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Posts posted by alant

  1. Hi dear all, I came across this brand of watch during an exhibition last year and almost forgotten about it until I saw them in the magazine again today. I pretty much like their design and wonder any chance of them being rep? What do you all think? Cheers!



  2. Wow that's indeed a good deal Neil! Sale thread opened today, closed today! Hope you forget about the unhappy incident, there are many other delighted customers waiting for you out there. And I'm one of them, I have dealt with you a few times and I'm in no way disappointed, in fact I'm looking forward to your new watches this year! Cheers ok!

  3. Hi Neil THANKS for the kind gesture! That's what I meant by excellent customer service! Oh yes I don't mind the strap a bit tapered. Anyway, this radiomir takes a 26x24mm strap and I don't have any other pink gold buckles so I guess a 26x24mm will be good. And I think you remember I don't go for exotic straps like in snake skin, ostrich legs, lizard skins etc... hahaha not my cup of tea... quite a pity though as some look really nice. In the meantime, I will wait for your good news!

    And Victoria those pictures of that strap is driving me nuts...some how I agree with you, for that price I guess for the moment it's only this strap that's worth it!

  4. Hi Victoria you got me all excited! That's a LOVELY strap! I remember I saw something very similar on a PAM274 that was on display at one of my local AD. At that time, I almost wanted to go ask the sales person if he could let me have a closer look at the watch as I really like the strap...yes I'm nuts instead of looking at the watch, I'm more keen into the strap! Thanks for sharing Victoria, that strap is indeed beautiful and the price is on the high side too. Guess that's the market price for OEM Pam straps. As for my phone, it's with a built-in 2 mega pixels camera so very entry level. In fact, I have to crop my pictures to smaller size else you could see that they are not sharp. And mine is an old model about 2 years back, I believe they have newer models that replaced this model now.

    Moving on, TeeJay thanks for your compliments on the pictures! Well, in this case guess you better avoid gold and you are lucky as there many nice non-gold watches available in the market too. And oh yes you are right, this watch is having lots of wrist time! I can't help...at least for the moment...

    And HikeUSA, you may try to skype TTK. Do take note of time zone difference else most of the time Neil is more than ready to take your orders. Good luck on your new purchase!

  5. And TeeJay, you have the same train of thought as me too. At one point of time, I was thinking if I could 'carry' the pink gold watch. In fact, Neil did give me some advice on this when I ask him about it. Well, it's not really that 'gold', it's an elegant watch. And for those into Feng Shui, this coming Rat year wear lots of metal especially gold, so this watch fits the bill!

  6. Wow Neil nice pics & nice straps! Yes you are right, the sheer beauty of this watch and the feel makes me ignore the rest of tiny details. Personally they are no longer important and I would say it's a very good rep compared to those super reps at super high prices. And thanks for the compliments on the pictures too. Your pictures are simply great, still remember seeing pictures of this Radiomir watch the first time, immediately I told you confirm I want this watch. Maybe it's time for me to consider getting a proper camera too.

    And richyman, wait for your watch, I think you will like it too! I have bought a few watches from Neil and ever since I never go to other dealers.

  7. Glad that all is fine for you Victoria. Btw you have any good source for Paneria OEM straps? Moving on, yes it's a PDA phone the HTC 838Pro, camera wise it's a bit lacking compared to what is available in the market now but I'm happy with my phone as it serves my needs well.

  8. Thanks for the kind compliments Victoria! By the way, did you managed to find a solution to the watch nickel issue? Yes, in fact I was betting on this watch as I'm not sure how the pink gold will look like on a rep. Last year, I was at a Pam AD so I did managed to try on the only piece of 231 that they have. And compared with the one in my hand now, I'm impressed and it doesn't feel 'cheap' in anyway.

  9. I SIMPLY LOVE THIS WATCH! To make the long story short, I was in fact planning to get the Radiomir 231 but I was introduced to this watch by TTK. It's sort of hybrid between the 231 and 183. Here are the pictures, please bear with the quality as I took these pictures using a simple handphone camera.




    And here's the deal, no double AR, no canon pin fix, no C1/C3 lume, no swan neck etc...but when you have this watch in your hands, you will know what I mean. It's a beauty! I'm being a bit more adventurous here, that's why I decided to try this watch. Important point is that as long as you like the watch, the rest doesn't really matters.

    Moving on, I'm planning to get a nice matching strap for this watch. Victoria did give me some good suggestions. If you all have any other ideas do share with me too. Thanks in advance. And here's a picture of the watch on the wrist...


    Last but not least, thanks TTK!

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  10. Hi Feta1, yes you may order from TTK via skype fast and easy way. He used to take orders via email but he has since do away with that. But do take note of time zone difference, otherwise you could see that he is readily available to take your call and order.

  11. Hi tech, thanks for the advise! Can double check with you, you mentioned TZ, you are referring to Time Zone right?

    Anyway, Azimuth really seems to be a brand spin off from Singapore. They have a museum and boutique located at Singapore. And looking at pictures of the Azimuth pilot watch, I'm a bit concern whether the crown will 'eat' into the skin on the wrist... Are there any owners of the Azimuth pilot watch, please comment on this? Thanks.

  12. Hi dear all, so far I believe there are no decent reps of the IWC Big Pilot watch. I have went through some of the posts over here and I'm considering to get either the Steinhart Pilot watch or the Azimuth Pilot watch. They looks pretty nice too. Now my only concern is that whether they are good watches? And whether their prices are reasonable? And is it true Azimuth watches are started off by two guys from Singapore? Or if you all have other suggestions do feel free to contribute too. Thanks.

  13. Yes 183 may be a good choice. Else I would prefer 231. Imagine a bit.. I will take it a step further...imagine 183 in pink gold casing with matching gold hour hand, minute hand and secs hand...no doubt its a fantasy watch but I believe it looks pretty nice too...what do you all think?

  14. Wow looks like have hope already I saw rep of the AP Alinghi! But of course casing is different instead its in stainless steel Wish they could PVD it in black then it will look a bit closer to the gen one but definitely not 100%...at least black...But I will be waiting for the Millenary model which I believe they can do it too just don't know if there is enough demand for it...

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