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hmmmm, my franken 45...i love it, i really do-so why the urge recently to sell it on...hmmm indeed. i dunno, for months i've been wearing my 42mm watches, and my 45 has been sat away, pretty much begging me to wear it, yet when i do its just starting to bug me-like when a girlfriend wants you more than you want them...ha! but its just not doing it for me anymore...maybe its me getting older and not wanting something so loud on my wrist anymore...meh, i dunno, so what do you guys think? leave it locked away in the hope i may re-discover it in a few months? let somebody else enjoy/use it? or break the franken up and flog the parts?

what to do, what to do?? :g:


You lose a lot of value in selling Frankens. I've sold 3 po's and regret doing so, making a big loss each time.

I'd keep it. It's a unique piece and gen pos cost £2800 brand new, you can't get better Frankens than the planet oceans. So its the best of both worlds.

Good luck either way.


If you lock it away for some period of time, you will start missing it after a while. Then put it on our wrist and see how it feels. After all, it's alsmost handmade timepiece. Just don't rush it, time will show.


thanks guys, had a feeling the general concensus would be to put it away and grow to love it again in the future! theres one thing im very tempted to do though...i dont think its the watch im tired of-i think its the colour...i also have the 42mm PO with black bezel/orange numbers (plus a spare orange bezel for when the mood takes me) which is on my wrist 4 days out of 7, so my idea is to re-frankenize my franken :g: i think i'll remove the gen orange bezel and dial and replace with the black bezel/white number dial option...i have a rep black bezel anyway and would buy another gen dial with white numbers-i could then recoup some of the cost by selling the orange bezel and dial...i also have a gen eta 2824-2 to drop in too, so could pass on the asian clone 2824 and get a bit more cash back...possibly i could totally change the look for very little cost overall...

but can i actually be bothered doing it! :play_ball:


Sounds like a good plan to me. At the end you'll have a fresh watch, new look! BTW, if say, you have all the part and you doing it yourself, how long would it take, one good day or so?

Posted (edited)

I'm guess Im in the minority by saying.

If you havent worn a watch for 6 month trade it/ sell it.

I think you should make sure a watch is a long term keeper before you franken it.

Edited by HartDoc
  On 12/27/2011 at 6:01 PM, 1976 said:

Keep it as it is and if you want the black-white numerals you can get the cheap 2813 version and have it franken it again.

The cheaper version using the 2813 cannot be modded with gen parts.

I agree with much of what has been mentioned....be sure the watch is a "favorite" and a keeper before going Franken with it.

You've already got alot of time, money and pride invested.

I say change the dial for a "new look" and keep it.

The PO's are indeed the best/easiest to Franken....swap out dials and enjoy it.


I have had the 45 for well over 18months, 12 of which its been frankened-the orange was always a dream watchand had to be the xl version...I now also have the 42mm with black bezel plus an orange bezel to change when I like...and like I said its on my wrist almost daily...I'm really torn between passing on my 1st ever franken seeing as I wear the smaller version more or keeping it incase I suddenly grow to like big watches again...I suppose the funds could get me another watch or 2...but from all the watches I've ever bought and sold without thinking this one has a hold on me!


eventually i decided on rebuilding my orange franken into the standard black watch, new gen dial with white numerals and black bezel is on its way :)

it will be a totally new looking watch and should rekindle my love for the xl PO again. the parts im swapping out will be listed on the bay pretty soon, but i will post here well before that to see if any members are interested first.cheers guys!

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