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Howdy All...or should I say all y'all :D

I have now relocated to the U S of A from Canada. My company felt I should gain some cross-corporate experience so I got moved to our operations site in Kentucky. Still in the process of unpacking but got my internet working today so I thought I would drop by and share the news. Hoping to continue to grow my collection from here and will of course continue my visits to RWG. If any of you have some good ideas of cool things to do in this neck of the woods lemme know.




If you're into adventure and outdoor stuff...there is some OUTSTANDING rock climbing and caving in KY. World class stuff...some of the best caving (spelunking) in the world down there. Turkey hunting is big to...there's also some good hangliding and paragliding. Enjoy it. I've always enjoyed my trips down there...you just have to accept the Good 'ol Boy culture and take advantage of the geography.


Thanks for the well wishes all. Beautiful area for sure. Starting to settle in a bit but still tons of unpacking and organizing left to do. :blink:

Thanks for the tip TT. Definitely look into the cave thing. Sounds fun!


ohhhh! welcome to the US :p

now you can buy with NO worries from the conus sellers...

i haven't been to KY in like 10 yrs.. but i really liked it up there.. used to have family living in a smallll town... all hilly, very cool.

have a good time!!


The Blue grass state, I like Kuntucky, It's a beautiful part of the country. I live In North Carolina and visit Tennessee and Kentucky all the time. If you like to drive on twisty winding roads, well It does not get much better, enjoy :thumbsupsmileyanim: Mike


And the BBQ is out in Henderson, at the west end. I recommend the "Moonlight".

The eastern end of the state is sadly lacking BBQ and Bourbon but you will get that sorted out soon enough.

There is a lot to enjoy in Kentucky. Just take the time to find it.


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