same kind of digital displays. When I read On Her Majesty's Secret Service, that was when I found out that Bond wore a Rolex, so from that point, the brand always had a special mystique for me. A few years back, my taste shifted from 'multidial' watches to simple diver's watches, and it was a little while after that, that I was in a position to buy a Submariner. I tried it on, and was utterly unimpressed. That propmted me to look into replicas, and I bought a EuroFakes Submariner, which I felt was much better value for money, and I wore constantly. After a few months, I was doing some reading online, and found the excellent comparitive review of the Submariner and Seamaster. That surprised me with it's result, as I didn't expect anything to beat a Rolex, as after all, it was a Rolex, but, I found myself agreeing with the reviewer's observations about the sub's shortcomings, and that made me decide to consider an Omega as a replacement for my sub. I decided to get a rep to save on cash, and, as Casino Royale was coming out, I decided to get a Planet Ocean, and as they say, the rest is history
  21. TeeJay


    Well yes, technically they do apply on all imports, but the fees are not universally charged for. I've ordered a lot of stuff off the net and abroad over the past decade, and in only two instances, have I actually had to pay a customs fee. That's less than 1% of my foreign transactions, so it's hardly as if customs fees are actually applied on all imports... HMC is little more than a sanctioned protection racket. "We got your stuff, and if you want it, you gotta give us a cut..."
  22. TeeJay

    RWG rings

    Awesome, I'm really looking forward to seeing how the logo works 'in the flesh' rather than just on paper
  23. I understood perfectly what you were saying, but, you are missing the point that this kind of scam is not the normal situation for people using the Royal Mail. As mentioned, above, suggesting people use FedEx is almost 100% guaranteed to get rep goods seized by customs. Suggesting people use FedEx rather than the Royal Mail is not giving a better alternative, but a much worse one. As I mentioned to Pugwash, there was a documentary on thieves in the Royal Mail several years ago. Wether the RM have taken steps to alleviate the situation, who knows, but, as before, the situation you have experienced (which I don't doubt happened) is NOT the normal situation, so yes, by all means make peoplr aware of it, but don't do it in such a way as making it sound that anything going through the Royal Mail is going to vanish or be scammed. As I said before, giving a warning about a situation is helpful to people, but scaremongering and suggesting people start using a courier which is widely known to result in goods seized, is not.
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