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Do we have any composers?

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Guest HaloArchive

Hey there,

I was wondering if we have any composers; both novice and professional? If we do, are there any forums where we can post our works to be scrutinized and talk about them? Anyone here compose professionally?

Personally, I compose for Piano, wind ensembles and full orchestra as well as the occasional string quar/quin-tet. Lets hear your stories... atonal disasters!



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I spent half a lifetime playing with orchestra's, big bands, ensembles, brass bands etc etc...

If it's on manuscript I will read it like a book but despite being the star pupil in music theory at school, composition is not something I pursued much, I was more interested in doing arrangements.


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being that we have a few 'actual' professionals in here, i have a question - how old were you when you started upon your musical journey & how soon is too soon to start ?

I started when I was 9 I have friends who started their kids at 5, a lot depends on the parents, if the play themselves then the children will have an interest at a much younger age.

@ bwhitesox I wrote a really good drum solo it goes; boom boom rat-a-tat boom boom crash clunk smash...shit...boom boom bang-a bang BOOM....cool huh? :D


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Only in a practical sense that I have come across it, as I say I was a star pupil of theory whilst at school but that only took me to a 5th or 6th grade in AMEB theory, far below serious composition.

My understanding was that it was a bit like mating music with mathematics, the rule being to use all the notes in the chromatic scale in even measure.


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My Dad was once a professional musician (trumpet) and is still composing jazz.. still reads up on a lot of "theory".. his main profession was math based.. me...we took a hearing test in grade school.. and I was chosen to play the viola.. seemed like a good way to get out of class for a couple hours .. kept playing until high school when sports took up too mcuh time..

Nothing like you all.. but I still enjoy all types of music from the Classical to Jazz.......

put something up so we can hear ya.. :thumbsupsmileyanim:



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You wouldn't want to hear me Lani....(i) It's been 4 years since I blew my last note (ii) I played the tuba, well I played nearly everything but tuba is what everyone associates with me and what I played the best.


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