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Posts posted by DemonSlayer

  1. Robbie, I hear what you're saying man. I hope I ain't f*cked this watch up already, I totally agree, it is one slick chrono watch.

    Update: I've managed to decase the watch. Man I hope I haven't screwed up the keyless, first time ever I pulled the stem out on a 7750. I've packed a tupperware container with silica gel, I put in the movement with the dial and hands attached, and I've laid it flat on tupperware container, dial side up ofcourse. (please let me know if this is correct) and I've also put in the case with bracelet attached in the container.

    I've put it on the window sill, however there is a radiator directly underneath the window sill, is this a good place to leave it or shall I move the container somewhere else.

  2. Firstly I must say that this is truly an amazing watch, breathtaking in person.

    So I got my Slevin and showered with it on this morning. th my reps and never had any issues.. except today. After getting out of the shower, I noticed quite heavy condensation/fogging in my watch around the crystal! It's most prominent between 9-10, most water collected there. I never had any issues with any of my other reps before, so I assumed it would be safe with this "super rep"!

    Is the fogging around the edges an indication that the crystal hasn't been evenly pressed? Apart from greasing the gasket on the caseback, is there anything else I can do to make this watch water resistant enough to take a shower?

    Thanks in advance guys!


  3. Thanks Robbie. Does the pusher have a tiny bit of metal, like a hook attached to it which holds the pin in place by hooking onto the pin's notch?

    Some people have reported that a pin can slide all the way through, in one end and out the other without it clicking into place, regardless whether the pusher is depressed or not. This suggests that whatever holds these pins in place, is either broken off or it is no longer sticking out to sufficiently hook onto the pin. In that case, I see no other alternative but to use non-permanent loctite.

  4. I understand that the rep makers have replicated the IWC bracelet adjustment system pretty well. However I've also read that some people have had issues with the pins not staying in place (ie, the spring inside the mid-links can fail to latch onto the pins, possibly because they've been damaged during the re-sizing process). This results in the risk of the pins being easily removed by a gentle push. Some of these members have loctite'd the pins in to ensure they stay in place.

    Are there any preventitive measures we can take to ensure the depressing spring mechanism can stay working properly for as long as possible?

    When inserting a pin back in, should the circular button be pressed down at all times, and released only when the pin is all the way in sitting in the correct position?

    How does this IWC bracelet re-sizing system work, is it some sort of latch attaching itself to the carved out middle of the pins?

  5. Thanks also for your input jj69. Yes I too know about Hont, I've bought from him before, but not yet a HBB. I see that he is now advertizing a 'custom' HBB service. Pretty neat, he'll custom make a HBB in any way that is possible.

    I recall reading a post of yours on RG about your experience with the factory 2 white dialed HBB from Silix, you reported that its operating flawlessly and you are pleased with it. I also read an awesome guide a member on RG has put up, a sort of 'Newbies guide to HBBs' and he thinks that the factory 2 HBB's are inferior to factory 1. Apart from the differences in movement, have you experienced any difference in the actual build quality? Certain dealers don't have access to the factory 1 HBBs, and sell factory 2 HBBs exclusively.

    I would definitely consider getting a quartz powered HBB, and I know that very good quality versions do exist. However I have to have 1 powered by the A7750 :) Quartz models will probably fill the place of the models I would not consider splashing out extra on for the A7750 versions.

    I agree with you on the HBB, its one of my favourite designs.

  6. Thanks Delta. Do you think that the Tuiga 'Lite' is worthy of its asking price of around $328 + shipping?

    From what I can see, there is not much difference between the standard SS HBB w/ceramic bezel lite and Tuiga Lite except a closed caseback? Also, the Tuiga SS with double AR sells for $508 + shipping, and the only difference I can make out is the double AR coating. That alone can't command the almost $200 difference, can it?

  7. I've been doing some research into the best value HBB rep available right now. By value, I mean most bang for your buck, ie. the cheapest HBB with ceramic bezel. If there is perhaps a HBB with AR and it's only a little more, then this is also considered 'good value' I think.

    The thing is there are sooo many variations of rep HBBs now, not to mention that they're customizable too, and most of the dealers are offering them at different prices.

    Has anyone found the lowest prices for the higher quality HBB's?

    I'll be posting some of my findings shortly. Thanks in advance for your input.

  8. At least with games, you always get some kind of trade in on theme ;) Offloading reps is considerably trickier :lol: I forget if I said, but with my DTag collection, I got some sleeves for storing photographic slides, and they're perfect for storing each tag, or each set of tags, and a little tape to seal the pouch keeps it all neat :)


    What've you got on order, bro?

    That sounds like a neat way of storing them :) Yes games are indeed fun, and are traded easily. Funnily, I get a lot more fun out of games than I do watches :D Maybe I'm in the wrong hobby :lol:

    I must admit, I haven't ordered all 7 yet, I've put up most of my Rado reps up for sale to fund the new purchases.

    The 7 I'm planning are:

    IWC BP

    IWC Slevin

    GMT II C

    Noon Sub

    HBB Black Magic

    PP Aquanaut



    I'm another Student, slight difference is i work part time during term and full time when I'm off. Not only does this mean i earn the money i use for [censored] such as reps it also means i know i'd have to work 25hours to own a UPO for instance.

    Its def to do with a certain amount of immaturity toward money and spending, I've worked from a young age and and had to fund major things like my first car etc. So you have a real value on items you spend with your OWN money. Loans are evil.

    That's all easily said i know, but with regard to the addiction. Instead of thinking "I'll not buy it", think "I'll buy it in 1 month". Thing is, a lot of it is impulse and once u have a month to consider it and have a proper think before you get it... You'll prob find you change you'll change your mind again in that month, and so on until you find one you REALLY want!

    Hope this helps...

    p.s. A slightly less serious version of marriage is getting into a serious relationship with a girlfriend, i spend to much money on mine lol.

    p.s.s. 7 Reps! That's insane!

    I agree with all points entirely. When you are paying for watches from money that you've earnt, it's an entirely different thing. If I had worked for the amount of money I've spent on reps, I wouldn't be so quick to spend :lol:

    25 hours, damn that is a lot! I didn't even think of it that way. Yes, impulse does play a role in the buys. I need to take a long hard think about watches that I really want and would enjoy the most wearing, rather than, say for instance a dress watch I'm only going to wear once a year :rolleyes:

  9. It's easy, whenever I get the urge I purchase a bicycle, an expensive bicycle part or a bottle of wine instead.

    I've also thought of doing that, since TeeJay PM'ed me that I should look at other less expensive hobbies. It may well curb the overspending on watches.

    Wear a watch that you haven't worn in a while. Or buy a strap for a watch you haven't touched in a while. Sometimes that helps. It's a tough addiction man. There are ways to get around it though. Organize you watches, create a log for those you've owned and sold so you can track your collection, or start doing photography, taking pics of your watches. You'll find that you can consume your time with the pieces you already have if you get creative enough.

    Nice suggestions. I agree it definitely is a tough (and expensive) addiction.These will definitely help keep me occupied with my time, and also help to further "explore" the current watches that I do have. I definitely agree that straps can help change the look of a watch dramatically, as said by RobbieG in his post.

    My PayPal account is the final "decider". If there are enough funds sitting there when I log in then I buy...

    :lol: I love this response

    get banned from RWG :D

    Hope that doesn't happen... ever!

    Never log onto any of the fora, that's the only solution.

    Unfortunately I think you may be right AD. I might take a little break from the forums, and as Kronos suggested spend some time marvelling at my current collection and taking photos, researching the history behind the watches etc.

    I have a spreadsheet in which I store all my watch spendings...

    Looking at the bottom line number makes me sweat so much that I usually change my mind for another purchase :shock:

    :lol: I think this will also be a huge help for me. Ok I have excel opened up now, I intend to keep that figure the same now, and if I want to buy a new watch, one in my collection has to go... to keep things balanced.

    The other thing you can consider doing is asking your parents to hold on to the bulk of your cash and only transfer 200-500 bucks a month to you for your non-scholastic expenses... you'll learn to budget quickly! Either that or try to pick up some sort of workstudy/ part time job and set up a budget... Sock away 100-175 a month for reps and buy a new one every three months. Sell one on every fourth month... might be able to keep a "rolling" collection (I personally cap my new purchases at a certain percent of my yearly income and only about 15% of that amount of that is kept in reps... by doing that, I grow my gen and rep collection year after year and easily limit my spending... It also allows me to do a TON of research and really figure out which watches I "need" vs just want because they're shiny...

    Wonderful suggestion Shundi, as well as others. Smart budgeting is definitely going to be a big help. I'll definitely be doing something like you suggested from now on.

    I've done well by purchasing all the watches I like then stop going into the forums

    But how do you stop yourself from logging in to see all the wonderful photos, reviews and info :D I must admit, thats taking my willpower to its limits and beyond.

    It's called self control. ;)

    Too right ;) I just wish I had some :lol:

    If I like a watch...I show the pics to the wife for her approval....and most of the times she shoots it down....problem solved :p

    Looks like I need to get me a wife then :lol:

    I have gens and reps and suffered from a similar addiction. Then I realized that with all of the watches that I have and have had I was only wearing one or two of them. I have also found that just because I like a watch in a picture doesn't mean I will like it on my wrist.

    I find this happens too. Of course when I get a new watch I immediately put that one on, usually lasting a few days or a week. I've found that happens with almost all my new purchases. I admit I've bought some watches because I think they awesome in photos, but then I find that they're not really "me". Still magnificent watches nonetheless.

    Stopping the purchasing is easier than stopping the forum reading. The posts here are too entertaining and enlightening...and the photography is great!!

    Damn right :D

    Yeah, this place is terrible.

    I've only been here 2 months and in that time, I've got 8 reps, 2 gens with 2 more reps inbound and 4 more reps planned.

    It's going to get a lot worse my friend :lol: Unless you have the willpower of members like RobbieG, b16a2, By-Tor etc. etc.

    Me i just convince my self i dont need it, i failed this week when i sent a PM for a 3rd Ingy but luckily it sold to some one else, I used to sell straps to fund the hobby but i have been busyer with other and biger things recently so that bit of cash i had from the straps is not there so it is hard to take money from other places to spend on a rep these days, i think what some one said above was the rightway, but a bit by every month and only buy a rep when you can afford it from what you have saved. or get a job in the spare time you may have and use this for you reps, but only that

    I agree, I definitely need to "earn" my watches, as at the moment they're being funded by loan money and that means of course I don't know how much hard work it takes to earn the kind of money that is required to fund the watches. I think this, coupled with smart budgeting is definitely the way to go to prevent the overspending.

    Well as many of you know I went on a tear not too long ago on teh gen front and spent loads of money. But now that I have peeled back the wants and refined the collection is has become much easier to control spending. I used to just buy what appealed to me on impulse, but now I actually plan my collection in advance giving great thought to ever adding anything. I went from over thirty pieces to six in this way to identify what watches really meant something to me and what I wanted to persue. I think anyone who does something similar will find it much easier to control spending. Decide what range you want your collection to cover and decided which pieces will fill those slots in advance. If I ever like another watch better for a given category I won't have two. I will get rid of one and repace with the other. The categories come down to dials, functions, bling or no-bling, dressy or sporty, bracelet or straps in pretty loose ranges. For me it is small too, but I will use different shoes for versatility but keeping the collection size down as well:


    One dressy bracelet watch - DJ (soon to be traded in towards DD)

    One GMT complication - Nardin Big Date GMT (gator and future bracelet too)

    One Ti watch - IWC Aquatimer chrono

    One Sub-esq black dialed sports watch - PO (with ss and rubber)

    One YM-esq blingier grey/silver dialed sports watch - UN MMD


    One strapped elegant/classic dress watch - probably VC Patrimony Traditionelle

    One special edition sports watch - probably IWC Jubilee Vintage Aquatimer (mostly because it is based on a watch from my birth year - 67')


    I need to take on the same or similar criteria as you have Robbie. Because I know that deep down I am not a collector, but a watch wearer. I don't see the point of collecting so many, and I don't have that many as of yet. However I can't justify the cost of the watch if I only wear it a few times a month, or a few times a year. I personally don't see the point in that, to me that is not really getting adequate use out of the watch.

    Like I said off forum, bro, start collecting those Russian Dtags instead ;)

    If you're looking to thin out your collection, then the way to do it, at least the way I found, was by reading RobbieG's threads, "If you only had 3 watches, what would they be..." and "If you could only have one watch, what would it be?" Just answering those questions, I found made a lot of my collection seem unnecessary and redundant. When I then dug really deep, and considered what it would be if I just had to have one watch, I was not only down to bare-bones, but really looking at the motivations and usefulness of said watch.

    Once you start thinking like that, you shouldn't have trouble in thinning out your collection to re-coup some of the costs :)

    I agree bro, when it comes down to it, a session of questioning myself is what is needed. I willl definitely be taking your suggestion seriously on the dog tags, or any other cheaper hobby. I do have them, one that immediately springs to mind is video games :lol: OK it's not that cheap, but I've found it's still a lot cheaper than this rep hobby.

    At the beginning (of collecting) there is a natural inclination to over do it.

    As time passes and suddenly you own too much stuff, the inclination is to

    slow down.

    Remember this mantra....'Quality not Quantity'.

    And oh yea, BUY that SOH.

    Jeff, your taste, and other members' tastes in watches have had quite a big influence on my collection. The SOH is a stunning watch, I'm going to get both the SOH and the Big Pilot, and then decide which one I truly like better, keep one and sell the other :) I agree, quality is definitely the way to go, in fact, all my reps at the moment are high quality ones.

    Well, not that much, I started buying in July-August 2008 and now I have got 3 reps, 1 I have here, 2 are heading overseas, bought them in november. And I ordered about 2 watches from Narikaa.

    1 of them is a high-end, the others low end.

    UPO, Rolex DJ TOG, Rolex Explorer 1, Chopard MM GT XL and the GMT II C or Milgauss.

    And then I say that I'm not a rollie guy... Though those are the only ones I really like :-)

    Now I'm saving up a bit for a Corum AC Challenge, HBB Tuiga and a Chanel J12.

    How about you? :-)

    Nice compact collection. I definitely intend to downsize my collection in the near future. At the moment I'm at 4 reps and 2 gens, but awaiting the arrival of 7 reps ^_^

  10. Have children!! Childcare costs could buy me a handful of gen PAMs every year or maybe a gen 1655 AND a PAM...or maybe a VC Tourby every few years!!!


    I rationalize it that I can't buy another one until I can rationalize the utility in doing so...maybe that's writing a good post on the watch (in other words it has to have some significance either to me or the history or function of watches)...or if I have a good photo I want to do. It can't just be a nice looking piece I want in the stable...it has to be more than that!!

    I completely understand your points. I think the main problem with the rep obsession is that theres so many well made reps now, that in your mind you think it's crazy not to buy them, as they're a great "bargain". Even after you know the massive mark ups on these watches. As you said Toad, it makes more sense in getting a watch that means something to you, and not simply because it looks good and is so well made.

    Hehe, it looks like you are in the same position as me. I'm also a student and I'm not able to spent a lot to replicas, but as soon as I jump on the fora, I see different watches, read about them and then start to think "I've got to get it!", but damn, I need an income!

    "Keep this watch, when you get a job in the near future, you'll get all the money back you have in them)." This sentence is very popular in my head too... But it just doesn't work! :-)

    :D it's comforting to know that there's someone else in a similar position as me! It's not fair when all these amazing reps come out, and most people here have the money to buy them without any issues. What can be considered a significant amount of money to one person, is pocket change to another...

    How many reps are you at now Edge?


    You can sell one you dont like and replace it with whatever you do like at the moment.


    I am currently doing that but the problem is that I am buying more than I am selling :lol: I need to slow down the buying rate, but finding that extremely difficult to do.

    I just stopped buying reps due to the over pricing 5-6months ago.easy.

    This days i mod my watches that is a costly thing and time consuming waiting on slots at modders,on parts and such.


    Dani I have to congratulate you on your extreme self-discipline :lol: I know these things are hugely overpriced, but at the same time they are really well made and cost a fraction of their genuine counterparts. I also hope that one day I will be in your position where I am satisfied with just a few, and I can live with these for the rest of my life.

    The members RobbieG and b16a2 spring to mind when I think if 'downsizing' the collection. I have to give it to hand it to them, I don't know how they resist. Isn't it weird in that most of us think rationally when it comes to everyday life, but then most of us have that achilles heel where rationality doesn't seem to work :lol:

  11. I don't think a shred of self-discipline exists in me at this point in time :huh: Lately I've been finding it extremely difficult resisting purchasing reps. The crazy thing is, I don't have much disposable income. All my reps are basically funded with student loan money. It wasn't this bad a few months ago, but lately all I've been doing is browsing the forums in the spare time I have (pretty much all day) and looking at pictures and info of reps I don't have at the moment, and then thinking of buying them to see how it looks on me.

    Most members here and on the other boards fund this hobby with full time jobs, and therefore have adequate amounts of money to buy pretty much the reps they want. I on the other hand can't really justify the (little) amount of money I have in reps at the moment. I keep telling myself "Keep this watch, when you get a job in the near future, you'll get all the money back you have in them).

    For instance, my justification for keeping a TW best Pearlmaster is that these are rare and so well made, and therefore worth hanging onto. I want to get the SOH because I've read that a lot of people find it a very nice watch and it gets lots of compliments. I'll get another watch because it was featured heavily in a movie and therefore it's relatively known... :rolleyes:

    I think this hobby is leading me to dangerous territory :lol: If I don't do something soon, I will have no money left and my studies will be jeapordised... I seriously need to cut down the amount of time I spend on these forums and browse watch forums and other watch related info.

    Is there anyone else here who is finding it really difficult to resist such things? Anyone have any good tips to resist buying reps?

    All input is greatly appreciated.

  12. The only time(s) I care if the movement is ETA or clone is the following:

    When I intend to wear the watch for more than 10 years/ I want to remain as a permanent part of my collection indefinitely.

    The main concerns I have with clone movements are whether or not they are serviceable, and if parts do wear out and I need replacements, how easy is it to obtain these parts.

    If the clone movement was entirely serviceable with no issues, and parts were available easily, I wouldn't really give a sh!t whether or not my watch had a clone or real ETA movement.

    I would also readily buy watches with asian 21.6K movements, but I don't think I would have these serviced, instead look to buy a brand new replacement movement. If I had the skill I would then swap the movement out myself, or ask a watchmaker to do it.

  13. If you like hip-hop, anything produced by DJ Premier... I stopped the trance for a bit and switched to a collection of songs by him and remember why I fell in love with the music again.... :tu:

    Just a few of them here:

    Group Home - Livin Proof

    J-Live - The Best Part

    Lord Finesse - Track the Movement

    O.C. - My World

    Royce Da 5'9" - My Friend

    Mos Def - Mathematics

    Sauce Money - Against the Grain

    Skam, 45 2 Life, and Akira - Black Label

    Ras Kass - Goldyn Child (Remix)

    Sonja Blade - Look For The Name

    Freshco - Planet Brooklyn

    All City - The Actual

    Big L - Ebonics (Remix)

    M.O.P. - Rugged Neva Smoove

    Boss - Driveby (Remix)

    Notorious B.I.G. - Big Machine Gun Funk (Remix)

    NYG'z - Strength

    Bahamadia - Three Da Hard Way

    Afu-Ra ft. Ky-mani - Equality

    DJ Premier - In Deep Concentration

    Afu-Ra ft. RZA - Big Acts Little Acts (Remix)

    A.G. ft. Gangstarr & O.C. - Weed Scented

    Brand New Heavies & Gangstarr - It's Getting Hectic

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