Shame on Joe if he made that comment about The Zigmeister.
If The Zigmeister is stealing his business, all Joe can blame is himself.
The Zigmeister's service is cheaper and he doesn't over-take orders. That's why he can return watches in a timely manner.
It just sounds silly to me that The Zigmeister will pay someone to use Joe's service, so that people can flame rbj on the board. Btw, The Zigmeister actually told me to contact rbj when he can't take my orders. There is no conspiracy, Joe.
I feel pity for Joe's sickness and I don't think it's nice to accuss him for faking his sickness.
But still, I would be [censored] if someone tell me he is sick, but still bidding on lots of golf stuffs on ebay.
It's business afterall. Don't promise any deadline if you can't make it. Joe should be glad that we treated you like a friend, and that's why most of us are willing to wait much longer time than promised.
Also, it's very rude to call the customers morons when they have done nothing wrong.