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Everything posted by TeeJay

  1. I wonder if these chips will be rigged with explosive anti-tamper devices
  2. The 029 is a gorgeous watch. I might not wear mine often, but don't take that to mean I don't like it It is a really nice looking watch. Incredibly versatile in appearance, a broad scope in functions, so with an ETA movement, I can't see you having any problems selling it for what it's worth Best of luck with the sale
  3. Awesome, that's definitely the way to roll Nothing worse than bad neighbours, but it definitely sounds like you've landed on your feet in this situation I hope things continue to go as well in the future
  4. Awesome I hope you settle in quickly, and have some decent neigbours
  5. In what way? Either turning stuff off will save energy, or it won't. As I understand it, turning things off won't affect the amount of energy being produced, and, as it's the production of energy which is consuming the resources, not the end users, then turning things off really won't make any difference to the actual production 'costs'... If I've missed something, please enlighten me
  6. TeeJay

    Kit List

    It's funny you should say that, I once bought some 'nature sticks' for my guinea pigs, which, for all the world, looked like green cigars It was basicly just dried grasses in some kind of wrapping, but, when the guineas turned their noses up to them, I thought I'd see how they smoked, and, it was actually a very good smoke It actually burned like a proper cigar/cigarette, and didn't taste too bad. Okay, not one of my proudest moments, but, I wasn't going to let them go to waste
  7. TeeJay

    Kit List

    Well, I haven't got a gun, so I don't think the bullets would be much use Everything else though, excellent idea The pocket on the upper right chest is a perfect size for a pack of smokes. Only thing is, I don't smoke
  8. TeeJay

    Kit List

    All excellent suggestions, please keep them coming I remember watching the Stargate movie, and Daniel rummaging all through his equipment pouches, but unable to find suncream I take it the foot powder is to keep feet dry on hikes? No major adventure planned, maybe just a weekend's camping, and, while we'll have stuff in our bags, I figured a 'survival kit' of sorts in the vest might come in handy
  9. TeeJay

    Kit List

    Awesome suggestions, thanks With regards the butane lighters, am I right in thinking those are the ones which produce a 'mini-blow torch' effect, or are they the 'flameless' lighters?
  10. I remember hearing that Hitler gave gold watches to aquaintances who successfully gave up smoking. Never saw any backup for that though...
  11. TeeJay

    Kit List

    That's fantastic, thankyou Of course, much stuff I will carry in my regular rucksack, but I figured that it would be good to make full use of the vest's capabilities Not so easy in my corner of the world, but, I would if I could [Edit to add] This is what it looks like The back has 3 pockets on it. One, about the size of a VHS Cassette, one which is large enough to hold a large pashmina fully folded, and one which is large enough to hold a Sky Remote control. Those are all positioned on the left side of the back. On the right side, there are no pockets, but three strap loops. This is where I plan to secure the poster tube, to carry things like a change of dry clothes
  12. What an awesome thing to find out
  13. I think it goes without saying that the quality of the work, as always, is absolutely first rate However, I don't think the color combination is the most complementary for a sub... Maybe on a PAM, where it would lend a U-Boat-esque flavor, or, maybe even if the lume was more in the red range rather than the orange
  14. What did you have in mind, amigo? Visions of me 'wearing' a watch 'Captain Coons-style' to get it across the border? At the end of the day, I've got pretty much every thing I want watch wise. Sure, there are a few pieces I'd like to aquire to round off my collection, but other than that, I'm pretty much done in the buying stakes, so I'd just keep what I've already aquired well and truly hidden, as I don't fancy getting 'black-bagged' in the middle of the night, or having my door kicked in by the Grammaton Clerics Time for my interval...
  15. TeeJay

    Kit List

    Of course, that goes without saying I figured my 187-fantasy, on a nylon strap would be suitably rugged for outdoor use (come to think of it, so would any of my other PAMs, afterall, they were designed as tool watches, but I wouldn't want to get them beaten up )
  16. TeeJay

    Kit List

    Okay, quite a while back, I ordered a 'Hong Kong Tactical Vest', for use while camping. However, despite my time as a Scout, I'm having trouble thinking of what to load the various pockets with Here's what I have so far... In the elastic loops on the left chest, I have two waterproof 9 LED mini torches, permanantly mounted, facing down. One is stock, the other, I have tinted the lens red to be more 'night sight friendly' In other pockets, I have... Four glo-sticks, a wind-up LED torch, a scarfe, and plans to fit a plastic 'poster tube' to the back, so I can put some things in it. I'm thinking I should have a first aid kit, and other assorted stuff, but can't think what Normally, I would say batteries for my torches, but, as I have the wind-up backup, I know that's not such an issue. Any suggestions will be greatfully received
  17. I think it's going to be an instance of finding a case to fit the dial, rather than a dial to fit the case
  18. I could do without it, but, if it's required, I do it without complaint Indeed, Robbie, that's an awesome setup
  19. Barring one or two watches, which I could live without, I've already got what I want in my collection, so I'd probably just call it a day and stick with what I've got. Of course, I'd probably set up a little 'watch-porn dungeon', like Stephen Fry's character in V For Vendetta, where I could go to wear my illicit watches in safety Of course, to maintain the charade, I'd have to force myself to wear a digital watch in public, and claim ignorance of what 'manual wind' even means I'm sure that, even with my mind numbed with Prozium, I'd still appreciate the simple functionality of my PAMs
  20. I don't particularly want information about power plants, as I don't really care what they need or what it means. I was agreeing with Pug's point, and that by extention, if it isn't going to make a difference if people turn things off or leave them on (as the power plants are still using the resources to produce the power anyway) then all these adverts telling people to consume less power, turn off lights and TVs ect, is just a load of political spin, and not actually going to do anything, other than make people feel better about themselves.
  21. So by that rationale, all this stuff about 'reducing a carbon footprint' by turning off lights when not in a room, not leaving TVs, Hi Fis on standby, etc, is a complete waste of time too, and little more than political spin? Awesome
  22. Awesome collection I believe #3 might be the same as my SMP, as it has the same 'greenish' hue to the lume
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