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Drizznay's Powermax speach........

Well this has been an interesting time here at what is now the old RWG. When I first came here I knew nothing about watches much less replicas. I read and read and read some more to learn about this new hobby of mine. I've certainly gone through quite a bit here. I've bought a rep from a scam site (funny thing is I actually got something and am wearing that particular piece as I type this!) and I've been introduced to the sickness that is Panerai! crazymofo.gif I've learned that Rolex is not the only luxury watch brand out there and found out what a TRL is ninja.gif I've tried to help the new folks coming on the board get a good start in this crazy thing we call rep collecting and have even been the center of a big controversy blushing.gif

Through all of it though I have very much enjoyed the people I've met here and the info I've learned from everyone. I know that I'm not the biggest contributor here and simply tried to do my part in my way (thus the sig!) and hopefully I have saved at least one person out there from buying some POS from some scam site. I know that Powermax has no meaning here now that the new (and improved!) RWG is up a running but I wanted to end my time here by reaching that goal that I had set for myself.

With that being said I will sign off from here though I'll probably poke my head in from time to time. It's just fun to see what happens to a forum when almost everyone leaves and it'll be interesting to see what the final fate of this place turns out to be.

Well thanks again to everyone and I'll see you over "there"!!!!


aka Andre' happy.gif

Asshat's to you Drizz :thumbsupsmileyanim:



Fitting that you copied it over here Ken. He deserves the glory.

Drizz - I'm sure your signature statements alone have helped members immensely.

Rock on! :band1:


Thanks Kenberg, I was gonna post it here myself but wasn't sure if it would be proper ^_^

You deserve it buddy! Also, thanks for the sig and of course a very happy birthday! :)

Get a nice watch or something did ya? :winkiss:

You deserve it buddy! Also, thanks for the sig and of course a very happy birthday! :)

Get a nice watch or something did ya? :winkiss:

Nope actually the wife got me a new plasma so I've been enjoying 50" of HD beauty! I need to stay away from the AV stuff though, you thought rep collecting was expensive!

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