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Everything posted by KB

  1. Ok I have pic's coming through now, I will have them up later. Ken Edit; Ok pic's are up, please check my site
  2. I will put you down as number 4 and you can look at the pic's when put them up to judge for yourself the quality. ken
  3. I'm pretty sure I can get Still I only have 3 takers so far so we still need another 7 but they may come when I put up the pic's Ken
  4. Well you see Cray that's why we have reps Ken
  5. Or drinking ...........................Hi Ken Ken
  6. Ok clue time.....................When you think of his home in the barren wastes of the North Pole you will realise that Santa likes to keep a low profile, so you will not find him in any of the busy areas of the board. Ken
  7. That's not a watch, that's an electronic flea collar for dogs......................I hope :yucky: Ken
  8. Methinks I'll be waiting a long time Ken
  9. One question, does this mean we are soon to be swamped in polls? Ken
  10. Just a friendly reminder in case people missed it I have an offer of a group buy, I need at least 10 buyers to get Hermes Birkin's at $150 a bag..........................Photo's will be up in the next couple of days. Ken
  11. Clever man Everyone may like to note that Iam trying to put together a group buy for Hermes Birkins at them moment, if I can get at least 10 buyers I can sell them at $150 a bag, pic's will be up in the next couple of days. Ken
  12. Hi Mike I'm a signwriter by trade (though I haven't writen for many years now) but what you are asking is a very difficult question to answer. If I read right you want a font to fill in a card, yet any font will do the job from a standard Helvetica through to an old English, there is also the fact that you need to decide if you want San Sherif, Italic, Script, freehand etc. The best suggestion I can give you is to go down to our testing forum and start testing the font's we have, you will find the drop down menu in the top left of the tool bar directly above this message area, if there is nothing there that you find pleasing then come back and we can talk about the font's in Microsoft word. Ken
  13. @RT can I suggest that when you decide to close this poll you promote that one of these two watches will be reproduced 1:1 and the set up another Poll with just these two watches. That way you will not only get a better idea of which watch to go for but you will also generate interest in the project again as the lenght of the associated threads has made the project a little jaded. Ken
  14. Hey!...........Anyone looking for this?
  15. You need to talk to Omni he lives in Maui. Ken
  16. Well Alan I figured that they can have a little sniff around for a day or so and if nothing turns up I might start throwing out a few clues. Ken
  17. Now not all of you will know that I won a 6 Month supporter upgrade in the recent raffle but I have decided to give it away as I am happy with my current deal of paying $5 a Month. Ok so you can't just throw a dart at the moniter and say whoever it stick on get the upgrade (moniters are bloody expensive ) so I've got together a little competition. This comp is the classic search and find type and here's the details... Somewhere throughout the board we have hidden away a nice big Mother loving Santa, your job is to find him, now I'm sure with enough digging you can find a number of different Santa's however I know what ours looks like and the first member to PM me the correct location of our Santa wins the 6 Month upgrade. The competition is open to everyone as supporters can have the upgrade added on to the end of their current membership. So go for it folks Ken
  18. Sorry Bill i didn't mean site as such, he is one of the accessory dealers on this board. Ken
  19. Ah you haven't seen my supersoaker XZ 7500 fitted with pump action water bombs Bill I know you see this is issue as frustrating but then if you cast your mind back to the chaos that was the old board a little while before we moved you would understand when we need to keep at least a little on the ball here. And yes Offshore was right all the mods will back the decision. Ken
  20. Talk to tourbillon1801, I'm sure I saw something like that on his site once. Ken
  21. I should point out also that we did explore the possibility of moving shop to TRC but after giving it some thought Thomas felt that the mood and pace of us RWGer's would not sit comfortably with his members at TRC. Ken
  22. Yes he was the Admin and creator of the site and the C1 was the watch we all designed, how much was taken is hard to say you first need to understand that when we started up the new site we decided to do a one off payback. That is everyone who did not elect to donate their lost watch was repaid either in full or in some cases partial, so everyone was happy until.......... Blade came back, he offered very little in way of explaination and he promised to ship out all the watches, now the problem is we know he shipped some but by no means did he ship all so we have, nor will we ever have a way of determing how much was lost into cyberspace. Ken
  23. Ok simple answers.. (1) We moved because the old site was dying as Balde went AWOL for an extended period of time and it was only a matter of time until it crashed never to be revived as only Blade had the keys and no one knew how to reach him. (2) Two reasons (i) See above and (ii) When he went AWOL so did all the RWG C1 watches. Ken
  24. If you want rep watches you have to make your way to the watch markets in Guangzhou. Ken
  25. And it is on my wrist at the moment but in black leather, buy it you will love it. Ken
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