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Posts posted by arminvanbuuren

  1. hey guys.. i just have a food for thought here (ok no pun intended) but ive always loved food and to be honest as an enjoyment part of life (yes im a man and i know im a bit gay), ive always enjoyed cooking.. in fact since i was a kid ive always wanted to be a professional chef and ive even had a dream about being a celebrity chef lol.. but again with the labelling of men shouldnt cook and my parents stopping me from being one (because they said chef is like a slave they dont get money and they are not respected), eventhough i LOVED cooking..

    actually i loved cooking probably as much as i love watches.. as in i dont get much time to watch tv these days but if i do i only watch the food lifestyle channel.. but lately in most (90%) of the food show i watched.. the chef always have some kind of branded watch.. ive seen breitlings, iwcs, rolexes, panerais and alot more..

    in fact i got to meet matt moran the other day when i was eating at his restaurant, he wore an iwc big pilot in his hand.. which does look sexy hence why i decided to buy one..

    but for these chefs to be able to afford these kinds of watches, they must have money right? i know theyre celeb chef and theyre 1 in a million.. but im sure there are chefs that gets paid 100-200k/yr?

    and for ppl that are experienced in the industry.. my dream like i said is that i want to be a professional chef.. what i mean by this is that i would like to learn as much culinary arts as possible and one day owning a (or more) fine dining restaurant.. as for the budget to open one.. my parents actually wanted to give me a loan to start a fine dining restaurant when im ready.. but i have to really show them that i am actually ready to open it.. so in a way do have the budget to start my own fine dining restaurant.. but i just dont have the skills (kitchen skills) or even management skills (eventho im a management and marketing graduate) to do it yet.. and yes i really do want to work in the kitchen as an executive chef even if i do own the restaurant..

    does anyone know if it is too late for me to start pursuing my dream? i mean im 20 yrs old now.. i dunno if this is too late to start.. if it isnt does anyone know where i should start from? whether its going to a culinary arts institute or actually start working as a first yr apprentice? thanks for the help guys

    PS: i know ive asked alot of question like this in the past before.. i remembered i was asking advice about stock market investment and working in an AD.. but actually my hobby has always been food/cooking(no im not good at it but i want to be and i enjoy it like no tomorrow) and watches.. and with working in an ad i never got the job since most AD's only recruits through their own networks (well at least the ones in my area).. and as with stock markets it was my parents choice (they told me ALL RICH PPL ARE IN THE STOCK MARKET SO GO IN IT) even though i was never really interested in it.. now my last resort is in the hospitality industry...

    the only reason is when i see successful ppl ive noticed that they tend to be succesful because theyre passionate in what theyre doing and cooking trully is something i really enjoy and i dont think ill ever not enjoy even if my boss was gordon ramsay.. i dont mind getting shout at.. i just love preparing food for ppl and to know that theyre enjoying my food..

    im not saying i wanted to be gordon ramsay really.. i just wanna own a chain of fine dining restaurant one day.. and if recipebooks and tv shows comes afterwards i dont mind.. i mean 100-200k per yr should be considered succesful enough in my book.. gordon earns millions.. and hes worldwide known.. im not talking about that.. maybe in australia something along the lines of a mark jensens, matt morans, luke nguyens or chris kranswick smith.. theyre good chefs and i consider them as succesful..

  2. ubi i got the same mod as urs.. except mine doesnt have a eta7750 in it. even though i do have a spare one lying around somewhere... but just wondering tho.. i bought my 3717 from eddie lee about 2 yrs ago for $400 or so.. and i noticed the cartels are selling it for 270.. what are the main diff? i mean EL was telling me when i bought it that his is "built better".. but until today im still not convinced that EL's better... why are ppl willing to pay big prices for it?

  3. I am an AP fan but it appears the dealers let this one die rather than trying to improve it. It looked to me like they skipped the Montoya in the upgrades to go to the Barrichello which seems to be more popular. And I agree the carbon fiber on the rep bezel looks terrible which is probably what killed sales.

    even then they botched the barichello.. id love a barichello if they actually decorate the movement plate.. at least with a montoya u cant see the plate..unless thy fix the barichello.. if not then i might think to get a las vgas strip

  4. hey mate.. yes ive dealt with sead before.. he is actually one of the most helpful dealer ive dealt with so u cannot go wrong with him.. i wouldnt hesitate to get one from him.. in fact, ask him how much for one of his modified 111 without the superlume.. i mean if u do decide to get it from him u might want to get the cheapest 111h with t-crown and cannon pin fixed (which he offers i think).. i hope this helps

  5. well it does kind of look like the eod.. to b honest i like the red better than the yellow.. and i would think ppl would like red better.. and it is more limited in number than the eod.. hopefully it'll appreciate more than the eod.. this is my favourite by far.. i mean 30k is already similar to that of eod whos hovering at around 45k

  6. believe it or not after reading this thread yesterday i was actually craving for some chicken tikka masala.. so my girlfriend, the good nice person that she is.. she made me some chicken cashew masala today.. and boy did i love it?? dammit!!! i want more now!!

  7. Hello,

    I recently bought a breitling watch box on the website http://www.watch88.com which has the same supplier as the websites of Josh and Andrew I think.

    Nevertheless, the quality of papers is not so great (COSC certificate with plenty of spelling mistakes, and now warranty papers...).

    Do you guys know where I can buy a good replica watch box breitling with full papers (COSC certificate, international warranty,...) ?

    I saw new models of breitling boxes on josh and andrew websites but I don't know about the papers...

    Other question : when you order some watches, what shipping do you choose (the safer one) ?

    I first did it by EMS but customs sent me an advertisement and know I do it by http://www.zj-express.com which send first from China to Dubai and then from Dubai to Belgium by DHL and I don't have problems...

    Thanks in advance for your answers ;)

    i know it may sound like a cliche.. but why would u need a good quality paper for? i mean box i understand.. but papers?

  8. hmm so mixed messages now :p.. some say tr some say diesel others say something else :p.. anyway i think ive decided to go diesel from your fit ubi.. as for the color.. i do have a "bootcut" jeans from french connections.. they do look alright.. they're dark blue but flat colours.. if i want to wear mine with paul smith shirt (sometimes) or with just normal A|X shirt or polos.. what colour should i get and should i get faded or flat colours?

  9. lol and to be honest i dont know what you're talking about at all :p.. like seriously to me jeans looks the same.. which is probably the reason i asked.. so in conclusion i still haven't decided what's the best to get.. so diesel is good right? living in adelaide it's really hard to find these jeans.. i havent seen any true religions anywhere in south australia.. nor have i seen diesel

  10. well still nothing for me.. its been in customs for 2 days now... it kinda pisses me off.. like why the [censored] would they take that long to release and i should've had it by today... now even if its not confiscated i have to wait till next [censored] week! like it pisses me off big time.. and to tell u the truth having a dealer that doesnt speak proper english is [censored] up (SERIOUSLY I WISHED KENBERG CARRIED THE STUFF I ORDERED.. AT LEAST KEN'S RELIABLE)..!

    [censored] australian customs to be honest.. slow mother [censored].. cant they do the job properly already? go [censored] confiscate fruits and what not.. not my clothes.. ffs its only clothes get the [censored] over it

  11. Oh they are going to get you, it's Karma for not buying from Bergies. :D


    lol u know i always buy from you.. just this time because you told me you can't get casual jacket :(.. but even then i contacted u first :p.. see i dont cheat on anyone ever :p not even my gf lol.. but u do know that i will be buying from you soon.. maybe some ralph lauren polos :).. just gotta wait for the 1st of august to clear some credit card.. then shopping time again..

    but serious question tho.. have u ever had anything confiscated before ken? :(

  12. hi guys, especially all you australians.. until today i've never heard on here or even my experience that packages containing repwatches have been seized by australian custom yet.. however the other day i bought a couple of g-star jackets, dior homme jacket and a christian dior shoe online.. after watching borderline security on tv i saw one part where they confiscate LV bags in the airport.. this is what got me concerned now.. and when i checked my tracking today it says that the package has been in the custom for a day already (i know ull say "this is normal" but seriously after 50 or so rep transactions.. the longest anything i ordered ever not cleared customs is 4-5 hrs.. never that i've had it there for more than 1 day.. but it could be the tracking hasnt been updated or its actually been confiscated)..

    but just to make sure.. has anyone here (even kenberg coz ur experienced with this) ever had any packages containing rep clothing and shoes confiscated by australian customs? im not talking about rep watches :p but more clothings and shoes.. thanks alot for the help tho.. ihope i can get some answers regarding this from aus members or kenberg :) or even other dealers

  13. In terms of fit, what are you looking to achieve? Loose/relaxed fit? Tailored/fitted look? Straight leg, boot leg or tapered leg?

    There is a lot of stuff out there, and each brand fits different. I think you should probably find a brand and cut that you like first and then things like washes, denim weight (which is usually dependant on wash) etc. will follow course. But don't limit your search to just one brand...

    in terms of brand i dont really understand brands in clothing other than paul smith :p.. only because i hear about it all the time on this board.. and in terms of armani jeans i hear it in rap and hip hop songs all the time.. but other than that i don't know which brands i like so i cant really pick.. but im 21 yrs old and i just want to have the classy look when i'm out in town but without being too "tryhard" (which means i wear a suit or trenchcoat while others dont), but in a way i also want to look classier than most people (who just wears short sleeved tshirt and jeans and sneakers).. but like i said i have no fashion sense whatsoever so in a way i need a fashion guru.. and as rwg is a "classy" board, it fits the way that i want to be styled :)

    as for the fit.. ive always worn baggy jeans.. but girls would always come up to me and tell me that it looks like im wearing a skirt with those baggy jeans LOL.. so im guessing i want tailored/fitted look.. as for the bootleg thing.. i know what tapered leg means but what does boot leg mean?

  14. hey guys.. i've never really known fashion very much, and ive been known to have the shittest fashion sense in the world.. ive been told by many people that "I should dress up nicer" and so on and so on.. but it wasnt until recently that i actually realised that if anything i should start dressing up nicely.. the reason is partly because i used to be a very fat person (my height is 170 cm and i was weighing around 107kgs).. so i didnt really care about how i dressed, i would look like a grease ball no matter wat.. however i started taking up muaythai and brazilian jiujitsu about 5-6 years ago.. and after training 4-5 hrs a day, 6 days a week for about the mentioned amount of year.. i managed to cut down my weight to 64kgs..

    but then again eventhough my physique is good now.. i come to realise that all the shirts that i wear are becoming too baggy and i looked like a scrawny person... but lately i've been reading magazines and it comes to that part of my life (at 21) that i thought its time to dress nice and start getting the ladies to notice me more :p

    but anyway.. i own a rep burberry jeans that i bought in indonesia a couple of years ago during holiday there.. eventhough it fits my size.. alot of girls and even friends says that its an ugly jeans and i need to get quality jeans.. i mean i thought burberry is meant to be quality.. but i guess not.. when asked my sister she told me that my jeans is too plain and doesn't fit properly (it's actually too baggy).. so now i think it's time to buy new jeans.. but i'm not sure what makes a good quality jeans vs poor quality and what makes good fit vs not good fit.. so i need your opinion guys.. i've searched for a couple of pics of jeans.. would you be able to recommend me which one of these would look good if i wear it with a shirt like below and also i've bought some paul smith shirt too that i would like to wear with the jeans.. thanks for the recommendation

    the shirt:


    and which of these jeans suit the above shirt and some paul smith dress shirt?








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