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Dan71 last won the day on November 16 2019

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  1. I Mean this old rep If you have time check here on Hqmilton if you found a gen with this gap. Is a good source of info because they show many pics on different angle e with all the specs (year, mark etc) https://hqmilton.com/search?q=1655 Sometime check the old advertising Rolex can help to see the original watch . Here two AD paper there is a gap but very very thin Macro below
  2. Jimmythree/automatico So I have correct understand.. Are you sure that are gen the dial that have the space between indices and rehaut? the pics of the 1655 you have show above have strange font and print I’m not an expert… but I checked many 1655 claimed genuine from reputable websites and seller for my build but never see one with this gap. The most evident gap that I remember was visible on the old cartel 1655. Someone claim genuine 1655 their watch but they have ridiculous aftermarket parts see this gmt hand on chrono24 ! https://chrono24.app/rolex/explorer-ii--id23893096.htm?SETLANG=it_IT&SETCURR=EUR
  3. Not sure I understand the question.. Below my BP with Vietnam dial and Vietnam bezel . Stock BP plexi , tiger hour and minute hand , stock BP second hand , tiger gmt hand modified by me with longered tip The movement & dial are not perfectly aligned so there is a little gap below between indices and rehaut but if my watchsmith change the position of the dial feet I think will be perfect aligned without this gap
  4. I’m more deep into watches (rep or gen search and lecture ) when I’m depressed, when ghost from the past (girls and job failure ) full my brain. Watches can shoo away bad thoughts. So when I’m not into watches mean that I’m more calm and relaxed. But if I will inherited a lot or expensive watches for sure I will be happy. easier if I inherited a lot of debts :-( I lot of inconsistency here I know .. If can be consolatory I’m annoyed about all in general (persons , girls, car , restorant etc etc ) I can’t found new incentive i don’t found anymore person to admire or at least to emulate . Maybe I’m only middle aged (50)
  5. My 1655 attempt with low budget Also for the Vietnam bezel is necessary shave down the cartel and also the gen spec plexi sternutz or whatever the name is ..
  6. So do you mean that the gmt hand over the time change the length of the tip gmt hand ? Maybe the service gmt hand was different from the earlier?
  7. Go back on 1655 topic Yesterday I add tiger hands . I attach a little piece of paper to the tip of the gmt hand for extend about 0.5mm the total Length now is 13.5 from the center hole to the tip . Is a pain in the ass this little mod But Now is gen like almost touch the rehaut
  8. A lot of passion here , I’m not so expert so I can’t really appreciate all of your tale.. I know only that my father still today talk about his old Ducati 200 elite or sport He don’t remember exactly .. He talk that they lower the handlebars for a sport posture they put a tartan blanket over the tank for lean the body over . They attached leather fringe to the seat. Trouser with the same fringe and stud . I think was a kind of rockers sure not a mods Here some sample: His first motorcycle Moto Guzzi - Guzzino 63cc or 73cc but that tuning to 100km /h Here my little contribution my first motorcycle 1978circa Italjet 50cc
  9. I use a IOSSO for polish great product Really a Ducati ? My dad (now 83years old) in the 60s had this Ducati 250 Diana .. With many parts chromed to clean and polish https://www.moto-data.net/ducati/250-diana-mark-3-1962-1964 Here below with another nice Gilera with Garda Lake landscape (Italy obviously) almost a James dean ..see the handmade shoes loafer suede in blue :-)
  10. I understand sometime is frustrating you have all gen spec parts and they don’t fit :-( I’m also had enlarge the inside of a Clark bezel assembly (the retain ring) on a cartel 1680 to fit a Clark plexi that was too big or maybe was only the jkf rehaut that was too big, mystery .. But now for this 1655 bezel that I have paid an higher price is a pity shave it down , better shave a 10€ plexi.. And I will try to polish it for reduce the white of the plexi that come out after you shaved it with sand paper .
  11. @Automatico just arrived the sternkreuz XS 302.450 for rolex 116 and fit better than the stock BP, i mean the plexi inside diameter stick perfectly the rehaut, is impossible rotate it when placed over the rehault. but the external diameter of this plexi is like the BP stock , a little too big for my Vietnam bezel, maybe i can push it down (with a plastic tube self-made tool) but sure it crack..so i prefer to shave down it a little . perhaps is my vietnam bezel that don't is gen spec.. but my bezel MK3 (pic with stock plexi) is similar to the phong and MQ i think the same supplier
  12. Automatico please when you have time a pic of your hands..
  13. With sweep second hand do you mean straight without circle ? But for what movement eta ? Which GMt hand do you have ? I have order the tiger set for my 2813 gmt movement but I don’t like the gmt hand is too short . I want a gmt hand that almost touch the rehaut like gen . The only gmt hand with this length is phong 190usd or MQ 300 usd for the 4 hands kit for 1575. Too much ! and i have to adapt the gmt to 2mm hole and also the other hands WSO have 1655 hands for 1575 but the pics I’m not sure are for the real gmt hand they sold and are not able to give me a serious reply, on the pic on eBay the tip is short like the tiger I will try to add to the tiger some resin for add 1mm or less to the tip abs than cover with correct color Or I will try to file down the stock BP gmt hand that is correct for the length but too fat tip and on the neck of the base triangle , how make rolojack on his watch but only on the neck (see pic below blue arrows) I want to file down also the tip (red arrow)
  14. @Automatico which base watch do you have ? i just build a 1655 with BP Base watch and inside is engraved 1675 😞 a vietnam gen spec bezel misure between 30.20mm and 30.30 circa my mechanical caliper is not so good the stock plexi was to big for this bezel so today i shaved the outer diameter of the plexi with sand paper 1200 an now work with the vietnam bezel. i have bought a 116 steirnutz (below pic with misure ) or whatever the name is for a better cyclope , when it will arrive a try it and write here.
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