No apology needed. If you have a certain watch in mind, use the search button and you will be amazed how much information will get thrown your way. Once you've read most of it, which can take days, you'll start to see the same names (dealers) and things will start to look clearer.
Sorry we don't do it like that around here. You need to read the reviews, get familiar with the dealers, then ask questions about the dealers not specific sites. We are a family around here, we exchange thoughts, ideas, show off our watches and have a good time. We don't give out URL's then send you on your way. You have Google for that.
Expect to wait for your watch to arrive.
Expect to deal with customs/shipping.
Expect a watch to arrive DOA from time to time.
Expect to be disappointed from time to time.
Expect there not to be good QA.
Expect drop shipping.
Expect to get a gen if you can't deal with any of this because no rep will make you happy.
40 is the new 30. At least to those of us already 40....
And you know you're quite drunk and having a good time when you keep asking people what time it is but you're sticking out YOUR wrist/watch for them. Like I did at my last birthday party this past March.
Just got this watch today. I don't know why it took me so long to get one. I however found this on
"and the real ones when you turn the bezel, the glass does not move"
How is this possible? What anchors the glass so it wouldn't move?
Just got this watch from member czarczar, flawless transaction I must add. Does the bezel "click" on this watch? This one moves smoothly but it has good tension so it stays in place.
Synchronized Swimming Schedule
Date/Time Event
Aug 18 3:00 AM ET Synchronized Swimming - Duet Synchronized Swimming - Technical routine
Aug 19 3:00 AM ET Synchronized Swimming - Duet Synchronized Swimming - Free routine
Aug 20 3:00 AM ET Synchronized Swimming - Duet Synchronized Swimming - Free Routine Final
Aug 22 3:00 AM ET Synchronized Swimming - Team Synchronized Swimming - Technical routine
Aug 23 3:00 AM ET Synchronized Swimming - Team Synchronized Swimming - Free routine
Aug 23 3:00 AM ET Synchronized Swimming - Team Synchronized Swimming - Final
Please be advised I will not be online during Duet portions of this schedule.
No, not at all. Thanks for the link, I don't know how I missed these two but I don't really get into the sync swimming. Brazil is full of hot women, I gotta visit one day.
You should be fine wearing your watch out and about, but as a general rule, I NEVER wear a rep into any AD. I consider it bad form. I slip it in my pocket then try on all the watches I'm interested in.
The PO (UPO for us) is like the Borg. Resistance is futile. Just wait till you get sucked into modding it with gen parts. I'm adding a gen DW to mines. Only the case and movement will be rep after this.