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An Ashes Overview.


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Just home from the 1st day of the 1st test!

What a great day. Had everything.

I will try to keep up a score sheet, ( In my eyes) of each days play.

So today.. ( Free drinks in the box not withstanding)... my take is ( Out of 10)

Oztralia..9..... Pommyland..5, and I may be being generous.

Another great skippers knock... he has to be getting up there with the best of 'em now! ( and I reckon he may go on with it tomorrow)

The Pom bowlers were at best "loose", the outfield cricket was mediocre... however the Oz bats got themselves out... not too much venom in that attack.

For all you non cricket lovers reading this... it probably sounds like mumbo jumbo, but my cricket loving friends will know what I am on about.

So bring on day 2... I still reckon this will all be a done deal by Christmas.

Whadidyareckon jtb?


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Sounds like you had a good day all round!

As you know I investigated the odds on a Oz whitewash and William Hills were only offering a miserly 11-2.

Ladbrokes on the other hand were 16-1 and I never bit. The draw is bound to happen in one. :unsure:

I truly believe that England will be lucky to win one.

Three of Englands main players from the last series are posted missing (Vaughan, Trescothick and Jones) and with Flintoff carrying an injury, it ain't gonna happen.

I wouldn't begrudge the Aussies their day but I would suggest that their biggest enemy might, and only just might, be their arrogance. ;)


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to be more correct John even with a full strength and fit Pommy team they were never going to win on our home grounds, the Aussie's were always going to come back strong after losing over there because we are a far better team and we...............err what was that you were saying about arrogance? :blush:

Ken ;)

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to be more correct John even with a full strength and fit Pommy team they were never going to win on our home grounds, the Aussie's were always going to come back strong after losing over there because we are a far better team and we...............err what was that you were saying about arrogance? :blush:

Ken ;)

:lol: - You nearly had me there Ken. You little possum you. ;)


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Day 2.

Ratings: Oztralia 9, Pommyland 4.

Didn't go today, but will be there with bells on tomorrow .

Watched it & listened at work...

My view.

The Pom bowlers are:

1. Underdone. ( I can't beleive they played so few games in the lead up)

2. Not up to it, ( With the exception of Freddy) But he will burn out before this is over.

The Oz guys got where they needed to be; 600+ is insurmountable... thats not arrogance... thats reality.

Then the old timers came together and destroyed the top order. Oh Ah.. 2 in 2 balls... past his prime :p

3 for not a lot...

Yes I'm looking forward to tomorrow... might try to clock up a century myself... beers that is :D

I reckon Ponting will bat again, just to rub it in, and give the mobile king (Warney).. a deteriorating track to weave his magic on.

Let's hope things even up a bit, as i understand the "Barmy Army" are already seeking lower priced digs elsewhere. Don't blame 'em... almost horrible to watch, and @ $300-$600/night for a bed... you would prefer to not sleep... at least you wouldn't have nightmares :D

John, I don't think they are arrogant, just professional, and very good.


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My reference to arrogance related to the last series in Blighty. After taking the lead I think the Aussies invoked the bragging rites a little too early and only served to agitate the Poms into an inspired riposte, culminating in them taking the series. Of course the Poms had a better team then than now.

If it comes down to pure ability and talent then the Aussies should win in a canter and my flabber will be truly gasted if the series is not tied up by the third test.

I shall continue to visit your entertaining “diary” to enjoy your slant on events. It’s on SKY TV but far too late over here (way past my bedtime) and anyways, frankly, as it’s a no-contest………I can’t be arsed.


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Day 3.

Oztralia 8 ( They did grass a couple!) Pommyland 3.

From bad to worse for the poms, and the Oz guys are really going to rub it in, although I suspect they will declare overnight, but no sign of rain to save the inevitable.

Another great day, I didn't get a ton.. (beers) but tried hard.

Yep, this will be done in 4 days... and on to Adelaide, a batsmans paradise.

Couldn't beleive today that the poms made such heavy going of a relatively innocuous track, t'was proven later in the day, that it wasn't that crook.

So Adelaide will sort the men from the boys... all the runs in the world don't matter.. you still need to take 20 wickets to win. And I suspect even the Oz guys will struggle down there in that regard, although they will definetly take 2 spinners in to try to reek havoc in the last dig.

jtb, I sincerely hope the flack that these guys are copping now inspires them to better performances next time up, cos this has been almost cruel. and thats just plain facts.

Pity you aren't seeing a bit of it, cos there is some great cricket being played, by 1 side at least. :D


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I haven't added much here because Alan gives such a good wrap on the game theres not a lot to say, but I will add that I do like the way that old broken down McGrath has been able to drag himself through the game. :D


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The most significant thing about this thread is the complete lack of contributions from the English.

I know my Aussie friends don't need reminding that I'm a SCOT.

Mind you, I'm one of the rare Scot's who enjoys a game of cricket from time to time and believe you me cricket is one sport that is hated in Scotland with a passion.

Like I said, I enjoy a game of cricket from time to time however the first test is a no contest and the prospects for the rest of the series are that it will be one way traffic and therefore............boring. The appeal of the 2005 Ashes series was that it was close and it sucked people in and everyone got caught up in it. This series will, I fear, not do much for the entertainment side of the game and I feel sorry for all those poor sods paying good money to watch such a one-sided affair. Sure winning is great and especially when the opposition is the English but like the All Blacks and rugby union or Europe and the Ryder Cup processional victory turns people off. Sounds like sour grapes and if I were English it probably would be but I'm not. Right now I'm hurting after watching the Aussies give us (SCOTLAND) a real going over in the oval ball game at the home of rugby, Murrayfield. :black_eye:

Oh and case I forget...........well done on the tap rugby win as well against NZ. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

Thank god for curling! :lol:


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@ JTB. It's pretty obvious why the English are keeping quiet... this ashes series is just too embarassing!

I've just got home from an evening in the pub with a bunch of aussies and was forced to drink myself under the table to escape the abuse! The sooner this is over the better.... Warne's just taken another wicket...

(and the sooner we get a completely new rugby squad even better!)

At least I can rely on the russians to keep my passion for Chelsea alive!

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Day 4

Oztralia 7, Pommy land 7!

Yep- call it a draw today, actually had the Poms a few points ahead until Freddy departed.

We can only hope that the resilience shown today, will be repeated; I thoroughly enjoyed the battle.

Only 4 hours of constant rain from 10am tomorrow will save the Poms,( Heavens knows we need it!) but we haven't seen 4 hours of consistent rain for about 4 years, so I don't think it will happen tomorrow.

Just loved the tactical battle today... thought Gilly handled things well in Punters abscence.. ( This is not Dads Army sydrome starting? :p ) and the byplay with Warne & Collingwood, Pietersen, and Freddy was priceless. ( Would have to score that 2-1 to Warney as he got 2 of 'em!)

But I think Freddy & Pietersen, should be charged with bread theft and sent to the colonies :p Cos they play more like Aussies than Poms!

Hopefully it will be 1-zip tomorrow nite, but I don't think that scoreline will change after the next test.


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Day 5.

Oztralia 8-Pommyland 3

Series is now 1-Zip!

Not much to enthuse in todays little outing! 5 for... in under 2 hours. At least the paying public got a refund :p

Hard to understand how a team showed so much spirit yesterday, and then capitulated like that today.

Out of 13 sessions of play, the Poms realistically only won or broke even in 2.

On to Adeaide, the city of churches. Maybe we need to arrange a lay day for next sunday so the Poms can go to church :D They may well need a blessing by then!


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  • 2 weeks later...

As no one seemed much interested in my cricket musings, I haven't bothered to report on the 2nd test.

(Although Ken and I have discussed the state of the wicket at length)

Not much to say now either ....except........


Warney, you are a champion.


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As no one seemed much interested in my cricket musings, I haven't bothered to report on the 2nd test.

(Although Ken and I have discussed the state of the wicket at length)

Not much to say now either ....except........


Warney, you are a champion.


Yep the poms seem to snatch defeat from the jaws of a draw. Peiterson and Collingwood must be sick as parrots.

I should have taken Ladbrokes 16-1 on 5-0. Damn!


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Good on you Alan, myself I couldn't stop laughing at the way the Pom's just threw it away.

And jtb it was never going to be a victory for the Pom's a draw was all they could hope for.


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Good on you Alan, myself I couldn't stop laughing at the way the Pom's just threw it away.

And jtb it was never going to be a victory for the Pom's a draw was all they could hope for.


Ah Ken......the arrogance I was talking about...........I never mentioned the poms winning. Read my post again my friend. I said they "(they) seemed to snatch defeat from the jaws of a draw". :lol:


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I'm sure the Oz team won't need the pills..they realise that some of their downfall last time around came from that little dose!

Will however comment on the wicket produced for this latest game....must be an imported Pom groundsman :D

No Aussie could possibly produce such a diabolical track, to play a test on. ( although sorrowfully he is an Oz, but of Pom extraction)... as most of us are anyway.

It didn't deteriorate much on the last day... just the Poms got stage fright... and Warne was at his superlative best... backed up by 10 or 11 others... who KNEW they could win the game.

I believe the real difference between the 2 teams, is the confidence the Aussies have in their ability to WIN.

There was no panic, ( unlike Pietersens 7.. all thrown... just at a time when restraint was needed)

Really hard to see them climbing up from here. and it may get worse... we could well see a couple with slashed wrists tomorrow morning :p But seriously, the morale would be at an all time low.. truely time for the old English stiff upper lip.

On to Perth... not the infamous bouncy & quick wicket of days yon, but will do enough to offer a contest.


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