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Invisible Children?


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I am pro child-army. I started one about two years ago in my neighborhood. Although right now we are only equipped with air-soft guns, I see expansion in our future.

For those of you who think you can take on my child-army, let me tell you this: my kids are ferocious... and those little air-soft BB's sting like a [censored]... think about it.

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Personally I am all for the cause but am completely against the organisation. The donations do not mainly go to the Ugandans. Two thirds of it goes to the company and a measely one third of the money goes to Uganda. The company just seems dodgy to me.

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I too want to bring to justice bad people who do bad things to so many...but we have to ask ourselves..."at what cost"?? I also dont have the answer unfortunately.

Again...the problem I have is with the video...I agree with the young Uganda girl In the second video....It's very misleading.

I said earlier that my main problem was that the Invisible Children folks lack transparency. Case In point again....They have just disabled the comments...when most were excited at first and giving them the big thumbs up and positive comments....they had no problem allowing comments. But now that many are asking valid questions and giving the video a thumbs down...they chose to get rid of the comments all together. I wonder why they did that? :g:

I have to admit...the numbers and Interest this video has generated is trully staggering. When I first posted the video a few days ago It had around 63 million views. It now has just over 79 million views. It is good to see people asking serious questions about a serious subject. Not just taking the word of one film maker and his one 29 minute video.


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Hmmm this is interesting, new development

NBC San Diego is reporting that Jason Russell, the co-founder of Invisible Children, the advocacy group behind the "Kony 2012" viral video, was detained at 11:30 am on Thursday morning for allegedly masturbating in public.


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Yes Mr Woof...I just saw this news "flash" ;)

The organization says he....Jason Russell..... is a master story teller. Others are saying that he's a master baiter. :D

Looks to me that not just the children should have been Invisible.

You just cant make this kind of [censored] up.



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I'm not sure what you guys have a problem with. I find myself pounding my fists against the street naked quite often.

Is that not condoned where you're from?

It's a perfectly natural reaction to seeing the Statue of Liberty buried in the sand.

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Wow. I don't know what happened. But I think I have to retract all that I said about these guys. Looks like this guy has gone a bit loopy. Just a bit ;)

Well I dont think all needs to retracted db2. Invisible Children has done some good work for these kids...no doubt about that. :)....but.

There are many more things coming out about this organization now....not just Jason. ;)

For example.. Invisible Children has disabled all the comments on all there videos since the news broke on the film maker Jason Russells comimg out party. I wonder why that is? :g:

There was just something that never felt right about this film...I cant help feeling we havent heard the last of this situation.


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I saw part of an interview with this guy last year, I thought something was off with him then.

He seemed to be trying too hard and not really genuine. That's why my smilie face at the beginning of this thread.

I'm not surprized by the new revelations about him.

He's gotta wish he was invisible himself now. I cannot imagine how much shame and embarrassment :)

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I was going to write something about how it doesn't matter what they stand for and how proud I am about the young generation giving a fock about different things and is ready to stand up for those beliefs.

How it was important to rise and show it to the general public, how it is important that the most pressing issues to be out there and not hidden. How it is important that the younger generation shows it's potency and willingness.

Now I'm glad I didn't.

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The man suffered a severe nervous breakdown. This does not take away from the fact that he made the world discuss the problem of child soldiers and young girls that are victims of sexual slavery. Sadly the sensational tabloid interest about a nude man suffering a breakdown will take center stage. The fact that thousands of young children were forced to kill their parents and then abducted will now take back burner. God save us.

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Maxman, the video you posted is very interesting and brings to light the corruption of african governments with the full support of the west. I know that Africa is the most corrupt continent on the planet with immense natural resources controlled by a few multi billionaire leaders who remain in power thanks to the USA, Europe, China and Russia - as well as other developed countries. I do however find the clip from RT news to be one sided. I watch RT regularly, especially when I travel throughout Europe. It is just as one sided and pro-Russia as FoxNews is pro conservative tea party. RT supported the dictators in northern Africa during the recent revolutions and also supports Syria. I cannot believe that their reporting is ever going to be free of a pro Russia anti west agenda. I hope you have had a chance to watch their news casts so that you will know what I mean. As far as Uganda goes, it has been corrupt and violent since the days of Idi Amin. I think we need to address the corruption supported by our own governments. We should not, however, back away from discussing known war criminals for whatever reason. I am not going to buy one of the "kits" nor join the organization. I still believe that Kony, as well as other criminals, must be apprehended, tried, and convicted. Africa is so rich and it is so unfair to it´s own people. Look at Angola. Diamonds, oil, and other resources. Yet only a few share in the wealth. There is no real middle class. President Dos Santos, his family and friends, live like kings and invest in european banks. The people, however, suffer. The same is true in most, if not all, african regimes.

I want Kony, as well as others, to be caught. Even if his reign of terror is no longer as strong as in the past, he is still a criminal. Nazi criminals were hunted for years. Crimes against humanity have no deadline. I would also like to see the west change it´s attitude towards corrupt dictators. I just don´t think that will happen during my lifetime.

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Maxman, the video you posted is very interesting and brings to light the corruption of african governments with the full support of the west. I know that Africa is the most corrupt continent on the planet with immense natural resources controlled by a few multi billionaire leaders who remain in power thanks to the USA, Europe, China and Russia - as well as other developed countries. I do however find the clip from RT news to be one sided. I watch RT regularly, especially when I travel throughout Europe. It is just as one sided and pro-Russia as FoxNews is pro conservative tea party. RT supported the dictators in northern Africa during the recent revolutions and also supports Syria. I cannot believe that their reporting is ever going to be free of a pro Russia anti west agenda. I hope you have had a chance to watch their news casts so that you will know what I mean. As far as Uganda goes, it has been corrupt and violent since the days of Idi Amin. I think we need to address the corruption supported by our own governments. We should not, however, back away from discussing known war criminals for whatever reason. I am not going to buy one of the "kits" nor join the organization. I still believe that Kony, as well as other criminals, must be apprehended, tried, and convicted. Africa is so rich and it is so unfair to it´s own people. Look at Angola. Diamonds, oil, and other resources. Yet only a few share in the wealth. There is no real middle class. President Dos Santos, his family and friends, live like kings and invest in european banks. The people, however, suffer. The same is true in most, if not all, african regimes.

I want Kony, as well as others, to be caught. Even if his reign of terror is no longer as strong as in the past, he is still a criminal. Nazi criminals were hunted for years. Crimes against humanity have no deadline. I would also like to see the west change it´s attitude towards corrupt dictators. I just don´t think that will happen during my lifetime.

I really cant argue with how you feel...I feel very much the same...for the most part anyway.

I just feel It's Important to get as many sides of the story as possible....many of the people who first saw this film jumped on the bandwagon without really knowing much...If anything.. about the "real" situation In Africa. It's also a good thing to actually see and hear how the people who live there and have suffered due to the likes of Kony feel about the film.

I mean these are the people that the makers of the film want to help...right?

I cant Imagine how they would react or feel when they hear that this film maker and co-founder of Invisible children was running around In public with his junk hanging out. Although some societies In Africa wear little or no clothing. But I feel they will be offended when they hear that the reason for his behavior was his lack of nutrition and water. From what I have read so far...Jason Russell was suffering from dehydration/malnutrition.

Nope...cant Imagine they will be terribly Impressed upon hearing that bit of news.

On a lighter note...they say Jason was wacking his willie...choking his chicken....beating to his own drummer If you will.......so there were Invisible children all over the place. On a lighter note that is. ;)


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