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Posts posted by giorgio

  1. When you guys/girls talk about getting watches thru customs what do you mean? If customs catches it what what happens?

    For most countries, one of two things happens if they open your package:

    1 - they estimate the value of a gen, and tax you on that amount

    2 - they decide it's a rep (counterfeit) and confiscate it

  2. Thanks giorgio. I think I have it :) I've had the chrono running for 3 days hehehe! Woops!!! anyway, I've reset it and its stopped. The SUB dial at 9'o clock is still running and keeping time :)

    So the largest hand in the center dial is the chrono hand, and should only be used when your using the stop watch feature! GOT IT :)

    Thanks so much

    There's no right or wrong when it comes to personal preference. Some people leave the chrono running permanently, others have it parked. Depends on what you like.

  3. The Zigmeister says that when the chrono is running thats when the most friction is generated. My Chrono seems to work fine, it starts and runs with the pushers.

    My question is, under normal operation the seconds hand is constantly moving (naturally) is this then defined as the chrono running???

    No, the small second hand on the subdial has nothing to do with the chrono. The chrono running means when you start the stopwatch (i.e. large second hand in the centre of the dial.

    If you stop the chrono, reset and run it , has it lost seconds or is the watch still keeping time from before???

    No, the watch doesn't lose time from starting and stopping the chronograph.

    I assume if the seconds hand isnt moving the watch isnt moving and therefore not keeping time..?

    Sorry for this newbie question..

    If the second hand isn't moving, then the watch isn't keeping time, unless your confusing the second hand with the chrono second hand.

  4. Idaelly, you would get a replica of a watch that uses a genuine Valjoux 7750 with subdials a 6,9,12. That way the replica would have the same subdial spacing, the movement itself would be completely unaltered, and could be easily replaced with another (or even a genuine 7750) if need be. The tricompax version (minute counter moved to 3) isn't all that problematic (like the Daytona seconds at 6:00) but you suffer a recessed datewheel.

  5. Yeah, you can just start the stopwatch and leave it running. I actually had a friend who bought a seiko chronograph freak out when I reset it for him 'cause he though I broke it. He had no clue what everything on the watch was for and thought it was to set the alarm clock (which his model did not have). Most people leave the chronograph "parked" and probably never use it.

  6. Nothing happens to the 6 chrono wehn the either of the buttons are pushed...It just sweeps the same as the main second hand, example when the main second hand is @ 8oclock, the chrono @ 6 is @ 8 oclock too...look at the first pics i posted and youll see what i mean

    Wow, so they added a couple of extra gears and have the second hand running in synch with the 6:00 subdial?! That's a new one for me. I wonder if you could have the large second hand disabled for a better effect (but then again, the subdial spacing will give it away.

  7. im sorry dont get mad but im not fully understanding you...does what turn or stay still, the second hand? when i push the buttons it does not effect the second hand whatso ever

    No, I mean when the watch is running. Just look at you watch now, what exactly is each hand doing (without you touching anything)?

    Why would I get mad? lol! I'm not going to attack you!

  8. ok guess it aint a working chrono, the 3 chrono is the date and the bottom pusher controls that, the top pusher just advances the 9 chrono 1 space, however the sweep @ 6 does work perfectly...does andrews daytonas have working chronos?

    Hmm, that's curious indeed. What does the chrono second hand do? (That's the big one in the middle)

  9. I suggest you all listen to TT and get this topic back on track. I have repeatedly said that donations or upgrades to VIP are volunteer, even when I ask people to step up, these contributions should be volunteer. And we do not get any new VIP members or new donations by treating non-paying/donating members like they are second class members. Please have that in the back of your minds. And for the record; we have reached our goal for this month ;)

    This is exactly how I feel, and it's great to hear it from THE Admin.

    (I actually signed up before I read this post, but reading it would have made up my mind)

    That's class.

  10. There is something wrong with this photo UB7.... ok... try this... screw the crown back in....

    press the top pusher (2 o'clock pusher) once.... this should either start or stop the chrono... if it starts it... push it again till the main second hand stops... then press the bottom pusher (4 o'clock pusher) this should reset the chronograph and the main second needle, and the two counters at 3 and 9 o'clock should reset to zero while the second hand at 6 o'clock should still continue sweeping....

    If your watch does this... then it is a working chrono.... if not...faux chrono...

    I think this warrants a video clip

  11. @ Giorgio what would be your first post @ trc, rwi ect if RWG was not there in the morning? It is not about ridicle it is about morals!

    I totally get that Andy. You take something from here, it benefits you, you give back *if you can*.

    But it's starting to look like "if you don't donate, you can f*ck off".

    I haven't made , many friends here 'cause I get upset when people are rude to others, look down on or talk down to them, etc. and I'll stand up for a stranger who's been knocked down anytime. Both in here, and in real life.

    Today in the middle of a thread a couple of guys [censored] on a noob on his first day. "Does he expect us to help him for free?". "Why should he get the benefit of our knowledge without contributing?" Contributing on his first day? Granted, this thread was just a miscommunication, but that other thread was not. And that's changing the tone of this board and causing little misunderstandings to escalate into arguments.

    It almost feel like "come on in! what, no VIP? Don't let the door hit you on your way out" But it's not coming from the staff. That's the odd part.

    P.s. I'm a slow typer and I agree with TwoTone %100

  12. Post #16


    For the record, I'm not the one going round pulling up members to donate, far from it, but you obviously have some chip on your shoulder.

    Go buy your "best Sub" and move on :rolleyes:

    Obviously there was a misunderstanding, so leave it at that. You thought Admin posted the VIP only in the initial thread, MKUltra felt that you were singling him out for being a non VIP. You may not be the one pulling up people to donate (it's not a donation if you're harrased, ridiculed, or embarrased into doing it Ryannon), but there are a few who are (even with people who haven't been here 24 hours yet) and it's creating the playground tension MKUltra's talking about. He posted a video in a video thread and the following post questions his ability to do so. From his perspective (and mine) it looked like you were saying: "Admin, admin, he's not a VIP He can't do that!"

    For the record, Admin casually mentions that he's maybe thinking about possibly making it a VIP option perhaps, in the middle of a thraed about someone who's locked out of their account. That was viewed 100 times by 16 different people. I'm sure 99% of the people here didn't read that.

    The condescending quip about the best sub only makes it look like MKultra was right in the first place.

  13. I'm curious about that watch now. Does it actually function as a chronograph (stopwatch)? Running seconds at 6:00 you say? Can you reset the chrono and take a picture of it with all the hands parked? I was pretty sure that the $300 watches at bluefakes were really the $100 17 jewel chinese versians, while the $1200 watches were the $200-300 7750's and ETA's.

  14. Yes doc, youre probably totally right, i would have made a better impression by not saying anything at all, especially after youd just pulled us up on using the feature.

    What you was trying to do was absolutely the playground thing, you pointed my post out, for all to see as an example.

    Even now admin are saying that its available to all members.

    Yes youre right ive been on here for ten days, only now im starting to think why would any new person want to be a 'contributing member' or vip when youre 'trying' to hold them up.

    Im sorry if i didnt make a good impression to you. But beleive it or not, you certainly didnt make a good impression to any new posters.

    The only way any one can make a good impression in your eyes it seems is to become a vip, anyone else can be damned.

    Maybe thats why the other boards are struggling, at the time the old members thought they was the bees knees and new blood had no place between them thar walls.

    Now as admin sai. the feature is free for all to use, so we may be better off just keeping this thread on track regarding youtube.

    Unless of course, you want to carry on 'flaming' all the newbies

    Sorry, but that's how it looked from this side of the fence.

  15. We're so rude we didn't even welcome V's ex husband :o

    I'm so sorry but V should have trained him to use the search function and upgrade :p

    You know what Stephane? You're right! How dare he, f*cking noob, marches in here acting like, A NOOB! When are the noobs going to smarten up?

    Tell me this? Why the hell should the guy donate? He's been here 1 day and you've already ranted about being bombarded by TWO messages, and about why nobody should help him since he's been here a whole day and hasn't paid for a membership. I think you should drop that whole "donate" crap and call it what it is - membership fee. (I have to be fair here 'cause although I've gone through dozens of threads where "VIP" members are rude or condescending to "members" 'cause they haven't donated, none of those are from admins and mods. Still, I sent an email to RWGAdmin for instructions this afternoon, but now I'm totally turned off. If I were him and I was treated like this by the "VIP" members, I'd run.

    I do not feel like I should respond where I am 1) not an expert 2) bombarded with questions I do not even understand like "fat hands".

    That's understandable, but it takes more energy to rant about being bombarded with TWO messages, than it does to answer them politely explaining that you don't know the answer. You ever think that some people are not only new to this forum, but to all forums? as we all were at some point.

    Oh, and by the way, me too I'm a VIP

    Wow, my mommy told me I was special too!

    Shouldn't the new person in the room be gracious ?

    No, there are gracious hosts. Guests are guests until they are welcomed and feel welcome. You seem to be doing your best to make sure that doesn't happen.

    That is all for this thread. I have nothing more to say

    Sure it is.

  16. I'm pretty sure nobody here does COD. I don't know why they picked zenith, probably because that's what was in Daytonas before rolex made their own movement. But if it were a Zenith, then that is Swiss. So how would they have a Swiss option above that?

    The back of the daytona (all rolex oyster cases) screws off. You don't pry it open, you unscrew it. A lot of people here without caseback openers use dishwashing gloves to grip the caseback and unscrew it. Usually, the backs weren't put on properly to begin with, so you can sometimes force it open even by holding the case and pushing in opposite directions with your thumb.

  17. Sorry to break it to you UB7, but there is no Zenith movement in your Daytona, it's a chinese movement. The Zenith movement is very expensive, and would have the seconds at 9 o'clock. I'm actually surprised you even got a functioning watch from that place. I thought their "Zenith" watches were faux chronos and the "Swiss" were asian 7750 copies.

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