Aren't you part of the Elliot Enemy Club?
Unfortunately that you can't make unbiased statement. There is no buddy between me and Elliot, but definitely no enemy. I never understand why would people hate someone that they have never seen to such an extent.
Well, I will buy from him when he posts a good deal. That's it. All these fans vs enenmy thing are just childish. So if I don't follow you guys to beat the hell out of Elliot, then I become Ellit's fans? Come on. ..I am not here defending Elliot's ass. Actually I don't even care about what has happened in the past.
It is definitely unethical if Elliot stole the dirk's name and trademarked it. (MAybe someone can prove it?) But this happens too often in the real business world. In fact, the whole watch industries copy around and that was my point. I am sorry that you have to view it from a biased angle. So I guess, from now on, everyone has to start the sentence by, "Elliot sucks...and...blah blah blah..."
Never underestimate the hatred of a person behind computer. Don't you think you guys are wasting too much time to bash Elliot? Can we spend more time on watch? I guess we don't come here for BS like that. I don't see the title of the forum being "Elliot Enemy Group"