Dr.Verylong Posted January 27, 2010 Report Posted January 27, 2010 (edited) On 1/26/2010 at 7:33 PM, techlogik said: First, I find it bothersome that a mod/main person of that forum also sells watches for profit like a dealer would. Seems like a conflict of interest to me. This "particular person" was the one to introduce group buys, brought prices down for high quality items and really - you have to press him to sell something to you - not the other way around. When I bought my watches from him he delivered a very high service level and the reps I got through him are excellent. And profit - yeah, what does he make on a watch, like 5 - 20 $? BIG Profit, thank you. On 1/26/2010 at 9:20 PM, LegendofSpeed said: and between this and that, I am quite sad... three years of service and this is how I go out... With exactly NIL information to your former underlings, thank you, please hand me the handkerchief because I might burst in tears. If you really cared, you'd at least had the courtesy to say farewell to us. That you didn't tells me a lot. But hey, who am I, not having had an "I run this place" under my RWI nym like you did ... Dr.Verylong Edited January 27, 2010 by Dr.Verylong
pedecter Posted January 27, 2010 Report Posted January 27, 2010 On 1/27/2010 at 4:55 AM, lanikai said: I think your confusing the issue with your claim of "mean spirited".. you know as well as anyone. that is not what this was intended for..as far as RWG.. LOS has been a member here as well as the other Admins on RWI are.. so with that said.. I think your statements would cause more animosity than the thread itself.. which has served a purpose. I think we all wanted to hear it from LOS.. as before you registered here, for a number of years LOS has been a contributor here also.. LOS registered in 2006 on this forum.. as was D4 and others. with that said nothing was discussed about RWI's "migration" issues.. this thread allowed LOS a long time member of this Board also to clarify what he needed to .. imo.. nothing more or less. it so happened that events that had taken place with some of RWG's "members" happened on RWI.. and since you are experiencing difficulties with your server and LOS does frequent RWG as does D4 and Trailboss often.. I posted this.. and all involved are members here as well.. AT one time all the Admins on RWI were here contributing.. posting and sharing , daily actually.. so it was as much our concern of their well being than it is yours..LOS.. D4.. Trailboss all.. have been long time members of RWG..and I'd like to say I respect them all.. .. as RWG'rs as well .. I feel I have not "invaded" anyone's privacy nor business..if anything it has given LOS an opportunity to be heard.. Now if anyone does not like that .. I could simply turn it around and say .. what is discussed her is "Our" biz.. weather it's about cars women or watches.. but I would not do that.. it is an open forum .. inclusive if you just registered or have been here since 2006 Just to clarify: While the thread *may* have been initiated innocently enough, there are certainly several mean-spirited statements contained herein. The RWI site happens to be down ATM due to a server upgrade unconnected to the so-called raffle controversy (which ended with a member getting a Gen PAM). While the OP *may* be noble, some comments that followed are akin to kicking a man in the teeth when he's down. That's the mean spirit, which, coincidentally seem to come from members of both RWG and RWI. If those comments were taken to RWI's house to deal with, that's one thing, but the lack of candor is disappointing. I look forward to following the issue back at RWI with my fellow members, where we can directly speak to the matter. This thread's comments reminds me of TMZ...a bunch of guys sitting around speculating on someone elses' celebrity ad nauseum. I'd rather deal with this in a C-SPAN or PBS fashion. "Hints, Allegations And Things Left Unsaid" - Collective Soul
therooster Posted January 27, 2010 Report Posted January 27, 2010 On 1/27/2010 at 3:19 PM, Dr.Verylong said: This "particular person" was the one to introduce group buys, brought prices down for high quality items and really - you have to press him to sell something to you - not the other way around. When I bought my watches from him he delivered a very high service level and the reps I got through him are excellent. And profit - yeah, what does he make on a watch, like 5 - 20 $? BIG Profit, thank you. +1. What he did for forum members was outstanding. I just can't see how anyone could find a bad side to it... And the idea that there might be a conflict of interest is just ludicrous. These accusations puzzle me. But more importantly, what do they have to do with the raffle issue, which is the topic of this thread???? Seems some people are just out to stir [censored] up.
Dr.Verylong Posted January 27, 2010 Report Posted January 27, 2010 Pedecter, you are right. Let's discuss this at home Cheers
9postguy Posted January 27, 2010 Report Posted January 27, 2010 (edited) Yep. A very useful thread, full of innuendo, suspicion and opinion: few truly objective facts that I can discern, but perhaps those present are useful. Someone, somewhere, had a clear motivation for this thread. If it was to give LoS an opportunity to speak, that has happened. If it was to badmouth RWI, that has happened. If it was to attract RWI members to RWG, that has happened. If it was to cause animosity, that has happened. If it was to claim self-righteous non-censorship, that has happened. Whatever the reason, it seems the purpose is served. Trainwreck a comin'? Edited January 27, 2010 by Jackster
therooster Posted January 27, 2010 Report Posted January 27, 2010 On 1/27/2010 at 6:03 AM, KB said: the thread dies when people stop posting. maybe we should all just take the hint
Q5? Posted January 27, 2010 Report Posted January 27, 2010 On 1/27/2010 at 1:49 PM, deniz21 said: ok rooster you got me, maybe i cant explain exactly what i mean my english skills are not the best so, sorry for your confusing. but i write that because it came up in the thread that there might be something wrong, not that i would know that! i heard that too about the one eye midget, but interpol searched and the only one that exist is in prison so... do you know why i think that noone from the RWI
gillorin Posted January 27, 2010 Report Posted January 27, 2010 Lots of very strong feelings here... and for a reason, no doubt. Without information and with the little evidence presented people will inherently draw their own conclusions- and the factual information they have behind these conclusions always varies... thus the need for facts before rumors are started and feelings are hurt. In my honest opinion, if the members were paying to keep the forums running (and a bit extra, sounds like) they DO deserve to know what happened. If it was a personal dispute then of course no reason to air dirty laundry, but at least let it be known. (as it was, of course, just speaking for posterity's sake) But regardless the members provided monetarily to the forum, and the admin team provided to it with their work, so when the members pay for a service the admin team is unable to provide for one reason or another I don't think it's out of line to be questioned. It is a pity to see the forum go down (hopefully temporarily) even though I wasn't highly active there (or anywhere, for a few years.) and I have seen it happen during my 9+ year tenure to these rep. forums a lot- always bad news. I guess I just mean to say this: to the people who feel offended that some of the administrators are being called out- think about the people who have spent countless hours and hard earned dollars there, who were left with no explanation. I don't feel that asking if certain rumors are true, asking for a reason why their home isn't accessible is unreasonable. There were a few accusatory posts from seemingly outside parties but for the most part I think the posts have been genuine and amicable. Just my thoughts.... Everyone have a great day
Fer Posted January 27, 2010 Report Posted January 27, 2010 RWI is a fine, well designed forum, with tons of interesting information, with thousands of friendly and well informed members who are free to participate or not in raffles, discussions and get-togethers. Its list of recommended dealers include some of the best in the industry. That is all that matters to me personally. I do hope that all the problems that are keeping RWI offline are solved soon...
therooster Posted January 27, 2010 Report Posted January 27, 2010 Guys let's all remember that the OP opened this thread simply to discuss his concerns regarding the use of raffle profits. That was his question. And we already heard from LOS. This is not about RWI being down, the reasons why LOS left, the quality of RWI or its members, or whatever else. Let's not bundle those together please. On 1/27/2010 at 4:19 PM, mw1015 said: wait... did some1 say midgets???? Midgets?? Where???
P4GTR Posted January 27, 2010 Report Posted January 27, 2010 Personally I couldn't care less if the raffles afford LoS enough money to buy a fleet of Enzo's. People got the chance to get some great watches they wouldn't normally be able to for a fair ticket price. As long as our forums aren't taking money from dealers or censoring (a reason i've stayed away from RG since the whole little white lies thread) then whats the problem? I commend the staff of RWG, as always, people here are free to talk about whatever we want to. I hope to see RWI back and those personal conflicts resolved. All the best. What we really need to be questioning is how the hell NORing has won 4+ raffles.
andygt Posted January 27, 2010 Report Posted January 27, 2010 Can everyone stop going off topic and derailing the thread please. Back on track what was this about midgets?
wheaton26 Posted January 27, 2010 Report Posted January 27, 2010 On 1/27/2010 at 3:36 PM, dingleberry said: lol. +1.
Guest techlogik Posted January 27, 2010 Report Posted January 27, 2010 On 1/27/2010 at 2:55 AM, peepshow said: Tech issues, 100%, Indy. Not money issues. At least nothing that I'm aware of. Oh, and nice cop-out, techlogik. I'm just going to come in and drop BS unfounded rumors, but my sense of morality keeps me from getting specific? What the hell kind of sense does that make? You guys are so precious. I am completely indifferent about the situation, whatever that is regarding what is going on with RWI. I personally could not care. Read my post again. First, I never mentioned anyone's specific name anywhere. Second, I made a personal observation and opinion on the practice. Take that with what a grain of salt. I've dealt with nearly every modder and many of the dealers on every forum and have purchased their products and services. I then make my decisions on how to proceed with future business with them accordingly. Don't extrapolate or read anything more into what is written. Thanks
lanikai Posted January 27, 2010 Author Report Posted January 27, 2010 Some may think that they know what we as a community are about, that this thread was started as a plot for various reasons other than asking for the truth... funny it's turned into ugly accusations....some are relieved that the topic could be somewhat cleared up.. some offended to the point of throwing insults around.... anyone is welcomed to post their thought's here.. I understand a lot of PM's have gone to the Admin Team to lock up this thread? .. Passive aggressive comments here and there........What does everyone Fear????.. because to me.. put all the semantics aside.. it seems a lot of the anger towards this thread is coming from some fear based issue.. We as a forum are not "dying".. are you serious??.. if we wanted to make a statement we would keep "ALL" registered members on our membership count.. as it is the inactive ones are not listed in our total numbers..so please come up with something better than we are desperately trying to "steal" members.. this is one community that does not "recruit".. our doors are open and peeps are free to come and go... talk about a dealer in a negative or positive way.. your thread will not be made "invisible" or locked.. Do we think we are better than any other Forum.. doubt it.. we are here as support for everyone....I thought we were being good hosts.. to you all.. as we are to RG when they hang here as a group. If we wanted to flame any forum.... I think the thread would of started in a very different fashion.. it is not my style to beat around the bush.... So there was a falling out.. servers are being switched .. if it did or did not have anything to do with money.. so what?? that has been cleared up.. You Don't want people to ask questions regarding raffles??.. take my name off your mailing lists, and.. and send them to only those that are active on RWI..I can get up to 3 emails for 1 raffle..from RWI... If you all want to be exclusive and keep everything "In House".. lock your doors and screen everyone that wants to register.. cause that is the feeling I get from you all..become a private fraternity.. a lot of RWG members visit just for the raffles..I don't see anyone telling someone that is from here.. they cannot enter RWI raffles unless they make RWI their home.. I speak for myself, but know that all that are apart of this community feel the same.. we are about first and foremost support.. supporting one another and anyone who has a desire to learn or collect watches.. rep or gen. Because one thing you can take to the Bank... Actions speaks louder than Words..But we don't consider ourselves perfect either.. So whatever Fear is brought on by this thread.. take it for what it's worth.. in other words .. take what you need and leave the rest. AC/Lani
9postguy Posted January 27, 2010 Report Posted January 27, 2010 (edited) For me, I can't say I have seen anything expressed that would arise from fear. I have seen feelings of disappointment, disrespect, and concerns over motivations. Perhaps those are the overarching reasons that have led to the posts herein. I started my rep "involvement" here at RWG. Since then, I've found and joined all the other forums. I've read with keen interest, and sometimes fascination, about the knowledge and skill sharing that goes on. I've read the many keen perspectives offered. I checked out the old TTK threads. I waded through the "cartel" debacle. I bought a watch from Josh (don't kill me RWI'ers ) and I liked it. I'm on Bk's list for another watch. I am a member everywhere and looking for a "home base" from which to foray. Drama is for the insecure and I don't have much use for it except in the theatre. With heartfelt honesty, I don't see how this thread on this site could have gone anywhere other than where it has. And the people who run this place know these things much better than I. It's a shame to see the sense of support and comraderie between the forums harmed in this manner. As for me - I'd much prefer seeing pics of a midget dragging a 50mm Uboat around on his arm! 9p PS: I did not say one word about a midget in drag! Edited January 27, 2010 by Jackster
TwoTone Posted January 27, 2010 Report Posted January 27, 2010 As stated earlier, we don't censor here on RWG... As far as "harm" being done between the two forums - doubt it... D4M and I both have each other cell numbers and have never had a problem calling one another... Greg has been a staple here since the beginning... He's donated time, energy, money, and watches to support this forum... The cross-over between the Admin Teams is constant... Offshore has a shop on RWI... In fact I think he even generates more bzzz there than he does here... I personally was one of the original mods on RWI... Do we always see eye to eye - of course not... The J&A falling out there comes to mind... The forums are different in personality - good for the hobby and the members alike... If any of the Admin Team there is offended by Lani's opening post I'm sorry for that... But I've re-read it and there is nothing that would even come close to causing us to "censor" it... Even if things got really weird in this loop we wouldn't censor it... Warn a member for breaking the rules? - yes! Censor - NO! TT
9postguy Posted January 27, 2010 Report Posted January 27, 2010 (edited) Lest anyone be confused, be clear that my expressions of disappointment have not in any manner been a request for censorship and should not be taken as such. No red herrings. Where are the fish emoticons when you need them? 9p Edited January 27, 2010 by Jackster
NORing Posted January 27, 2010 Report Posted January 27, 2010 Good Luck to everyone involved :victory: "Forums can easily be repaired, friendships are harder to repair" NORing 2010 On 1/27/2010 at 4:49 PM, P4GTR said: What we really need to be questioning is how the hell NORing has won 4+ raffles. Haha, I was waiting for that to be mentioned in this thread. Wearing my GEN PO as this is being written, my reponse to your observation is; If you ask thousands of girls to sleep with you, you'll hit jackpot at least 4 times in a row at some point. Damn tired of asking though.......... edit: Both LoS and Lani have been fast in every way, professional in general and a dream to deal with when it comes to the raffles. I think I know a bit about it by now.
lanikai Posted January 27, 2010 Author Report Posted January 27, 2010 Ya sure have a way of pointing the finger for someone who wants to abstain from drama Jackster.. Quote Someone, somewhere, had a clear motivation for this thread. If it was to give LoS an opportunity to speak, that has happened. If it was to badmouth RWI, that has happened. If it was to attract RWI members to RWG, that has happened. If it was to cause animosity, that has happened. If it was to claim self-righteous non-censorship, that has happened.
Relayman Posted January 27, 2010 Report Posted January 27, 2010 (edited) More applause for the Admins here for allowing this discussion. :clapping: I'm a mere Noob, a babe in the woods so to speak in the Rep world. (Been around in this real world for a fair amount of time though) I think that the best forums allow all information and OPINIONS to be shared by all, and then we can each make up our own minds. Lanikai, I have read this entire thread (and others) and I agree that there is an issue (or maybe issues) that are being danced around. Anger is quite often the first human response to fear. If the dirty laundry doesn't get aired out every now and then, how is it ever going to be cleaned? It really is as simple as TT stated. The thread will die when it is no longer interesting and the members stop participating. Edited January 27, 2010 by Relayman
9postguy Posted January 27, 2010 Report Posted January 27, 2010 (edited) Just call it the way I see it, Lani, like everyone else here is encouraged to do. Trying to fit in without stirring things up. But I thought someone might have been confused by TT's post 'bout censorship following mine, so glad to be able to clear it up. Edited January 27, 2010 by Jackster
P4GTR Posted January 27, 2010 Report Posted January 27, 2010 On 1/27/2010 at 10:31 PM, NORing said: Haha, I was waiting for that to be mentioned in this thread. Wearing my GEN PO as this is being written, my reponse to your observation is; If you ask thousands of girls to sleep with you, you'll hit jackpot at least 4 times in a row at some point. Damn tired of asking though.......... I was kidding unless you win again! Theres irony in your girl theory, for example... Lani bought thousands of reps, you'd think he would be the one to get broken ones 4 times in a row, not me.
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