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Everything posted by fakemaster

  1. My wife looks like her. I'm not kidding. We've been playing Mrs. President all week.
  2. They should. I was getting a little disappointed with not seeing every thread on the new posts section being about the new Skyland. Helf of them ripping the watch that no one had. The other half praising it. Maybe the lume will be a quaerter dot. Good times.
  3. These threads always go the same way. Don't tell the truth aout the lie you told because they might think you tell white lies...WHICH YOU DO! There's never any reason for ever telling a lie unless it's a lie that is defined by the parameters of MY beliefs. That makes it truth. What oh what is wrong with the world? Why pay for cable when you can get this kind of entertainment for free?
  4. In a world filled by boring unimaginative entertainment. One man alone dared to make it diffferent. You'll miss him...you know you will.
  5. Well you've clearly laid it out. Whther the watch is a rep or not you specifically said THIS watch cost 2800. That was a lie. So the only question now is are you going to do the right thing or not? In the end it's up to you.
  6. Sadly yes. The Biohazard marker SMP exists.
  7. So cover the lie by telling another?
  8. You shoudn't have done it but you did. So now you should fess up. Is there a possibility that he will always be suspicious of you in the future? Of course as well he should be. You were capable of lying to him once you could lie to him again or worse to his daughter. That's life. If it happens you'll just have to deal with it.
  9. Good grief. No wonder the country is in the state it's in.
  10. LOL! This is hilarious. Bond just pronounced it that way to make it sound cooler. It's Omega like the Bible. Alpha/Omega. The end all of watches. The last timepiece you will ever need. Get it?
  11. Perfectly logical. I called this months ago. What a hottie.
  12. Congrats to the new owner.
  13. Must be the closest place where they could find one of them there magnetic energy grid points.
  14. They are a [censored] and a half. But with practice.
  15. Close on the gun, close on the watch. Looks good to me.
  16. Delusional. Add that to the list of things like Elvis sightings, Aliens and Moon landings.
  17. LOL. I reviewed that a little while back.
  18. The Breits are the closest. But they are all so good you won't get called out on any of them.
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