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Everything posted by cwai02

  1. I hope this is not an hijack...
  2. 300K is profit, not revenue.
  3. Each person gets $15K USD / year. That's average salary in Taiwan.
  4. I think you may calm down a little bit. You know, this attitude never help solving problems, and it actually pisses off some members who may have helped you out.
  5. btw...bob waited more than a year. so I guess 3 months ain't that bad. http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=5206
  6. Use this email: redbigjoe69@yahoo.com Mention your name, address, the date that you sent in, tracking number, the watch to be serviced...
  7. Let me find the thread for you. You should be fine. It's not very nice to assume that he is lying about his health situation.
  8. Isn't EL from Canada?
  9. Did you send an email to his new email address?
  10. I don't want to make any assumption regarding his health. But as far as i know, Highdef waited for 8 months. So, 3 months ain't that bad. Btw, he has good reputation here. So, maybe it's hard for you to accuse him for scamming you. Now both rbj and The Zigmeister are unavailable, I don't know who can fix the watch for me. I have waited like months...
  11. 1. Cops found 500+ reps and certificates 2. 5 Suspects. One of the suspect is a graduate student in electronic enginering. His job is to do translation. Another suspect is working on his medical degree. 3. Run for 4 years. Made more than $300,000+ USD profit. 4. They order from china and sell the reps online. They also provide repair service. Customers are mainly from US and Europe.
  12. Use altavista, translate Tradition5 chinese to English. http://tw.news.yahoo.com/060524/39/369lo.html http://babelfish.altavista.com/ $300,000+ USD profit in 4 years
  13. River is still on MSN. So I guess he's alright.
  14. My asian 111h with SS bracelet. with strap: relumed:
  15. I would love to know.
  16. cwai02


    date mag.
  17. I don't plan to see Da Vincci Code in theatre. Too much hype and I never like to watch movie in NYC anyway.
  18. I love mine, but I never wear it. It doesn't have sapphire crystal, so it's better to stay in my watchbox. Maybe I should abuse it to give it some vintage feel.
  19. another one: http://cgi.ebay.com/Authentic-Panerai-Pam-...1QQcmdZViewItem
  20. I emailed that guy and told him that the PAM is a rep, and he replied: "Your mother stinks. I am 6 4 247lbs I love to meet you in an alley,penis breath." Well, I just sent ebay with this picture.
  21. Pick up one of this to [censored] that guy off http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=4356 To be honest with you, these watches are impossible to notice without a close look: Omega 4th Gen. IWC GST Breitling Navitimer A few PAMs VM/MBW Rolex Omega SMP Normal guys just won't be able to tell the difference and very few of them will actually ask if it is genuine. If you don't look like a guy that can afford a $5000 watch, people will think you are wearing fake even you are wearing gen. Btw, I bought a 99.99% new genuine PO on ebay for $1400. A genuine one ain't that expensive.
  22. It depends on how much you are willing to spend on a rep. It's possible to make it perfect, but why would the factory do it? The factory would make different versions and suck every single cent you have. Again, if you want perfect, buy a GEN. But I can tell you that even the gens are not perfect. I have heard enough complaints about genuine PAM's imperfect dials and hands...
  23. hehe, you can send that guy a PM or email.
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