My least favorite part of the whole thing is the finger-wagging by members of the media who are very likely banging their own interns. I think Tiger should resist most strongly the pressure to humble himself in the public eye.
In my imaginary capacity as life coach to Tiger Woods, here is my prescription for him:
1. Press domestic violence charges against Elin. Where I live (in California) a domestic violence conviction makes it almost impossible to be awarded custody of one's children, and there are many hoops the violator must jump through to become rehabilitated in the eyes of the family court. I'm not a lawyer, and Florida may be different, but this move will give him more leverage than he would otherwise.
2. Divorce. This thing is ruined. Use the extra leverage to give her as little money as possible.
3. Play golf.
4. Avoid Oprah and her ilk at all costs. You're already humiliated, don't make it worse.
5. Once the divorce and custody agreement is finalized, own your new image. This will include, but is not limited to:
Wearing a pimp hat; Carrying a walking stick topped with a hectogram-sized diamond; Banging every broad that comes within 5-iron range; Purchasing the Playboy Mansion and intensifying its intended uses; and Seeking new endorsement opportunities with such products as Extenze, Trojans, Bell Helmets, Viagra, Energizer Batteries, Red Bull, etc.
6. Be patient. Win another major and nobody will care anymore...with the exception of a certain childless, impoverished, Swede.